Read Lady Laugherty's Loves Online

Authors: Laurel Bennett

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Historical, #Romantic Erotica

Lady Laugherty's Loves (5 page)

BOOK: Lady Laugherty's Loves
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Ellis passed the dish to her and
leaned down at the last moment to kiss her cheek. Instead of
flinching as she could have done, she sat back against Avery’s
chest with the bowl in her hands and lifted a healthy spoonful to
her lips. She closed her eyes and moaned as she swallowed. Avery
hadn’t thought it possible, but he grew even harder.

As she raised the next spoonful to her
lips, he purposefully jostled her arm and a dollop of it fell on
her chest, just above where the blanket was tucked so demurely. She
grunted out what could have been a curse and motioned for Ellis to
get a cloth napkin from the tray and pass it to her. Instead, Ellis
caught her outstretched hand and held it to the side, staring down
at the pudding that lay against her fair skin and said, “No
worries. I’ll take care of it.” Then he bent his head and very
slowly lapped at the gooey blob with the tip of his

Avery had never seen anything more
stunning. Olivia had stopped breathing, though, as he licked across
her skin, perhaps lingering a little too long once the treat was
gone. “Oh, my,” Olivia finally exhaled.

“Oh, my, indeed,” Ellis said slowly as
he raised his head, his lips a mere inches from Olivia’s. “You are
delicious, sweetheart.” He leaned closer, his mouth a mere breath
from hers and lingered. He wouldn’t go the last inch. Avery was
certain of it. Ellis would wait for her to come to him.

Then she did, and every bone in
Avery’s body wanted to sing with happiness. His lovely wife opened
her mouth at Ellis’ gentle coaxing. Avery’s cock strained against
Olivia’s bottom as her tongue tentatively touched his best
friend’s.  He could see the touch and retreat through the
corner of their mouths, and he had to bite his tongue to keep from
making noise. But noise right now simply would not do.

Avery tugged Olivia’s hips so that she
fit snugly in the vee between his thighs and could lean forward of
her own volition. He took the pudding cup from her just before she
dropped it. Then she raised that dainty little hand to stroke the
side of Ellis’ face. Avery would come beneath the coverlet any
moment, he was that aroused. He forced himself to calm, taking deep

Ellis sucked at Olivia’s lower lip
until she whimpered. Then he finally sat down in front of them and
put a hand at the back of her neck, looking into her eyes. “You are
the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he admitted.

Olivia struggled to open her eyes.
When she did, she immediately called out for her husband. “Avery?”
she asked quietly.

“Yes, love?” he replied.

“I think I just kissed your best

Avery forced himself not to chuckle.
“Yes, I believe you did.”

“And you’re not angry at me?” She
turned her head to look at him, her dark eyes shimmering with

“That was the most beautiful thing
I’ve ever seen,” Avery told her. “How could I be angry?” He put his
hands at her waist and caressed her lightly beneath the blanket.
Then he cupped her breasts within his hands and kicked the coverlet

Both Olivia and Ellis looked down at
the same time to see the Avery’s sun-kissed fingers holding those
fleshy orbs, so at odds with her fair coloring.

“That is the most beautiful thing I
have ever seen,” Ellis breathed as he bent his head toward her


Avery did exactly what he’d
expected. He lifted her breast to him, and Ellis took a moment to
appraise the hard, pink nipple. It was as big as his thumb, just as
he’d thought, and was framed by a lovely rosy-pink circle. He took
it gently into his mouth and tugged lightly at it with his lips.
She arched her back to bring it closer to him.
Yes, Olivia, show me you want it.

Ellis replaced both of Avery’s hands
with his own as he drew lightly on her nipple. Her hands sunk into
his hair, delicately abrading his scalp with her fingernails. He
looked up into her eyes, which smoldered with heat. “If you tell me
you don’t want this, I’ll leave,” he said softly, and then he
dipped his head again and drew on the other peak. Her mouth fell
open as a gasp left her lips. “Tell me, Olivia,” he

“I want it,” she cried out, as he
tugged a little harder.

“Then you shall have it,” he

Avery’s hands traveled across her
body, up her arms, over her belly, down her back and up again,
stroking her the whole time Ellis worshiped her breasts. Goosebumps
lifted on her skin. Ellis took her hips in his hands and tugged her
lower in the bed. Then spread her knees so he could lie between
them. She slowly gave him the space. “Say no, and I’ll leave,” he
reminded her as he gently nuzzled the inside of her

She very quickly shook her
head.  He held back his chuckle. She was allowing her senses
to overwhelm her proprieties.

She turned her head to look back at
Avery as Ellis kissed his way down her stomach.

“I’m right here, love,” he heard Avery
confirm as his hands came back to cup his wife’s breasts again, his
long fingers rolling her nipples slowly. “I’m just going to occupy
myself with these perfect nipples,” he assured her. “And I’m
watching you.”

She squirmed as Ellis settled between
her thighs. He was still fully dressed.  Tonight was for her.
Not for him. Or them. He rocked his cock once against the
mattress.  He’d been hard ever since he’d arrived at his
cousin’s estate.

Her fingernails scraped in his hair
again as he spread her folds and gazed down at her. She lifted her
hips toward his eager mouth, her pretty little curls shining with
the dew of her desire.  He licked once across the length of
her folds. She laid her head back against Avery’s leg, her mouth
open as she watched his head dip and rise with each lick. She
squirmed her little bottom until he held her still.

“Do you need something, Olivia?” Ellis
asked, barely able to get the words out.

She nodded frantically. “Yes,” she
cried as he slid one finger inside her. Her walls were slick with
moisture, her tunnel hot as fire against his finger. He inserted a
second finger and she pressed herself down on his hand.

“Tell me what you need?” he

“I need to come,” she said softly,
almost as though her voice would break from the strain.

If she needed to come, he would see to
it post-haste.  He found her clit hidden in the folds at the
top of her heat and licked across it hard with the tip of his
tongue. Tiny little pants left her mouth as her channel squeezed
around his fingers. What he wouldn’t give to have his cock inside
her. He rocked against the bed-clothes again. He drew the little
nub between his lips and sucked it lightly, allowing his tongue to
slide over it in time with each draw against her flesh. Her legs
began to quiver beside him as she closed her eyes and lifted to
meet the thrusts of his tongue. He gave no quarter, tugging at her
flesh with a single-minded purpose.

Then she broke. Wave after wave of
sensation crashed over her as her hips thrust against his hand. He
held tightly to her clit, continuing to stroke it with his tongue
as she quivered and fluttered around his fingers. She cried out,
the sound breathy and strong as she pushed against him, riding out
the feeling as long as she could.  When her body began to
quiet, he slowed his motions, allowing her return to earth in one
languid fall. She groaned loudly and laid her arm over her eyes as
he pulled his fingers from inside her.

Ellis crawled up her body until he
could look at her face. If he saw regret in her eyes, he’d never
forgive himself. But when she uncovered her face and looked at him,
she simply smiled a sinful smile and said, “Thank you for the
raspberry cream, Ellis.” He laughed and kissed her. He kissed her
hard. And she kissed him back. He was raging inside his trousers,
his cock painful. He knew he’d never be able to stand up straight
and walk from the room, he needed to come so bad.

This wasn’t the time for her to take
him inside her. He was still earning her trust. So, he simply moved
to the side and sat beside her, lifted a hand to stroke her hair as
Avery shifted from beneath her and rolled to lie between her legs.
He entered her in one solid stroke that pushed her higher in the
bed. She cried out, raising her legs to wrap around his waist.
Ellis made a move to scoot away, to give them this time, but she
reached for the fall of his trousers, instead.

She couldn’t even speak as Avery
stroked her higher and higher, and she had to raise her arms to
hold on to him, his strokes were so strong. So, Ellis took himself
in hand and stroked in time to their movements, each second wishing
it was he who was inside her.

He was close. So close. His balls
tightened with the need to spill.  That’s when she finally
cried out as Avery told her low and quiet in her ear that he was
coming inside her, coming so hard for her. Then he grunted and
spent himself inside her. And Ellis came in his hand. She cried out
again and again as Avery wrung every last bit of orgasm from her.
Then she lay motionless beneath him. Avery pulled out of her and
flopped heavily onto his side next to her, his arms snaking around
her waist. Ellis crossed to the wash stand and washed his hands.
Then moved to go through the door that connected the two suites. He
wasn’t certain what to do with himself at that point.

“Ellis,” she called out, her voice
sated and raspy with desire.  “Don’t go.”

He turned back to them and crossed to
look down at her, wiping her sweaty brow with the tips of his
fingers. “Did you need something?” he asked softly. A piece of him
was physically hurting at the thought of having to leave

But then she mumbled in a sleepy
little voice, “Stay.” She reached for his hand and locked her
fingers in his, then gently tugged him toward her. Ellis looked at
Avery who inclined his head and smiled slowly. Ellis lay down
beside her and dropped his arm around her waist, just below
Avery’s. “You two do good work,” she said, a grin splitting her
lips. Then she settled and, within seconds, she was asleep, her
mouth hanging open slightly, beautiful in after-intercourse


Olivia blinked hard at the light that
filtered through the drapes and groaned loudly, reaching for Avery
beside her. Instead, she found an empty space.  She sat up on
her elbows to look around, and was startled to find Ellis on the
opposite side of where Avery usually slept. He lay on his side,
fully clothed, but rumpled in a way that can only be achieved by
sleeping in one’s evening attire. His head rested in his palm, his
elbow extended to allow him to lie flat.

“Good morning,” he said, his voice
rough from sleep as he gazed down at her, his eyes sweeping down
her body, which was only covered by a thin counterpane. Oh,

Memories of the night before crashed
over her like waves lash at the shore.  She closed her eyes
tightly and squeaked out, “Good morning.”

He chuckled lightly.

“Where’s Avery?” she asked, more
discomfited by Ellis’ slow perusal than she’d ever been by

“He said he needed to attend to your
houseguests. He mumbled something about needing to be present at
breakfast as he got dressed, since you were still in

“He’s not his best in the mornings,”
Olivia admitted.

“Never has been,” Ellis

Olivia fidgeted with the covers a bit,
very unsure of what should happen next.

“Do you regret last night, Olivia?”
Ellis asked, his voice as dark as his eyes as he watched her face
closely, his eyes darting from her nose to her mouth and back up to
her eyes.

“Umm,” she hedged. Did she? She didn’t
think so, but she was quite uncertain of what happened

“Do you
last night, Olivia?” he
asked, his voice a little stronger.

“Of course, I remember it,” she
protested. She remembered everything. She remembered the way he
drew her nipple between his lips. The way he’d spread her thighs
and slipped between them. The way he’d made her come harder than
she’d ever come in her life using nothing more than his mouth and
hands.  He and Avery together, of course. But, most of all,
she remembered the way she’d felt when he had his arms around her.
How he’d looked into her eyes and seen only her. How she felt at
home with him. Yes, she most certainly remembered it.

“You’d had a little wine,” he
continued, as he wrapped a lock of her hair around his finger and
tugged it gently. “Or a lot of wine. I’m not certain

She gritted her teeth and bore his
scrutiny. But then she said it. She admitted it. She didn’t decline
knowledge of it, although she could have blamed it on the wine. Or
the moment. Or any number of other things. “I remember it,” she
said, turning her head to look directly at him. The depth of his
gaze startled her. He was tremendously serious, more so than she’d
ever seen him. She reached up to brush a lock of hair from his
forehead, which she’d wanted to do since his arrival at their
estate. He smiled and captured her hand in his, then brought it to
his lips. “No regrets,” she whispered to him.

BOOK: Lady Laugherty's Loves
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