Read Let It Snow Online

Authors: Suzan Butler,Emily Ryan-Davis,Cari Quinn,Vivienne Westlake,Sadie Haller,Holley Trent

Let It Snow (9 page)

BOOK: Let It Snow
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“I only like one part of you being dick-like.” She smiled. “I’m going to go get dressed now. Try not to eat everything, huh?”

He saluted her then smacked her ass again as she passed.

“Hey!” She squeaked in that adorable way he loved and glared at him. 

When he faked going after her once more, she ran to the bedroom before he could.

He turned back around, chuckling to himself, then froze as he caught sight of Leo walking into the kitchen. Bedraggled and obviously not awake yet, Leo swiped the sleep from his face. Crescents colored the spots under his eyes. He didn’t look like he’d had enough sleep.

Well, boo-hoo for him.

Leo went straight to the coffee pot. Garrett watched as he took a few sips, testing the sugar content of his coffee and then turned around and froze. His eyes widened as he saw the surrounding mess.

“What…” Leo blinked. His eyes shot up to Garrett. “You let her in my kitchen?”

Garrett shrugged with a smile. “I don’t own her.”

Leo stared at the mess covering every counter in absolute horror.

Garrett chuckled, a satisfied contentment falling over him seeing Leo’s discomfort. “She was up before me.”

“The brat. She did this to get back at me, didn’t she?”

Garrett raised his hands in a hands-off motion. “Like I said, I don’t own her.” Yeah, it was a copout. But he found the whole thing just a little amusing. Brianna’s particular brand of justice was just a little passive aggressive.

 “I’m a real jerk, Garrett. To both of you, but mostly to you. Dude, I’m sorry I was an ass.”

Garrett shrugged. “Leo, man, this is new. I mean, Bri isn’t just another woman. She’s the love of my life… well,” he paused, “one of them.”

Leo’s head jerked up. Garrett almost regretted throwing that out there, but Leo deserved the truth. Hell, Garrett himself needed the truth. 

“What, did you think she was feeding you horseshit last night, you fucktard?”

“Well, y—no,” he said as Garrett pushed off the counter. “I… I didn’t think there was any place for me with you two.” Garrett did love Brianna, but sometimes he wondered if she hadn’t been a convenient solution a decade ago, because the feelings he’d had for Leo hadn’t ever gone away. He’d buried them deep. He’d convinced himself he was straight.

But now he knew the truth. He loved Brianna deeply, but he also loved Leo, and he wanted his two loves to know, to understand, to feel.

Garrett crowded Leo until he hit the counter edge. Before Garrett could think about anything rational, he grabbed Leo’s face in his hands and pressed his lips to his, not giving an inch, not letting up even to breathe. The time for letting the ones he loved go was over. He’d convince the idiot how he felt once and for all. If he still wanted to walk away, at least he’d know he tried.


Leo’s entire body went into overdrive as Garrett devoured his mouth, thrusting his tongue into his mouth, taking, demanding. He gripped the outside of Garrett’s strong arms, unable to do anything but let the man kiss him.

He’d completely fucked everything up the night before. He knew it and he wanted him anyway. His whole body was tuned to Garrett. But this wasn’t right. The man’s
was in the next room. Regardless of what Brianna felt, he was kissing a married man that he had feeling for. Letting him go back to his wife was going to kill him. He started to pull back, but Garrett pressed against him harder, holding him hostage.

“Don’t fucking think,” Garrett said against his lips, his hands grasping his face. “Feel, you fuck-for-brains.” He took his mouth in another blazing kiss. Leo’s dick hardened, already at half-mast due to the woody he’d woken up with. It pressed against Garrett’s pelvis, jerking as Garrett’s hands ran down Leo’s arms.

Leo tried not to whine in disappointment when Garrett pulled back but the cool air was good for his overheated body. Garrett scowled. “We have unfinished business, Leo.”

Leo blinked. What the hell did that mean?

“It means we need to clear the air.”

Had he spoken aloud? Leo swallowed, his nerves firing as he watched Garrett transform from his best friend into something infinitely more primal and passionate. His back straightened, his erection tenting his boxers.

“Take the boxers off.”

“You know, Garrett…” He stopped as Garrett gave him that look. The one that meant business. The one that was both terrifying and sexy as hell. His balls tingled with arousal, lengthening his erection, still at half mast from his morning woody.

Garrett nonchalantly removed his own boxers and stood with his hands on his hips. From his broad shoulders to his chiseled pecs and abs… All six feet, long lean muscles… those captivating dark eyes that hinted at secrets he hadn’t even begun to crack… and that glorious cock jutting out from his narrow hips. He loved this man. Every solid inch of him.

“Leo. Now.”

Leo hooked his fingers in his boxers and slowly lowered them over his hips. He stepped out of them and grasped his dick, sliding his hand up and down the shaft. “Did you miss this?”

“You know it,” Garrett growled. Leo stroked himself a few more times for good measure, rewarded by his lover lunging for the drawer nearest him. He pulled out a tube of lube and a condom. “How did I know you still kept this shit in the kitchen too?”

“It’s dessert,” Leo replied with a grin. “It’s also in every room of the cabin.”

Garrett dropped the lube on the counter and crossed back to him in two strides, wrapped his arms around Leo’s torso and claimed his mouth again. Leo melted in his arms, the forthright way Garrett guided the action conjured up dozens of nights when Garrett topped him. It was something he’d tried to bury since the day Garrett had told him he was going exclusive with Brianna. It hurt that day, but that was when he’d decided never to let anyone top him again. It was something solely reserved for Garrett Zane.

“There’s a whole list of things I want to do to you, Leo,” Garrett said as he pulled back. “I want to kiss you.” He took his mouth, devouring him in a blazing passion before letting him loose. Leo’s heart pumped way too close to his skin.

“Bite you.” He nipped at Leo’s squirming tongue. Leo’s cock jerked between them.

“Suck you.” He kissed along Leo’s jaw, and up to where he traced the shell of his ear with his tongue, then sucked in the lobe. Frenzy didn’t come close to what was going on in Leo’s emotions.

Trembles overtook him, his groan filling the silence of the room. “Fuck.”

“Yes, I want to fuck you, too,” Garrett whispered into his ear. Leo’s cock jerked between them, another pitiful, wanton moan escaping his lips.

Garrett nipped, kissed, and licked his way down Leo’s neck to his collarbone, and slowly downward to his nipples. His thoughts vanished in a haze of arousal. Garrett laved his tongue around each nipple, grabbed them with his teeth, sucked and pulled. He alternated back and forth, working one with his fingers while he pulled on the other one with his teeth. Leo hissed, the sting of his teeth hitting a nerve that traveled straight to his cock. Leo ground out his name in a rough plea. He needed more. He needed to touch him. But somewhere his wires were getting crossed and he could do nothing except writhe as Garrett loved on him.


Chapter Seven



Garrett knelt before Leo, continuing to tease the man with soft butterfly kisses like he did with Brianna. Down his chest, around his nipples, across his belly. It was amazing the way the two responded so similarly, with so much passion and vitality. There was something he loved about the masculine scent of Leo’s skin, and the way he thrust forward when Garrett stroked him.

Like he did when he took hold of Leo’s thick cock, stroking and twisting the solid flesh. He gazed up at his lover, whose eyes were burning with fire and lightning, and then closed his mouth over the head and sucked. Leo dropped his head back and twisted fingers in Garrett’s messy spikes, gripping the back of his head.

Garrett sucked him deep, hollowing out his cheeks. He retreated back and rolled over the tip, the musky taste of Leo’s arousal hitting his tongue in the process. It was so fucking erotic Leo almost lost control. The rasp of Garrett’s stubble against his thighs stroked his libido, drove him higher knowing there was a man sucking his cock right then.

While he sucked, Garrett pressed the fingers of his free hand against Leo’s anus. The man responded by thrusting forward again, nearly choking him in the process. Leo was impossibly hard, which only turned him on more. His cock ached to be inside Leo’s ass. He wanted it stretching around his dick, squeezing him as he came apart under him.

God, he had missed this. How had he given this up for ten years? Why had he given this up, never given Brianna a chance to be okay with it?

Lube. Condom. He needed those things now. He grabbed them from where he’d left them on the counter and squeezed a liberal amount into his palm. He stood and took Leo’s lips in a demanding, aggressive kiss that Leo gave as good as he got.

Garrett spun him around and pressed him face first into the countertop, presenting his ass like a Christmas gift.

Slowly, he slipped the lube between his lover’s firm cheeks, working the tight opening. Leo pressed back onto his fingers, sounds of pleasure escaping his lips as Garrett stretched him. The man was tight, the walls hugging his finger as the lube slicked his opening.

“Fuck me!” Leo exclaimed on an exhale.

“Gimme a sec.” Garrett chuckled. “You’re fucking tight, man.” He stretched his ass more, adding a second finger, Leo’s moans of pleasure filling the air.

“It’s been a while.”

Garrett paused. “How long?” He was almost afraid to hear the answer.

Leo glanced back at him, hot desire searing into Garrett from his gaze. “No one tops me but you.”

Garrett’s cock jerked against Leo’s lubed ass. The forcefulness of Leo’s answer almost made him come right then. Garrett pulled his fingers away and rubbed the remainder of the lube over his cock. Anticipation tensed his muscles. He took himself in hand and began to push into Leo’s tight hole, one gloriously hot inch at a time. He pulled back and then pushed forward again, working himself deeper into Leo until he was fully seated. Leo was so much tighter than he remembered, but if it was true that Leo hadn’t bottomed for anyone since him… He pressed as deep as he could into his friend’s ass and groaned loudly.

As he began to rock, Leo muttered hot expletives below him, his knuckles nearly white from how tight he was gripping the countertop. Garrett pulled out to the tip of his cock and pushed back in. 

“More. Fuck, Garrett. More.”

Garrett found his perfect rhythm, forcing himself to stay just below where he’d lose the battle with his body. Luscious flames consumed every bit of his body as he fucked Leo, his body’s wants taking over, thrusting harder and faster. He forced himself into deep, slow strokes so he could grip Leo’s cock and stroke in time with his thrusts. Leo’s back arched, his body opening even more to Garrett.

The throbbing shaft in his hand stiffened, signaling Leo’s orgasm. He stroked faster until Leo spilled against the counter and the floor. The sight of Leo gripping the countertop like a lifeline as his orgasm ripped through his body sent Garrett over the edge almost instantaneously. He shouted Leo’s name as his own orgasm racked his body, spilled inside Leo’s ass and the waiting condom.

Spent, they both stilled, breathing heavily. Garrett closed his eyes, his chest heaving with exertion. Ten years without feeling Leo against his body was too long. He shouldn’t have hidden this aspect of his life from Brianna. He shouldn’t have been afraid to tell her the truth. They should have explored this earlier.

He ran his hands down Leo’s back, following the lines of his muscles and his spine. He stretched out his fingers to encompass as much as the man’s back as he could. 

Oh, crap. Garrett froze solid. He was in love with two people.

“Oh, my God.” Brianna’s voice behind them tensed them both. Reluctantly, he pulled out of Leo’s ass and faced his wife. She wore her cute little kimono robe her mother had given her for her birthday last year. Surprise colored her face. Brianna pulled the kimono shut as much as it could go. He couldn’t tell beyond the surprise if it was shock or anger that he saw in her expression.


Brianna’s voice vanished after her exclamation. Both men stilled, like children caught with their hands in the cookie jar. A twinge of jealousy coursed its way through her body, but the sight of Garrett’s softening cock slipping from his best friend’s ass melted that feeling away with heated arousal. 

He grabbed a couple paper towels from the roll, watching her carefully as he removed the condom and cleaned himself off. She knew she should say something. Not speaking was only amping up the tense air between them. Garrett had told her, not in so many words that he’d been this way with Leo before. But she hadn’t expected her husband to be the one fucking the hockey player. In fact, she had a whole new view of her husband after the last few days. Kink was one thing and it was something they had yet to explore. This was a completely different thing.

She saw just a hint of fear in his expression as they waited for her to speak. His lips pursed tightly. His dimples, his lovely dimples, had vanished. She didn’t have words for how beautiful watching them had been. Watching her husband not only touch another man, but love him… it was the hottest thing she’d ever seen.

“That…”  The pure passion on their faces, the pleasure in their eyes. Even now, the evidence was on the cabinet and the floor, and in Garrett’s hand. “It was awesome.”

“What?” Leo turned carefully, his half-flaccid dick flopping as he avoided stepping on the mess they’d made. He had the look of a man completely satisfied by sex. That look, where space is the most important thing to stare into was how she felt anytime Garrett made love to her. The man had that way about him.

“I can see why you guys like to watch. That’s just fucking hot.”

“You’re not mad?” Garrett asked.

She frowned, then laughed. “Mad? Baby, I just said it was hot.  Besides, I’d be a bit of a hypocrite if I was mad and you were okay with Leo fucking me the other night. It’s just… not what I expected.” She’d heard shouts, and grunting, and she couldn’t help but come see what was going on. She certainly hadn’t expected the most erotic scene she’d ever seen.

BOOK: Let It Snow
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