Kimberly Nee - The McKenzie Brothers (13 page)

BOOK: Kimberly Nee - The McKenzie Brothers
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With that, he moved again. She stiffened, expecting more pain, but was pleasantly surprised when something akin to pleasure rippled through her instead. He repeated the motion, and the pleasure intensified. Another thrust, and she couldn’t remember what hurt so much in the first.


He bent to brush his lips against her. “Shhh…I’ll answer your questions in a bit, sweetheart.”

“But — ”

His sudden hard thrust tore the questions from her lips. They could wait.

He thrust again, long and deep, and pleasure burst forth in a cresting wave of heat.
she understood what all the fuss was about — what her friends would giggle about when the subject would arise. That fullness felt wonderful. In fact,
did not even come close to describing the feelings whirling through her as Garrett continued to tease her with each slow, controlled thrust.

The tension she’d felt earlier was nothing compared to what twisted inside her now. With each stroke, knots pulled and tightened until she thought she’d go mad with the need for a release she didn’t even know existed.

Above her, Garrett let out a strangled moan as he squeezed his eyes shut and his jaw clenched. He moved faster now, each thrust swift and hard. A hand beneath her lifted her and she felt the first burst of starlight. It radiated outward in a shower of intense heat and then tightened once more. The wave sped toward the shoreline, rising and gathering strength as it crested.

It crashed over her. A throaty cry broke free, her knees gripping his sides, and her body arching sharply as that wave slammed into her. Pure bliss filled her, flooding through her with the force of a tidal wave.

His name burst from her lips, her fingernails bit into his shoulders and she couldn’t help the shudder as it tore through her. He arched hard inside her and her eyes snapped open at the sudden shock of his release. However, sensual warmth spilled through her, and her eyelids drooped as he went rigid then sank into her, his head coming to rest on her breast.

His heart pounded against hers, his breath coming in hot, hard pants against her skin.

She couldn’t control her smile, unable to remember the last time she’d felt as if she could fly if she so desired. The sense of awe engulfing her was unbelievable. Garrett need not explain anything to her. She knew what that pain was, knew why she felt it. Sanders had not ruined her and her relief was the greatest it could possibly be.

At least, it was for a moment.

Then a new realization crept over her. While Sanders hadn’t taken her virginity, she’d just
it to Garrett. Willingly.
willingly. That wiped away a good portion of her good feelings.

She hadn’t been in America very long, but it was long enough to learn her virtue was as important here as it was in England. Titles might not exist, a
might not exist, but society didn’t change and she had just ruined her chances of ever marrying.

No. She wouldn’t think of it now. There would be plenty of time for regret and meaningful reflection come morning. For now, what harm was there in allowing herself to indulge in a bit of a dream?

Garrett lifted his head to smile down at her. A gentle brush of his lips against hers and he whispered, “Amazing, love. Absolutely amazing.”

Another kiss, this one deeper, and then a chill bit into her as he moved to lie beside her. He gathered her in his arms to cradle her close. “
will you call me Garrett?”

She tilted her head back to gaze up at him. “I suppose it would be acceptable now,” she whispered back, a smile playing at her lips.

His laughter was rich and throaty, echoing about the room as he pulled her closer still and bent to kiss her once more.

Katherine shuddered at the warm rush of his breath on her skin. She could feel him rise up against her hip and couldn’t help her breathless sigh. She’d only gotten a brief glimpse of that powerful part of his body, but it was enough to know that, had they not already done this, she would be terrified that he would do very real damage with it.

Her fingers splayed across his chest, slipping through the dark hair spreading out over it. A feeling of daring overwhelmed her and she bent forward to gently sweep her tongue over his right nipple.

In the thick darkness, he laughed softly. “You do some evil things to a man, love.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I love the feel of your hands on my body, Kat, the feel of your lips, your fingers. Let them roam all over me. Touch whatever strikes your fancy, sweetheart. It feels wonderful when you do.”

Emboldened by his throaty whisper, she did just that, letting her hands meander over his hot skin, marveling in the hard muscle and tight sinew of his body. He rewarded her with a sigh here, a groan there, and it made her bolder still.

“Ah, sweetheart,” he breathed. “You are driving me wild.”

Feeling bolder by the moment, Katherine skimmed his ear with her lips, whispering, “Then I am doing something right, am I not?”

His laughter was a warm rush on her skin. “God, yes, love. All men should be so lucky as to have so lusty a vixen in their bed.”

As he spoke, he slid a hand between them, easing it between her thighs to stroke through her curls. He slid gentle fingers inside her and kissed her deeply, his tongue delving between her lips to claim hers.

His fingers thrust inside her with such delicate teasing that he sent fire licking up her legs, bursting through her in a blaze of desire. It felt so wonderful, the way he worked his magic on her. She never wanted it to end. Never wanted this delight to stop.

He was all patience as he brought her body fully to life and then, he was bracing himself above her, nudging her legs apart with his hips, and slowly, deliciously filling her.

Katherine gasped, her back arching at that heavenly fullness so deep inside her. Linking his fingers through hers, Garrett pinned her hands to the bed, one on either side of her head. He kissed her deeply again, whispering, “Katherine, my love,” as he began thrusting inside her.

That fullness grew, her insides twisting and churning as he brought her slowly to the pinnacle of complete bliss. His gaze held hers the entire time, his smile tender as he increased his pace, surging deeply again and again, each time more powerful than the last.

She moaned softly, her teeth catching her bottom lip as she felt wave after wave of wickedly delight. Those waves built upon one another, growing stronger with each of his powerful thrusts.

Katherine wanted — no,
— to touch him, needed to let her fingers explore as much of him as she could reach. That he wouldn’t let her was driving her as mad as his body. But, the madness was wonderful, erotic.

Then the wave crashed with an explosion of sparks, a flash of fireworks that gripped her entire body in one long, powerfully rapturous shudder. He released her hands and she wrapped her arms about his neck. She clung to him, pulling him as close as possible, the fireworks growing and building to twist her insides and numb her completely with a shower of tingles that felt like every star in the sky was cascading over her.

Then it happened. Those sparks burst, sweeping through her with such incredible force that it tore her breath from her lungs and her cry of “Oh, Garrett!” was husky, throaty, completely raw with passion.

He surged into her, lifting her hips to meet the depth of his last, blinding thrust. He shuddered violently as he crushed her to him, his climax rendering him almost senseless with its intensity.

He collapsed against her, burying his face in her neck and dragging air deep into his lungs, gasping, “Holy Christ…”

Katherine wrapped her arms around him as he sank against her. Her fingers stroked the soft hair at his nape, over his smooth shoulders, pulling him closer still as the peaceful glow crept over her. She felt so happy, so content, lying there with him.

Perfect. So perfect.

After a long moment, Garrett lifted his head to gaze down at her with tender eyes. “Are you asleep, love?”

“No,” she replied in a drowsy voice. “Just peaceful. Tell me,” she couldn’t help but ask, “are you always so — shall we say — generous?”

He bent forward to brush her lips with a light kiss. “Generous, eh? I have to admit, I’ve never been asked that before. But, yes, I do prefer that my company enjoy themselves as well.”

She was about to tread on dangerous territory. She really did not wish to hear about his past conquests, not when the mood was so pleasant right now. Although she knew he had to have learned his skills
, she did not wish to think about the women he’d honed them on.

He shifted to lie beside her and she was disappointed by the disappearance of that delicious fullness. He made up for it by drawing her into his arms, the fingers of his left hand trailing idly up and down her arm.

She cuddled against him, sleepiness creeping over her. It had been a long day, after all, and she was exhausted. She heard Garrett’s soft laugh as she suddenly yawned.

“Go to sleep, love,” he whispered, blowing out the candle. “And tomorrow, you are taking the day off.”

“I couldn’t. Too many eyebrows would rise.”

“Let me worry about that, Kat.”

“But — ”

“No buts,” he broke in, kissing her lightly. “Go to sleep.”

She yawned again, snuggling her head against the comforting warmth of his chest. Before she could argue the issue further, she gave in to the sleepiness and let herself drift away.

Chapter Nineteen

The morning sun spilled in through the windows, filling the room and streaming across the rumpled bed. Garrett stirred, yawning and stretching as he blinked sleep from his eyes.

He lifted himself up onto one elbow, gazing down at Katherine as she slept soundly beside him. She lay on her belly, her lustrous dark red hair spilling across the stark white pillows and over the side of the bed as she faced him. He caught a curl between his fingers, letting the silken lock slip through them.

Even asleep, she was beautiful. Her brows were dark, arched slashes across her smooth forehead, her lashes sooty crescents resting against her pale cheeks. Her lips were slightly parted, her breathing deep, even, and content.

Her nose had a small bump across the bridge, leading him to wonder if she’d broken it at some point in her life. He smiled down at her, leaning over to brush her temple with a light kiss.

Her hair parted at her nape, spilling over either shoulder. In the pale morning light, he could plainly see the still-pink scar just below it. The mark was at least two inches in length, ending almost dead center between her shoulder blades. Slightly raised, it was on a bit of an angle, as if she jerked to the side as the weapon struck.

Every time his gaze fell upon that scar, his blood warmed by a few degrees. When he found Sanders, and he had no doubt he would, he would take the utmost pleasure in breaking the man into countless pieces.

He didn’t know what it was about Katherine that roused such protectiveness in him. Until she came into his life, the only women he’d felt that instinct toward were those in his own family.

But Katherine was different. He had to admit, it had been a long time since a woman could make his heart beat faster with a simple look. Yet she did just that to him. It mattered not whether hers was a passing glance or a glare, his heartbeat quickened the moment her hazel-eyed gaze met his.

His gaze crept over her. Yes, she was special, indeed. And he intended to make damn sure that she never left his bed again.

The thought brought a smile to his face. It was the first time he ever had such a thought where a woman was concerned. But as far as he was concerned, he didn’t care if another woman
slipped into bed beside him.

She sighed in her sleep then, rolling onto her side to face him, and snuggling even deeper into the thick pillows. He lowered himself back down, his fingers skimming over her cheek, down the slope of her neck, and back up again.

Another sigh. Then, her lashes fluttered and her eyes opened. A smile lifted the corners of her lips as she murmured, “Is it morning already?”

“That it is, sweetheart,” he replied, letting the backs of his fingers still stroke over her cheek. “I’ve yet to look at the clock over there, but I’d wager it’s probably late into the morning.”

“Mrs. Riley is going to wonder where I’ve got to. Not to mention Patsy and Marie.”

“I wouldn’t worry about that. Chances are they are all still up at Stonebridge. I’d be quite surprised if there wasn’t quite a mess left to clean up.” His eyes held hers for a long moment. “Sleep well?”

“Too well,” she said through her relaxed yawn. “I am afraid I am going to become far too spoiled to return to that thin pallet in my chambers. Perhaps you’d not be against the idea of replacing it?”

Garrett slid an arm about her shoulders to pull her up against him. “You do not have to return to that tiny room if you don’t wish to.”

She stared at him, her expression suggesting she didn’t think she’d heard him correctly. “I beg your pardon?”

He traced a forefinger gently over her bottom lip. “I said, you do not have to return to the third floor. I rather like sleeping beside you. Makes things a bit less complicated, don’t you think?”

“Well, it makes certain things less complicated. Others are made more so.”

“Ah, yes. The servants’ gossip.”

“Garrett, you forget, I am one of them. There is bound to be some jealousy or envy amongst the others. That would only be natural, don’t you think?”

“If you like, I can rotate all three of you through here,” he replied with a grin.

“That is
funny,” she replied sulkily. “You are making fun of me, sir.”

“I’m doing no such thing, Katherine. Trust me, those two hold no interest for me. The giggling alone would drive me mad.”

“Ah, you become accustomed to it after a while. Then, it’s not so bad.”

His fingers skimmed up along her arm, over the curve of her shoulder. “I’d rather not become accustomed to it, if it’s all the same to you. Promise me you’ll not start giggling.”

She chuckled. “I highly doubt that will happen.” She sighed softly, snuggling against him.

But she did feel wonderful in his arms. It had been such a long time since he’d woken up alongside a woman, as he usually preferred
to pass an entire night in any particular lady’s company. The last thing he wanted, or needed, was to find himself in a compromising position. He certainly wasn’t about to be forced into wedlock.

Still, she did seem to be far beyond the perimeter of his bedchambers, and he couldn’t help but wonder where she’d gone.

“What’s on your mind, Kat?” he asked, his forefinger grazing her cheek.

She looked up at him. “Nothing, really. Just letting my mind wander, I suppose.”

Garrett shifted to cover her with his body, his lips capturing hers in a sweet kiss. “Tell me where it went. You seemed to be quite far away.”

“Not really. Merely letting my thoughts bounce around a bit.”

Another kiss. “I do hope you are at least considering my offer.” His eyes held hers for a long moment. “I find this a most pleasant way to greet my days.”

He wasn’t about to give her the opportunity to protest, but caught her lips with his. Any arguments she might have had died on her lips as he settled between her thighs and brought a flush to her cheeks as he made slow, leisurely love to her. Ah, yes, most definitely one of the more pleasant ways to greet the day, indeed.

“So, where did you get to last evening?”

Katherine eased the sheet from the wash line before answering Marie. “I had a bit of trouble with a gentleman in the rose garden. I came home to get cleaned up and to change and accidentally fell asleep.”

Marie’s dark eyes were sharp. “Really? I noticed Mister Garrett disappeared around the same time you did.”

“Did he? I didn’t see him. I came home to an empty house.”

Marie didn’t look as if she believed her, but she shrugged as she came over to help fold the sheet. “You should have tried to stay awake, Katherine. I actually got to sleep in a comfortable bed up in the servants’ quarters at Stonebridge. And Martha is an angel. Such a far cry from Mrs. Riley, that old sourpuss.”

“She seemed friendly enough, as it was her suggestion I take in some fresh air. Said she felt I was looking peaked.”

Marie walked the sheet toward Katherine. “Well, you missed nothing exciting. Although, there was a bit of gossip.”

“Really? Do tell?” Katherine asked, more for something to say than because she was truly interested.

“Did you happen to see Miss Amy?”

“I believe so. Tiny thing in plum?” Katherine took the folded sheet from Marie, smoothed any last wrinkles from it, and set it atop the others in the woven basket.

“That would be her.”

Katherine nodded. “Yes. I remember her.”

“Then you remember how beautiful she is?”

“I do.”

“Well, I heard the most delicious thing about her.” Marie whisked another sheet from the line and folded it to hand to Katherine.

She accepted the sheet, dropping it onto the others. “Are you going to tell me, or do I have to guess?”

“I’m getting to it, Katherine. I’m getting to it.” Marie snatched two towels at the same time to fold. “Well, I understand that she danced with Mister Garrett. Several times, in fact. And, at one point, they disappeared together.”

Katherine knew this, but her stomach tightened just the same. “Did they, now?”

Marie nodded, taking down the last sheet to fold. “Apparently Mister Garrett was quite taken with her. I heard they went for a stroll in the garden. A
stroll, if you will. I suppose it’s only a matter of time before he asks for her hand.”

As she spoke, Marie passed the sheet to Katherine. Katherine was reaching for it as Marie said the last half of her sentence. Katherine felt the blood drain from her face as the sheet slipped from her grasp and crumpled to the ground.

“Are you certain?”

“That’s what I heard. And it wasn’t from a servant, but one of the guests. A Madam Robeson, I believe.”

Katherine felt as if she’d been punched in the stomach. She hadn’t seen Amy in the garden the night before, but that didn’t necessarily mean she hadn’t been there. It would also explain why
was there.

But what of what he had said to her that morning? As she crouched down to retrieve the sheet, she tried to tell herself that he wouldn’t be asking
to share his bed if he was planning on taking a wife, would he? How would
play out?

“Katherine, are you ill? You look positively gray.”

That about summed up how she felt, to say the least. All of the happiness she had been feeling was sucked right out of her at the notion of Garrett taking a wife. Of course, she’d thought the same thing herself, but at least with her own thoughts, she could talk herself out of them almost as easily as she could talk herself into them. To hear that this was gossip, however, was completely different. Gossip sometimes turned out to be truth. And if he
compromised Amy…

“No.” She rose, shaking grass from the sheet, then placing it in the basket. “No. I am fine. Really.”

“Are you certain?”

“Absolutely.” Katherine took a deep breath as she turned to the basket holding the freshly washed laundry waiting to be hung in the warm sunshine. “So, any other gossip?”

Again, Marie didn’t look as if she believed her, but she let the matter drop. Instead, they began the routine of hanging the wet laundry to dry in complete, comfortable silence.

They were halfway finished hanging the laundry when a series of sharp, snapping crackles rent the air. Katherine jerked her head up, turning toward the woods. “Did you hear that?”

Marie nodded, lowering the skirt she was about to hang. “I did. What do you think it was?”

“Probably just a deer, or rabbit, or something,” Katherine replied, squinting between the thick growth of towering swamp maples and red oak trees. The back of her neck prickled as silence fell once more.

Without another word, Marie turned back to the laundry and the eerie feelings faded away, leaving comfortable stillness in its stead once more.

Katherine was grateful for it. Her mind felt as if it just might explode so much was rushing through it. She felt sick, terribly sick, at the thought that Marie’s gossip might be very close to the truth. Amy Morrison was beautiful. She was tiny and delicate — traits most men sought in a wife. She oozed femininity, which was something Katherine would never be able to accomplish. There was nothing she could do about the fact that she was all arms and legs, towering over most other ladies no matter how she slouched. Certainly a man like Garrett would prefer a dainty lady in his arms. He seemed to enjoy himself on the dance floor with her at the ball.

And he had disappeared with her as well.

Tears clouded her eyes, so she began blinking rapidly to dam them before they spilled over her cheeks. The last thing she wanted, or needed, was to give Marie even more reason to be suspicious.

When the task was finished, both women went inside to put the laundry away. Katherine didn’t argue when Marie offered to put Garrett’s things in his chambers. Instead, she went up to her room and stretched out on the bed to take a little rest.

As she lay there, her mind spun with images she did not want to see, with thoughts she did not want to think. Garrett married. Holding Amy in his arms, kissing her, easing her clothes from her body to make love to her, Amy giving him children —

BOOK: Kimberly Nee - The McKenzie Brothers
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