Jordan, Olivia - Carly's Two-Stepping Temptations [Studio Seductions 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (11 page)

BOOK: Jordan, Olivia - Carly's Two-Stepping Temptations [Studio Seductions 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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They stayed that way for a few minutes. Carly didn’t have the courage to ask whether or not he meant it, because she was afraid he regretting saying the words. She didn’t want him to regret them, though. She wanted him to mean them, just like she meant the words she had been hiding until she was sure it was the right time.

“What’s going on?” Heath asked, coming through the door. He looked from Carly to Jared and back again. “Did the two of you start talking without me?”

“You could say that, yeah,” Carly said.

“Really? What the hell? I thought we were going to finally sit down and figure things out together.”

“Oh, we weren’t talking about that,” Jared said.

“Would the two of you quit being so damn vague? What the heck is going on here?”

Carly swallowed. She was going to have to get the truth sooner or later. “Jared was just telling me that he loves me.”

Heath looked shocked. “Really.”

Carly nodded. “Really. I’m just not sure if he meant it or not.”

Jared finally closed his mouth and swallowed. “I did mean it. I just didn’t realize it until I said it. I surprised myself for a moment there. The words just slipped out, but they felt so right. I love you, Carly.”

Carly smiled, half out of joy and half out of relief. “I love you, too, Jared.” She turned to her other lover, standing in the doorway. “And I love you, Heath.”

Again, a sense of fear settled over her. She knew she had Jared’s love, but she had no clue what was racing through Heath’s head or heart at that moment.

Fortunately, a grin burst across his face. “I love you, too.”

Carly poured more wine and handed Heath a glass. “A toast to us.” They clinked their glasses.

“Now that we’ve gotten through the tricky declaration of love, I suppose we should really have that talk now,” Heath said with a laugh.

“Let’s go over to the couch and get comfortable.”

As soon as they were settled, Heath launched right in. “So why did you spend a week avoiding us?”

Carly sighed. “My dance partner and I have a pretty dysfunctional relationship. And that’s an understatement. We’ve had an extremely dysfunctional relationship ever since he got injured and had to quit dancing entirely.”

“But what does that have to do with us?” Jared asked.

“Jake made me promise that since he couldn’t compete, I wouldn’t compete, either. I could still teach to earn a living, but I would sideline myself so he wouldn’t have to watch me move on without him.”

“That’s ridiculous,” Jared said. “I can’t believe that he’d demand that of you.”

“You went along with it, didn’t you?” Heath asked.

Carly nodded. “I couldn’t stand seeing him in so much pain. Quitting the competition circuit hurt like hell, but it was still easier than seeing him in so much misery. Then, though, he got even more demanding.”

“How so?” Heath asked.

“When he found out that Jared had gotten hired at the studio, he got very jealous very quickly. He thought I’d try to start competing again, and Jake made me swear that I wouldn’t dance with Jared.”

“You went along with that, too, I take it,” Jared said.

“For a while, yes. That’s why I was so distant that first week, too. I had to avoid you at all costs, because that was really the only way I could get away with not dancing.”

“So what changed at the club?”

“I lost my ability to be miserable. I just wanted to have fun. So I let myself enjoy dancing with both of you, and kissing both of you.”

“Until he happened to walk up on all of us.”

Carly nodded. “I chased after him to apologize and—and he hinted that he might hurt himself over my betrayal. He made me reaffirm my promise not to dance with Jared and made me swear I wouldn’t date either of you.”

“I just don’t understand why you kept giving into his demands,” Heath said.

“He’d already been through so much suffering. His entire career was taken away from him. If someone you cared about was in that much pain, you’d do anything to make them feel better, even if you had to make some personal sacrifices.”

He sighed. “I suppose you’re right. But I still wouldn’t put someone I loved through so much agony, the way he did with you.”

“I know you wouldn’t, but you’re not him. I’m not saying what he did was right, but please keep in mind the hell that he’s been through.”

Heath nodded. “I guess maybe if my life as I knew it ended, I’d make unreasonable demands, too. I don’t like to think so, but anything is possible.”

“Well, Jake was great at making such demands. That’s why I avoided both of you for a week. Again, total avoidance was the only way I could keep my promise. I almost thought about not coming over that first night, when Heath suggested going back to his place.”

Heath raised an eyebrow. “What changed your mind?”

“Taletha talked some sense into me. She finally made me realize that I couldn’t put my life on hold for Jake, and that he was never going to move on if I let him keep pushing me around.”

“Well, you clearly broke your promise again, and big time. Has he found out?”

Carly shook her head. “Not that I know of. It’s not like I plan on telling him, either. I think it would be best if I cut him out of my life completely, starting now. Any confrontation we have will just turn ugly. I think this is for the best.”

“Seconded,” Jared said.

“Thirded,” Heath said, pressing his mouth against hers.

Carly leaned back on the couch, yielding to Heath’s lips. He pulled away and Jared rushed to take his place, sliding his tongue between her teeth. As he moved away, Heath began to move toward her again, when they were interrupted by the shrill squeal of the smoke alarm.

“Shit! I completely forgot about dinner!” Carly rushed to the kitchen, pulled the charred soufflé out of the oven, and dumped it into the sink. Then, she opened the kitchen windows to air the room out and shut off the alarm.

“Well, I think we’re going to have to order a pizza,” she said, flopping back down on the couch. “The meal I made has been completely destroyed. I’m sorry about that. I really should have set a timer before we sat down to talk.” She picked up her wineglass and, in her frustration, chugged the rest of the contents.

“Don’t worry,” Heath said. “I’m sure we can find a way to take our minds off of this little tragedy.” He winked at Jared.

Suddenly, Carly was overwhelmed by the sensation of two sets of hands running up and down her body.

“Wait, somebody take my glass before I drop it,” she gasped. “I don’t want glass shards all over the floor.”

“I can help with that.” Heath took her glass and placed it on the end table. “Now, where were we?”

“I believe your hands were right there,” Jared said, nodding at Carly’s breasts.

“Oh, of course. Thank you for reminding me.” He pushed the straps of Carly’s tank top off her shoulders, leaving her breasts precariously hidden behind the fabric. Gripping the seams, he pulled the last of the fabric off of her breasts. They bounced with the amount of force that he used, but Jared made sure to catch them both in his strong hands. He pinched her nipples, rolling them between her thumb and her forefinger.

Carly threw her head back against the couch, letting the sensations wash all over her. Heath reached up her skirt, pulled aside her panties, and slid a finger into her pussy, which had been getting wetter and wetter since they had settled on the couch. Even though she had mentally focused on the conversation at hand, her body had wanted only one thing, and she was relieved that her men were finally meeting those needs.

“Should we move up to the bedroom?” Carly asked. “I think the bed might be a little more comfortable.”

“But that would involve moving,” Heath murmured. “And I don’t want to get up, not even for a minute. I want to stay here and fuck you.”

“Same here,” Jared whispered. “I’m sure we can figure out a way to fit on this couch.”

“Or maybe we’ll just have to take you on the floor. That carpet looks nice and plush. I bet it would be comfortable, and I bet you’d look amazing sprawled out on it.”

Carly struggled up from the couch and out of their touch. “Well, as much as it pains me to pull away even for a second, I have to run upstairs for just a moment, because we’re going to need some lube, and I keep that in my bedroom.”

“We’re going to need lube again, are we?” Heath asked, a smirk on his face.

“I like having both men at once. I’m greedy like that.”

Carly raced up to her room, grabbed her lube, and hurried back down the stairs. She was gone less than a minute, but by the time she returned, Jared and Heath were both completely naked, settled comfortably on the couch, and stroking their cocks.

“Maybe I shouldn’t let either of you fuck me,” she said, her pussy clenching at the sight of both men touching themselves. “Maybe I should just make you put on a show for me, just jerk off and let me watch.”

“We all know that’s not what you really want,” Jared said. “We all know that you want two cocks in you at once. So the only question is, how long are you going to torture yourself, and us, by making everyone wait?”

Carly grinned. “You sound a little desperate.”

“Maybe I am, at least just a little bit.”

“Desperation isn’t sexy.”

“It is, and you know it,” Heath said. “Don’t pretend that you’re not getting turned on knowing just how much we both want you. You practically get off on the fact that we’re going crazy here, wondering when you’re finally going to fuck us.”

Carly couldn’t deny that they were right, and that she was just as desperate as they were. Watching them stroke their cocks was hot, but it wasn’t enough for her. She tossed the bottle of lube to Jared. “I think you need to be in my ass this time. Heath already had a turn. Now I want to try you out.”

As Jared picked up the bottle and started to slick up his finger, Carly straddled Heath. “Are you ready for me?” she asked.

“Yes,” he gasped.

“Are you sure? Don’t you want me to tease you first?”

“I don’t want you to tease me, ever. Fuck me right now, please. I’m begging you, Carly. I’ll do anything if you just fuck me right now.”

Carly slid herself down on Heath’s cock, watching his face contort with pleasure as her cunt muscles enveloped his rigid dick.

“I’m ready for you to stretch me,” she said to Jared.

He knelt down behind her and gently brought his slick fingertip against her tight hole. He eased it around in a circle, giving enough pleasure to send sparks through her body, but not quite enough to get her ready to accommodate his cock.

“You’re going to have to give me a little more than that,” she said. “Don’t be afraid. I’ll tell you if I need to stop.”

Jared continued moving his fingertip around in a circle, pressing harder and harder, and then finally slid a finger in, loosening the tight muscles just enough for entry.

“Fuck!” Carly gasped. “That feels amazing.”

“Just wait until it’s my cock,” Jared said. Carly began to move slowly, giving Heath some stimulation and allowing Jared to work his finger in and out of her slowly. As her muscles spasmed, adjusting to the presence of his finger, small jolts of electricity shot up her spine.

“Another finger,” she gasped as the pleasure started to build in her body. She paused again, letting Jared lube himself up a little more before slipping the finger into her. Her ass loosened, then clenched tighter around him. Carly began to ride Heath again, slowly still, allowing her body to adjust to the sensations. The bolts of energy flew faster now, infusing every nerve. Orgasmic pressure began building deep in her cunt, but they were going too slow for her to find release. While she relished the teasing at first, it wasn’t long before her hungry body demanded more.

BOOK: Jordan, Olivia - Carly's Two-Stepping Temptations [Studio Seductions 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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