Leah's Seduction: 7 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction) (2 page)

BOOK: Leah's Seduction: 7 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction)
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Chapter 3

The luxury of Gianni’s private jet made traveling easier. The main cabin had comfortable leather chairs, and there was a fully equipped desk. Leah marveled that there was actually a bedroom, and on all their international trips she could rest or sleep when she wanted to.

Better yet, Leah could share the plush quarters with Gianni, which made each trip exciting. She had him alone for the duration. Secluded in the suite, travel was beyond comfortable. Plus, she had Gianni’s full attention in the way she loved most: naked and in his arms.

Rio de Janeiro was a jewel of a city around Guanabara Bay. The buildings gleamed with lights, boats settled in the harbor, and the vista was lined with mountains. Christ the Redeemer, the largest Art Deco statue in the world, perched high on Corcovado Mountain, looking ethereal and majestic.

Of the cities Leah had seen so far, Rio was the most uniquely stunning. Their beachfront lodgings were in a palace. The Copacabana
had been frequented by such famous faces as Marlene Dietrich and Princess Diana. The interior of the hotel was as glittering white as the outside. The marble reception desk and the immaculately attired bellboys exemplified the cool, elegant luxury of the legendary establishment.

The Lapa district was home to the city’s best nightlife and samba music. When Leah learned samba she had found out that the dance was said to represent the struggles of life and love, and conquering them through the joy of music.

Dancing the samba with Gianni seemed very fitting. The night he took her out, Leah wore the special dress. The fuchsia color with layers of pale pink in the skirt made it bright and festive. The rhinestones across half the bodice were a classy touch. She wore pink leather high heels with the outfit, and let her hair hang loose.

Gianni had a dance costume of his own. He wore black dance pants with a satin strip down each side seam. The shimmery fabric of the shirt was studded with sequins. The sleeves and the mid-back section were sheer. Nothing was worn underneath. With the top four buttons open, Leah had a sexy view of Gianni’s chest.

The sidewalks of Lapa were buzzing; it was a hive of music and partying. The area was the historic cultural heart of Rio, and was filled with mansions in colorful pastels that had been homes for the wealthy. Later they had been restored, and were now bars, cafés, and clubs.

The most famous was Rio Scenarium, a club in the middle of an antique store. The esoteric nightspot had three floors filled with antique clocks, paintings, and chandeliers, reflecting the vintage neighborhood. The stage and dance area was on the first floor, and was hopping with music when they arrived.

Leah found the place colorful and warm. The hanging lights were orbs of red and blue. The chairs came in all colors. There was a banner on the back wall of the old dance hall with a quote in Portuguese, and she found out from a waiter that it said:
While there is dance, we still have hope

The locals shook their hips, and moved their feet on the worn wooden floor to an eight-piece band playing samba. Gianni ordered two Brahma beers, and secured a seat for them. The tables were close together, and the customers were friendly.

A man next to them told his date, “Don’t worry about anyone else. Just move without shame.” And he took her hand to guide her to the dance floor to samba. Leah watched the crowds lost in the music, and pressed her thigh against Gianni’s.

He leaned close to be heard. “They say samba is the vital rhythm that unites all Brazilians. Seeing this crowd tonight, I agree.”

Leah nodded, and put her head against his shoulder. She let the music flow through her, and enjoyed her beer. Gianni kept his arm securely around her. The vibrant atmosphere was exhilarating, and it wasn’t long before he led her out to dance.

Letting the music carry her away, Leah swayed her hips and got in step. She could barely take her eyes off Gianni. In the satin outfit that draped over his muscles, he looked like a Latin god. And the way he danced was sexy as hell.

The lovely dress made Leah feel sensual. The flared skirt shifted as she danced, and the high heels added to her graceful movement. She tossed her long hair in time with the beat, and matched Gianni’s fluid steps. The samba was bold, and Leah’s pulse pounded to the rhythm.

Crowds pushed in, but it was all part of the spirit of the dance. Leah kept pace with Gianni, and let the mood carry her. It was warm, and she noted the sheen on Gianni’s skin, which served as a further attraction. They danced song after song before collapsing back in their seats, laughing.

Gianni pushed his chair back, and slid Leah onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around her, and she leaned against his chest. His heart was pounding, and she placed her hand on his bare chest showing through the open shirt. She caressed his hard muscle.

Grabbing her hand, Gianni kissed her palm and then her wrist. Still breathing heavily, he gave her a knowing smile. “You are mine later,” he said. His words sent a thrill straight to her core. She looked into his eyes. Later couldn’t come too soon.

They danced for hours, and Leah was tempted to continue. But there would be another chance. Gianni led her to a place to eat. They chose a restaurant that boasted staying open until five in the morning. Their codfish cake was delicious with the local beer they ordered.

It was late, but Leah wasn’t tired. The evening had been invigorating, and she had more fun dancing than she recalled having before. Gianni was a good dancer, and his sexy look made being his partner an unbelievable joy. From then on, the samba would remind her of him.

Their hotel room faced the bay, and when they got back, Leah stood on the terrace to look out at the water. The shoreline was bright from lights rimming the road behind it, and even in the dark, the white sand against the clear blue water was visible. She took a deep breath of night air.

A full moon glowed in the sky next to Corcovado Mountain at the feet of Christ the Redeemer. The heavenly view was compelling, and Leah stared in awe. Gianni stood behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist.

For a few minutes, neither said anything. The breathtaking scene defied all description, and the beauty was nearly too much to take in. Leah pressed her head against Gianni’s strong chest. “It is amazing here.”

He hugged her tighter. “Rio is special.”

The warm air settled around them, and the expansive view engulfed them. Rio was a place Leah planned to return to. It had cast a spell over her, giving her a sense of eternity, and of nature’s alluring beauty. She reached back to touch Gianni’s cheek, glad to share it with him.

Gianni released her, and Leah turned to face him. The luminous night cast a glow over his handsome face, making her fall in love all over again. She touched her lips to his. Sensation radiated through her, and she pressed her body closer.

He tasted of beer and masculinity. The scent of his cologne mixed with sweat was erotic. Gianni dug his hands in her hair and held her tight, deepening the kiss. Her moans encouraged him, and he stroked his tongue ravenously against hers.

Raking her hands over his back, Leah caressed him wildly, letting him know how much she wanted him. Gianni’s hand slid down to the base of her spine, and rested in the curve there. His breathing grew heavy, and he tugged at her lower lip, sending a delicious tingle through her.

He took her hand and moved back two steps to sit in an armless patio chair. Leah sat facing Gianni, straddling his lap with her arms around his neck. The frilly dress bunched around her hips, and she balanced in the high heels she still wore.

Gianni grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her head to the side. He raked his tongue up her neck and under her jaw, making her whimper. Then he pressed his lips to her tender skin. “Gianni,” she whispered. Melting in his arms, Leah slid her hand over his chest, inside the shirt.

The feel of his muscle and his warm skin made her sex throb, and she moved her hips over his thighs. Gianni reached under her skirt and touched her bare stomach. Her clit tensed, and Leah pressed against his hand for more pressure.

Leaning back in the chair, Gianni undid his dress pants and lowered the zipper. She could see the bulge under his briefs, and desperately yanked the waistband lower. He lifted up just enough to get them down to his thighs, letting his thick cock spring free.

Leah gasped at the sight. In the dim light his cock was gorgeous, making her arousal soar. Panting softly, she gripped his hot shaft, and slid her hand up to the swollen knob. She swirled her palm, smearing pre-cum around the rim. Gianni put his hands on her waist to lift her up, then reached under to move the crotch of her panties aside.

As he lowered her over him, Leah felt the stretch, and a soft cry escaped her lips. The look in Gianni’s eyes was pure lust, and, standing in her spiked heels, she began to dip over him. He filled her, and she slid faster, wanting more. She moved over him, one delicious stroke after the other.

She spiraled up, verging perilously close to orgasm. Then Gianni stilled her. Leah sat on his lap with his cock buried in her. They were still fully clothed, with the moonlight illuminating the scene. Her breasts heaved with her ragged breathing, and her clit tightened. Warmth flooded her lower body, but she didn’t move.

Looking into her eyes, Gianni touched her cheek. “You feel so good,” he said deep in his throat. She put a finger on his perfect lips. With the backdrop of the beach and the night sky behind her, Leah drank in the sight of Gianni. His expression told her that he was as close as she was.

He swelled inside, stretching her more. Leah longed to move, and struggled to ignore the urge, knowing it would be their undoing. Seconds ticked by, with Gianni’s heat plunged deep in her. Dressed as they were, the interlude had a tone of the forbidden, like they had found each other in a moment of indiscretion. Then without warning, Leah pulsed over him.

She tried to hold back, but it was too late. Gianni’s virile groan evaporated her last shred of resistance. Her strong muscles clenched around him just before she exploded. Leah threw her head back, climaxing on his lap.

Gianni’s jaw stiffened. He gasped and panted, spearing up into her. Pouring his cum out, he arched his back to rock deeper into her. And Leah pulsed hard around him. Together they came under the moonlight, panting for breath and gasping with the impossible pleasure.

Leah peaked, and her muscles relaxed. She slumped against Gianni with her head on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arms around her waist. The scent of sex filled her nostrils, and her body purred. Still tingling, she lifted her head and kissed Gianni tenderly.

With one hand on the back of her head, Gianni pushed her closer, kissing her hard. She parted her lips, tasting him and loving him. Pulling back, he put two fingers under her chin. “You are amazing,” he said. “Too dammed amazing.”

Gianni assisted her to lift up, and turned Leah so her back was against his chest. In each other’s arms, they looked back out at the romantic view. It was a night to remember, a special night. The night Leah wore the flashy dress, and made love with Gianni under the moon hovering in the Brazilian sky.



Chapter 4

Gianni had traveled the world, but found Rio to be one of the most remarkable cities. It was hard to beat, with its stunning backdrop of towering, jungle-clad mountains. Leah said she loved the soft, sandy beaches and crashing waves that made her pulse race.

Sugar Loaf at sunset was memorable. One day he took Leah on the two-stage cable car to the top of the mountain. Sharing champagne and chocolates, they enjoyed the stunning view of the pumpkin-colored sun descending over the city. It was undeniably romantic.

They fit in as much sightseeing as possible before Fashion Week. Yet even business was different with Leah around. He looked forward to her opinions, and appreciated the ideas she came up with. Gianni was used to working solo, so it was a new experience.

The show in Rio was glamorous, bringing Brazilian fashion to the runway, and to the attention of the world. The irrepressible enthusiasm for style was evident. The luxury market in Latin America was thriving.

A lot of weight was placed on appearance in Brazil, and despite import taxes that doubled prices, designer fashions sold well. Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and many other major brands had impressive sales there. And a new wave of demand for luxury goods was sweeping the country.

It wasn’t a market that Gianni planned to compete in. But he did admire the Brazilian creations, and was aware of the impact they had on designers in other countries. He had many ideas on how to incorporate the bright fashions into his growing company.

He had also bought a couple of the designs for Leah. Gianni wanted to see her in the colorful, boldly sensual dresses. One evening, she wore one of them for dinner at Espírito Santa in the cobbled, hilly streets of Santa Teresa. The restaurant was in a charming nineteenth-century building just beyond the bustle of the neighborhood’s bars and galleries.

They were settled at a rustic wooden table on a small balcony overlooking the hillside. “You got the best seats in the house,” Leah said.

She looked ravishing in the new black and yellow dress. The stretchy fabric clung to her hips and dipped into her waist. The bright yellow strips of fabric were stunning, as was the plunging neckline of sheer black panels showing the swell of her breasts underneath.

“That dress was made for you,” Gianni said.

“It is a bit more daring than I’m used to.”

“I like you
.” Even as he said it, Gianni felt his skin warm. He was going to enjoy taking that dress off later.

Leah studied the menu. “We may need suggestions. I’m sure it is all delicious, but I can’t tell what anything is.”

“I know the chef is known for inventive dishes—Brazilian influenced by the Amazon, where she is from.”

The waiter came by to take drink orders. Gianni wanted to try one of the restaurant’s specialties. “How about sateré maué?” he said. “It says it’s a blend of vodka, guaraná, orange juice, and ginger.”

“That sounds creative. Sure, let’s try it.”

The drinks were served with an appetizer of rich dollops of crab on top of plantain chunks. Leah took a piece. “It’s certainly exotic.” She nibbled. “And good.”

Gianni tried his drink. “This is tasty. I’ll have to see if we can get them in New York, or teach someone how to make them.”

“It’s hard to think of going home,” Leah said. “It’s so romantic here. And I’m having such a good time.”

“We will have to plan another trip when we can stay longer. There is so much more to do. We haven’t seen many of the beaches, or even gone to the top of the mountain to stand beside Christ the Redeemer. I’ve seen pictures taken from up there. The view is unbelievable.”

“You will definitely have to bring me back to Rio.” Leah sipped her cocktail. “I’m hooked.”

Gianni rubbed his fingers over her knuckles. “And they have some secluded beaches. That is something we missed.”

Leah looked up at him, pretending to be coy. “I’m surprised. I wouldn’t think you’d pass up a chance like that.”

“Usually I wouldn’t,” he said. “But I’ve indulged my craving for you in other ways.” Gianni thought of the intimate nights in their suite. He lifted her hand to kiss her soft skin. Leah flushed, and he enjoyed the effect he had on her. She was so expressive, and it turned him on. What he wanted to do later would make her do more than flush.

They sipped their drinks and admired the quaint homes staggered down the hillside. Not far off were the favelas, the slum areas of the city. They were adjacent to the more affluent homes, and the contrast was stark. Up on the mountain in the distance, shrouded in clouds, was Christ the Redeemer.

“I don’t know that I could have understood Rio if I hadn’t been here,” Leah said. “The bustling city, surrounded by forested mountains, and built along white sandy beaches, is different than anything I’ve seen before.”

“I agree. It is something you just have to see.”

Leah took a sip of her drink. “And yet the favelas still cover the hillsides.”

The waiter returned to take their orders, taking time to translate the names of the dishes and to describe them. Freshwater fish was a popular item on the menu. Gianni chose the fish wrapped in banana leaf, and Leah ordered the fish in spiced coconut sauce. Both were delicious. The Amazonian cuisine was unique compared to other regional dishes they had tried.

They stayed for dessert, and as Gianni watched Leah enjoy the warm chocolate and ginger cake, he thought of other, more carnal delights. Her long hair hung past her shoulders, and dipped low to touch the curve of her breasts. He thought of her on top of him, and how sexy it was when her hair dusted his chest in the heat of passion.

It was the little things that got to him. How Leah didn’t hide her desire, and how she gave in to pleasure. It was her response to him, and her openness to letting him guide her, that had lured him from the beginning. And continued to stir his craving for her.


They returned to their luxury suite at the Copacabana and entered the darkened bedroom. A low light overhead illuminated the room in a muted amber glow. The massive bed was turned back, the satin sheets gleaming.

Backed against the end of the bed was a two-person sofa covered in shiny gold fabric. Gianni had wanted to make use of it since the first day. He stood in front of it, holding Leah’s hands. Her brown eyes revealed her desire and her trust.

He kissed her temple, then her cheek. Leah’s eyes closed and her head tipped back. Gianni nibbled her earlobe, tugging it gently. His lips grazed her jaw, and he kissed down her neck, then over her collarbone. She sighed and folded into him.

Leah parted her lips, and he touched his mouth to hers, teasing at first. Then, unable to resist, Gianni kissed her hard as if to consume her. Leah kissed back, matching his ferocity. He delved into her mouth, wanting more, and she slid her tongue against his.

“Gianni,” she gasped when he pulled back. Leah ran her hands over his chest, and dipped low to feel his erection through his pants. He groaned. She unzipped his pants and let them fall, then reached inside his briefs, feeling his shaft.

Impatient, he pulled back and quickly undressed. Leah watched, and that excited him. Her eyes grazed over his shoulders, and down his chest, lingering on his swollen cock. As she caressed him with her admiring gaze, Gianni got harder.

Turning to her, Gianni undressed her, one garment at a time. He could feel her tremble at his touch as he bared her lovely form. Naked, Leah was even more gorgeous. Her smooth skin begged to be touched, and her firm breasts were heavy with desire. Reaching between her legs, Gianni found that she was wet for him.

He stroked her wetness, and Leah made a tiny sound in her throat. Heat flooded Gianni’s veins. Before letting her go, he dipped two fingers in her hot pussy, loving the feel.

“Sit on the sofa,” he commanded.

Leah gracefully sat on the soft cushion, and Gianni looked down at her. “Scoot back, and bend your knees up.” He watched as she did so, getting more turned on by the second.

He went to the side table for two items, and returned to her. Gianni took a moment to drink in the sight of Leah as she anticipated what was to come. He knelt before her, and, taking the length of cotton rope, he bound her.

With her back against the sofa and her knees bent with her heels pressing against her butt, Gianni tied her ankles to her thighs. She looked so vulnerable that way, unable to move. His cock lurched at the sensual view.

“Are you afraid?”

Leah shook her head. “No.”

“I am going to blindfold you this time,” he said, holding the red satin blindfold up for her to see. “It will be different, because you won’t be able to anticipate.” Leah looked with big eyes at the blindfold. He moved it closer, and she touched it with one hand. “Okay?”

She nibbled at her lower lip, but said, “Yes.”

Gianni covered her eyes and secured the blindfold. He held Leah’s hands, giving her a moment to adjust. He took the liberty of looking at her naked body, enjoying the sight of her feminine curves and her silky skin. And her pussy, pink with arousal.

He drank in the vision of her beauty. The red satin covering her eyes was a thrill for him as much as it was for her. Wanting Leah to give herself to him completely, he raised her hands and guided her to put them behind her waist.

Posed in that way, her breasts were unprotected, and her distended nipples poked out. Gianni stroked his cock, wishing he didn’t have to wait. But waiting was good. It would ultimately make it better. Especially after seeing Leah endure his ministrations.

Gianni placed his palms on her inner thighs, and parted them to fully expose her pussy. The scent of her arousal filled his nostrils and weakened his resistance. Leaning close, he touched his mouth to hers, and she responded.

Releasing her from the kiss, he swirled his tongue around her nipples, and Leah whimpered. Gianni sucked at the tiny pebbles, letting her taste excite him. He suckled until Leah’s panting grew louder. Not wanting to bring her too close yet, he kissed down her ribs and across her belly.

“You do not have to be silent,” he said. “Tell me how you feel blindfolded.”

“It’s so intense,” Leah said. “Each touch is magnified. I don’t know where you will touch next, and the sensation is unexpected.”

“Yes, it would be.” Gianni kissed over the top of her sex. “I like having your legs bound and spread for me,” he said. “You are mine.”

“I am. I want to be.”

Gianni stroked along her wet slit. “You are so wet, baby. I like that.” He dipped inside her, and Leah whimpered. “You want more, don’t you?”

“Yes, please,” Leah said through ragged breathing.

With his hands over the ropes around her ankles, Gianni leaned in and kissed her pussy. It sent a wave of electricity through him. Gently, he raked his tongue over her sensitive tissues. The sexy sounds Leah made escalated his thrill.

Spreading her outer lips, he kissed deeper, knowing the distress he caused. Leah squirmed, but could not escape the torture. Gianni tasted her sweet cream, and breathed deeply of her feminine scent. Then he rolled his tongue around her tight clit, making sure not to touch the tip.

Leah turned her head to the side. “Oh God.”

“You will wait,” he said firmly.

Gianni grasped her wrists and pulled her hands from behind her back. He placed her palms over her breasts. “I want you to caress yourself so I can watch,” he said. “I want to see your pleasure when you feel your heavy breasts, and pinch your taut nipples.”

Leah hesitated.

“You don’t want to be punished, do you?”


“Then do as I tell you.”

She cupped her hands under her breasts and squeezed lightly. Then she began to massage sensually, and flick over her nipples. “Pinch them,” Gianni said, and she did. “Harder.” Leah pinched her nipples harder, and they turned red. She panted softly.

Reaching under the sofa, Gianni retrieved an instrument. It was a rubber dildo with a curve in it. He warmed it with his hands. He couldn’t take his eyes off the way Leah caressed herself. It was deliciously forbidden, and hot as hell.

Gianni stroked along her inner thighs to acclimate her to his touch, then he cupped her sex. Noting that Leah looked calm, though aroused, he slipped two fingers inside her. Her muscles clenched. He stroked gently, and her legs fell wider apart.

It was her way of begging for more. Gianni took the tip of the instrument and touched it to her, dipping inside just a little. Leah stiffened. “It’s okay,” he whispered.

Her muscles relaxed, and Gianni slid the instrument in more. Finding just the right angle, he began to stroke. The curve of the tool allowed it to reach the erogenous zone a couple of inches back, under the front of her vaginal wall.

When stimulated it would lead to stronger arousal, and a more powerful orgasm. Gianni watched Leah’s reaction as he moved the tip over the sensitive area. Her panting grew louder, and her skin flushed. “Not yet,” he warned.

Gianni knew that her climax was near, and he stopped moving for a moment to delay her pleasure. “Tell me how you feel,” he said.

Leah opened her mouth, but at first words didn’t come out. Then she said, “I feel…I don’t know how to say it. I feel…sort of high…and a bit delirious.”

BOOK: Leah's Seduction: 7 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction)
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