Little Bird (The Tangled Series) (27 page)

BOOK: Little Bird (The Tangled Series)
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“You must be Lee and Savannah?”

“That’s us. We really appreciate your willingness to do this on such short notice, Mr. Milligan.” As Lee spoke, the officiant stepped out to join them on the porch, shaking hands with both of them.

“Please, call me Carl. And it’s my pleasure. It’s a beautiful day, sunny and not too hot. My wife keeps a lovely garden in back. I thought you might like to do this there?” Carl offered them both a questioning look.

“That sounds nice.” Lee nodded and they followed Carl around the side of the house to the back yard.

They were holding hands as they walked together, and Savannah looked up at him with a nervous smile, seeking reassurance from his ever-present overabundance of confidence. Lee squinted back at her, the sun in his eyes, as he slowed their pace so they fell a little farther behind Carl.

“I have a ring at home for you, Little Bird. I’m sorry I don’t have it here.” His voice was quiet so they wouldn’t be overheard and he looked genuinely apologetic about the absent ring.

“You have a ring already?” Savannah gave him a dubious look. What did he do, keep a spare ring around just in case he decided to get married on the spur of the moment?

“It was my mother’s. Well, technically, it was my great-grandmother’s first, but eventually it was my mother’s.”

Of course, she should have thought of that. Wealthy old families like his always seemed to have heirlooms like that. As opposed to her family, where there hadn’t been anything worth handing down from one generation to the next.

Savannah stopped walking and they stood staring at one another, her fingers twined with his. She spoke hesitantly. She didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but she couldn’t accept that ring. “It’s sweet that you would think of that, Lee, but your sister should have it.”

“No, she shouldn’t. My mother wore it, my father’s mother wore it, my grandfather’s mother wore it and so will you.” Lee paused, his voice gruff with emotion she knew he fought to suppress. “And someday, our son’s wife will wear it. The rules for passing down that ring were established long before either one of us were even born. You don’t get to change them.”

Savannah nodded, accepting his answer. If that was the tradition in his family it wasn’t her place to question it. It was comforting, in its own way, to think she’d be part of something so much older than either of them. The few times Lee had spoken of his mother, it had been with a great deal of affection and admiration, so Savannah was sad she couldn’t have known the woman. Maybe wearing her ring would give them some kind of connection.

Unless Cara had worn that ring. That idea burst into Savannah’s thoughts like an unwelcome party guest, ruining the sentimental daydreams she’d been having about the Jackson wives who’d come before her. Now was probably not the appropriate time to ask, but she did anyway, unable to stop her uneasy curiosity.


Savannah didn’t even get as far as Cara’s name before Lee interrupted her, correctly guessing where she was headed. “No. Ma was still alive then. You might not be my first wife, but you are the only wife of mine who’ll wear that ring.”

Savannah grinned at him, unable to contain how pleased she was by his answer. She knew it was childish, but that didn’t change the fact she was glad Cara hadn’t had his family ring.

Turning together, they crossed the yard, Lee’s arm around her waist as she leaned into his side. They joined Carl where he stood near the most magnificent rose bush Savannah had ever seen.

Carl gave them both a pleasant smile. “Is there anything particular you’d like me to say? Do either of you have any religious preference?”

“I’m not religious,” they answered together and then looked at each other, surprised, before Lee added with a grin, “All I care about is the part where you say ‘I pronounce you man and wife.’ Feel free to use your professional judgment for the rest.”

“I’ll keep it short and sweet. Shall we get started then?” They both nodded and Lee handed the marriage license to Carl. After briefly skimming it, he began, “We are here today to celebrate the joining of Levon Jackson and Savannah Jane Alderton in marriage. With love and commitment, you have decided to live your lives together as husband and wife.”

Savannah and Lee stood facing one another, holding hands as they listened to Carl speak. Later in life, when she would think back on her wedding day, she’d realize she didn’t remember any of the words Carl had said. Instead, all she would remember was the look on Lee’s face, the feel of his hands in hers, and her own elated excitement. And really, those were the things that really mattered in the long run.

An hour later, they were at a nearby upscale hotel. Savannah stood in the hallway waiting for Lee to unlock the door. She felt bad he’d spent so much money on the room when they wouldn’t even be staying the night. She had tried to talk him out of it but he’d insisted on a few hours of privacy before they joined their friends at the camp. Which was fine with Savannah, she wanted a little privacy, too, but she’d have been perfectly happy with a less extravagant hotel. She wondered if she would ever get used to being married to a man for whom money wasn’t a consideration.

When it was unlocked, Lee wedged his foot in the door to keep it open and turned to Savannah, picking her up and carrying her inside. She giggled, giddy with love and excitement, as he carried her to the bed, setting her on the edge. How had she ever thought he wasn’t romantic? Normally, she might have considered carrying the bride over the threshold an outdated and silly tradition. But she’d noticed the way his jaw clenched when he picked her up, careful to keep the bulk of her weight on his good arm. It meant enough to him that he wanted to do it, even when he wasn’t in the best shape for it. Silly tradition or not, it was sweet and she wouldn’t argue.

Sitting down next to her he bent and started to unlace his boots. “Why don’t you call room service? Order some champagne.”

“No champagne. You were in such a foul mood this morning you may not have been paying attention when the doctor said no alcohol while you’re taking medication but I heard him.” Savannah got up and went to the phone on the bedside table.

“Not even married an hour and you’re already nagging me.” Lee snorted and gave her a teasing look while he kicked off his boots and socks. “Just get some water or soda, whatever. And see if they have some cheese and crackers or fruit or something. Nothing too much. I’ll take you out to dinner later so don’t spoil your appetite, but we’ve missed lunch. I don’t want you to get light headed from hunger when you should be getting light headed from multiple orgasms instead.”

Savannah laughed and dialed room service, ordering drinks and a snack. Lee stretched out on the bed, his back against the headboard, watching her while she talked on the phone. He looked at her so intensely it made her feel a little dizzy, so she moved to sit on the edge of the bed next to him. Lee shook his head, giving her a firm pat on the ass with his good hand, so she remained standing.

When she finished the call, she’d barely had time to set the phone back in its cradle when Lee spoke. “Take your clothes off.”

“But room service…”

“Which is why I’ll stay dressed.” Lee interrupted her, gesturing at her dress. “Now take your clothes off.”

Savannah swallowed hard and nodded, gathering her skirt in her hands and pulling it over her head with trembling arms. She didn’t know why she was so nervous, by now he’d seen her naked many times. Maybe it was just anticipation and excitement about what was to come.

Turning away to toss her dress on a nearby chair, she wondered what he was thinking as he watched her undress. When she looked at him again, while reaching behind her back to unfasten her bra, she almost laughed. What he was thinking was written all over his face, his eyes dark with desire as they moved over her body. Well, that answered that question, anyway.

She was stepping out of her panties when Lee spoke again, startling her. “I don’t think I like you wearing panties. You should stop.”

Savannah laid the last of her clothes aside and shook her head with a laugh. “You would say that.”

Lee didn’t say anything else and Savannah could feel her nervous energy growing. His eyes slowly raked over her naked body and Savannah shivered in response. It was almost like his gaze was a caress, her skin warming as his eyes passed over it. She might scream if he sat there staring at her for much longer.

She’d started to fidget when she finally gave in and said, “Are you just going to lay there and look at me forever?”

“Maybe.” Lee shrugged, unperturbed. “I like looking at you.”

“Well, that’s good since you’re stuck with me now. But this is a little unfair.” Savannah looked pointedly at his fully clothed body.

“Do you know when I thought for the first time you might be more than just a good fuck?” Lee ignored her comment and looked at her with a curious expression.

Savannah was thrown by his question, since she hadn’t been expecting it, so she stammered, “No, when?”

Lee swung his legs over the edge of the bed, moving to stand behind her. Savannah could feel his injured arm in the sling against her back as he reached around her with his good hand and cupped one breast, his thumb lazily stroking the nipple.

“It was that first night, after we’d fucked on the kitchen table.” Lee nuzzled her neck before hastily adding, “Before we argued.”

“Really? Why then?” Savannah was breathless as she leaned back against him, letting him fondle her breast.

“I don’t know why.” Lee chuckled gruffly and took a step forward, pushing her toward the bed. “It was when I was making dinner. You sat there talking to me while I cooked, and I remember thinking how nice it would be if we ended every day like that. It just felt comfortable and right. I liked cooking for you, too.”

Savannah giggled and glanced over her shoulder at him with a teasing smile. “That’s good. I maybe should have told you this sooner, but I can’t cook to save my life.”

“Well, I did promise to cook for you for as long as you were staying with me if you’d keep doing the dishes. I guess we’re both stuck now.” Lee kissed the end of her nose before giving her a pat on the bottom.

“On the bed, Little Bird. On your hands and knees.”

Savannah hurried to comply, having forgotten all about the room service they were still waiting on. When she’d positioned herself, she looked back to see him standing behind her, his gaze fixed between her spread thighs. Lee bent close and she made a small, strangled sound when he blew a warm breath over her pussy. He looked up at her at that sound, an amused smile playing over his lips, before turning his attention back to her aching entrance.

With a ferocity that startled Savannah, he covered her with his mouth, his tongue thrusting inside her as he found her clit with his thumb. Lee wasn’t playing or teasing, either. He licked her with such energetic enthusiasm she was shocked by how quickly she could feel her orgasm building. Unfortunately, just as she was reaching the brink of her climax, room service knocked on the door.

Lee pulled away, wrapping his good arm around her hips and pulling her off the bed. Setting her on her feet, he pulled back the covers. “Get in.”

Savannah obeyed, pulling the covers up around her neck while Lee crossed to the door. With a quick glance at her to make sure she’d had time to cover herself, Lee opened the door and let the waiter from room service in. The waiter carried the tray of drinks and food Savannah had ordered to the table by the window and Lee tipped him generously before he left.

Closing the door behind him, Lee arched a brow at Savannah and crossed the room toward the table. “I don’t know about you, but I’m famished.”

“Then get over here and eat my pussy because you are not leaving me like this.” Savannah was proud of herself for mustering the courage to make such a crude demand but she was blushing hotly anyway.

Lee altered his course, coming around the bed again and pulling back the blankets. Pushing her thighs apart with his hand and finding her clit with his middle finger, Lee asked, “Should I just get you off real quick then so you can concentrate on other things?”

“No.” Savannah moaned, her hips rocking against his hand instinctively. “I want your cock.”

“Oh, you’ll get my cock, Little Bird.” Lee chuckled and leaned over her, taking her nipple in his mouth, his teeth clasping and pulling. Savannah gasped, her back arching, and Lee let the nipple slip from between his lips. “When I’m ready to give it to you and not before.”

Lee adjusted his hand, his thumb settling over her clit as he slid two fingers inside of her. Just like that Savannah was on the verge of orgasm again, thrashing in the bed as Lee fingered her. It amazed her for as short a time as they had known one another that he knew so well how to touch her to get just the response he wanted.

Savannah felt her pussy begin to quiver around his fingers, the first sign of what was sure to be a powerful orgasm. But much to her frustration, he withdrew his hand, leaving her hanging again just as he had when room service arrived.

“Get up, honey, help me get this sling off.” Lee took her hand, pulling her to her feet. Savannah stood on wobbly knees wondering if her fingers would even work. Thankfully, and to her surprise, they did. She helped Lee with the sling before assisting him with the rest of his clothes. Once he’d had the sling off, he probably could have undressed on his own just fine, but she enjoyed helping him, just as she’d enjoyed helping him dress that morning at the hospital.

When he was naked, Lee started to guide her back to the bed but Savannah resisted, instead going to her knees in front of him. Lee looked down at her, watching through lidded eyes, as she leaned forward to lick and kiss his erection. Savannah loved the taste of him, the feel of him in her mouth. Maybe it was her imagination, but it seemed like he was harder than she’d ever seen him before and she could feel him throbbing as she wrapped one hand around the shaft.

Lee groaned with his head back and his good hand tangled tight in her hair as she continued to tease him with her tongue. Slowly stroking his shaft with a firm grip, she bent closer, licking his balls. That got an unexpectedly keen response.

“Oh, Jesus. Stop, Savannah, or I’ll come just like this.” Lee pulled her hair, his voice distorted by the force of his arousal.

BOOK: Little Bird (The Tangled Series)
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