Read Jaguar's Judgment Online

Authors: Lia Davis

Tags: #paranormal, #werewolf, #ashwood falls, #shapeshifters, #multicultural

Jaguar's Judgment (3 page)

BOOK: Jaguar's Judgment
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Jared entered behind her, and she swore the room shrank in size. She gritted her teeth. She’d never been claustrophobic, but Jared’s large body and his intoxicating scent almost overwhelmed her. Almost. Damn, why hadn’t she sent him to the other side of the den?

Putting as much space between them as she could, Sable kneeled down to inspect a turned over box. It was empty. Figured.


Her stomach flipped at the sound of her name on his lips. Damn mating hormones. When she glanced at him, she froze at the sight of a wooden box in his hands. She’d seen it only once. Stumbled upon it when she used to use the very room they were now in as her hideaway.

Her palms itched as she approached Jared. Reaching out, she took the box from him and opened it. A sigh of relief escaped her as the contents she remembered were still in there. “This belonged to Savannah. I feel her energy surrounding it.”

Jared remained quiet as she pulled out a photo of her mother. So many times she’d wished she knew who her mother was, wished she were there to hold and share secrets with. Childish dreams crushed by the realty of her fucked up life.

Before she could slam the box shut, Jared picked up a piece of paper with a string of numbers and letters on it that looked like latitude and longitude and turned it to face her. “Where are these coordinates to?”

“I don’t know.” And she didn’t. That paper hadn’t been in there when she’d last seen the box, which was decades ago. “I know where we can go to find out though.”

She took the coordinates from him and stuffed them in her pocket. When she moved around him, he grabbed her arm. “Where?”

Rolling her eyes, she jerked her arm from his grasp. “It’s easier to just take you there. You’ll have to trust me.”

His jaguar flashed in his eyes, and she could feel the beast’s presence close to the surface, calling to her own cat. As fast as his jaguar had appeared, he withdrew, as if the man took full control of the cat. “You broke that trust when you lied to me.”

She let out a breath and pushed past him. They were not going to have that agreement, not right then or ever. She’d done what she had to do to protect them both. If Felix had found out she’d mated outside of Onyx, he would have had his mutant assistants hunt Jared down and kill him.

Her boots clicked against the rock floor as she stormed through the halls to where her room had been. What she needed was to get as far away from Jared as she could. That was exactly what she was going to do after this mission was done.

Entering her old room, a wave of memories crashed into her. Images flashed in her mind of Nigel at different stages of his young life. The nights she and Ana had spent playing games and drinking wine. All private pieces of Sable’s happiness no one else but those she allowed into her heart saw.

Her nose tingled and her eyes watered. Those memories were the only happiness she’d had. Felix never allowed the den to be happy and playful. It was as if he had wanted everyone to be as miserable as he was.

Jared’s soft footsteps behind her broke her train of thought. Closing her eyes, she said. “I never knew my father before he lost his mind.”

“Have you spoken with Kieran about Felix?”

She shook her head. “I wasn’t sure I wanted to know.” She turned to face him. “I mean, the knowledge isn’t going to change my mind. I’ve made the deal, and for once I can’t run from it. Hell, I don’t want to run from it. My father has allowed grief, anger, and greed to eat away all the kindness he may have once possessed.”

Silence filled the room. Her skin itched and her cat paced. Needing something to do, she walked into the small closet. Tucked into the bottom left corner was a locked box. The black metal container was secured with an enchanted lock, set to Sable’s magickal signature. Only she could open it.

She didn’t bother opening it, just hugged it to her chest as she went back to the living room where Jared had wandered off to. Stopping next to him, she held out a hand. “It’ll be faster if we teleport.”

He glanced at her hand then met her gaze. “Where?”

“To a secure rebel camp in north Georgia.”




Jared hesitantly placed his hand in Sable’s. As soon as she linked their fingers together, she teleported them out of the Onyx den. A moment later, they materialized in the back yard of a large house. Jared scanned the area and noted there weren’t any neighbors visible. Trees and hills stretched on as far as he could see.

“This doesn’t look like a rebel camp,” he growled and stepped away from her.

“That’s why it’s perfect. Besides, the owner of the house leads this group.”

Just then, the back door opened to a petite human female with long, caramel blonde hair, holding a rifle in one hand. When her gaze fell on Sable, she relaxed. “Girl, you need to learn to call ahead.”

Sable jogged ahead until the females met with a tight hug. “You know I like to surprise you.”

The human pressed her lips together as if hiding a smile. “You need somewhere to hide?”

“Just for tonight.”

Nodding toward Jared, she asked, “Who’s your friend?”

Jared tensed but didn’t pick up any aggression in the human’s scent. It was as if she already knew they were coming.

Sable glanced at him, then shrugged. “Serenity, Jared.”

Serenity nodded at him, and he returned the silent greeting. “Ah, I see. Well, you’re in luck because no one else is here. You’re welcome to stay as long as you need. But do explain the house rules to your mate.”

Jared snapped his gaze to Sable, who refused to look at him. When Serenity turned to lead them inside, Jared grabbed Sable’s arm, drawing her full attention. Before he could pepper her with questions, she said, “Serenity is psychic, fully human, and hates my father more than I do. She can be trusted.”

Sable jerked her arm free and locked gazes with him for several long moments before turning away. He inhaled deeply, trying to push away the urge to drag her off to one of the bedrooms. The last thing he needed to do was think with his dick.

A low growl rumbled from deep within as he followed her through the mudroom to the living room. In the far corner sat a desk with two monitors and a keyboard in the center of the dark wood.

Sable sat in the high back leather chair and set the metal lock box she’d carried with her on the desk. Then she pulled out the slip of paper with the coordinates and brought up a map program on the computer. “The only house rule is to respect everyone who comes here. Serenity keeps this house as a safe haven more than an actual rebel base.”

Jared sat in the chair next to Sable and set the wooden box he still held on the desk. Remaining silent seemed like the best thing to do for now as he watched her enter the coordinates. A second later, the map program brought up a location, and Sable cursed under her breath. “Stupid bitch.”

Glancing at the screen, his heart sank. “Zoom in.” She did as he asked. When the satellite image focused, Jared sighed. “That’s Hunter Ridge.

She recognized the Pack name. It was one of the last ones Felix had invaded, turning all the members except the Alpha and his family into mutants. The Alpha, Travis Hunter, had set the whole den on fire.

Jared pulled out his phone, but Sable covered it along with his hand. “Don’t call it in yet. I’m not a hundred percent sure she’s not monitoring us.”

Sable glanced apologetically to Serenity. The other female just shrugged. “Savannah already knows about this place and just about every rebel camp in the southeast. I don’t sense that she’s figured out you’re here yet.”

“But she will, and she’ll come. You need to leave when we do. I’m so sorry.”

Serenity waved her off. “Don’t. I’ll be fine.”

Something in the way the female averted her gaze as she spoke said she knew her own fate. Jared opened his mouth then shut it. Serenity offered a gentle smile before making her escape.

“She knows what my mother will do and is still stubborn enough to stay,” Sable grumbled then faced Jared. “I’m not sure we should stay tonight. The longer we are here, the more danger I put Serenity in.”

Jared nodded. “There are still a few hours of daylight left. I say we go to Hunter Ridge and continue our research there.”

Sable smiled and conjured a backpack at the same time Serenity came back into the room with a laptop, backup battery, and power cord. Sable stuffed the items, as well as the boxes, into the pack. “Thanks for everything, Serenity.”

The psychic took both their hands. “Don’t fight what is fated to be. See past your mistakes and open your hearts. Only together can you heal and win this war.” She let go and stepped back. “Now get out of here.”

A moment later, Jared was being pulled through time and space, only to materialize in the middle of the Hunter Ridge den, or what was left of it, of Travis Hunter—Ashwood Falls’ new Tracker.


Chapter Four



“Now what?”

Sable clenched her jaw at the irritation in Jared’s words. If she knew all the fucking answers, she’d know exactly how to kill her mother and end this war so Sable could go live her life far away from Jared. She turned to tell him just that, but Serenity’s message rang in her mind. The human was right. Sable needed to work with Jared to end it. Whether
was the war or the cyclone of emotions brewing inside of her, Sable wasn’t sure. Maybe both.

“I’m not sure where to begin or why we’re here.” Scanning the charred remains of what was once a thriving den, Sable frowned. She didn’t know what connection her mother had with Hunter Ridge. Felix, on the other hand, had worked with the Marshal of Hunter Ridge to raid the den.

From the corner of her eye, she saw Jared raise his phone to his ear. Whatever. She let him make his call. There wasn’t anyone else around to worry about that could jeopardize his or her safety so she didn’t care.

A few of the homes in front of her looked solid enough to serve as shelter. She advanced to them, entered the first one and froze at the sight of Blaine. At first she was confused, then remembered the Alpha was a teleporter. “You had me tracked?”

He let out a bitter laugh. “I don’t have that power. I was with Travis when Jared called him and decided to flash over.”

Sable folded her arms. “You’re not my Alpha.”

His cat flashed in his eyes and he stalked closer. “No, but I am Jared’s, and I protect everyone in my Pack.”

That really wasn’t an answer, but she got it. Blaine didn’t trust her. Who did? No one. She didn’t blame them either. “I’m not going to get Jared killed. Nigel needs his father.”

“He needs his mother, as well.”

Jared’s deep, harsh tone made her tense.
Damn it
. Straightening her spine, she asked, “Did Travis know if my mother had ties here?”

“He wasn’t sure but did say that most of the Pack records should still be in the medical center.” Jared paused before he walked over to Blaine. “What is it?”

Blaine shook his head. “Luna isn’t sleeping. Her visions are getting worse and taking over her dreams.”

“Should I return?”

Return for what
? Sable pinned Jared with a narrow-eyed glare, not bothering to diminish the jealousy rising inside her. “You and the wolf Alpha?”

Jared was standing in front of her in one step. “You know I can’t find release with anyone else as long as you live.”

Blaine clasped Jared on the shoulder. “Ana and Nigel are helping. You have your own issues to deal with.” The leopard Alpha chuckled right before dematerializing.

“What did he mean?”

Jared worked his jaw and stared at her for several long moments before answering. “Nigel has my ability to see others’ memories, and your gift of mind control.” He broke the eye contact and glided over to the fireplace to inspect it. “As for the wolf Alpha, Luna and I are friends. We share the same heartache from losing a mate.”

Sable stilled at his confession. Of course, it had been painful for both of them when the mating bond broke, but she’d believed she was the only one with a broken heart. Then again, he could have misspoken. Hell, she’d expected him to run to someone else’s bed. Yet, he was right. Sex with anyone but one’s fated mate was unsatisfying and empty. She couldn’t even give herself an orgasm.

“Anyway, when Luna is haunted by her dream visions, I help her sort out the meanings, making them less of a nightmare,” Jared added as he knelt to start a fire.

Time to stop being a self-loathing bitch
. “Jared…I don’t know how this ends and it scares me.”

“We can’t control the outcome. That’s one thing we have in common.” He glanced at her over his shoulder. His blue eyes bright as if his jaguar watched her along with the man. “We should look for the files and get some more wood for the fire.”

Nodding absently, she exited the house. The crisp winter air blew against her and she shivered. The scent of snow flowed on the breeze. As shifters, they didn’t feel the cold like humans did, but being without heat would be uncomfortable. Ana was the only shifter Sable knew of who was sensitive to the change in weather due to her connection to the elements.

“I’ll get the firewood,” she announced while crossing the den to the woods surrounding them.

Her thoughts returned to the possibility that Jared had been with another. The idea bothered her more than she wanted to admit. The more she was around him, the more she wanted him. What she needed to do was focus on the mission and throw out all hope for her own happily ever after. Securing Nigel’s future was her priority, and she’d die doing it.




Jared dropped the last box of files on the living room floor and sighed. None of the six banker boxes filled with leather-bound journals had labels or dates. It was going to take forever to go through each one. He thought about asking Keegan to bring Addyson and Will to help. The two Scribes would be able to help them and cut the time in half. No, he couldn’t ask them to do it. Both of them had lived through the hell of the Onyx Pack once. He wouldn’t subject them to a different kind of hell that only Travis and his mother knew the details of.

“I guess we’re in for a long night,” Sable muttered as she passed him with an armful of firewood.

BOOK: Jaguar's Judgment
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