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Authors: Kelly McKain

Lauren and Lucky (9 page)

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All the other girls were the same – none of us wanted to leave our ponies. We were all taking whole group pics and snaps of us with our ponies, and Polly even asked me to take one of her mucking out a poo to show her brother she really did do it 'cos he didn't believe she would!

Finally it was really absolutely, definitely time to go (in Sally's words) so we all had a few final photos with her and Lydia and Jody and Millie, and then we started heading off to our cars.

Arabella was staying till we'd all gone, because Jody was driving her back to her
boarding school later on with Gracie in the horsebox, then she's off to the Lake District to do outdoor activities. She gave me another big hug and we kept saying goodbye and then starting to talk again, until Mum had to pretty much order me into the car! We're going to write to each other and Mum says perhaps she can come and stay at the end of the holidays. I can't believe we've ended up being such good friends after everything that's happened!

I'm just so lucky that I went to Pony Camp and that I got Lucky the pony, and I'm also so lucky to have such a caring family.

Oh, gotta go, Mum's calling me down to set the table for tea. Groan! I think I'll go and ask her why my bros can't help, and I'll keep how lucky I feel to myself!

An imprint of Little Tiger Press
1 The Coda Centre, 189 Munster Road,
London SW6 6AW

Text copyright © Kelly McKain, 2009
Inside illustrations copyright © Mandy Stanley, 2009
Cover photograph copyright © Zoe Cannon, 2009

First published as an ebook by Stripes Publishing in 2012.

eISBN: 978–1–84715–343–2

The right of Kelly McKain and Mandy Stanley to be identified as the author and illustrator of this work respectively has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

All rights reserved.

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A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

BOOK: Lauren and Lucky
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