Read King Hall Online

Authors: Scarlett Dawn

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy

King Hall (4 page)

BOOK: King Hall
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I know they can hear me
, Dominic purred.
I’m going to get payback on you tonight.

Instantly, my gaze hooded so no one would see the reaction he always had on me.

“Are you two doing it right now?” Pearl asked, her voice airy, golden eyes only dimly glowing. “I feel something,” she paused slightly. “It’s magic.”

As Dominic straightened, I watched her closely. She was definitely a very powerful Mage and I answered honestly. “Yes. We were.” I cocked my head. “You’re muting your power right now.” Even as she used it, her power was hardly noticeable in the air, a true talent, one I had actually been trying to master the past month. “Would you mind…” I left it unsaid. I wanted to see how much she glowed.

She blinked, coming back to herself, smiling softly. “Actually, I think that would be fun. A little demonstration to show our powers.” She glanced at all the Prodigies. “Are you all okay with that? A magical get-to-know-you?”

Jack shrugged.

Dominic sat back on his chair, merely watching, not agreeing just yet.

Ezra’s lips curved. “I would need a volunteer. Are you offering?”

She shook her head immediately. “Can’t you do something that doesn’t require blood?”

He relaxed further on his chair, his grin turning wicked. “I can do many things that don’t require blood, but I don’t think your mate would appreciate them.”

I snorted, then quickly coughed to cover it. This man was something else.

Gideon glared, and started to argue, but Pearl stopped him by scolding Ezra, “Don’t be crude.” Ezra only grinned wider and she cleared her throat, pressing on. “Can’t you do something,” a wave of her hand, “

Gradually, he nodded.

Pearl beamed, glancing to Dominic. “Are you in?”

Dominic eyed her, eventually murmuring, “Sure, if you guys can handle it.” His dark gaze caught mine. “You’ll need to leave.”

I stared. “Why?”

“You don’t appreciate being made to do something by force.”

I still stared. “What are you going to make them do?”

“Stand from their chair. Nothing bad.”

Blinking slowly, I muttered dryly, “I think I can handle that.”


I smirked. “Yeah. I can handle the big, bad wolf.”

He chuckled quietly, kissing my forehead.

“Who wants to go first?” Pearl asked happily.

“I will,” Jack hummed, sitting forward casually. “I won’t do anything too awful, like, drown or freeze you, but you’ll get wet.”

Pushing away the harsh thoughts after he said the word
— my mom having died that way — I watched as he sucked in a small breath, his brown eyes glowing abruptly. He raised one finger off the table where it rested and I felt a rush of water Elemental power run like an electrical current around the table. His finger dropped sharply. A blue ring of water appeared from nowhere above everyone’s heads. It dropped.

I gasped as cold water drenched me, hearing shrieks or grunts from one and all, except for King Fergus, who was quiet and bone-dry, with a slightly glowing gaze. Sputtering, I wiped frigid water out of my eyes, blinking repeatedly across the table into Ezra’s spring green gaze; his black lashes were stuck together like miniature spears and his spiked hair was now flat on his head, blue water dripping down his chin. His eyes lowered, his gaze immediately hooded.

My teeth started chattering, my frame disturbed with shivers. The water was freezing. My eyes lowering slightly, I saw Ezra’s white t-shirt plastered to him like he was in a wet t-shirt contest. It was then that realization hit. My head dropped as I peered to my own white t-shirt.

Ah, shit.
In my haste to get away from the Shifters in the locker room, I hadn’t even attempted to put my bra back on. The damn thing was currently in my book bag under the table. Yanking my suctioned t-shirt away from my skin, I glowered at the Vampire.

Jack flicked the same finger not ten seconds after we had been drenched, and instantaneously, the water was gone. As if it had never been. Everyone’s everything back in place. Perfect.

I let go of my, now, dry t-shirt and leaned against Dominic, still glaring.

Ezra’s lips curled softly.

“Impressive,” Dominic murmured, wrapping his arm around me, keeping me close.

Jack inclined his head. “Thank you.” Now we knew that he could kill us if he wanted.

“I’ll go next,” Pearl offered. Instantly, she glowed such a bright gold that it verged on hurting my eyes. She began murmuring under her breath and our spoons flew into the air, hovering directly in front of our faces. All except King Nelson’s spoon. His lowered to the table when his eyes glowed.

The rest of the spoons didn’t stay in place either. They darted in a clockwise motion in front of our faces. Kept going. Faster…
. The rotation was so rapid that they blurred, appearing like one solid ring of shining grey in front of our faces.

They stopped abruptly, our own spoon precisely in front of us, and lowered to the table, still once more.

A bit dizzy after watching them, I cleared my throat.

Jack chuckled quietly. “That was illuminating.”

I peered down at the knife on the table. Yeah, illuminating. I wouldn’t want her trying that with a sharp weapon. Hell, even spoons at that speed were dangerous if they hit a person at the right spot.

Dominic was also eyeing his knife, but he quickly lifted his gaze, saying, “My turn, I guess.” His eyes instantly glowed dark black, his power hitting me like a semitrailer. I gasped while everyone at the table jerked hard; his demand was quiet, his wolf growling low. “Stand.” My body vibrated; I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t want to stand. I fought it just as it appeared everyone else was doing, but Dominic sucked in another breath and whispered, “

His power hit even harder.

I bowed, grabbing the table while hearing chairs being knocked over in the occupant’s haste to do as Dominic bid; my own Shifter power flared in defiance, my eyes glowing bright blue and my butt still firmly planted on my seat, just like King Kincaid’s was. My face began to glisten with sweat, but I was still sitting. I groaned low, panting. Every muscle in my body was pushing me to obey, the pressure hurting like wild fire to stay in place, my body burning from the inside out.

“Dom,” his dad stated harshly, eyes glowing identically with a King’s command.


A beat later, Dominic’s power cut off, delicious relief touching the heinous sparks inside me. I gulped air, slumping against him. He caught me, holding me against his chest and rubbing his hand soothingly up and down my back. I could tell the others were awed, but really, after that, I just wanted to lie down and take a nap.

“Ms. Ruckler held out,” Mrs. Jonas murmured. “It must be because they’re mates.”

I groaned under my breath, realizing my mistake too late, now grasping for a non-answer. “It wasn’t easy.” It wasn’t because we were mates. It was because, though I usually allowed them to believe otherwise, I wasn’t weak in my own Shifter power. Surprise was a wonderful defense if ever needed — the main reason why I continued to try to master masking my power.

King Kincaid lifted his arms above his head, arching in a massive stretch. “She’s not kidding.” He smiled at his son as everyone righted their chairs. “Nicely done.”

I grunted, even as Dominic nodded his head. The hell with that. Next time, I was leaving the room when he pulled that crap. He tilted my chin up, kissing my lips lightly, and whispered, “You okay?”

I nodded, wiping sweat off my forehead. Everyone else was just as pristine as they were before. If I hadn’t fought so hard, I would be too. His lips brushed mine again, lingering, and only pulled away when the wild card Vampire spoke.

Sounding bored, Ezra muttered, “My turn.” Leaning back on his chair, slouching, he peered directly at King Kincaid. His eyes flashed a bright green. “What was the best part of your evening last night?”

Instant. “Having sex with my mate in the laundry room.” The King’s mouth slammed shut.

Dominic groaned, dropping his head on top of mine, while I tried not to laugh, watching King Kincaid’s cheeks pink as he glanced awkwardly at his son.

Ezra’s eyes flashed again, this time toward King Venclaire. “What was your last sexual position?”

Instant. “Don’t even try that on me.” He glared, his own blue eyes flashing. Guess it didn’t work on him. Like all the other Kings, King Venclaire had protected himself against his Prodigy.

Ezra merely smirked, then repeated his power on everyone, peering straight into their eyes with a single flash of spring green, then asking whatever he wanted and getting an instant, honest answer.

I learned King Fergus hadn’t gotten laid in two years. King Nelson was gay and mated. Jack had a thing for late night porn. Pearl’s favorite place to have sex was in the hot tub. Gideon’s favorite was in the shower. Dominic enjoyed me being on top the best.

Seriously, I couldn’t think it enough: this guy was something else.

I kept my gaze down, not wanting to get flashed.

He chuckled deeply. “What’s the matter? Afraid of what you’ll say about your mate?”

My eyebrows slammed together, and instinctively my eyes raked up, glaring.

His eyes flashed.

I felt a slamming inside my head. A deep presence urged me to say I was a hybrid. My vision was gone, only a spring green void in front of me. My sanity hadn’t disappeared, though. My teeth gritting, I pushed back at the foreign presence.

I gasped, blinking through the surprise of release. My eyesight was back and in focus. I allowed myself a quiet sigh of relief, knowing that I hadn’t blabbed.

Ezra’s eyebrows lowered.


All I saw was an abyss of spring green. I was floating in it, warm. Safe.

Tell me your deepest secret
,” a voice purred, surrounding my mind, all the hidden places, an invading fog pouring into every crevasse. “
,” the voice hummed. “
Tell me

My mouth was open, my vocal chords pulling me to shout my hidden nature. Grunting, my teeth instantly ground against each other. I didn’t trust that voice. Only Dominic’s did I trust, and that wasn’t his purr.

My wolf growled and I heaved against the pressure, hissing, “Screw you.” Trembling, I gasped, the room once more coming back into focus.

Dominic still had me wrapped in his arms. “What the hell kind of question was that?”

Ezra was studying me, silent.

King Venclaire rumbled, “One which shouldn’t have been asked in this game, a damn good reason why I protected her.” A foot moved away from mine under the table, and King Venclaire flicked his Prodigy a chastising glance, which Ezra didn’t see…because he was still staring.

I flipped him off. That had been hard as hell to resist, even with King Venclaire’s help.

“How?” Mrs. Jonas asked.

“His foot. Under the table,” I murmured absently, still glaring and, also, a tad freaked. Ezra had
a lot
of power. He had kicked my butt both physically and mentally today. Time for a little false boasting. “Maybe I’ll visit you in my wolf form.” I grinned. I would happily rip into his leg with my teeth. He would heal quickly enough. I growled a little, letting my wolf take voice.

“Lily…” King Kincaid admonished quietly.

I sighed and stopped snarling at Ezra, who had reclined calmly on his chair, crossing his arms over his chest like I hadn’t just growled and, possibly, threatened him.

He grinned.

While I was tapping my fingers on the table, the server set another course in front of me, but I held Ezra’s gaze straight on.

As thirty seconds turned into a minute, my eyes began to water.

Our staring contest continued.

Only when Dominic mentally growled to not start trouble did I sigh, looking away.

There would be plenty of other opportunities.

With everyone else still inside the office chatting, Dominic and I stood directly outside the front entrance of the administrative building. A moment away from the others, just for us. I brushed my lips over his, readying myself to rush to my poetry class. “I’ll see you later.”

He nodded, but glanced up when his dad and King Venclaire walked out the door, almost running in to us as they spoke quietly. Dominic quickly tugged me aside, the door swinging wide and almost hitting me in the head. Wrapping his arms around me, he glared. “Can’t we get a moment of privacy?”

King Kincaid chuckled quietly. “King Venclaire, do you know this word
my son is speaking of?”

“Never heard of it,” King Venclaire murmured absently, bending low so that he was right in front of my face. Again his eyes darted across my face, but this time he smiled. “Angela Springs was your mother. Your face is the spitting image of her. Your hair threw me because hers was dark brown, and her eyes were brown whereas yours are blue. But there’s no denying it.” His gaze skimmed down my face again unhurriedly. “You’re her daughter.”

My heart jumping to my throat, I pressed harder against Dominic. I knew what my real last name had been when I was born — before it was changed to Ruckler — but my mom had always told me that, if anyone ever knew who she was, I was to get the hell out of town. I scanned the lawn, looking for hiding exits, seeing only open space.

King Venclaire grabbed my chin, swiftly turning my attention toward him. His eyebrows were together, his features etched with worry. “From what King Kincaid’s said, I understand you lost her. It must be hard, but try not to panic. I didn’t mean to make you overwrought.” He seemed…

I gulped. The area was quiet; I realized that there was nowhere to run, with a King to my left and another in front of me, so I had to get my act together. I nodded swiftly, playing a part: breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth to even my heartbeat and stating, “She only died a little over a year ago. It’s still very raw.” Anybody could hear that in my tone.

King Venclaire smiled delicately, his words just as gentle. “I’m so sorry for your loss.” His eyes unfocused and his expression softened further, his tone a whisper. “I knew her. She and I were,” he hesitated, “friends, long ago.” His sigh was quiet, sounding weary. “I would have liked to have kept in touch with her, but I imagine Mr. Ruckler was who she ran off with?” He straightened when I stayed silent, his eyes dancing across my features again, his tone still whisper-soft. “She was quite beautiful. As are you, Lily.”

BOOK: King Hall
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