Read It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1) Online

Authors: TL Messruther

Tags: #General Fiction

It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1) (29 page)

BOOK: It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1)
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I look at him puzzled.

"We?" I ask needing clarification.

"Yeah, my girlfriend and me are going on a date." he says with a beautiful smile.

"The dates are supposed to come before the girlfriend title." I say picking at him.

"Not with us." he says as he reaches for his office phone.

I go to respond, but he silences me with a kiss.

He dials a number, and waits for a response. He doesn't get one which annoys him slightly. He presses the phone down before picking it up again.

This time he gets an answer, "Sammie, where is Toby?"

He waits for a reply before he talks again.

"Okay, tell him to come see me tomorrow. I'm going I forgot about that. Can you ask them to come tomorrow instead.........? No Sammie, I have something to attend to that can't wait." he says looking at me with a smile. It's confusing only hearing a one sided conversation.

"You're paid to put up with this crap. I have some important work sat on my lap that needs my attention right away. Once you're done you can leave. I'll be done in a short while." he says and hangs up.

I look at him shocked.

"What?" he asks innocently.

"I don't believe you just said that. Sammie knows I'm in here."

"So, you said you couldn't walk out of here, so I got rid of her."

"Yeah, but I have to see her when I come to work."

"You spend far too much time worrying." He says as he places my hair behind my ear.

"Don't let them get to you." he says as he pulls his mobile out of his pocket.

"Liam, can you place an order for double the usual. We will also be ready to leave in about ten minutes so bring the car round" he says into the phone before he hangs up.

"Who was that?"

"That was Liam, you know my security detail." he says smugly.

"Do you really need him? How many people really go after a movie company?" I ask confused.

"Rhiannon, I don't just own this company. I own another fourteen across the world. Then I own one of the biggest hotel and nightclub chains. People go after me for my wealth."

"Shit, so why didn't I hear about you before I started working here?"

"I keep away from the media as much as possible. I only usually appear in the business times."

"Till the night of the première."

"Yeah, the press usually doesn’t bother me that much at these events till then. I suspect I will have them a little more now." he says.

"Because of me?" I ask scared. My past will be uncovered.

"Yes. So if I see it becoming too much, I will have to give you your own security detail too."

"Kaleb I don't need one of them." I protest.

"You might, and if I see you do, then you have too. People who go after me, might use you as a target."

Shit. All this just to have a relationship. I didn’t know having a relationship with Kaleb will bring this much attention. I am now in more danger than before. Len knows where I live, but that’s all he did know. Now he will know everything, making me easier to find.

It's more than I'm willing to take on right now.

"Rhiannon, don't think about it now. For now, we have Liam, and he's the best of the best. The press doesn’t know nothing so we're safe. Come on, let's go."

He lifts me off his knee, and clutches my hand in his.

We walk out of his office, and just as he said, Sammie isn't here.

His phone rings as we walk down the corridor.

He answers it, "Yep," is his greeting. He listens for a few moments "fucking hell, you're kidding?" he asks pissed off. "round the back," he barks down the phone. "Okay." he says before he hangs up. I look at him as he radiates tension.

"What’s wrong?" I ask him.

"The fucking press." he snarls. "They know already. They are crowding the front gates. Liam is coming in through the back gates."

"How?" I ask scared.

"Jase rang almost every paper in the fucking city."

"He wouldn't." I say feeling crushed. I know I hurt him but this takes the piss.

"Yes he did. Liam tried getting into the building but he was bombarded with press. Luckily he is trained to deal with crowds, but he wants me to take the back exit." he says dragging me the other way.

"What now?" I ask stunned. Just as Kaleb reassured me everything will be okay, Jase goes and pulls this stunt.

"I don't know. I will talk with Liam when we get to mine."

"I can't go to yours."

"Rhiannon, they will follow us now. Just come to mine so I can sort this out."

I just nod my head. I feel like I want to cry.

It was only an hour ago I agreed to be his girlfriend, I didn't bank on all this.

I don't know if I can handle all this. Nothing might come off us yet we are being hunted like rabbits.

Once we reach the back door, Liam is waiting for us, the car parked as close to the door as possible, with the back doors open ready for us to climb straight in.

"How many?" Kaleb asks as he helps me in the car.

"About three hundred." Liam replies without hesitation.

"Fuck. Tomorrow I want Jase in my office first thing." he tells Liam.

Kaleb climbs in the car beside me, but because I shifted to the other end of the car, he doesn't touch me as he buckles himself in.

As we pull into the traffic we pass the front of the building, and sure enough, the building is crawling with press.

"Fucking amateurs." Kaleb murmurs.


We ride in silence back to Kalebs apartment.

Once we get there Kaleb and Liam climb out. Liam opens my door as Kaleb walks round to greet me. He takes my hand and leads me in his house through the garage door.

"I'll need to talk to you in about an hour. I'm just going to eat." Kaleb tells Liam.

"Okay." he responds before walking away.

"Kaleb can't I just go home?" I ask as he pulls me into his warm house.

"Please let me talk to you first before you decide on anything." he begs me.

I agree. I might not like the press but I owe him time to explain, if we want this to work.

"Rhiannon, how do you feel?" he asks me. I shrug my shoulders in a silent reply. He raises an eyebrow at me, silently questioning me.

I take a deep breath ready to explain, almost everything.

"I don't like it Kaleb. I didn't sign up for this. It's been a matter of hours now since I agreed to go out with you. I didn't expect the press; I didn't expect to need my own security. I didn't expect to have my life public like this." I explain a little of how I’m feeling to him.

He looks lost.

"I know, and it's because Jase couldn't keep his mouth shut."

"We did hurt him Kaleb. What are you going to do with Jase?"

"I have to terminate his contract with the company. I can't have someone who is going to run to the press with everything."

I have this horrible feeling in my stomach. Not only did I hurt him, I have cost him his job, and turned Kalebs world upside down.

"Kaleb is that fair?" I ask him full of guilt.

"What isn't fair is having my private life sold to the paper's. Plus, he slept with another girl before we even did anything. If anyone is in the wrong here, its him." he says acidly.

"Maybe this was a bad idea." I murmur more to myself, but he still hears me.

"No. Rhiannon I am not letting them ruin us before we've even begun. It took me time to get you, I am not letting them drive you away before we at least try to work at this." he says pulling me into his arms.

"Don't let them drive you away from me." he begs, his eyes silently pleading with me.

I look up at him as tears fill my eyes.

"Don't cry baby. We will work this out together." he says as his lips once again close around mine. He can’t know that. He doesn’t know what hides behind corners, dark haunted corners.

"I don't think I'm ready for all this Kaleb." I say as my tears fall. "I just want you, not the whole world." and most certainly not the press, who dig, and dig, and dig.

"It won't be like this forever, I promise." he says sincerely, but he doesn’t know that.

I nod my head as I place it back against his chest. He can’t make promises like that, because I have a dark past that I am hiding from him. He doesn’t know who or what is waiting for me, and if I’m not careful he will find out, or be placed in the middle. I will not let him find out, and if I have to leave him to protect him, and myself, I wouldn’t like it, but I would do it. Too much is at risk for him, but I will see how things go, providing things stay safe for him.

He just holds me for a few moments before he pulls me away and leads me to the kitchen for food.




After we have eaten, it's quite late. Kaleb has decided I must spend the night here, and to be honest I'm too tired to say otherwise.

"Come on baby, I'm going to show you how well we can be." he says as he grabs my hand. I look up to him, and see the mischievous gleam in his eyes. I smile my acceptance, and he proceeds to lead me into his bedroom.

Once we're in his room, he plunges on me. His lips attacking mine before I can take in the décor of his room. It takes me a few moments to respond, but I do and my lips taste his. He tastes of coffee and Kaleb, an intoxicating taste. He pulls away, and turns me around so I'm facing the bed.

Wrapping his arms around me, he fumbles for my hand before I relinquish it to him, then he places his hands over mine, and slowly glides them down my body.

“So beautiful, and all mine, remember that.” he whispers as he releases my hands, but keeps his roaming over my breasts, and stomach. I turn my head to gaze into his addictive eyes, and he uses one of his hands to cover my cheek as his mouth seals over mine. I close my eyes and surrender to the warmth of his mouth and body coating mine.

As his mouth attacks mine, Kaleb releases me so only our joint mouths have contact, and he struggles to get my clothes off, but he manages, just flinging them to the side once they’re off.

He pulls away, as he removes his own clothes, and soon enough, we're both naked.

The first thing that comes to mind is I finally get to see his tattoos.

He has a full sleeve of tattoos, and fuck me, he looks even more beautiful. I look at him, with a silent plea for him to explain more behind his tattoos, but the lust in his eyes diverts my attention, and my eyes cast downwards towards his erection. My eyes don’t get enough time to feast on the adios in front of me, he grabs me by my waist, and before I register what he is doing, he carefully throws me on his bed. I laugh at his strength as I bounce a few times before my body rests on his bed. Slowly, and with grace, he climbs above me.

Once he has me fully undressed, and underneath him, he smiles at me as his eyes gleam.

"You're so beautiful." he says as his hands roam down to my breasts.

He tugs my nipple, till it's erect. He lowers his head, and takes my nipple in his mouth, gently biting down, making me arch of the bed. With my nipple gripped between his teeth, his eyes look up and meet mine. He watches me as he clamps his teeth a little tighter, sending a shot of pain through me. I throw my head back and give a moan of delight as he devours my nipples.

As he slowly plays with my nipple, I can feel his erection straining against me.

He rubs against me, giving me some welcome friction, but he is still fueling my fire by not giving me what I desperately need. I wrap my thighs around his waist hoping to encourage him, but my attempts are futile as he continues with the delicious, yet infuriating torture.

"Kaleb." I moan, as I grab a handful of his hair. I pull at the strands in my hands, and his beautiful eyes slowly glide back up to meet mine.

“You are so beautiful.” he informs me, as his hands glide down my body. My nipples are glad for the relief, but my body is screaming for more. Slowly he runs his hands under my breasts, and continues to my hips. Slowly he passes my hips till he reaches the junction to my thighs.

He slowly takes a minute to massage the top of my legs, his fingers catching my eager entrance. My nerve endings are on fire, and when he touches me, my whole body reacts leaving me squirming on his bed once again.

Slowly, his fingers trail higher, and without warning, he pushes a finger in me.

“Oh you’re so wet.” he says in wonder as his fingers work me up towards the edge.

Without warning, he inserts another finger. Hitting my g-spot he brings me close to orgasm before he stops all movement.

I moan at him as he leans down to kiss me once more.

While his tongue is distracting me, his fingers get back to work, going in an out, round and round, bringing me close to erupting once more.

“Kaleb.” I plead with him as he leaves me hanging again.

“Shush, I've got you.” he whispers reassuringly as he brings me to the edge again. This time, his fingers take me over the edge, and I try to mask my scream by biting my lip, but I don’t succeed, my scram of pleasure erupts around the room.

As I’m coming down from my high, Kaleb grabs a condom, slides it on his considerable length, and slowly slides into me, turning my screams of pleasure into delightful moans of pleasure. When he is fully encased in me, he leans down, and molds his lips to mine. Slowly and oh so sweetly, he pumps in and out. I wrap my legs around his waist, and lift my pelvis, urging him to go harder and faster.

BOOK: It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1)
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