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Authors: Emma Paul

Kaden's Breeder (11 page)

BOOK: Kaden's Breeder
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Most importantly Kaden, her actions were a reflection on him, how could she hurt him, when he had been nothing but kind and caring.

She held back though, even during their lovemaking, she never really let herself open up to him completely. He needed her to come to him now, to know that she wanted to stay with him of her own free will. He wanted her complete and total acceptance

Tonight would be a test. If she accepted the mating ceremony, then he would be one step closer to winning her heart and soul

He stood in front of her still as a statue waiting for her to make a decision.

She saw the strain in his face, the tension in his muscles as he held himself in check.

It was her decision. Whatever she did now would most likely change her forever. She knew what she had to do.

Instead of words, she took his hand and led him to the raised pallet. The moment they settled on the soft bedding, Jarrow and Alura came forward. Drums beat softly behind them and began to thrum rhythmically as Jarrow turned to face Kaden and Carina

Jarrow began reciting the words of the ancient's. Alura had explained to Carina that this was supposed to happen tonight. When a High Chieftain passed down the title to his successor, he would recite the ceremonial avowal written by the very first civilization on Yor

The Dregs called these people the Ancients and practically worshiped them as gods. Jarrow paused a moment after finishing the final verse, then turned to Kaden

"From Antu to Namin, from Balin to Jarrow and from Jarrow to Kaden I relinquish my rule of High Chieftain."

Jarrow looked at his son then to Carina. The unshed tears of a father's pride shined within the hazel eyes. Jarrow's long dreads flexed once and quickly braided themselves away from his face. It was a motion that Carina learned was a form of respect and obedience.

Jarrow stepped back and Alura approached the raised bed. She smiled lovingly at Kaden and nodded her approval. She then looked to Carina, “Once the mating Ceremony is complete, I will transfer to you the right of High Matriarch, my daughter."

Tears stung the backs of Carina's eyes at the significant endearment. By the sound of lowered whispers, it was not a common occurrence at these ceremonies. The fact that Alura had used it so publicly and on the most important holiday in Dreg history, told her how much a part of Kaden's family she had become

Jarrow and Alura moved away and took their place with the rest of the other couples. The drums began to get louder.

Kaden moved behind Carina and whispered in her ear, “Tell me you want this Carina, I need to hear you say it."

His dreads began their seductive dance across his shoulders. Her body tingled with heightened awareness. Kaden always managed to trigger that deep primitive need, igniting a storm of arousal to course through her body, centering in her swelling pussy.

What was she worried about? It didn't matter anymore. Her hand shook as she reached out to stroke his muscular thigh.


It was one whispered word and it was all Kaden needed to hear. With one swift movement, he settled Carina on all fours and quickly removed her skirt and top. He pressed his body so intimately against hers as he leaned over and began to roll his hips, so that his hard cock was stroking the crease of her ass

Carina arched into his movements, straining to get as much friction as possible against her throbbing clit

Kaden pumped his hips faster, grinding them into Carina's ass crack. Her feminine juices coated his cock as he slid back and forth against her spread pussy lips

Her hips began to roll back into him and he reached around to slide his fingers through her slippery slit. His locks caressed Carina's shoulders and slowly descended to her ripe breasts. The ends dilated and two of them slipped over her erect nipples, sending tiny vibrations as they plucked and pulled like a lover's lips

Never having felt this before with Kaden, Carina, groaned and tried to simultaneously press her breasts out and ass farther back against Kaden's thick long shaft that was now poked the weeping opening of her sex.

She lifted her head a moment and looked out into the crowed. They were watching them intently. Several Breeders were stroking their mate's balls and stiff cocks as the men watched she and Kaden mating. Some lowered their heads and began to leisurely lick up and down the erect shafts.

The warriors leaned back to allow their women the best access. Their eyes however never left the high pallet were Kaden was beginning to sink his ample inches into her pulsing sheath. She was so wet and slick.

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Kaden settled himself behind his Breeder, taking in her sweet scent. She was lush and beautiful. The sight she made arched beneath him made his cock harder, eager to feel the warm, tight sheath that belonged to only him. Kaden's thick length stretched her open, sinking slowly into her core.

Carina groaned loudly as

His locks still sucked her rosy nipples, sending pure surges of pleasure through her body. Her pussy clamped tightly around Kaden's cock and he growled low. One thrust later, he plunged deep into the hot tight confines of Carina's sweet cunt. It was almost his undoing when she bucked beneath while her channel contracted sharply around his cock


Carina screamed out his name and began to roll her hips against him

Unable to control himself, Kaden pulled back once and slowly sank his cock into her hot sheath until his balls touched her ass. He ground his hips against her with sharp deep strokes, jarring Carina forward with the force of his thrusts.

Carina had no idea what hit her when the embers of her incredible release began to ebb. She stared out into the crowd and watched as many of the couples where already fucking and crying out their own orgasms.

All around them, she heard moaning and orgasmic shouts of pleasure. Kaden continued to pound into her from behind. His thrusts became quicker, harder and deeper

The sensation of his powerful strokes and the sight and sound of so many people fucking and coming was too arousing. The next wave of spasmodic bliss rose quickly through her until it erupted into another intense orgasm

Kaden yelled out her name a second before his cock began to pump his seed deep inside her. His body shook with the force of his release. It threw him into the most excruciating pleasure he had ever experienced.

He held onto Carina as their bodies slowly undulated together until the very last pulses had finally subsided

They would repeat the mating three more times before falling into a deep sated sleep. Carina had never felt so loved. It was love that she and Kaden had shared. Never in her life had a man been so aroused by her and so intent on bringing her pleasure. Kaden was everything she could have wanted in a man

The thought of leaving him was becoming impossible to imagine. She snuggled closer to his warm embrace, smiling because his dreads, even as he slept, still soothingly stroked her shoulders

Kaden held onto Carina tightly as he breathed in her essence. Her scent was enough to send him into a frenzied mating rut. The contentment he felt holding her close was overwhelming to his senses. He knew this was much more than just infatuation. His father was wrong, he decided once again

The feelings swirling around in his chest were unlike anything he had ever felt. Carina was meant for him. The ancients had decreed it, he was sure of that. He leaned in and grazed his lips over her soft cheek. She was so beautiful. He wrapped his arms around her tighter, deciding at that moment that he would love her forever. Kaden studied her lovely face as she slept

She was in the midst of battling her inner struggle. He wanted her to accept her fate, as all the Breeders were apt to do

Carina stirred beneath him. She smiled up at him, and reached up with a delicate hand to stroke his cheek.


Kaden smiled back, “Hey, yourself...” he chuckled and bent down to place a kiss on her forehead, “How did you sleep?"

She stretched her arms above her head, forcing her ample breasts to lift as he back arched. He adjusted to allow her more movement.

She snuggled a bit closer to him and he wrapped his arms around her cradling her to his chest.

"Like a baby"

Kaden brushed his lips against hers. Sweet ancients, but he loved her. He hoped she would one day accept her true destiny.

A gut-wrenching scream pierced the silence. Kaden was off the raised pallet in seconds, almost toppling Carina off the pallet. A loud boom, followed by war cries and screams, ripped the peacefulness apart. Within minutes, fire and smoke engulfed the neighboring commune

Carina watched in horror as a large triangular spacecraft, hovered over the burning locale, raining laser fire at the fleeing inhabitants. “Kaden, who is attacking us?"

Kaden turned towards his Breeder and pulled her close to his side. “Trellians. Zeth alert the other communes we need to help Corbin."

Zeth had already sent a warrior to the communications vault to do just that. He and Zya ran over to Kaden

"There is only one ship. We should be able to destroy it with the war cannon.” He turned to Zya and kissed her before turning back to Kaden

Kaden kissed Carina and gave her a tight squeeze. “Carina, lead Zya and the other Breeders to the underground nursery."

Carina grabbed his arm before he could turn away from her. “What about the people in the East Commune. We can't just leave them!"

The horrified look on her face stabbed Kaden's heart. “There are tunnels underneath every commune that lead to an underground shelter. In times of war, my people used them to protect the women and children. I'm sure that Corbin was able to evacuate any survivors."

He bent down and pulled on a small lever that was camouflaged against the dirt floor of the pavilion and motioned for Zya and Carina to climb inside. There was a slight note of uncertainty in her face, but given the immediate circumstance he felt it was better to seek safety instead of explaining the situation further

He didn't want her to worry about the loss of life. The way the East commune was burning, there was very little hope of any survivors, especially given the fact that the attack was a complete surprise

Once the women were safely inside the tunnel, Kaden and Zeth gathered the warriors together. They raced towards the main barrack and in minutes, they had readied one of the most deadly weapons ever made on Yor.

The war cannon was a powerful weapon built by the Dregs in order to fight the Dracos during the civil wars. Its purpose was to end the fighting and destroy the deadly virus the Dracos had unleashed on all the other clans

It had done its job well.

The Trellian vessel began moving in as he had expected it would. He held the order to fire until he saw the vessels belly begin to pulse and glow a bright red, indicating that it was ready to fire its laser torpedoes once again

His eyes narrowed on his target. It took every ounce of willpower Kaden possessed to keep from blasting the hulking ship into a pile of dust

However, he needed to wait until it was just right. “Fire!"

As soon as his command left his lips, the ground in front of the main barrack split open, revealing a large disc shaped object. It rose up out of the ground and faced the Trellian ship, which still approached at a steady rate. The disc tilted upwards, aiming direct at the hull of the Trellian ship

Its outer panels closed, forming a cylinder that began to glow. The oddity must have startled the Trellians because their ship came to hover directly in front of the strange looking weapon nearly one hundred yards away

A low hum followed by a silent pulse of white light shot out of the cylinder and grew larger as it engulfed the Trellian ship the minute it made contact. A few seconds later, the ship was literally a scattered pile of dust and debris

Zeth shook his head as he surveyed the remains of the East Commune. “Why would the Trellians attack us?"

"I don't know. However, I intend on making a case with the Council. If they had anything to do with this or had any knowledge, I'm going to know about it."

Every instinct Kaden had told him that somehow the Galactic Governing Council knew this was going to happen and did nothing to stop it

Never in her life had Carina seen so much utter destruction. Other Breeders were making their way to the East Commune. Others gasped at the carnage left behind by the Trellian attack

Corbin stood beside Kaden. “The entire Commune was destroyed.” His voice shook with emotion; “Only twenty-two made it out alive, myself, Kiana five other Breeders and the rest were warriors. Thank the Ancients that the children were bedded in the nursery this night."

Kaden placed his hand on Corbin's shoulder. Only twenty-two survivors. The words echoed in Carina's brain. She stared at the massacre around her.

She looked into Corbin's tortured expression. “Everything was burnt to the ground...” her voice was barely above a whisper. She spoke the obvious, but for some reason she needed to say it.

Corbin regarded her. His eyes glistened with tears that he fought back. “Everything was reduced to ash...” his voice choked, “th ... there isn't enough left of the dead to even bury.” A single tear rolled down his cheek. He turned from her and left.

A lump of raw pain stuck in her throat, as she watched the big warrior somberly walk away. The destruction before her reminded her of the terrible images back on earth of Hiroshima, in the aftermath of the atomic bomb attack

Kaden reach out to her, pulling her close to his side

She pressed herself against him, thankful for his strength. As he spoke to Corbin about clearing and finding temporary shelter for the survivors, his dreadlocks soothingly stroked her cheek and shoulder. Her mind was in a haze and she barely acknowledge Kaden's question

"Carina? Are you well? We should see to survivors. There are wounded."

His expression was a strange mixture of fear and worry. Why was he afraid? It was the first thought that came to her as she snapped out of her trance and turned to face him

BOOK: Kaden's Breeder
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