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Authors: Emma Hillman

Tags: #Romance

Live It Up (6 page)

BOOK: Live It Up
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“Hang on to me,” was the last thing he said before the sensations overwhelmed her, and all she could do was grab his biceps and follow his crazed rhythm.

His cock rubbed her from the inside out, touching spots she hadn’t even known existed, making her feel as if she’d never made love before. As if this was brand new.

She rocked her hips up and down, again and again, her world disappearing gradually until all she felt was the pleasure building inside her.

When it finally burst and she screamed out her orgasm, she heard Andy shout something. He stilled above her, and she knew he was coming too.

She smiled and hugged him to her, so damn proud that she’d made him lose control, that she was giving him pleasure. For that second in time, he was hers. Only hers. Lion and man.

Yup, she sure knew how to have some seriously good dreams.




Chapter Six


Sunny woke up in another strange bed, but that was something she was getting accustomed to. What was different this time however was the way her body felt.

She was lethargic and tired, which was normal these days, but why had her thighs started to ache? And why was she smiling even though her situation was no laughing matter?

It was only when she rolled over right onto the wet spot that she remembered her dream. Or rather…her non-dream.

“Shit!” She shot up, the covers falling down to reveal her naked body. She looked down at herself and winced. “Shit!” she repeated. Love bites adorned her skin, from the top of her breasts to the insides of her thighs.

It hadn’t been a dream.

It hadn’t been a dream
! Which meant that she’d really made love—had sex, whatever—with Andy. Which also meant that what she’d witnessed earlier had been real.

“He’s a shifter!” She grabbed the sheet and flung it away from her so she could get off the bed. Of course, as soon as her feet hit the floor, she promptly fell.
Damn it, I’m tired of being weak!

It took her a couple tries to sit back up on the edge of the mattress, and by then, she was nearly breathless. He’d been right, it appeared. She’d been too weak for sex. Ha! What had happened to her to turn her into that half-crazed woman?

Andy had happened.

She swore inwardly. What was it with that man? Beast? God, she couldn’t believe she’d actually seen him shift. Hell, she’d petted his lion form! And he’d purred like a freaking cat!

Loud, angry voices cut through her inner tirade. She stilled and tilted her head, trying to hear who was talking. She was pretty sure the voices were coming from the kitchen, which meant she’d have to get closer in order to hear better. And considering what’d happened, there was a pretty good chance they were talking about her.

Maybe Andy was deciding what to do with her now that he’d had her under him?

She cringed as she pushed herself to her feet and shuffled as quietly as possible to the opposite wall. Then leaning against it, she made her way out of the room. It was only when she’d made it nearly to the end of the hallway that she realized she hadn’t thought of covering herself.

Here she was, spying on Andy and whoever else was yelling, and she was bare-ass naked.

“Nice!” she commented, rolling her eyes at herself.

Before she could turn around and shuffle back to the bedroom however, someone called out, “Who’s there?”

A man appeared around the corner, soon joined by Andy who took one look at her and hurried to her. “Sunny! What are you doing here?”

“I… I heard voices,” she admitted, letting him wrap his arm around her waist. She leaned against him, enjoying how strong he always felt. Then she remembered what had happened earlier and pulled away.

He frowned down at her. “What’s wrong?”


“She’s lying.”


“And she reeks of sex. What the hell did I tell you, son?”

Something flashed in Andy’s eyes. “Don’t talk about her that way.”

Before she knew what was happening, he’d pushed her behind him, effectively moving between her and his…father?

She looked at the man and realized that, yes, there were similarities. Well, he looked more like Andy’s brother. Nate? Yes, that was his name. Maybe it was because they both had the same brown curly hair. The piercing eyes, though, were definitely the same as Andy’s.

Except now she could discern the lion looking back from the man’s eyes. It focused on her, making her take a step back.

“Who are you?” she heard herself ask.

The lion growled an answer. Andy stepped in front of her once more, cutting off her view of his father. “I’m the Enforcer.”

“I’m your Alpha!”

“She is mine.”

“How can you say that after what happened with Lana?”

Sunny barely had time to ask herself who the hell Lana was as, seconds later, Andy snapped. He grabbed his father by the throat and pushed him against the opposite wall. The hallway soon resonated with low growls.

She looked at the two men fighting. No, they weren’t fighting per se. They were just staring intently at each other.

This is my fault
, she thought, clinging to the nearest doorjamb for purchase.

“What is wrong with you?” Andy’s father finally asked, his voice harsh and grating. “An Enforcer cannot lose control. Ever!”

She watched as Andy closed his eyes then took a step back. “I know.”

“Maybe you need a break from the Pride. Take her home, son. Just don’t come back until you’re yourself again. You’ve worked so hard over the past few years. I’d hate it if it was all for nothing.”


“Just go. I’ll get Dumb and Dumber to replace you in the meantime.”

“Stop calling them that!”

The man grunted. “They can’t deny who they are. Take your time, Andy. Just don’t do anything stupid.” He looked back at her before adding, “Stupider.”

And with that final parting shot, he turned on his heel and left, leaving Sunny feeling even more bewildered than before.

“Shit!” Andy snapped, driving his fist into the wall and denting it so badly she had to physically stop herself from reaching for him just to check that he hadn’t broken his hand. But no, he didn’t even seem to be hurt. He was a shifter after all.

God. He was a shifter.

They all were.

“Who’s Lana?” she heard herself ask then nearly slapped herself upside the head. After everything that had just happened, did she really have to focus on that one tidbit? Really? “Forget I said that.”

He turned toward her and smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “I’m sorry you had to witness that.”

“Your father is very, uh, intense.”

“He’s our Alpha.”

“What does that mean?”

He walked to her and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her with him toward the bedroom. “He’s the most powerful lion in our Pride. He’s our…like our captain, I guess, you could say.”

“So you’re the Enforcer because you’re his son?”

“Yes and no. I’m stronger because of it, but that’s not the only reason.”

She wanted to ask what other reasons there were, but they’d stepped into the bedroom and just the sight of the rumpled sheets made her face flush. Then she remembered she was still naked. “Eek!”

She landed face first on the mattress. It only took her two tries to manage to cover herself. By the time she emerged from the mess of covers, he was smiling again, but this time he meant it. It showed in the way his eyes glinted as he stared down at her, his arms crossed over his t-shirt clad chest, the expression on his face softer than she’d ever seen before.

“Are you finished?”

She scrunched up her nose. “Yes.”

“Good. You do realize you didn’t have to cover up on my account, right?”

“Ri-right. Hmm, about what happened—”

He cut her off with an apologetic look. “I need to check in with my lieutenants and let them know what they’ll have to do in my absence. I’m sorry to do this to you, but do you think you could be ready to leave in two hours?”

“So soon?” She blinked. Hadn’t they just arrived?

“Yes. I can’t go against my father’s orders. And if I do, I’ll snap again so it’s better if we leave quickly. I’ll explain why later.”


“Please, kitten. You can finish your road trip."

“That’s true.” And she’d be far, far away from all those weird people. “You can just get me to the nearest used-car lot. I’ll buy a cheap one and be on my way.”

It was lucky she had a credit card because between a new set of wheels, plus clothes and motels and food, this really was going to be a much more expensive road trip than she’d planned for.

“You’re still my responsibility, Sunny,” he replied, propping his palms on the bed so he could lean down and hover above her.

His gaze catching hers, he waited until she felt her heartbeat accelerate, probably because he was so damn close, and oh my but he smelled good…and he tasted good too, she suddenly remembered.

“You were saying?” she finally said, snapping back to the present.

He chuckled, the sound still echoing above them when he lowered his head and brushed her mouth in a soft kiss.

He pulled back long minutes later. “You’re mine now, kitten. Remember that.”

On those cryptic words, he left the room, the gesture so like his father’s, Sunny suddenly understood that there was more to Andy than what he’d shown her.

After all, she’d only seen one side of him so far. When the attack had happened in the woods all those days ago, she’d been too out of it to comprehend what he’d done. She should really ask him what an Enforcer did. As soon as possible.




Chapter Seven



They hadn’t been on the road for more than two hours, but already, Andy knew this was going to be very different from his usual road trips. Sunny kept pointing to whatever took her fancy along the road, from weird-shaped trees to the occasional animal.

“It’s a rabbit," he commented.

“I know. Cute, right?”

“Yummy, you mean.”

She glared at him, and he couldn't help but smile. She just had that effect on him.

“I like rabbit. Tastes a bit like chicken.”


“What? It’s true.”

“You don’t have to tell me! Vegetarian here, remember?”

“Oh, believe me, baby. I remember everything about you.” He made his voice dip as if he flirted with women all the time, as if it hadn’t been years since he’d felt that sensation course through him.

His hands steady on the steering wheel, he turned his head to the right and quickly looked at her. She was biting her bottom lip, her gaze on him.

, he thought as he spied the telltale look in her eyes. Between that and the suddenly overwhelming scent permeating the car, he had to force himself to focus on the road and not on the lovely woman sitting beside him.

The one who clearly wanted him. The one who’d screamed his name only hours before, her inner walls squeezing his cock so tightly he hadn’t had a choice but to let go too. God, she’d felt amazing.

His cock at half-mast inside his pants, his mind swamped with images of their lovemaking, Andy struggled to ignore his lion’s urging to claim her.

After all, Sunny was human. She could never become his mate…and he already had one anyway.

The reminder slashed through him. Sometimes he managed to spend days without thinking of Lana. He knew she was as happy as she could be, living in the little world she’d created for herself. He understood her need to stay away from him. Hell, he was even grateful for it.

Yes, they were okay. A mating bond linked them, true, but they were free to live outside of it. In fact, it was expected of those not sharing a love match. He knew she’d had other relationships, because as the Enforcer he made sure to know everything that was happening within the Pride. He was fine with it, probably as fine as she was with him not remaining celibate.

What was happening with Sunny was different though. She wasn’t like the other females he’d bedded over the years. She’d become too important to him, to his animal, over the course of only a few days.

It still didn’t change the fact she was human. And he sure as hell wasn’t.

He growled at the thought. His back went up. His fingers clenched around the wheel right as a truck careened down the road toward them.

“Shit!” he swore out loud when he noticed a car trying to overtake it. “Get back in your lane!” he shouted, pressing down on the brake at the same time to slow the SUV long enough for the other driver to slide in front of the truck.

“That was close,” Sunny commented some time later. “Good driving.”

BOOK: Live It Up
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