Read Knight's Mistress Online

Authors: C. C. Gibbs

Tags: #Contemporary

Knight's Mistress (12 page)

BOOK: Knight's Mistress
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‘Let’s just say it’s a trade-off. I want something, they want something.’

‘So I should ask for something. Is that what you’re saying?’

His smile was breathtaking. Moving into her space, he slid a finger under her chin and gently lifted her face so the blue of his eyes glittered in the neon lights. ‘Name it, Miss Hart.’

She caught her breath. He meant it. ‘Anything?’

Ignoring the crowd, he slid his free hand down her back, pulled her into his body, bent his head until his mouth was hovering a hair’s-breadth from hers. ‘Anything at all,’ he whispered.

She could feel his erection hard against her stomach and her response was intense. And it had nothing to do with any monetary quid pro quo. ‘How gentle is gentle?’ The website video was still vivid in her memory.

Her question was swallowed up in the noise of the street.

He turned his head so his ear brushed her mouth and
when she repeated what she’d said, he swept her up in his arms and said loud enough to be heard above the tumult. ‘It’s up to you.’

She grinned. ‘No orders? I don’t believe it.’

‘I have my moments.’

‘When you want sex.’

‘When I want sex with you.’

The virtual traffic gridlock aside, his car was waiting at the kerb near the restaurant, and despite Kate’s protest, Dominic slid into the back seat, still carrying her. ‘It doesn’t matter,’ he murmured, settling her on his lap. ‘You don’t know anyone here.’

‘But everyone knows you.’

‘Are you kidding? In this crush.’ He dropped a quick kiss on her nose, then spoke to the driver. ‘We’re going back to the Ritz. Try not to run over anyone.’

The driver understood, and leaning on the horn, he slowly forced his way through the stalled traffic, until they finally broke free two blocks from the harbour.

‘God, you feel good in my arms like this,’ Dominic said, husky and low. ‘There’s something about you …’ His voice trailed off. Full disclosure was always a mistake.

‘There’s something about you, too, and I can feel it’ – Kate wiggled her bottom – ‘in all its impressive glory.’

‘Are you saying we impress you, Miss Hart?’ Back on safe ground, his voice was teasing.

‘Do fish swim?’

He laughed. ‘Clearly, a romantic.’

‘I doubt you want a romantic.’

‘True. Still,’ he said with a grin, ‘I’d hate to think you want me only for my impressive size.’

‘Sorry,’ she murmured, with a playful flutter of her lashes. ‘But I’m only in the market for stud services tonight.’

When in the past he would have been grateful for such a reply, he suddenly felt otherwise. ‘Maybe I can change your mind.’ His smile was impudent. ‘I can be very persuasive.’

‘I’m sure you can. But Nana didn’t raise any dumb kids, so your persuasion might not work.’

‘We’ll have to see, won’t we?’ he asked, arching his hips upwards and pleasing them both.

Her eyes shut and she softly moaned, the hard length of his erection pressed into her bottom firing up every sexual receptor in her body.

‘Did you like that?’ he whispered. ‘Would you like to feel me inside you? Deep, deep inside? Open your eyes, Miss Hart.’ His voice suddenly took on a hard edge. ‘Look at me.’

Her lashes slowly lifted, her gaze moody. ‘I don’t respond well to that tone of voice.’

‘Maybe this time you should.’ A slow smile formed on his lips. ‘Because I have what you need.’

Her nostrils flared, a hot-tempered green flame lit her eyes. ‘I don’t
you. I have a vibrator.’

‘I know.’

‘Jesus,’ she hissed, trying to shove him away. ‘Have you ever heard of privacy?’

His grip tightened. ‘Don’t make a scene,’ he quietly said. ‘We’re here now – at the docks.’

She glanced out the window, saw a man suddenly materialize at the car door. Dragging in a breath, she reminded herself that she was in Asia with a man she barely knew who could make grown men quail. Dominic’s people were everywhere and until she reached the hotel, she was subject to his authority. The hotel staff would be less beholden to him. ‘I’m fine,’ she calmly said. ‘I won’t make a scene. But I’d like to walk, if you don’t mind.’

He looked at her askance for a moment, surprised at her sudden docility. Then he dipped his head. ‘Suit yourself.’ When the door opened a second later, he lifted her from his lap, set her on her feet outside, joined her a moment later and led her to the launch. Neither spoke as the boat accelerated away from the dock at high speed. Pouring himself another single malt, Dominic left the cabin without a word and soon after, Kate heard his voice up on deck.

He came down for her as they approached Kowloon, and after docking, escorted her to a waiting car. The trip to the hotel passed in a cool silence.

She didn’t exactly flounce into the Ritz-Carlton, although it was clear to anyone looking that Mr Knight’s female companion was unhappy. His expression, in contrast, was placid. To the hotel staff, however, the state of Mr Knight’s disposition had sizeable financial consequences.

The night manager came running up as they crossed the lobby. Bowing like any practised courtier, he breathlessly inquired whether he could be of service to Dominic.

‘Thank you, no.’ Dominic smiled politely. ‘Although, if you’d see that we’re not disturbed until morning, I’d appreciate it. Miss Hart is tired.’

The man shot a glance at Kate’s stubbornly set jaw, understood that it was safer to defer to Mr Knight’s request than not, and crisply said, ‘As you wish, sir.’

If you only knew what I wished.
need coffee at eight tomorrow morning though,’ Dominic said mildly.

‘Yes, sir.’

The manager held open the elevator door for Kate and Dominic, and the moment the doors shut, he called up to the club level. ‘Both of you get down here,’ he snapped to the concierge. ‘Mr Knight doesn’t want to be disturbed tonight.’


So much for help from the staff, Kate thought, as the elevator carried them upward. The manager had practically kissed Dominic’s ring. Which meant she was on her own and her only true security lay in a locked and chained door.

When the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened, thanks to an evening’s worth of champagne, a fuming temper and a sense of self-preservation, Kate shot out like a sprinter from the blocks. ‘Don’t you fucking dare follow me,’ she muttered under her breath as she stalked away without a backward glance.

Had she looked back, she would have seen Dominic Knight contemplating her hasty retreat with a faint smile.

The moment she entered her suite, she slammed the door, turned the lock and jammed in the chain.

Oh Christ. Was the butler still here?
She spun around. No. Thank God. She exhaled in relief. Dominic could say all he wanted about people not listening, but they did. And
as far as she was concerned, it was only a question of when they’d spill the beans, not if. But then she probably read more
National Enquirer
articles than he did.

Tossing aside the shawl, she kicked off her shoes and moved across the softly lit living room, past the artfully arranged fruit and cheese tray on the coffee table set next to the bottle of champagne on ice, and grinned.
Fuck you, Dominic Knight. Everything doesn’t always go your way, does it?
Untying the bow at her waist, she entered the spacious bedroom with the million-dollar view, unzipped the back of her dress and let it slide from her shoulders. Pausing long enough to step out of the puddled silk on the carpet, she slid her thumbs under the elastic of her panties, paused again so they could slither down her legs and with a slightly inebriated skip and a jump, left them discarded on the floor. Two steps more and she dropped onto the bed already turned down by unseen hands.

The mattress was soft as down, the sheets some outrageous thread count and smooth as silk, the pile of pillows a minor distraction until she tossed all but one on the floor and curled up under the wisteria-coloured king-sized quilt covering the king-sized bed. If someone was watching – and no doubt someone was – they would have marvelled at how quickly she moved from wakefulness to sleep.

Five seconds.
Dominic smiled, dropped his watch hand and gently shut the door to the suite next door. Had he been a prideful man, her indifference would have been humbling. As it was, it left him with plenty of time to
decide what he wanted to do. Or more precisely, how he wanted to do it.

With Miss Hart sleeping, he took the opportunity to check his email because urgent mail was a constant in his life. Someone, somewhere, always needed an answer. An hour later, the most pressing messages had been addressed, and stripping off his clothes, he put on a T-shirt and pyjama pants. Moving through the silent corridors, he walked into the bar, filled a glass with ice and poured himself a rye. Alone in the room that boasted one of the best views in the world, he slowly drank his rye and contemplated the dazzling splendour of Hong Kong, all blazing neon and sparkling lights against the darkness.

Unfortunately, the splendid view took second place to his thoughts. Miss Hart had looked exactly as he’d pictured her in his imagination. Slender, lithesome, great tits and legs that went on for ever. Her skin had been unusually pale in the moonlit room – the word ‘immaculate’ had suddenly taken on a presence. Along with all the perverse connotations having to do with that notion. As if purity itself was a challenge. Christ, he needed a little restraint here. Miss Hart wasn’t bought and paid for. It had been a long time since he’d approached a woman who wasn’t aware of her role and function. He’d have to make sure he didn’t scare the hell out of Miss Hart. With that stricture in mind, he poured himself another rye and enjoyed the view and a rare moment of solitude.

After he finished the drink, he reached over the bar and set the glass in the sink. He might have staff and employees in almost constant attendance but he was capable of taking care of himself. In fact, there were times he preferred it.

Like now.

Sliding from the barstool, he stood motionless.

This occasion felt very different and it wasn’t just because there was no money involved. On the other hand, he’d never once seriously questioned his intentions towards Miss Hart. Or at least not since Amsterdam. So …

He slipped the key card from his pocket.

A half-hour later, Kate rolled over, squinted against the moonlight for a second, then suddenly sat bolt upright. ‘How the hell did you get in here?’ she gasped. She suddenly felt vulnerable alone in this hotel room with a man who had no limits, was accountable to no one, who bought anyone and anything without constraint.

Dominic reached out, picked up the key card from a nearby table, raised it slightly and tipped it in the direction of an adjoining door. ‘These suites all run together.’

‘I suppose you’re next door,’ she said tartly, taking the offensive.
Never show fear
, Gramps had always said.
It takes away your advantage
. ‘I should have known.’

She was perfectly comfortable sitting nude before him. It gave him momentary pause. He would have expected a quick covering up. On the other hand, Miss Hart’s sumptuous
breasts gilded by moonlight made it easy to dismiss his reservations. ‘Actually, I’m three suites away.’ He smiled faintly. ‘Although, not at the moment.’

‘No kidding. Do you want something?’

‘Not necessarily. I couldn’t sleep.’

‘So you decided to be a voyeur.’

He shrugged. ‘I don’t know what I decided.’ As he’d watched her sleeping, he’d begun to wonder if he was doing the right thing again. Which was why he hadn’t wakened her.

‘Why don’t I tell you.’

His brows rose.

‘You’re not reinventing the wheel, Mr Knight.’


‘Mr Knight,’ she coolly repeated. ‘Look, you’re a big-time plutocrat. I’m a nobody. You’ve been thinking you might fuck me before I leave, then send me on my way. You’ve apparently decided. And here you are.’

‘So you’ve been in this situation before?’

‘Answer me. Am I right?’

‘Maybe. I don’t know. Now you answer.’

‘You’re the first big wheel to invade my bedroom. How’s that?’

‘What about some other room? Have you done it with some big shot in some other room? Your professors, maybe?’

‘Jesus, are you my guardian?’

‘I could be.’

‘No you couldn’t,’ she hissed. ‘You don’t have enough money.’

‘Of course I do.’

‘Let me rephrase that. You don’t have enough money to be
guardian or warder or whatever the fuck turns you on.’

‘Do I have enough for one night of your time?’


‘No?’ Cool, impudent, assured.

‘Definitely no,’ she said, oversweet and smiling. ‘I’m so sorry,’ she bitchily added.
Arrogant prick.
She was feeling more assured. Unless he was going to physically force himself on her, and he didn’t seem to fit that role lounging in his chair, conversing with her in that unheated tone, she was safe.

His dark brows settled into a frown. ‘Yet you don’t mind sitting there like that.’ He flicked a finger at her nude torso.

‘I didn’t know modesty was a requirement.’ Flip and snide.

‘It isn’t. I’m just surprised,’ he calmly noted, having checked his momentary resentment that she may or may not have sat casually nude like that before.

‘After seeing that video, I’m surprised anything can surprise you.’

‘Not much can,’ he said, ignoring her provocation. ‘You, however, are the exception. Why don’t you put on a robe, Miss Hart, and come talk to me. I promise to behave.’ He indicated the chair beside his with a small wave.

‘And if I don’t?’

‘Feel free to go back to sleep.’

‘And you?’

He softly sighed. ‘I may not behave enough to leave.’

‘So I’m supposed to sleep with you sitting there watching me?’

‘You could. Or you could come and talk to me. Would you like a snack? I can have the kitchen send up something.’

‘They’re probably sleeping.’

‘Then they’ll get up. Would you like something?’

You on a platter for starters. Christ, where did that come from?
She dragged in a steadying breath, beat back her irresponsible libido, told herself Dominic Knight was too dangerous no matter how powerful his allure. ‘No—no really, I’m fine.’

BOOK: Knight's Mistress
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