Read Kiss Me Online

Authors: Kristine Mason

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General, #Contemporary Women

Kiss Me (11 page)

BOOK: Kiss Me
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She wrapped her legs around his back. “Who says we have to? Don’t forget, I still have a roll of duct tape.” She pretended to peer over his shoulder at the corner of the room. “And I’m not afraid to use it.”

He laughed, then planted a kiss on her forehead. “What about dinner and the comedy club?”

“Did you already pay for the tickets?”



“Why’s that?” he asked and gently thrust his hips.

Squeezing her legs tighter, she ran her hands down his back until she reached his rear. “Because you’re not going anywhere tonight.”


Jenna slid the patio door open, and inhaled the mouthwatering aroma of cracked peppercorn and roasted beef. Her stomach grumbled. An impromptu cookout at Darci and Nate’s was the perfect way to end a perfect weekend.

Friday night, they’d ditched the comedy club and spent the night in her bed. Saturday, after Luke had worked a few hours at the office, they’d gone out on his boat, cruised to The Flats for a late afternoon dinner, then watched the sunset from a secluded alcove. While the sun had dipped below the horizon, he’d made love to her, then again beneath the stars.

As Luke and Nate talked, while they grilled the steaks, she watched them, watched him. Still in awe over what they’d come to share in such a short amount of time. Two weeks ago, she never would have thought they’d be where they were today. A couple, openly expressing themselves in front of their best friends, minus the ridiculous amount of PDA Darci and Nate were fond of showing.

She eyed Luke’s tight rear and had the sudden urge to squeeze it. Her cheeks grew warm as sensual images bombarded her mind.

“What are you thinking about?” Darci asked as she came out on the patio carrying a bowl filled with pasta salad.

“Nothing,” she said and took the bowl from Darci’s hands, then set it on the patio table. “Are you ready to bring everything else out?”

Before they headed back into the house, Darci eyed the guys. “I am, but who knows how long before they’ll be ready with those steaks. All of this man-grill talk is slowing up dinner. I swear, the only thing Nate can cook is a scrambled egg, but get him close to a grill and the man thinks he’s Michael Symon.”

“It’s a guy thing.”

“I suppose,” Darci said as she gathered plates and silverware. “So…are you going to let me in on why you and Luke haven’t been able to take your eyes off each other?”

Her face heated. Clutching the napkins and condiments against her chest, she turned to Darci. “Is it that obvious?”

“Hello? I feel like I need to fan myself whenever I’m near you two.”

Jenna cocked a brow and grinned. “Now you know how I’ve been feeling ever since you’d hooked up with Nate.”

“Touché’, but I’m not going to let you off that easy.”

“Heaven forbid.”

“C’mon, Jenna,” Darci whined. “I’ve been waiting for you two to finally —”

“We did.”

Darci dropped several pieces of silverware and nearly fumbled the plates. “You did what?”

“Ya know…”

“No, I don’t.”

“Well, then your fiancé needs to take some pointers from Luke.”

“Pointers?” Darci frowned, then widened her eyes. Nodding, she chuckled, “Right, pointers. Trust me, Nate doesn’t need any, but I’m glad you’re finally getting some.”

Jenna smiled. “You and me, both,” she said, then grew serious. “The thing is, it’s more than sex with Luke. Better than anything I’ve ever shared with anyone. I…love him.”

The high-pitched squeal Darci released had her dogs running to the kitchen, barking and panting. “I knew it,” she gushed as she dropped the rest of the plates and silverware on the table, then hugged her. “I’m so happy for you. Wait a sec.” She drew back and eyed her. “Does he…know this?”

“Yes. And he feels the same.”

Another squeal had the dogs yelping and dancing. “Oh, this is fabulous. I told you —”

“Steaks are done,” Nate said as he slid open the patio door.

“I’m so happy for you.” Darci gave her a final squeeze, then picked up the plates and silverware. “Coming,” she called, then with a conspiratorial wink, headed out the patio door.

After a delicious dinner, they played a few rounds of cards. Tired of Darci and Nate kicking their butts, Jenna laid down her cards. “I’m done with this game.”

“You wouldn’t be if you were winning,” Nate commented, then reached for his beer.

“Nate,” Darci reprimanded from across the table and began stacking the cards.

“Go easy on him,” Luke said. “He hasn’t been able to beat me at golf all summer, so let him gloat over a card game.”

Pursing her lips, Darci nodded. “You’re right. My poor darling told me his golf game hasn’t been up to par — no pun intended,” she added with a smile.

“My game hasn’t been that bad,” Nate grumbled while a grin tugged his lips. “And regardless, a win’s a win, so I think the losers should be on clean up duty.”

“Honey,” Darci said to Nate. “Must we be so competitive? Besides, they’re our guests and if you help me, there’ll be a special consolation prize for you later.”

Talk about needing a fan. The heated looks exchanged between Darci and Nate could fire up the grill.

Luke cleared his throat. “Why don’t Jenna and I go for a walk?”

“Mmmm,” Darci hummed, never taking her eyes off of Nate. “That’s a great idea.”

“Yeah, take your time,” Nate said, while still staring at Darci.

Jenna stood and tried to wipe out the images of Darci giving Nate the consolation prize. Knowing those two, it probably involved a sex swing and a bunch of heavy breathing. “A walk sounds nice.”

“Sure does,” Luke said as he rose from the patio chair and took her hand.

Although it had only been a few hours since he’d last touched her, she’d missed the feel of him. Oh boy, she really was in deep, especially because she couldn’t imagine never having him hold her again. The thought caused her stomach to jump, but she quickly shook off her insecurities. She loved Luke, he loved her. From here on out, things would only become better, their relationship stronger.

He led her off the deck, then he veered left toward the neighboring house. The home Darci had lived in for a brief time before moving in with Nate.

“What are we doing here?” she asked as they crossed the adjoining lawn and approached the walkway leading to the front door. “I thought we were going for a walk.”

The sconces on the pillar columns lining the front porch gave off enough light to allow her to catch the small smile playing across Luke’s lips. “We are,” he said and tugged her toward the front door.

“But —”

He stopped. “Shh…” He brushed his lips against hers.

A little dazed and completely turned on by the soft, gentle kiss, she reached for him, but he stepped back and pulled a key from his pocket. Before she could question his intentions, he unlocked the door.

“Let’s walk,” he coaxed and offered his hand.

A moonlit stroll, staring at the stars while they held hands and stole kisses, was more what she had in mind. But the excitement in his eyes silenced her complaint and ramped up her curiosity. “Okay,” she said and took his hand.

He planted a quick kiss on her cheek, then led her into the great room. “What do you think of this room?”

“I’ve always loved it. You know this used to be Darci’s grandma’s house, right?”

He nodded.

“Well, when we were kids, I’d tag along, and come to Darci’s family parties. They were crazy and loud, the complete opposite of what I was used to.” That was an understatement. When her dad had left, her mom had severed all ties with his family. Her mother was an only child, and her parents had died before she was born, so that left just the two of them. A recluse and a defiant kid made for many miserable holidays. “Anyway, this is a great room.”

“Hence the name. But if it was your great room, what would you do with it?”

She eyed the stark white walls and the shiny hardwood floors. A large brick fireplace sat on the center wall. Glass cabinets flanked the brick, and on either side were large windows. “With just the right color, maybe a dark taupe, an area rug with red and gold, brown leather furniture…what?” she asked over his deep chuckle.

“Nothing, let’s head into the kitchen.”

With each room he’d led her to, he had asked her opinion. By the time they’d made it to the master bedroom, her curiosity peaked. “Why are we really here?” she asked after telling him she’d love to see the master bedroom done in shades of gold and chocolate brown.

Turning, he gripped her free hand. “I’ve decided to buy Darci’s place and wanted your opinion.”

“What? I mean, wow. Congratulations.”

He frowned. “Didn’t Darci tell you?”

“No, I mean yes, sort of.” She knew Luke had been interested, but Darci had never mentioned that he’d actually gone through with the purchasing process. Apparently she’d have to have a little talk with the Cupid wannabe.

He threw his arm around her and eyed the bedroom with pride. “I’m still waiting for the loan to go through, so it’s not official yet, but it should be in a few weeks.”

A few weeks? This was way too much to digest. She wanted to be happy for him. Really. But what if things went sour between them? If that happened, every time she visited Darci and Nate’s she’d have to look at this house, know that the man she’d loved, the only man she’d loved, lived there. Even worse, what if she happened to go to Darci’s and inadvertently saw a woman leave Luke’s?

“Well,” he prompted. “What do you think?”

She quickly squashed those terrible thoughts. They loved each other and she couldn’t live her life on a bunch of what ifs anymore. “I think it’s fabulous,” she said, and meant every word. Luke had worked hard to achieve his dreams, and she couldn’t be any happier for him.

He cupped her cheeks. “I know I should have told you sooner.”

“Luke, it’s really none of my business.”

“Of course it is,” he said, and sifted his fingers through her hair. “I love you.”

She snuggled against his chest. “I love you too.”

He stroked her back, then embraced her. Resting his chin on her head he said, “Every time I drop by this old house, I picture you here with me.”

“You do?” Oh boy, that was
what she’d expected him to say. Sure they’d known each other for almost five months, and yeah, they were in love, but living together? She’d just taken her first steps into a committed relationship. Now he was suggesting they play house? She wasn’t sure if she was ready to give up her independence, after all she’d been living on her own for eight years. To make that type of commitment, and if things went bad, and she had to move out…

“Jenna,” he said, and eased back. “I’d had my eye on this house from the moment Nate moved in next door. When Darci inherited it from her grandma I was disappointed. For years I’d pictured myself here, but in those daydreams I was never alone. This might sound stupid…” He looked to the ceiling as if gathering his words or maybe the courage to say them.

“What is it?” she asked, both curious and terrified. Because since she’d been a little girl, and Darci’s parents had brought her to her first Farraday family function, she had fallen in love with this house and had daydreamed about living here, too.

“Promise not to psychoanalyze me?”


“Okay, here it goes,” he said, releasing a deep sigh. “Until I met you, I could never
the person I shared this house with. Now I know why.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I hadn’t met you yet, and now I can’t imagine not having you here with me.”

“Luke, I —”

He brushed the pad of his thumb along her lips. “No rush. I know this is sudden, but if you moved in with me, you could sell your house and use the money for the group home you want to open.”

Her mind raced. She did have a nest egg set aside for the group home, but knew that money wouldn’t cover all the costs involved. The sale of her house would, though. Although enticing, she would never sell her house and move in with Luke for that reason. If she were to ever make such a huge commitment, it would be based on love, not monetary convenience.

While she loved Luke, how could she be sure what they shared would last? How could she be sure Luke was
one? Her mom had thought her dad was, and he’d dumped them after fifteen years of marriage. Would Luke marry her, raise children with her, then one day up and leave for a newer, younger model?

Staring into his expressive eyes, seeing the intense love pouring from his soul, gave her confidence. Luke wasn’t anything like her father. Despite his commitment-phobic tendencies before they’d met, he’d proved to her he was in for the long haul. He’d taught her so much about herself. Stripped away her own commitment issues, made her realize that she’d used sex to shield her heart, and that she was truly capable of loving someone.

“I know this is sudden,” he began, “And I don’t expect you to answer me tonight, but it’s something I’d like you to think about.”

BOOK: Kiss Me
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