Read Island Idyll Online

Authors: Jess Dee

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

Island Idyll (5 page)

BOOK: Island Idyll
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“Then it’ll be two seconds longer than me,” she admitted hoarsely, her gaze glued to his erection.

He tore open a condom, eternally grateful to the hotel for having the foresight he so clearly lacked. With his gaze focused on the juncture between her legs, he sheathed himself. “Show me,” he urged, watching as goose bumps popped up all over her skin.

Without hesitation, Sienna bent her knees and spread her legs, offering Josh a view he’d waited almost his whole life to see.

God help him, it was worth every minute of the wait.

Her pussy lips glistened between her thighs, a welcome invitation to the shaft he now gripped tight in his palm. He dragged air into his lungs.

“I can’t go slow, princess,” he warned. “I’ve waited too long for this moment. Wanted you forever. If I take a step towards the bed, it’s not gonna be for gentle kisses and foreplay. I’m gonna bury myself as deep inside you as I can get and not stop moving until you’ve come screaming and every last drop of semen has drained from my cock.”

A trickle of cream oozed from her exposed lips. “Promises, promises.”

Josh pounced.

One second he stood in front of the bed, the next he covered her goddess-like body with his own and helped himself to her mouth. The sensations of her bare flesh clasped against his, of her taut nipples poking his chest and her womanly softness pillowing his harder muscles had him ready to blow.

As their lips melded and their tongues tangoed, she wrapped her legs around his waist and tilted her hips.

Her warm pussy caressed his cock, the evidence of her desire moistening his balls and the tiny bit of exposed flesh at the base of his dick. If he’d thought he couldn’t get any harder, he’d thought very wrong.

With one thrust, Josh did as he’d longed to do since his first wet dream about her. Full to bursting, he buried himself in his dream girl.

Sienna pulled her mouth from his with a gasp, her entire body tensing.

Josh froze.

“Princess?” he growled.

Her answer was a low moan.

His heart pounded. “Are you okay?”

Her breath came in fast gulps. “B-better than okay.”

Thank fucking God. “I thought I’d hurt you.”

She shook her head and squeezed her muscles around his cock, as though testing his girth—and self control. “You’re bigger than I’m used to, is all.”

Well, hell. His chest puffed up to twice its normal size. “I’ll be gentle,” he promised.

“Don’t you fucking dare,” she warned testily, and rolled her hips beneath him.

Ah. Fuck.

She did it again.

Jesus. No fair.
She wasn’t used to his size. He had to go slow.

Josh placed his hands on either side of her head and lifted his weight off her slightly. Sweat beaded on his spine, the result of his concerted effort to remain still.

“Josh,” she growled between clenched teeth. “Move. Please. Move, now!”

Slow. Just go slow.

“Argh!” With a yell, she arched her back, clasped his waist tight between her legs and rode his dick as fast and as fiercely as her position would allow.

Velvet heat surrounded his shaft, sucked him in deep, stunned him all the way down to his toes, then released him. Fast, so fast. Too fast. He couldn’t appreciate it.

Then it was back. The velvet heat. Her pussy. Her hot, wet pussy, claiming him, calling him. Fucking him.

With a wild roar, he lost his control.

Josh pistoned into her, over and over, stroking his cock inside her. Deep. So fucking deep he couldn’t tell where he finished and she started. So deep he’d have feared losing himself inside her—if that wasn’t exactly where he wanted to be. Where he’d always wanted to be.

She was right there with him, all the way. Meeting every feral thrust, clamping her inner walls around his erection, trapping him inside so every tug out was a delicious struggle.

Christ, three seconds had been an exaggeration. One second and he was ready to explode. His balls were tight knots beneath his dick. His shaft an aching rod, stymied with pleasure.

And Sienna. Lord, she was screaming. And gasping and…coming.

Holy fuck. Jesus Christ. She was coming. And coming and coming and coming. All over his cock.

Clenching him tight. So tight, milking him. Pulling his seed from his balls. Oh, Christ. She was shoving her breasts up high, rubbing them against his chest, muttering mindlessly.

God, she was coming. And… so was he!

Can’t stop. Can’t hold back.

Not one more second.

Silver heat blitzed through his shaft.

Coming. So hard. So fucking hard.

His entire body convulsed, the muscles in his back stretched tight enough to snap.

But, God. The pleasure. The intense, pure, pleasure.

Just perfect.

Pure perfect pleasure.



Josh sat on Sienna’s balcony, his feet resting on the cane table, his butt perched on a ridiculously comfortable cushion on a cane couch. Not ten meters from said balcony, beach sand met lush green lawn. The sea was but a hop, skip and a jump from Sienna’s room.

Josh tried to appreciate the sun as it dipped over the water. Tried to enjoy the forty different shades of pink and red that painted the twilight sky. He tried furiously to feel some sense of shame or maybe even embarrassment as a couple strolled along the path, hand in hand, and smiled at him from a short distance away.

In truth he felt nothing but the lips around his cock. The warm heat of Sienna’s mouth as she sucked him in deeper, caressing him with her tongue. First, she twirled that sinful tongue around the head, and when she’d sufficiently tortured him enough, she twirled it around the length of his shaft.

Sweat beaded on his forehead and upper lip. Barely a half an hour had passed since his first explosive orgasm, and thanks to the ministrations of the woman kneeling between his legs, he was headed for a second one. Fast.

Josh lifted his arm, heavy as lead, and waved at the couple. They waved back, oblivious to the fact that a luscious, naked goddess perched at his feet, treating him to a little slice of heaven.

She drew her lips off of him. “You waving at someone?” Her voice was husky.

Josh had to clear his throat to answer, and even then he spoke no louder than a whisper. “Yeah. A couple walking past.”

She gave a lusty groan and licked him from root to tip. “Think they know what you’re doing?”

“I’m not doing a damn thing, princess,” Josh reminded her. “And neither are you,” he pointed out with a disgruntled sigh. She’d ceased all mouth movement and regarded him with those darkened blue eyes he was beginning to adore. Her lips were swollen and parted, and every syllable she uttered sent warm breath fluttering over his dick.

“How does it feel,” she asked, mischief dancing over her face, “knowing they’re so close and have no idea what’s going on?”

“It feels…” He let his words drift away as she wrapped her lips around his tip and suckled gently. “Ah, Christ, it feels unbelievable.”

She kissed his balls. “What if they knew what we were doing? Or worse. Came closer to say hello?”

He didn’t have an answer. Dread fluttered in his stomach, right about the same time a fresh wave of blood slammed into his already engorged member. Precome leaked from his shaft.

Sienna moaned softly. “Can you still see them?”

Josh nodded, almost incapable of speech. “They’re…close.” Although they’d already walked past the balcony. Josh kept his voice low, praying fervently they didn’t hear him. What if they turned around?

“Keep your eyes on them,” Sienna told him. “Don’t look away. Not for one second.”


“Please.” Her smile was devilish. “Do it. For me.”

How could he refuse? Josh returned his gaze to the couple, although he really wanted to watch as once again Sienna parted those cherry red lips and pulled him seductively into her mouth.

The woman said something to the man who turned to look at the beach. They stopped walking, not twenty steps away from Sienna’s room.

Sienna swallowed his cock.

Josh jerked.

The woman pointed. Josh looked in that direction.

Sienna sucked, her mouth a hot, wet, tight cavern with silken walls.

A dark body broke the smooth surface of the water, spinning once in the air and diving back into the sea.

“Dolphins.” The voice belonged to the woman. The rest of her sentence was unintelligible.

Sienna released him, just long enough to mutter, “Keep watching them,” and then her mouth was back, consuming him, delighting him, tempting and teasing, rousing and inflaming.

He didn’t drop his gaze this time. Watched the couple as they watched the dolphins, sat with his ass plastered to the seat, incapable of movement. Christ, her mouth. It wrenched a groan from deep in his gut, a loud, rasping noise he couldn’t control.

The man turned to look at him, his face scrunched in silent question.

Ah, fuck! Caught.

A wave of heat hit him in the stomach, sending goose bumps all the way down his spine. Jesus, why did that thought turn him on so damn much?

Again, he raised his arm, now so heavy with desire he could hardly move it, and pointed to the ocean. “Dolphins,” he mouthed. Comprehensive speech was simply not possible.

The man smiled and nodded. Josh smiled and nodded. But not in response to the man. In response to the molten mouth that devoured him, delighted him, fucking dazed him. And to the hand that caressed his testicles, held them, molded them slowly to the shape of her palm.

His balls swelled and tautened. The muscles in his thighs turned rigid. Sienna tightened her mouth, suctioning harder on his dick.

The man gave him a funny look.

“Dolphins,” Josh mouthed again with a smile, then threw his head back, opened his mouth, closed his eyes and exploded between Sienna’s lips.

His orgasm tore through his body, rocking him, shaking him. Wad after wad of come spurted onto her velvety tongue, and not once did she release him. Her muscles worked around his shaft as she swallowed, dragging even more semen from him.

He didn’t have any more to give. Couldn’t, not after his first orgasm. Yet the convulsions continued, shudders wracking his shoulders.

Holy fuck. He was so sensitive. Too sensitive. Couldn’t take any more of her torturous caresses. Her mouth…

As if sensing his predicament, she pulled off him with a slow, wet slurp, placed a kiss on his thigh and purred softly.

Inch by inch Josh came back to himself. Reality returned. His neck muscles relaxed and he straightened, opened his eyes and stared across the balcony at the open-mouthed expression of the man. The woman stood beside him, oblivious, as she gazed out at the ocean.

“Dolphins,” Josh said again. He smiled dazedly and dropped forward to kiss the hidden Sienna full on the mouth.

Just as soon as he’d built up a modicum of energy, they were going to switch places.

Chapter Six

Sienna stood outside the exclusive, trendy Bar Evoke, leaning against the back of a bench in the exquisite gardens. Flowers blossomed everywhere she looked, their sweet, fresh scent tingeing the air.

Josh had gone back to his apartment to clean up and change, but he’d left with specific instructions to meet here, outside, so they could walk in together. He’d wanted to come back to her room to collect her, but Sienna had reckoned that was a seriously bad idea. If he came anywhere near her bed, they would not make the party. She had to make the party. She’d yet to see Mack and Aidan, and she was dead keen to meet Kylie’s men.

Sienna breathed deep of the briny, humid air. The moonless night was thick and warm. Her tiny excuse for a cocktail dress already clung to her damp, just-showered flesh.

The bench Josh had chosen was situated away from the lamps that lit the path. It was the perfect place for a not-so-quick hello before heading indoors. Sienna stood behind it, impatiently awaiting his arrival.

Her heart drummed wildly. Ridiculous she should feel like this, especially so soon after her break-up with Ben, but just thinking about Josh took her breath away. They’d connected today. Connected as a man and woman. Connected sexually, yes, but it went deeper than that. Perhaps it was their shared past that made their communicating so easy, so natural. There seemed to be no shortage of things to discuss. And no inhibitions in revealing deep, dark secrets—or physical needs.

He rocked her world every time she looked at him. The sight made her breath catch and goose bumps erupt over her skin. She’d been convinced she’d never feel that intense lust for anyone other than Ben. She’d been very, very wrong.

Desire, hot and wicked, seeped through her veins, spreading into her limbs, her breasts and lower. The memory of his tongue on her pussy, stroking her clit, sent a gush of hot cream pooling between her legs. So aroused was she, all she need do was press her hand against her clit and she’d come.

Maybe Kylie was right. Maybe there was magic in this island air. Because what she and Josh had experienced today had been pure magic.

She clasped the back of the bench and did not let go.

Sienna sensed his presence a couple of seconds before strong arms embraced her from behind, wrapping around her shoulders and pulling her against a muscular chest.

She let him, stepping back gladly, molding herself to him, relishing the feel of him behind her. His scent wafted into her nose, the spicy masculine aftershave as familiar as her own Calvin Klein perfume. She inhaled deeply, allowing the scent to invade her entire being. It stirred the flames that already flared within.

“Sienna,” he rasped and clutched her tighter. “God, Si…”

He sounded…different. Was that awe in his voice? Wonder?

She was awed. Blown away by how right she felt in his arms. How her body fit against his as though they’d stood like this a million times before, her curves pressed into his bulk.

She closed her eyes and dropped her head onto his shoulder, relishing the hard sinew around the bone, enjoying the natural ease of their stance, even if the atmosphere around them had suddenly charged with a million amps of electricity. She rubbed suggestively against the growing erection that pressed into her ass.

BOOK: Island Idyll
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