Last Chance Motel 1 (Last Chance Romance Series) (12 page)

BOOK: Last Chance Motel 1 (Last Chance Romance Series)
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“Of course, and never be a stranger, Mr. Burton. You are always welcome.”

Mike strode over. “We’re taking off. Mom is taking Jenny shopping again. It seems she grows out of her clothes every three weeks.”

“A girl has gotta keep up her appearance.”

“I’ll be back this evening to make sure everything is working properly.”

“You don’t have to do that, old boy. I’ll be here,” said Dennis, coming up behind them.

“About that,” shot off Mike facing Dennis, “when are you going back to New York?”

“When I finally convince Eva to sell this motel and take her place among the successful again.”

Stunned, Mike turned to Eva. “You’re not thinking of selling, are you? After all this work!”

“Dennis and I have talked about it. I really don’t know anything about running a motel. It was a fantasy really.”

Mike threw down his cup and strode away.

“He certainly took that well,” commented Dennis.

“You shouldn’t have mentioned that we had talked about me moving back to New York. I haven’t really made up my mind yet,” snapped Eva, watching Mike stomp away.

“You’ll just be wasting yourself down here. You need to realize that you have island fever and you need to go back to the land of the living where you belong.”

“Like I said, Dennis, I haven’t made up my mind. Since I’ve been here, I’ve restored a vintage motel, and saved a manatee and a kitten. I’ve also made friends with a lonely little girl. I don’t call that a waste of time. You can be such an ass sometimes.” Eva hurried after Mike.

“Mike! Mike! Slow down. I want to talk to you.”

Mike stopped and turned around.

Eva could tell that he was upset. “Mike, I haven’t made any decision yet. Dennis shouldn’t have mentioned that we were discussing it.”

“Are you going back to that guy?”

“I don’t know. I invested so many years in our marriage. I’d like to see some return.”

Mike grabbed Eva and shook her. “He left the woman who gave birth to his child. He will always leave when the going gets tough.”

“He says she left him.”

“Are you sure about that? Either way it stinks.”

“I’m sorry, Mike, but I have to do what’s best for me.”

“You won’t find your future in New York,” growled Mike. He started to say more but saw Mary and Jenny approaching them out of the corner of his eye.

Eva turned to greet them.

Mary and Jenny gave a group hug to Eva. “We love it, don’t we, Jenny?”

Jenny nodded enthusiastically. “I’m going to work here when I get older. You’ll hire me, won’t you, Eva?”

Eva laughed but the thought that she might not see Jenny grow up threw her a curveball. “You betcha.”

“I know Mike is coming back this evening, so please tell him about registering your first guests. I want to know how it goes.” Mary gave Eva a hug. “I know that will be a rewarding experience for you.”

“Oh, I’ll tell him all right,” grinned Eva.

“Come on,” huffed Mike, grabbing Jenny’s hand and walking off.

Mary gave Eva a strange look before joining her family.

Eva didn’t have time to think about her tiff with Mike. Others were coming up to congratulate her and bidding her goodbye. The last to leave was Mr. Burton.

“Call me if you need anything,” offered Mr. Burton.

“I do have one last request,” replied Eva. “If you have any old pictures of the Last Chance Motel that you can spare, I’d like to put them up.”

“I’ll make copies. My parents would be so proud. I wish nothing but the best for you, Eva. I hope the Pink Flamingo Motel is a thriving success for you.”

Mr. Burton took Eva’s hand in his rough paw and shook it. “One of the best things I ever did was sell the Last Chance Motel to you.” He took one last look around and left following the others.

The only person left was Dennis, who was glad to see the other guests leave. But he was leaving himself. He knew enough that Eva would want a few hours alone to cherish the Pink Flamingo before the first guests arrived. Besides, he had business in Miami.


va decided to clear her head of all the excitement by taking a quick dip in the lagoon. Like most locals in Key Largo, she didn’t bother with a suit, but entered the water in her shorts and top.

The iguana followed her to the beach and jumped in a chair, basking himself in the Floridian sun. The pelicans that seemed permanently perched on the laundry building fluttered their wings and began to preen.

Several boats motored past. Eva waved to them although she didn’t think they could see her. A kayak paddled by. Eva swam over and chatted for a few minutes with the kayaker, standing in the shoulder deep water.

On the swim back, something butted her causing Eva to gasp. She was always afraid of sharks although she had never seen one during her many months in Key Largo, but this might be the day. Eva stood up in the seawater ready to fight. But to her surprise, it was a manatee.

Usually very shy, manatees didn’t make contact with humans as a rule. Eva reached out to touch the sea cow and felt ridges cut into her skin. “You’ve come back,” whispered Eva, knowing that this was the sea mermaid that she and Mike had pulled off the fishing wire. “I wondered if you were all right.”

The manatee softly butted Eva again with her snout and then slowly swam away.

Eva felt that the manatee had blessed her. For the first time in years, Eva felt joy. She turned in the water to gaze at the motel. It was a little colorful gem among the rot of white and beige buildings that dotted Highway 1.

She would be polite and listen to Dennis about rebuilding their life together again. She wanted to be sure as it affected the rest of her life, but how many manatees would she have to opportunity to touch in New York?

She realized that New York didn’t hold magic for her anymore and there was more to life than making lots of money. There was saving gentle manatees and making a home for a bothersome iguana and nosy pelicans. There was offering a clean bed and a calm refuge to people after a long road trip. There was Jenny playing with Snowball. There was swimming in turquoise water as storm clouds hovered above the ocean in the distance. There was watching pink flamingos fly overhead.

None of that was in New York.

Dennis just wasn’t enough anymore.


everal months later, Eva was watching workmen install a tall pole that was designed for osprey nests. She knew it might be too late for ospreys or eagles to nest this season, but was hoping for success in the next. She would love to see eagles or ospreys nesting as long as they left her iguana and pelicans alone and stayed to a diet of fish.

After the workmen had finished and left, Eva checked the cat traps. Key Largo had an excess of stray cats, which needed to be neutered or spayed. Eva worked with a local animal agency and captured cats for them. After the animals had been operated on, the agency would release the cats back into the wild.

Eva checked seven traps, two of which held hissing and angry cats and one with a raccoon. Eva let the raccoon out and gave water and food to the cats, reassuring them that they would be fine. She carried the cats up to the office where they would be picked up by the animal agency.

The mailman came into the office and dropped off the mail. He offered to take the cats to the agency since it was on his route and he was a member of its board.

Eva gratefully handed over the crates.

Going through the mail, she discovered an official letter from AAA, which stated that they had given her a high rating and would be including the Pink Flamingo Motel in the next printing of their Florida travel book.

Not only was that was wonderful news, but Eva had a full roster of guests for the next month and others were booking for later months. She was sixty percent full most weekdays, and a hundred percent full on weekends. That was extremely good by hotel standards. She hoped the trend continued and her guests spread the word about her.

Looking at the accounting books, Eva realized that she was actually making a profit.

Ecstatic, Eva was humming when Mike and Jenny strolled in.

“Hey there, guys,” greeted Eva. “What’s up, Buttercup?”

Jenny ran to give Eva a big hug.

“Jenny wanted to say goodbye before she left,” said Mike.

“Leaving? Where are you going?” asked Eva, looking down at Jenny.

“School is out and now the storms will come. I’m going to be with my great-aunt in Orlando.”

“You’ll have a great time, I’m sure. She’ll probably take you to Disney World.”

Jenny nodded with enthusiasm. “I go every summer.” She motioned for Eva to bend down so they could look at each other face to face.

Eva smiled and bent over. “Yes?”

“You must promise me that if the Big Blow comes, you’ll get out in plenty of time. If you wait, you can’t get out,” Jenny warned with all sincerity.

Eva was taken aback by Jenny’s sense of urgency. “I’ll be all right. We might not even have . . . what did you call it . . . a Big Blow.” Eva tussled Jenny’s hair, “Besides, your father will be here to guide me.”

Mike cleared his throat. “No I won’t. I’m taking Jenny to Orlando and then I’m leaving for the summer myself. Got a job south of Ft. Lauderdale. Thought my mother might need a break for the summer.”

“Oh,” replied Eva, somewhat disappointed. She suddenly felt off kilter.

“I’ll be back this weekend to get the Sea Horse. I’m going to live off her while working.”

“I wish you both a happy and productive summer, then. Don’t worry, Jenny. I’ll call you often on your aunt’s cell phone. That way you can keep tabs on me.”

“Promise that you’ll call.”

Eva could see that Jenny was sincerely worried and tried to reassure her. “I’m a big girl and can take care of myself, but I will check in with both you and your father often. You can tell me what you’re doing in Orlando. Your grandmother is down the road if I need help. Before you know it, the summer will be over, and you’ll be back here helping me. Would you like that?”

Jenny’s face broke out into a smile and she looked at her father for confirmation.

Mike nodded.

Giggling, Jenny gave Eva another hug.

“What about Snowball?” asked Eva.

Mike rolled his eyes. “She’s in the jeep with those two tubs of stuff you bought for her. Can’t thank you enough for that.”

Eva walked Jenny and Mike to their vehicle. She gave each one a hug. “You two be careful . . . and have lots of fun for me,” she said while strapping Jenny in the jeep.

“Call me if you need something. I have weekends free. Doesn’t take me too long to get back down here,” reminded Mike.


Mike grabbed Eva’s hand. “I mean it. Call me if you need me.”

Eva felt a stab of electricity go through her wrist, up her arm and into her chest. She quickly pulled away from Mike. “I promise.”

Mike gave Eva one last look before heading out on the highway and turning left.

Suddenly Eva didn’t feel as confident as she did earlier. “Shake it off, girl. Shake it off,” she said to herself before going back into the office.


va had checked out the last guest for the day and was giving instructions to the maids when Dennis strode into the office.

He had been flying back and forth to New York for work. Obviously he was back. Eva hadn’t made up her mind yet and had even told him to stay in New York. If she wanted to rekindle their relationship, she would follow, but Dennis wouldn’t budge. He’d fly off for a week or so and then show up again, mostly on weekends. If the Pink Flamingo was full, he’d stay at another hotel but would help Eva during the day. Eva had to admit Dennis was handy and easy going with the guests.

Sooner or later she was going to have to make a firm decision. One day Eva was determined to stay in Key Largo. Then when she saw Dennis, she recanted her decision. This couldn’t go on forever. Eva needed to make a choice.

She couldn’t help but notice how handsome Dennis was now that he had a tan. He was good looking, wealthy, and debonair. He would be a catch for any woman. Yes, he had made a mistake, but a mistake that many men make. And now he seemed to be truly sorry.

Maybe she had been too quick to divorce him. Maybe she should have stuck it out until the bloom had faded from the affair. Maybe part of this mess was her fault.

“Got a moment,” he asked.

“Sure,” replied Eva.

Dennis wagged his finger and jaunted outside.

Eva followed and found Dennis standing beside a new black Mercedes convertible. “What’s this?”

“Your new car.”

“My new what?”

“Your new car,” repeated Dennis, dangling the keys. “My gift to you. I thought we could take a leisurely drive up to New York and see the sights like an old married couple.”

“You shouldn’t have bought that for me. Dennis, what were you thinking?”

Dennis’ smile disappeared. “I thought you would love it.”

“I do. It’s beautiful, but black cars are impractical in Florida due to the heat and I’m not ready to leave.”

“Dump this dump, will ya! Our life is in New York.”

“I just got the motel on her feet. She needs more time. I need more time.”

“Okay, Evie. Have it your way. I will wait as long as it takes, but don’t string me along. Even I have some pride left.”

Eva squeezed Dennis in a bear hug. “It’s a beautiful car. I thank you so much but I can’t accept it at the moment.”

Dennis threw the keys into the air and caught them. “Then I will have to drive this magnificent machine until you feel comfortable to accept. I refuse to take it back. To do so would admit defeat and that’s not me.”

Eva could tell that Dennis really loved the car and wondered if he had sub-consciously bought it for himself. Maybe she should go ahead and tell him that she felt the pull of the Keys stronger and stronger each day.

Eva was not sure if she could live without the sun anymore.


ennis came into the office wiping the grease from his hands on an old rag. He had just been in the laundry room repairing the dryer, which had gone on the blink.

BOOK: Last Chance Motel 1 (Last Chance Romance Series)
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