Legacy: Book Two of the Chronicles of the Nubian Underworld (19 page)

BOOK: Legacy: Book Two of the Chronicles of the Nubian Underworld
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He held me tightly still, his free hand caressing me, soothing
me. He kissed me softly on the nape of my neck and murmured how very much he loved me; how much my Goddess adored me and how much my sis idolized me. Relaxed from the release I had craved so badly, I finally opened my eyes. I could feel him shrinking inside me. I picked up my head and giggled. He followed my gaze to where the three men were sprawled, their swollen pieces still in hand. Their hands were covered in sticky gooey semen.

He gently bit my earlobe and whispered, “Look at what you did to those men! I think you have earned yourself another spanking tonight!” I lifted my eyebrows and smiled at the thought. He lifted me carefully and we both paused while we felt his limp, slippery shaft slide out of my ass.

He stood up and bent me over the chair, ass toward the men watching. He told me to spread my legs. My own juices ran in rivulets down the inside of my thighs. He parted my ass cheeks and they all watched fascinated as gobs of thick white semen oozed from my asshole, which gaped slightly from the fucking. He rubbed his hands over my still-red warm ass. He glanced at the men leering at me. “Now, that, gentlemen, is how a woman’s ass should look after it’s been used.”

He commanded me to pick up my clothes and to redress. The extra guys, realizing the show was over, returned to their work. David mumbled as he left, “I’ll meet you at the counter.” I would have sworn he sounded a bit disappointed about the whole thing being over so soon. While the actual procedure lasted maybe ten minutes, getting me “there” took damn near twenty. It was a long time to be that stimulated, but I was used to it. In the past, Daddy had me in heat for at least twelve hours, constantly on the edge and back.

Before Daddy let me put on my skirt, he stood me in front of
the mirror on the back of the door and spread my legs to look at the piercings.

“How do you like it, My little one?” he asked.

I blushed. “I think it is pretty, but mostly i am glad that it pleases You, Daddy.”

He pulled up my skirt and I slid my feet into my sandals. He hugged me tightly, which I admit made me feel completely consumed because of his sheer size and height. “It pleases Me very much, baby.”

“Thank You, my Pharaoh.” My body shook, still enjoying the encompassing feeling of his embrace. God, he made me feel so safe. “It is my desire to please You always.”

He led me out to the counter to pay their bill. My ass and thighs were still wet from my juices, but I knew he would never let me wipe it off and he hadn’t given me time or permission to massage it in. The men worked halfheartedly, but stopped when I appeared. They watched my ass, barely covered by the skirt, and watched the semen still trickling down my legs.

David pushed an invoice over the counter. Daddy pulled out his wallet as he looked over the bill. “David, this is more of a discount than we agreed on,” he noticed.

David smiled slowly and responded, “Well, Kane, that was quite a show. The guys and I enjoyed it far too much to charge you what we agreed on.”

Daddy smiled, paid the bill, and left a generous tip.

“Come again, soon!” David called out as we walked out the door.

Daddy grinned at me, causing me to blush again. He turned to David and said, “If she’s a good girl, this sexy little one’s sister will be coming…and


I was still on a sexual high from my new piercing.

Fuck, it hurt, but it felt so fucking good, and to top it off, to know that I was one step closer to being back where I belonged only added to the high I was on.

I guess that’s why I didn’t flip out when I stumbled onto a scene I didn’t expect to be an unwitting party to.

“Damn, tiger, you’re doing a better job than the masseuse i see on a weekly basis. Keep this up and i might have to pay you what i pay her.”

“Oh, flattery will get you everywhere, sexy. i don’t know why you keep flexing like you don’t like my hands on you.”

Ice was on tiger’s massage table, getting a naked rubdown that definitely did not look like an innocent massage and talk between them. Damn, I forgot how fuckable Ice was, and it had been a while since we’d been intimate, but that was a different time back then. I belonged to Daddy and Goddess and I was given permission to “have” Ice during a swing party they hosted at the House. Damn, he was so…insatiable…I had to beg to take a break so I could catch my breath.

Now, things have changed, especially the way he’d been acting as of lately. He had been a jackass, and that’s putting it mildly. The past few weeks in particular had been unbearable to deal with him.
He kept trying to fuck me at every opportunity, all the while trying his best to act like his wife repulsed him.

Despite my disdain for him and the way he’d been treating both my sis and me, my body betrayed me on levels I didn’t have a clue about. I hated feeling the wetness between my legs, trying to trick my mind into believing that he wasn’t the cause of it, ignoring the fact that I was attracted to a beautiful male body. Ice was beautiful; there was no denying it.

The other thing I couldn’t deny was what was transpiring in front of me.

I watched as tiger grabbed more massage oil and worked on Ice’s calves, moving up to the back of his thighs. He slid his hands over Ice’s ass, and I expected him to flinch and tell tiger to move his hands, but he didn’t.

I was confused by his lack of reaction. Ice never struck me as being flexible with his sexuality like that. But the more tiger massaged his ass and the inside of his thighs, the more Ice moaned and groaned like he
tiger to keep going.

“Okay, time for the front.” Ice flipped over, and I was shocked to see his manhood was rock-hard and standing at full attention. He moved over Ice’s chest first, working his way down to his stomach; all the while I saw his hips bucking upward, almost begging for more intimate attention from tiger. When tiger’s hand slid across the tip of his shaft, Ice still didn’t flinch.

“Sorry, bro.”

“Don’t worry about it, bro. i always get hard when i get a massage. My body doesn’t tell the difference between a man touching me or a woman touching me. Is that weird?”

“Dude, you’re asking the wrong person; i’m good with both teams, remember?” tiger moved down to his legs and I noticed Ice close
his eyes, getting more comfortable as tiger continued to massage his thighs.

I felt like I was betraying some privacy rule or something. I was a guest in his home. Yes, I was a guest by his wife’s invitation, but I still felt like I was intruding on something I shouldn’t have been. At the same time, he was allowing someone else to touch him… to handle his dick…in a manner that didn’t seem, well, right. I don’t mean right like “he’s not supposed to be gay” right; I was more along the lines of “your wife doesn’t know you’re doing shit like this” right.

But that’s not entirely accurate, either. tiger had told sajira that they had been intimate, but for this to be happening under her own roof? He was blurring the lines and that wasn’t cool at all. All he had to do was come clean and let his wife make an informed decision as to how to proceed.

Bastard…I should kill his vibe and then some!

I decided to let the scene play itself out, if for nothing else than for blackmailing purposes and masturbatory purposes. Watching two men getting together was hot as fuck to me, and I wasn’t about to interrupt this for anything. I was, however, going to blow up his spot thinking he could get away with doing this shit to his wife without at least coming clean about it.

tiger had his hands around Ice’s engorged member and poured oil all over his hand as it squeezed it tighter.

“Oh, fuck, that feels good.”

“Good boi, i’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. i’ve been wanting to do this for a while, you know?”

“Mmmm, yeah, i know. To be honest, i’ve been curious about what it might feel like to, well, you know.”

“Say it, Ice.”

He hesitated for a moment. His eyes were still closed as I imagined he contemplated his answer. “I…I want to know what it’s like for you to suck my dick.”

tiger continued to stroke Ice, torturing him. “Beg me.”

“Suck my dick, tiger, please.”

I tried to hold my gasps and moans in as I continued to take the scene in. My mind wanted to stop it before it really got out of control, but my body kept responding; my nipples were so hard they began to hurt and squeezing my thighs together only made things worse. The pressure shot through my clit, and I bit my lip harder to keep from screaming out.

tiger bent down, his tongue licking the head, licking his entire length, treating his dick like it was a chocolate ice cream cone, closing his eyes and getting into a zone as he began to piston up and down, clamping down and creating the suction he needed to make his mouth feel like a pussy squeezing tight. Ice gripped the back of tiger’s head, arching his back in a futile fight for control of his pleasure. Watching him writhing and trying to keep from groaning and screaming, they had me turned on to no end.

His hips lifted completely off the table, yelling at the top of his lungs that he was coming. tiger never stopped sucking; he never lifted to let him spurt on his hands or anything like that; he drank everything down like it was his favorite milkshake.

“Damn, that was amazing.” Ice lifted up and kissed him deeply, causing me to cover my mouth with my hand to keep from shouting.
No, this son of a bitch did not do what I thought he did?

I walked away from the room, in desperate need to get away from the scene as my mind began to override my body at that point. The last words I heard out of tiger’s mouth before I disappeared upstairs were, “Get on the bed, bitch; i’m about to take that ass now.”

Yeah, I was definitely going to blow his mind when he got done before my sis arrived home. He needs to be set straight on some things as soon as possible before he fucks up on biblical levels.

“Fuck, you scared the devil out of me, woman; what the fuck is wrong with you?”

Flipping on the light switch to the kitchen and unexpectedly seeing me waiting on him as he walked to get a bottled water out of the fridge, the menacing stare that greeted him temporarily caused him to forget about the fleeting moment of fear, thinking that there was someone he didn’t recognize in his home.

“i should ask you the same question, dude,” I retorted. My arms were folded across my chest, completely closed off with an “I wish you would” look that let him know this was not going to be one of those easy days, at least, not for him. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“i don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Yes the fuck you do, you stupid jackass.”

“Oh, we’re resorting to name calling now?”

“We are when we got busted having a man suck our dick when anyone could have come home and seen it all happen.”

Ice froze. “you didn’t see shit.”

“i believe the proper words were, ‘get on the bed, bitch; i’m about to take that ass now,’ right?”

“It wasn’t what you think it…tiger—”

“Has been wanting to suck and fuck you for a while now, yeah, i know.” I didn’t have time for the bullshit. I was beyond the point of worrying about what my supposed “lying eyes” might or might not have seen. “The funny thing is, he told me he was gonna fuck
you, and i told him you weren’t that stupid to fall for it. i guess the joke’s on me, huh?”

Ice had the nerve to look pissed. “So, what are you gonna do, huh? Are you gonna drop a dime on my wife?”

“No, you should have come clean a long time ago, dumb ass.” I was so pissed I could have taken a piece of steel and knocked him upside his head. “If you don’t come clean to her, and i mean as soon as fucking possible, you’ll leave me no choice but to fuck up your whole world, and that means your Mistress, too.”

“you wouldn’t…”

“Oh, wouldn’t i? Have you forgotten the clout i have with the Dominants in the community? i have taken great pains to make sure my word, my recollections of how things happen are exactly what happened.” I stared him down, never once flinching or moving a muscle in the chair. “your Mistress knows i have no reason to lie, and if i recall correctly, you’re not exactly in Her good graces at the current moment. A transgression like this is likely to really have your ass in a sling.”

BOOK: Legacy: Book Two of the Chronicles of the Nubian Underworld
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