It Takes Two (Blindfold Club #0.5) (4 page)

BOOK: It Takes Two (Blindfold Club #0.5)
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I collapsed forward, burying my face into the side of Ben’s neck, breathing him in. He smelled faintly of pine, and sweat, and sex. Both men continued to drive into my spent body, only the muscles beneath me were tense. Ben’s hand lay gently around my throat. His signal that he was close.

Scott jerked me, pitching me to the right, flinging me on my back. He loomed above, stroking himself furiously and the thick muscle of his arm flexed as he pumped. It was quite the view.

Ben scrambled onto his knees beside me, jerking himself, angling his cock at my tits. He only lasted a few seconds before he gasped, and his hand slowed.

“Here it fucking comes.”

Ribbon after ribbon struck me, thick and hot. His long moans filled the set, and I watched, mesmerized. Seeing someone else come was erotic and fascinating. His hand clutched tight and he sat back on his heels, almost as if admiring his work.

My gaze naturally went to the other man who was still pumping. I lifted up on my elbows to watch better. Should I touch him? Would he let me?

No. Tension pinched Scott’s shoulders together and his back bowed. His breath left him in a sharp burst as his freehand curl into a fist. His cum shot out in spurts, flicking onto my belly, wave after warm wave.

He slowed to a stop and he threw himself forward, planting his hands on the mattress on either side of my head. He lowered down so his lips were a breath away. He’d brought himself ninety-five percent of the way, it was up to me to do the rest.

So I reached up behind his head, clenched a fistful of hair, and drew him down into my kiss. Time came to a halt when his mouth was on mine. His tongue slipped past my lips, sliding over mine as if savoring my taste.

I was vaguely aware when Ben took my hand in his and laced our fingers together. It was an intimate gesture, made more so when he lifted our joined hands and kissed the back of my palm.

It was quiet and peaceful.

“Wow,” a female voice said. “That was fabulous, you guys.”

Chapter Five

Scott straightened back from me, his expression pleased. Was it from Kimberly’s comment, or that I had kissed him? I wanted it to be the latter.

“Whenever you’re ready,” she continued, “I’ll have your checks at my desk. Bathroom’s right through the door to the left.”

She went. The overhead set lights clicked off and faded to dark, leaving the room only lit by the lamps on the end table. It made everything feel real and . . . oh, God. I was sticky, and what the fuck had I just done?

It was like Scott could sense the panic rising in me. He stood swiftly from the bed, and heavy footsteps carried him away. A faucet ran, sounds of hands being washed came from the next room, and I turned my blank stare to Ben. He was sitting up, still clasping my hand. His thumb brushed back and forth in a comforting gesture.

“You did awesome,” he said. “I was so nervous.”

“You were?” I blinked. “I couldn’t tell.”

Scott reappeared, holding a damp washcloth, and he approached the bed.

“That’s cold!” I cried as he began to rub it on me.

“Sorry.” But he continued to wipe the wet terrycloth against my skin, cleaning the evidence of what we’d done. Yet another unexpected gesture from him. Wasn’t he supposed to bolt now that we’d finished?

The bed shifted when Ben climbed off. He padded into the bathroom and shut the door, leaving Scott and me alone. I felt more vulnerable now with him, which was fucking ridiculous. He set the washcloth beside me on the bed as I sat up, and his expression changed to one that looked . . . odd. The confident, professional porn star appeared off-balance.

“Kimberly should have told you.”

I shrugged, unsure what to say or how to feel. “I had a great time.”

“Good. That’s . . . good.”

Was he nervous? He combed a hand through his hair, and when it came down, it fell to rest comfortably on my thigh. I stared at him, puzzled. His palm against my skin felt nice, but also confusing. There weren’t cameras to perform for. Was Scott . . . was he


My name in his voice wasn’t playing fair. The room was suffocating and hot under his intense stare. I wanted to melt into him, but at that second the bathroom door swung open, breaking the spell of the moment. Ben strolled to his clothes and began to get dressed.

“Seriously, guys,” he said, tugging a leg into his cargo shorts. “You both were great. I’d love to work with either one of you again.”

“Yeah.” Scott broke my gaze and went to my wad of clothes. “Same here.” By the time I was standing, he was beside me, dropped my dress in my hands, and urged me toward the bathroom.

Behind the closed door, I cleaned up quickly and tried to assemble my thoughts, but also didn’t want to waste time. Curiosity about Scott ate at me. I needed to catch him before he left because I wasn’t ready for my time with him to be over.

I blew out a quiet sigh of relief when I spotted him standing by Kimberly’s desk. It looked like Ben had already gone, but Scott lingered, chitchatting with her.

“Your check,” she said, thrusting the paper at me. “You better believe you’ll be hearing from me again. You two were on fire.”

I took the check and risked a glance at Scott. His expression was unreadable, but it made my heart race all the same.

“Don’t worry,” she added, looking up at him with a teasing smile. “I won’t tell Kendall about the kissing.” She winked at me. “Kendall’s his girlfriend.”

My blood turned to slush in my veins, and I couldn’t stop the accusing tone. “You have a girlfriend?”

He glared at Kimberly. “No. We broke up two months ago.”

Her face filled with shock, and then she had what looked like an epiphany. “You know, I wondered why you guys weren’t doing as many scenes together.” She shrugged, an ‘oh, well.’

“Can I walk you out?” he asked.

Oh, good lord. Weak knees and high heels were a terrible combination, and my car was a long way across the parking lot. Five whole spots. How the hell was I going to make it? I nodded slowly.

It was still warm, even though the sun was setting. My shoes clip-clopped on the broken pavement as I pointed out my piece-of-shit car. I’d spent so much of the day being nervous I no longer had a filter.

“You shot porn with your girlfriend?”

“Ex-girlfriend, but yeah, sometimes. Sometimes with other people.”

I couldn’t wrap my head around it. “She didn’t mind you sticking your dick in other women?”

“Not really. It didn’t bother me when she worked with other guys. I’m not the jealous type, and it’s acting.”

“Oh.” He probably had no idea, but his comment stung. I’d foolishly thought there’d been more than just acting between us.

When we reached my car, he stopped and put his hands on his hips, facing me. “Sex on screen with other people is okay. It’s just about money and getting off. But kissing someone else . . . that’s different.”

Kimberly’s teasing replayed in my mind. Kissing meant something to Scott. A connection possibly more intimate than sex. “You kissed me.”

A slow smile dawned on his lips. “Yeah. More than once.”

Butterflies and jelly knees. God, was I a teenager?

He closed the distance between us, setting one hand in the small of my back and the other on my cheek. “I’m going to kiss you again, and then you’re going to come home with me.”

I was thrilled, but I tried to play it cool. “That’s presumptuous.”

“It’s a fact,

I shivered. “Oh, really?”

“Really. There’s an enormous puddle of coolant under this car. It’s not going anywhere.”

“Oh, no.” I glanced down and a puddle of purple-green fluid reflected back at me. Scott was absolutely right. My bottle of coolant in the backseat was almost empty—there was no way I’d make it back home.

I opened my mouth to say something, although I wasn’t sure what, but he cut me off. His lips sealed over mine, kissing me with complete abandon. I balled my fists into his shirt, greedy for the contact. It did feel far more intimate than anything else we’d done.

He took my hand in his and tugged me toward his pickup truck on the opposite side of the lot. “This works out better all around,” he said.

“How exactly does my POS car needing a new radiator work out better?” I muttered.

He unlocked his truck and pulled open the passenger door for me. “I have a friend who just opened a new club, and I know he’d love to meet you. How do you feel about being tied up or blindfolded during sex?”

My brain stumbled over his question. “It’s . . . fine, I guess. I haven’t really done it.”

“You haven’t?” His tone was pleasantly surprised. “The girls at Joseph’s club make a ton of money. Triple that check in your purse.”

I froze. “Triple a week?”

“A night.”

Nina the office temp died from shock. “Scott, I need a favor.”

He gazed at me as if reading my thoughts. “You want me to blindfold you and tie you up, and see if you’re into it?” He laughed at my serious expression. “Oh, you will be, but don’t worry. We can do it anyway, just to be sure.”

I grinned and got into his truck.

Chapter Six


I’d been blessed with an eight-inch dick and a good-looking face. I lived in the gym. I had stamina, a rock-hard erection, and enough respect for my career to research the shit out of it. I’d try any tip I stumbled across on a porn blog, always did my best to maintain good relationships with my castmates and crew, and networked like hell.

In porn, women were the stars.

But I was going to make the name Scott Westwood known.

Things were changing in the industry all the time. Emphasis was on producing
now. No cheesy music, bad sets, and ridiculous plots. No canned lines of dirty talk. The high def cameras demanded ‘honest’ acting. The viewer wanted to feel the attraction and connection between performers, along with believable orgasms.

As a dude, it was ultra-competitive, but I could handle the pressure. I always performed, and made sure both my partners and the cameras were satisfied, even if there wasn’t attraction. Shit with Kendall had been messy, but none of it showed when we worked together post-breakup.

There was absolutely no issue with attraction this afternoon when I’d first seen Nina. I glanced over at her now as we waited at a stoplight. She flashed a nervous smile. She might have been the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen, and that was before her clothes came off.

Shit, just thinking about it made me sweat. I reached over and turned up the air conditioner fan speed, then wrapped my fingers around the gear shift. I was still buzzing from her kiss, riding a contact high.

Kissing her during the shoot had probably shocked me more than her. I hadn’t planned to do it. As soon as my lips touched hers, I was done for. Gone.

“He didn’t kiss you,” I said abruptly, the heat of her making it hard to think.

“Ben?” She laced her fingers together in her lap, like she wasn’t sure what to do with her hands. “No.” She took in a breath, and her voice went soft, as if shy. “I’m glad he didn’t.”

A smile twitched on my lips. “Me, too.”

While I didn’t get jealous when it came to sex, kissing her . . . I was grateful not to have to share that with him. I’d known the shoot would have another guy on set, with the potential of a multiple scene, but then Ben had been late.

“I thought,” I said, “he wasn’t going to show, and I was going to get you all to myself.” The disappointment had been strong when he’d arrived.

Her breathing picked up. “All to yourself. Don’t you have that now?”

My smile grew. She’d made it pretty clear there was no contest which man she preferred, and it turned me on. Deep down, every guy was competitive. Knowing she chose me was a huge ego boost.

“Yeah,” I said, grinning.

I could hardly wait. I hadn’t fucked anyone without a camera watching in months. Spending time with Nina, who I was genuinely interested in, was exciting. We clicked on a sexual level, and I was anxious to see if we matched in other places, too. Worst case scenario, we’d have some more great sex and then go our separate ways. Best case scenario? Who knew? We had chemistry. She was obviously cool with my job, and I was with hers, so there was potential for . . . more. Maybe some kind of a future.

Okay, calm down.
It was way too soon to be thinking about that.

“I love this song,” she said. She leaned over and turned the radio up, drowning out conversation. Of course it was my current favorite rap song, the one I’d listened to endlessly on repeat and knew every word.

She did, too.

The sun was setting and it cast warm light on her sexy face. Thank fuck it wasn’t a long drive to my place on the south suburbs of Chicago. I was already thinking of all the ways I wanted to have her, completely to myself, with no one directing how it was supposed to go down.

She’d made the sexiest noises in that deep, throaty voice of hers. Blood flowed south of my belt, pumping into my dick. I tightened my grip on the steering wheel as she mouthed the words, keeping up with the fast tempo. As soon as the song faded out, I turned the dial down so she could hear me.

“I have to tell you, Nina,” I said. “That was the hottest scene I’ve ever done.”

She halted as if stunned by my words.

And then, she came to life. Her face burst into a smile and she set her hand on my thigh, squeezing. “The way you say my name, it’s so sexy.”

I wished I drove an automatic for the first time in my life, only so I could put my hand on top of hers and drag it exactly where I wanted it, but rush hour traffic made it impossible, and it’d be dangerous anyway.

How had I gotten so impatient? I’d learned some tricks to back myself off the edge of orgasm, to not give in to what I wanted. Shit, was I going to have to use those skills now?
Pleasure will come
, I promised myself.
Just not right this moment.

We barely said a word the rest of the drive since the sexual energy between us was taut. My skin was itchy as we got off the freeway and headed toward my house. I had a blindfold somewhere in my place; it had been included in a travel kit when I’d gone overseas for a photo shoot. Where had I put it? The bottom drawer of my dresser?

BOOK: It Takes Two (Blindfold Club #0.5)
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