Read Light to Valhalla Online

Authors: Melissa Lynne Blue

Light to Valhalla (33 page)

BOOK: Light to Valhalla
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Charley paused before a picture window
Resting her hands on the sill she leaned toward the glass, looking out
His mouth positively watered
The sight of her sultry, petite figure framed against the window was better—more provocative—than any fantasy weav
ed by his ima
Tan breeches enunciated the lush line of her hips and thighs
, molding to her
curls tumbled down her
back, entirely devoid of pins
e was a goddess
, divined on this earth for the sole purpose of tempting mortal men

“When I was a girl we’d come stay out here in the summer,” Charley murmured, drawing a finger along the glass

A stream runs just beyond the garden and the green
est clovers you’ve ever seen grow along the bank
Mama and I would spend hours picking w
ild flowers
and arranging them in this very room
I miss those summers,” she whispered, in a voice so broken and wistful a piece of his heart swel
led up and ached

He swallowed against the lump in his
Suddenly he wanted nothing more than to give her one of those magical summers
He wanted to see this place through her eyes, miles of lush clover and brilliant wild flowers, but mostly he wanted to see her smile and wash the melancholy from her tone
Alex cleared his throat
“You’ll have to show me one day.”

turned to him
so s
Alex was caught entirely unprepared for the
enchanting smile she bestowed upon him
“It is so peaceful here
Not another soul
in attendance to judge or eavesdrop
We are perfectly alone.”

“I’d noticed,” he murmured, taking a heady step toward
Blood hammered in his ears—along
with other, infinitely more male, parts
of his anatomy—making it
difficult to concentrate on anything
but the cling of her trousers or the lithe, fluid movements of her body as she
slowly about the room’s perimeter
Dainty fingers ran across the lamps and end tables; Alex was hard pressed not to dwell on the memory of those very digits trailing paths of fire across his chest

We could always light a fire
to warm up
she continued, stopping before the hearth

Hot on her heel
, Alex
behind her
, bracing his arms on either
side of her along
the mantel
“I have a better idea

Startled, Charley spun
he loose mass of her hair
slapped his forearm
, her palms falling naturally to the flat of his chest

I didn’t realize y
were so close.”

Moving quietly was an asset he’d come by in the army
He tilted his head,
taking in the sleek
curve of her face, down the column of her swan’s throat
Gently he placed his hands on her upper arms, closing the space between them
Charley gasped, her breath coming in quick gusts, but made no move to escape him
Warmth seeped through the fabric of her coat, tempting and tantalizing, until the desire to feel her skin on skin
was near to unbearable
To hell with slow
Alex wanted her with a burning need that proved more than a little frightening
He’d spend the rest of his life
what a devoted husband he could be
, but today he just wanted to make mad, mindless love to her

“Where do those stairs lead?”
he queried

stairs,” she hedged.

He leaned closer
. H
er sweet breath
across his lips, more erotic than any touch
“And what is upstairs?

hose huge green pools flicked up to him, robbing him of breath
Not for the first time the obscure notion he could fall into those eyes—drown if he wasn’t careful—whisked through his mind

To his immense surprise
stood on tip
toe, closing the
hairs distance
between them,
and softly pressed
her lips to his
elvety smooth
the kiss sent a rush of unequivocal desire through him
“The bedroom

whispered against his mouth
His gut clinched
She drew back, coy lashes fluttering over wide, all too innocent

Alex’s throat ran dry
He couldn’t move
Couldn’t think
Hell he was paralyzed
Falling into oblivion

for her

“Would you like to see it











Charley ducked beneath Alex’
s arm and strode to the stairs
Blood roared with dizzying force in her ears and she could scarcely believe she was actually doing
She was not a vixen or a tease
She had absolutely no idea what she was doing
, and yet she flashed a
‘come hither’ glance over her shoulder, beckoning him to heed her
siren’s call

For a moment Alex
looked so shocked she feared he’d fall flat on his face
“There are a number of things I would like to
,” he recovered quickly
took one long step forward, snaring her a
bout the waist be
fore her foot hit the first carpeted stair
spinning her into
“It’s more a matter of what you’re willing to show me.”

Charley’s breath caught at the fevered gaze her husband fixed on her
Intoxicating power and s
trength emanated from hi
s massive frame
, surrounding her, pulling her under his
roamed thick and dark in his midnight eyes,
lending him an
aura of
This game she played
could become very dangerous

Deftly Alex
plucked open the buttons running down the front of her coat
She shivered beneath the practiced touch
“Perhaps this?

His big hands slipped inside the jacket, smoothing over her shoulders until the heavy wool hit the floor with a
The heat of his broad chest burned through the layers of her clothing
Alex leaned forward with obvious intent to kiss her

“Don’t you want to go upstairs?” she asked breathlessly, heart knocking frantically against her ribcage.

“I can think of nothing we couldn’t do right here on the stairs.

He captured the back of her neck, drawing her in for a searing kiss

The stairs?
Charley scarcely had time to wonder
he planned to do on the stairs
Alex gathered her up in his arms, crushing her to his chest with a desperation matching her own
She moaned, opening
to him
answered the invitation slipping his tongue into her m
outh, tickling, teasing
orbidden sensations coursed through her, scattering her wits to the wind
She wanted this
Alex’s hands on her body, his lips over her own
She’d always known their hearts were connected and perhaps fate had set right what man had got wrong
Charley curled her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, molding herself to every hardened contour of his frame

Alex lifted her up, pinning her back against the wall, never once breaking the bond of their lips
A thrill shot through her
The position was so provocative
So new
The length of her hair draped in an intimate shroud around them
She took his face in her palms and whispered, “Take me upstairs.”

He groaned, the hands holding her thighs tightening
“Don’t tease me, Charley
My heart can’t take it.”

The words tugged at her
She drew back and met his gaze
breath caught
for all she saw mirrored there
Yearning poured from his eyes, so intense, it quite literally took her breath away
The need she saw and felt in the rigidity of his muscles held no malice or ulterior motive, only desire… dare she hope the beginnings of a
future they could share
This man was not callous or
He was not the daunting Lord
who struck fear in the hearts of passersby, but simply Alex
Her Alex

Sex wouldn’t solve their
problems, quite the opposite to be sure,
but it was something she wanted to experience
As a married matron she
’d been thrust into many a lady’
s drawing room with a gaggle of other married—or widowed—women who’d alluded to the pleasures of a lover’s bed
Charley did not want to be left in the dark of those conversations any longer
She wanted to know those elusive pleasures
for herself

She hesitated, slanting her face over his, mouth hovering just above his
“I would
n’t dream of teasing you.

arms se
about his shoulders and s
he wrapped her le
gs more
about his waist
owering her face she kissed each of his eyes and the corners of his mouth in turn, memorizing him as she’d longed to do for so long

The trip to the main bedroom was a blur of heated kissing and caresses
Somewhere in the process Charlie lost
both boots
, her shirt, and the old trousers were unbuttoned and falling off. At the top of the stairs Alex—in a similar state of dishabille—slung an arm about her waist, sp
inning her into the bedroom
Both of them laughed and the light in his eyes matched the joy building inside her
This was perfect
A new beginning with the man she’d loved since before she knew what love was

“Today in the village,” Alex began, catching the garnet adorning her neck and
it between thumb and forefing
er, “I bought you something else

He stepped back, clasped the fingers of her right hand and sank down on one knee
“Twice yesterday you told me that we aren’t truly married, and after some thought I came to the conclusion that… you’re right.”

Alex, I

“Just let me finish.

His Adam’s apple bobbed with boyish insecurity
He lifted his free han
d, revealing a delicate gold
Charley clasped a hand over her mouth, tears blurring the perfect vision before her
“I don’t want for that to be,
I want to be more for you than a husband in name
It is my solemn vow to honor you all the days of my life
Would you do me the honor of being my wife in every way?”

The words were not poetry or the stuff of romantic verses to be laid down on parchment for generations to come, but to Charley Alex’s impromptu vow was music from the angels
Fervently she nodded, battling the tears of joy th
reatening to burst forth
“I will.”

Alex smiled, his true
special smile that showed
hint of shyness ever lurking beneath his austere exterior
He slid the
simple band
onto her finger

“It’s beautiful,” she murmured
, holding it up for better inspection

The gold inlay is braided.

Celtic symbol
I’m told it means eternity.”

Moved beyond any
measure she’d believed possible, Charley dropped to her knees, pressing parted lips to her husband’s
For once the word did not taste a lie
Did not sound awkward or
n abst
in her mind
She shivered as his calloused
brushed down her arms
His lips move
d down the column of her neck
across her right shoulder and his fingers slid to the strings of her chemise

“Charley… sweet perfect, Charley.

He kissed
the hollow of her throat
trembling,” he murmured, tangling
his fingers
the length of her hair.

“I know, I can’t stop it.

She held her breath as one of his muscled arms circled her waist drawing her hips fully against
his other hand grazed the tip of her breast
The trembling took on a new level, even her insides
beneath his touch

Slowly she opened her eyes and immediately wondered at why she’d
in the first place
Golden sunlight filtered through the
windows highlighting the handsome angles of his face, illuminating the brilliance of his eyes
Emotion swirled with abandon through his gaze
In a word he seemed to worship her
She’d never dreamed to have a man look
her this way
Even as her pulse
quickened her apprehensions dissipated
She rose higher on her knees wrapping her arms around his neck, relishing the feel of his sculpted chest against her scarcely clad skin

“Are you

He stood, lifting her with him
The battered trousers slipped to the floor, leaving Charley clad only in a scanty cotton shift and stockings
As her
bare legs pressed against his toned thighs, the quickening in her belly increased tenfold
air breezed over he
r skin, but she scarcely noticed

“Is it all right if I say, yes?” she asked as he guided her to the bed

Very alright,
” he murmured,
his hands
over the gooseflesh raised on
her arms
“You’re cold.”

Actually she felt
“You promised to warm me up.”

r husband needed no further urging
He threw back
the green toned coverlet
and swept her
back onto the bed
He pulled the blanket ove
r them, rolling on top of her and claiming her lips in a fierce exchange

The world faded and swirled around her
, scattering any remaining fears
Charley wrapped her arms around his shoulders,
holding him to her
, never wanting him to leave
This was perfect
His lips stroked hers with urge
nt, delicious need, leaving her on fire

BOOK: Light to Valhalla
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