Kincade's Rose (Megalodon Team) (2 page)

BOOK: Kincade's Rose (Megalodon Team)
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He touched her arm gently, and she stopped
to turn those extraordinary dark brown eyes on him.  “What do you want?”  His
tone had become even more seductive, and with those four words, had opened up a
gate that Jayde wasn’t sure she would know how to get back through once she
entered.  Or if she would want to.  Something about him made her want to act
wantonly for once in her life.

Unable to turn away from his mesmerizing
stare, she countered, “What’s up for grabs?” 
Hello, double meaning!
the numerous people who streamed past them, it was like they were in their own
world and were the only two people.

“Name it,” the words he murmured were silky
with challenge.

“I don’t want you to get the wrong idea
about me,” Jayde said softly, suddenly embarrassed for her forward action.

“I won’t.  Tell me, what do you want?”  His
voice was smooth and yet still insistent.

You to make love to me all night long.
You to make me feel like a real woman.  Your woman.  
“Dinner.” Had she
really been about to say what she wanted?

He arched an eyebrow at that one.  “Is it
going to be a date?”

“Sure.  Even with the whole walking me to
my door afterward,” Jayde responded with a brilliant smile.

“Okay, then, since you aren’t going to tell
me what you
want, how about I tell you what I suggest?”  His
voice was downright primal and sex-infused.

Embarrassment was all gone, leaving lust in
its wake.

“Go ahead,” she said proud her words weren’t

“A kiss,” Tyson said in his deep voice. 
His gaze remained steady and never wavered from hers.

“A kiss?”  Jayde’s voice broke as she
imagined his firm lips on hers.

“One name, one kiss,” he paused for a
moment.  “Deal?”

“Deal,” she agreed.

He broke into a leisurely smile that
contained more than a bit of eroticism.  Tyson stepped right up to her lush
body; she was engulfed by the smell of sandalwood and masculinity, which sent a
jolt straight to her groin.

Jayde narrowed her eyes in confusion. 

“I gave you two names.”  His wolfish smile
grew.  “You owe me two kisses.”

Her insides melted. The rational part of
her brain knew she should protest, but the promiscuous side of her wanted the
kiss. Before she could form a word one way or another, he took the decision
away from her.

Tyson cupped the back of her head and held
her still as his firm lips slowly lowered to hers.  The touch was light but it
sent a shockwave through both of their bodies.  As his mouth pressed harder to
hers, her knees weakened.  Jayde was lost in a passionate haze. His tongue
swept over her teeth before plunging into her warm mouth to stroke her own
tongue. In and out, in and out it went, mimicking an action that both of them
wanted to experience with one another. The heat that grew between them was the
kind that made lava seem cool.

They both lost track of time before the
other voices grew louder and they realized people around them were cheering and
catcalling them. As Tyson gradually pulled away, Jayde found she was leaning on
him; her hands had balled up his shirt in her fists.  His eyes still burned
with a fervor that made her tremble even more than his kiss already had. 
“One,” he said in a breathy voice, telling her he wasn’t as composed as he
wanted her to believe.

“Jesus,” was all Jayde said as she put a
bit of space between them.  Her fingers touched her swollen lips as if reliving
the feeling of his on hers.  In all her twenty-nine years, she’d never
experienced a kiss like that one.

“That’s one way of putting it.”

“I really have to go,” Jayde stuttered,
determined to ignore the hard erection that had been pressed against her while
she’d been in his arms.

“And like I said, I will walk you to your
door.”  He gestured for her to lead the way.

This time though when they walked she felt
the light contact of his hand on the small of her back.  Protective and a bit
possessive, his touch made her feel wonderful.  The groups of tourists they
strode through might have gotten close, but none ever touched her.  He made sure
of that.

She stopped at the entrance to her hotel. 
“I can make it from here.” Her words broke the silence that had fallen between
them on the walk back.

“Dinner still?”

Jayde looked at him and nodded.  “Sure. 
Here at…” She shrugged.  “What?  Six?”

“Six it is.” He picked up her hand and
kissed the back of it, never releasing her gaze.  “This doesn’t count as kiss
number two.”

Jayde didn’t respond.  She couldn’t.  All
she could do was stare until her watch beeped again.   Panic crossed her face.
“Shit.  I really have to go.”

“Go then.  I will see you at six in front
of the restaurant.”

“Don’t be late
Tyson Kincade
,” Jayde
drew out his name, winking at him as she turned and ran inside the hotel
disappearing from his sight.


“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Tyson said to her
retreating back.  As he walked off towards his own hotel he knew he had found
the other half to his lonely soul. He felt like he’d just gone through Hell
Week at BUD/S training, where boys went to become men and only a select few of
those determined men became SEALs.  His heart was pounding hard, his palms were
sweaty, and he was exhausted.  At the same time, he was as hard as he’d ever
been and ready to take Jayde to bed and please her or die trying.  He was
pretty sure he could; her explosive response to his kiss had been proof of


Chapter Two

At five to six that evening, a handsomely
dressed Tyson Kincade waited for his dinner date in the lobby of her hotel. He
wore a light-gray, spread-collar dress shirt; a dark green tie; and a black
single-breasted jacket with a pair of perfectly creased black dress pants.

Bottom line, the man Jayde saw as she
approached from the side was mouthwatering gorgeous.  He sensed her arrival
more than anything else.  When he turned to look at her he smiled, a smile of
male satisfaction.

She wore a dress that shimmered when she
walked.  It was also dark green with metallic purple threads running through
it.  Form-fitting yet still extremely elegant with a sweetheart neckline, it
allowed him to see just the tops of her plentiful cleavage.  The tempting flash
of her leg peeked through the slit on the left side.  She wore modest two-inch
heels on her feet.  Tyson appreciated all of her luscious curves in the dress.

“Damn,” was all he could say when she stopped
next to him.  Her hair was up in an intricate-looking twist except for two
tendrils that hung down by her ears.  She wore only a bit of lip gloss and he
was smitten.  A gold chain with a pendant that looked like a locking or “D”
karabiner on it circled her neck.  Another mystery she had. In her ears were
simple golden rose-shaped earrings.

“Good evening, Tyson Kincade.  You look
very handsome this evening.”  Her voice was melodious to his ears.

“You are stunning and beautiful.”  He
kissed her hand, silently applauding his control to not take her right here on
the floor of the hotel lobby.

She blushed.  “Thank you.”  A smile crossed
her face as she looked around, “Ready to eat?”

“Oh, yeah.” The flames in his eyes didn’t
exactly spell out food he craved, more like her.

They walked arm in arm to the maître d'. 
As the tuxedoed man escorted them to their table, she nudged Tyson.  His hazel
eyes looked away from the dance floor they passed and down to her. “What is it
my, little rose?” 
Dear God, don’t let her have changed her mind.
though it was the first time he’d used that endearment, it felt right; there
was no other way to explain it.


After they were seated he asked, “Jayde? 
What does that mean?”

“It’s my name.”  She took a sip of water. 
“Jayde Porter.”

Tyson nodded.  “I like it; it fits you.”

“It’s a freebie.  Just because you look so
handsome,” she said with a small smile.

“Meaning you don’t want a kiss for it?” he
teased her and loved how she blushed.  But he took pity on her and changed the
subject.  “What do you do?”

Jayde sighed.  Leaning forward, she put her
chin on her crossed hands, showing the very empty ring finger off to Tyson.  “I
am currently working at a customer service job.  Not exactly my career choice
but I needed more money.”

I needed more money
. That phrase set
off warning bells in Tyson’s head.  His ex Carrie had needed more money.  How
could his perfect woman be the same?  Was it possible? He just nodded and
silently encouraged her to continue.

“I was there…listen to me like you know
where there is…New York…I was there in New York to take care of a terminally
ill cousin.  I guess I never realized just how expensive the city really was so
I had to get the other job to supplement all her medications and other expenses.
She couldn’t afford it on her own, especially since I was living there and her
utilities went up. She passed away two months ago and I have just sort of
stayed there. Working at the same horrible job. But, until I figure out how I
am going to get wherever I think I want to go, this will have to do. I guess I
was just long overdue for a vacation. So, here I am.” She blinked and smiled
softly before it brightened and she said, “What about you?”

Tyson was shocked. Could she be for real? A
woman who didn’t really feel money was everything and live for spas?  “I am on
medical leave from my job right now.  Well, my second job, I was temporarily
reassigned from my first one and then I got injured on my second; so now they
are determining whether or not I will be able to return to my original
position. Or the second one.” He put his hazel eyes on hers waiting for her to
ask more questions.

“I am sorry to hear that. Did you prefer
the original position?” Jayde wondered.

A wicked glint entered his gaze. “I prefer
all positions, the original just as much as others.”

Jayde pursed her lips and her eyelashes
fluttered.  Clearing her throat, she clarified, “I meant your first job. Do you
like that one better?”

Tyson loved being a SEAL more than anything
and he didn’t know how he’d manage if he weren’t allowed to be one anymore.
“More than anything, I love my first job.”

“In that case, I hope that you can return.”

“Me too.” He was surprised she didn’t pry
further into his past. 
A woman who could respect privacy, what a novelty.

Tyson was used to the “groupies” who’d
sleep with any man who wore the Budweiser, the Trident pin that marked SEAL
team members. When he’d met Carrie, she was different—or so he thought. He’d
believed she cared about him; turned out, all she’d wanted was his money, but
apparently it hadn’t been enough when she’d snuck into his personal files and
discovered how much he really made.  He’d just had a good savings account—“had”
being the operative word.

Carrie’s betrayal had had Tyson believing
all women were the same until now. Something about Jayde made him want to give
commitment a chance. Of course, it could be because he hadn’t been with a woman
in over fourteen months; since working on his latest assignment he hadn’t been
able to “see” Carrie. But he would bet it was because of Jayde.

They ate in silence for a bit before Tyson
spoke. “Why did you agree to have dinner with me?”

The instant flare of heat in her dark eyes
told him much more than she would admit to a loud.  “I’m not sure.  I still
don’t know if this is smart, but there’s something about you.”

His eyebrows arched.  “Something about me? 
Care to explain that?”  He tore off another piece of bread and ate it as he
waited for her answer.

Jayde took another drink of her iced tea
before she answered him.  “You…I don’t know…something about you makes me
feel…well…protected.  I can’t explain it; you have this air about you.”

“Are you saying I stink?” he asked with an
affronted look and sniffed himself.

She laughed.  “No, not that kind of air. 
Maybe an ‘aura’ would be a better word…I am not sure I can explain this.”

“Try.” Tyson sat across from a woman he’d
known for only a few hours in awe.  He never would’ve guessed he had any kind
of “air” or “aura” at all.  Sure, when he’d been with his SEAL team, he
supposed he gave off a dangerous vibe, but he’d been away from it for about a
year now.

“Okay,” she drawled, giving Tyson a real
glimpse into her past.  She was a Southerner.  “There is this look on your face
that tells people around you not to mess with you.  That you know how to defend
yourself.  It’s not aggressive, just confident.”

Jayde shook her head slightly and cocked it
to the side.  “But at the same time I see a gentle strength in you that says
you are willing to protect.  And I feel safe with you, which says a lot since I
don’t trust many men.”  That blush he enjoyed so much filled her cheeks.  “Anyway,
that’s why I agreed to dinner, ’cause I feel safe with you.”

“You are safe with me,” he said as he
reached one hand across the table to grasp one of hers.  “I would never let
anyone harm you.”  There was a fierceness to his tone and a possessiveness in
his eyes that brooked no argument.

Jayde smiled slightly and dropped her eyes
to her plate of food.  Tugging her hand back, she began to cut her chicken; as
she ate, a tingle went up Tyson’s spine.  He glanced around the room and found
some of the local authorities looking at him.  Jayde was hidden by the person
behind her, but they’d spotted him and were gesturing and speaking with
agitated motions. After a moment they disappeared, but he didn’t feel any
relief.  He’d learned a long time ago to trust his gut, and he didn’t like what
he’d seen.

“Is everything all right, Tyson?”  Jayde’s
voice broke into his thoughts.

“Sure.  Just thinking about work and
things.” He didn’t want to worry her.

Jayde nodded.  “Tell me more about you.”

“For a woman who didn’t want to give me her
name, you sure want to know a lot about me,” he teased.

“Humor me,” she quipped as she finished her
meal and wiped her mouth.

“Yes, ma’am.  What do you want to know?”
Tyson laid his utensils down on the table, done with his meal as well.

Jayde put her elbows on the table and
leaned on her fists to stare directly at him.  “Surprise me.”

Tyson leaned in too.  “I grew up in Texas. 
The Dallas-Fort Worth area.  Went to college at the best—the University of
Texas.”  He didn’t tell her that after one year there he’d transferred to
Annapolis for OCS, Officer Candidate School.

“Go Longhorns,” she added with a grin.

“You a Longhorn?” he asked as an
olive-skinned man pushing a cart full of desserts stopped by their table. Four
shelves of mouthwatering pastries sat there waiting for their decisions,
tempting their stomachs that didn’t seem so full anymore.

“No.  But some of my good friends are.”  She
paused to point out which dessert from the passing cart she wanted to try.  A
bread pudding soaked in whiskey sauce. “I’m a Bulldog.  UGA all the way, baby.”

He laughed.  “Football fan, huh?” Tyson
pointed to a triple-layered chocolate cake drizzled with raspberry sauce.

“Love it,” she said with rising
enthusiasm.  Her entire body glowed with her animation.  “I watch more
professional now than anything, but I still follow college.”  They fell silent
as their desserts were placed in front of them by a pretty young woman who was
with the man; that was her only job.

“How’s yours?”  Tyson asked as they began

Without hesitation Jayde put some of the
bread pudding on her fork and held it out across the table for him to try.  As
his mouth closed around her fork, he envisioned himself sucking on her mouth
and other parts that he desperately wanted to give his attentions.  “Mmmm…”  He
sighed and licked his lips. “Delicious.  Here, try mine.”

Jayde accepted the chocolate bite.  “That’s

His hazel eyes never left hers as he drew
the fork into his mouth to clean it off, relishing what little chocolate there
was leftover from her taste.

“Everything he does is erotic,” Jayde
muttered softly under her breath.  Not soft enough, though, because Tyson heard
it and his body responded, hardening to the point of being almost painful.


After dinner and dessert, they ordered hot
drinks; Tyson had coffee and Jayde had tea.  “So tell me why you wanted to have
dinner with me,” Jayde suggested.

“I didn’t want our time together to end so
soon.  I wanted…and still do…want to get to know you better,” Tyson answered
the woman who had ensnared him.

“Right.  You just wanted my name.” Her eyes
twinkled with good humor.

“That too.”  He winked.  Sliding his chair
back he stood and walked around to her side of the table.  “Dance with me.” He
didn’t understand what she was doing to him; he’d hated dancing with Carrie and
would avoid doing so at all cost.  So why was it so important for him to dance
with Jayde?  Because he wanted to hold her in his arms once again.

“Okay.” Jayde stood and they walked over to
where other couples were dancing. With ease he maneuvered them out onto the
dance floor.  They moved around effortlessly, her head eventually resting
against his chest.

Content to hold her, Tyson kept them out
there for three songs.  She moved so well in his arms on the dance floor; he
knew they would move this well in bed together also. After the third song
ended, he escorted her back to their table, his hand resting on the small of
her back.  They passed a large mirrored surface and Tyson got a good look at
them.  They made a wonderful couple.  He fair, she dark.  He tall, she
shorter.  He trim, she curvy.  He also noticed that other people were watching
them almost enviously.

Tyson helped her back into her chair and
then reclaimed his seat, signaling for another round of drinks.

“Thank you,” she said.

“For what?”

“The dance.  You are a wonderful dancer.”

“You as well.  But you are welcome just the
same. Tell me more about you,” Tyson said as their drinks were filled.

“Not much to tell.  I lead a very boring

“I doubt that.  What about your family?”
His eyes moved around the room before settling back on her face.

“My parents are alive and well in Savannah,
Georgia.  I have three brothers and two sisters.  I am the youngest at
twenty-nine.  They all want to control my life and that’s about it.”  She
smiled sadly.

Arching an eyebrow, he took a sip of his
coffee.  “I don’t see how your life could be boring with five siblings in it. 
If I can ask without it being too personal, how come you were the one sent to
take care of your cousin?”

“Because I hadn’t started what they
considered a ‘real’ career yet.  So I went to New York.  But I got away from
‘the bosses’, my family, for a while.  I am glad I went; sorry she died, but
glad I was there with her.  If that makes any sense.” Jayde shrugged.

“It does.  It makes perfect sense.  You
needed to get away from your ‘overbearing’ family and though you are sorry it
took a family member’s illness to do so, you were glad you got to go.”

“You do understand.”

“So, what is your big ‘career’ that you
haven’t started yet?” he asked. She blushed and he wondered what she was

BOOK: Kincade's Rose (Megalodon Team)
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