Read Locked Together (In Chains) Online

Authors: Michelle Abbott

Tags: #Romance

Locked Together (In Chains) (13 page)

BOOK: Locked Together (In Chains)
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I don’t know how long I’ve been running for but I’ve come to the end of another lot of trees, I can see lights ahead of us. My thighs are burning, my feet are sore and I need to stop to catch my breath. I carefully lower Savannah to her feet as I listen out for the sound of anyone following us. I can hear footsteps heading towards us; I pull Savannah behind a tree out of sight as I get ready to jump on whoever is coming up on us. I hold my breath as the footsteps get closer, no way am I letting them hurt my baby, I’ll kill them if I have to. I see the shadow of a man and am about to jump on him, when he speaks. “Where the hell are you guys?” I relax, it’s just Reece.

Savannah pops out from behind the tree. “We’re over here,” she calls out to him. As he gets nearer I see that he’s still got Bailey with him, I shake my head, all that moaning and he carried the bitch anyway. Savannah sits down on the grass, so I move to sit behind her. I wrap my arms around her and she rests her head against my chest. She looks up at me. “Your heart’s thumping,” she holds her hand over my heart.

I know it’s corny but I can’t resist, I look down at her beautiful face and grin. “It’s thumping for you baby, you bring it to life.”

Reece drops Bailey and collapses to the ground. “How much farther we gonna go? Where are we gonna stop?”

“There are lights up ahead,” I tell him, “there may be a road up there.”

“Then we should head for the road,” Savannah says. “If we can find a phone booth I can call Simon.”

I shake my head. “You can’t do that baby. His house will be the first place they look for you.”

“I know that,” she gazes up at me, “I’m not going to his house. I was thinking of getting him to meet us somewhere, he can bring some clothes and money.”

I look down at my slave scrubs, she’s right, we’ll stand out in these clothes, they’ll be looking for someone dressed as a guard with two slaves in prison scrubs. We rest for a few minutes, then head in the direction of the lights. We don’t bother running, I think we’re all too tired and I haven’t heard anyone follow us.


We’ve reached a road; we’re crouching behind some bushes for cover. It looks like a major road but it’s not busy right now, we’ve been here for a few minutes and have only seen one car go by. “Let’s walk alongside the road, stay behind the bushes,” Savannah says. “Look out for a phone booth.”

I look across at Reece, he still has Bailey slung over his shoulder. “She needs to walk, we don’t wanna stand out,” I tell him.

He stops, lays her down on the ground and frowns at me. “If we untie her, what’s to stop her trying to run?”

“It’s a risk we gotta take, keep hold of her,” I tell him. Reece kneels down behind her and holds her around the chest while I untie the strip of sheet from her ankles. The bitch kicks me, so I grab her ankle and twist it, hard. She grunts in pain, I press my face up against hers and glare at her. “If you kick me again bitch, I’ll break both your fucking ankles.” She’s glaring at me but I can see fear in her eyes, she knows I’ll do it. Her legs stay still; she doesn’t try to kick me again. I take off her gag, before she has chance to say anything, I put my hands around her throat and squeeze her windpipe. She makes a choking sound. “If you scream, try to run, or do anything to get us caught, I’ll end you and I don’t care what they do to me. I. Will. End. You. Understand, bitch?” She’s staring at me, her eyes are wide and I see her swallow, then she nods her head. I grab one of her arms and hoist her up. “You hold her other arm,” I tell Reece. “We’ll keep her wrists tied, they don’t notice so much.”

Savannah leads the way and we follow behind, holding onto Bailey. It feels like we’ve walked for about a mile before Savannah spots a phone booth. “You two stay here with her,” she tells us, “I’ll go and make the call.”

“How you gonna call him?” I ask her. “You ain’t got any money.”

“I’ll transfer the charge, he’ll accept it from me, it’ll be fine. Stay hidden.”

Reece keeps hold of Bailey. I peep my head over the bushes and watch Savannah go to the booth. A few cars drive by but they don’t take any notice of her, she don’t stand out as much as we do. She stays in the booth for a while, so I guess her brother took her call. I wonder what she’s telling him and what he’s saying to her. I wonder if he’ll bring the things she’s asking for. He hates me, he ain’t gonna be happy that she’s with me, but he loves her, so he’ll at least help her, even if he don’t help us. I decide right then, whatever happens I won’t let them take Savannah. I don’t wanna get caught, I wanna be with her, but if it comes down to her or me, I’ll let them get me so that she can get away.

She must’ve finished her call; she’s heading back towards us. “We’ll stay behind this bush, I’ve told him the name of the road, he knows where to find us,” she reaches across to hold my hand.

“You must know you’re not going to get away with this,” Bailey says, tempting me to gag her again. “When they find you, you’ll all be sentenced to death.”

“They can’t kill Savannah, she’s not a slave,” I tell her.

“If you let me go now,” she says, “I promise I won’t say a word. I’ll tell them you blindfolded me and I don’t know where you are.”

I glare at her. “You must think we’re stupid. We got no reason to trust you and you’re not going anywhere.”

She sneers at me. “Well of course you’re stupid, you’re slaves, I haven’t met a slave with brains yet.”

Used to her insults, I slowly shake my head and look away but quickly look back again when I hear a loud slap. Bailey is open mouthed and her cheek is red and glowing. Savannah is rubbing her palm. “Give me the gag,” Savannah says. I hand it to her and she ties it back around Bailey’s mouth.

I pull Savannah into my arms, her hands slide around my neck and she peeks up at me from beneath her lashes. I plant a kiss on her forehead, then I kiss both her eyelids, her nose, her right cheek, then her left cheek, I want to smother her in kisses. I rub my nose against hers. “Baby, every day, you give me a reason to love you more.” Our lips brush and we kiss. I close my eyes and lose myself in my baby, nothing else matters when I’m with her, she’s my life.

We sit down on the ground, behind the bush and wait for her brother. She leans her head on my shoulder and nuzzles into my neck; I stare up at the stars. “All I want is to have a life with you,” I whisper to her. I smile as I feel her eyelashes brush against my neck. “To fall asleep with you and wake up next to you each morning.” I stroke my fingers through her hair. “To be allowed to hold you and to do normal things like eat and shop together. I wanna go see the ocean with you and cook for you; I can make you a cake.”

She looks up at me. “A chocolate cake?”

I laugh. “Yeah baby, I’ll put lots of chocolate in it.”

She gazes into my eyes and runs her finger along my lips. “We’ll be together, Kayden. Whatever happens, we’ll be together.”

We’re holding each other when I hear the sound of a car. Peeking over the bush I recognise the car that has pulled up by the phone booth. “It’s your brother,” I tell Savannah. I watch as she runs over, opens the door and gets in. I’m half expecting him to drive off with her. After what seems like forever the car doors open and Savannah comes over to us, followed by her brother. She’s carrying a rucksack over her shoulder. I glance from her beautiful face to her brother’s, he’s scowling, he looks pissed.

“I’ve got clothes and some money,” Savannah says. “We can book a cheap hotel room for the night; I can pretend you’re my slaves.”

Her brother grasps her shoulders. “Savannah, think about what you’re doing,” he says. He doesn’t look pissed anymore, he looks worried. “You’re an escaped fugitive. You’ve helped two slaves escape and you have a guard held hostage.” He pulls her into his arms and squeezes her against him. “Don’t do this; don’t make this situation worse than it is already.”

I watch as Savannah looks up at him. “Simon I-”

“This is all your fault,” he snarls at me. “It’s your fault she was imprisoned. It’s your fault she escaped and it’s going to be your fault when she gets caught.” He lets go of Savannah and takes a step towards me.

“Simon,” Savannah grabs his arm.

“You’ve destroyed her life. You’re nothing but trouble. You’ve never been good enough for her and you never will be.” He’s so mad that he’s yelling and spit is flying out of his mouth. “If you love her like you claim to, prove it. Think of her before yourself for once and leave her alone. Let her have a life because she’ll never have one while she’s with you.”

As he turns his back on me and crushes Savannah in his arms, his words are rolling around in my head. He’s right. All I’ve ever done is fuck up her life, right from when she first met me, all I’ve done is cause her problems and make her sad. I don’t mean to, I love her, I love her so much. He’s right; I’ll never be good enough for her. Bailey said that to me too. I look down at my feet. I can hear them talking but my head’s too fucked up to make sense of what they’re saying. He’s right, she’s better off without me.

I feel Savannah’s hand land on my shoulder; it jolts me out of my thoughts. She takes my hand in hers. “Simon is going to drive us to a hotel; he’s going to book a room in his name.” She pulls me towards his car and I let her. I know I need to leave her, I know she’ll be better off without me, but not yet, I can’t go yet.


We’ve got a room with two double beds. Her brother just left, he gave her a cell-phone, telling her to call him first thing in the morning, or sooner if she has any problems. He gave me a filthy look before he walked out the door. I wonder if I’ll ever be the kind of boyfriend Savannah can be proud of. Oh who am I kidding, how could she ever be proud of being with a slave.

I’ve tied Bailey to the end of Reece’s bed; I’ve left her gagged for now. Reece flops down onto the mattress. “Man, a real bed,” he’s got a big grin on his face, “I could get used to this.”

Savannah is sorting through her rucksack. She throws a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and underwear onto the bed. “I should get rid of this uniform,” she says, “they’re probably looking for someone dressed as a guard.” Her face lights up. “I can finally have a decent shower.” She grins at me and reaches for my hand, moving in closer to whisper in my ear. “I need your help to rub in the shower gel.” My dick is instantly hard and I bite down on my lip as she pulls me towards the bathroom. I glance back at Reece, his eyes are closed, looks like he’s going to sleep and Bailey isn’t going anywhere, I can relax.

It’s been so long since I’ve made love to Savannah, way too long. She’s unbuttoning her shirt. “You said you wanna get rid of that, didn’t you?” I ask her. She nods her head. “Well then, don’t matter if it gets ruined, does it.” I grab the collar of her shirt and rip it open, the buttons fly everywhere. My gaze falls to her boobs; she’s not wearing a bra. A little moan comes out of my mouth as my hand reaches for her, I’m pretty sure I’m drooling. My fingers brush against her nipple and it instantly stiffens. “So beautiful,” I mumble.

Her skin is so soft against my rough hands but I think she likes it. I pull her shirt off and it falls to the floor. I stroke my hands from her shoulders down her arms to her wrists. Her fingers reach for the hem of my shirt and she tugs it up. “Take this off,” she breathes. I quickly yank it off and toss it across the room. Her soft little fingers glide across my chest. I’ve often wondered if she likes men with hairy chests, I haven’t got much, just a thin little trail between my pecs. Her hands roam down to my stomach and my muscles twitch. She unties the cord to my pants and pushes them down, then her gaze falls to the bulge in my underpants, she rubs her hand against my dick and I can’t take it anymore. I grab the waistband of her pants to tug her closer, then I rip them open and push them down her thighs, she’s wearing little red panties. I slide my hand between her legs, she’s wet, pushing her panties aside I slide a finger into her. Her head moves back and she moans. I remove my finger and suck on it as I kick off my pants. Savannah has taken hers off too and now she’s standing there, naked and gorgeous and mine. She’s mine.

As she turns her back to me to get into the shower, I get a view of her bare butt and before I realise what I’m doing I’ve pushed her into the shower cubicle and cornered her up against the shower wall. “I want you,” I growl. “You’re fucking beautiful, baby.” I smash my lips against hers; my hands are roaming everywhere, greedily, squeezing her boobs and her butt, running along her stomach and her thighs. I want to touch her everywhere all at once, this beautiful woman is mine, she wants me. Grasping her leg, I pull it up around my hip and crouch down a little so my dick can get to her pussy, my pussy. I cry out as I grind into her. “Oh fuck, baby, I love you.” My hands grip her butt and I hoist her further up the wall, she hooks her other leg around my waist. Oh God, she feels so fucking good. I slam my hips into her, I know I should be gentle, I should be loving, but I want her too much, too badly, it’s been too long. My head falls to her shoulder, she’s breathing heavy in my ear and it’s driving me on, I bite down on her neck and suck hard.

“Fuck me harder,” she whispers in my ear, “make me yours Kayden, make me yours.”

Her eyes are closed and her lips are parted, her beauty takes my breath away. Her nails are digging into my shoulders and with each thrust her head is bashing against the shower wall. Fuck it, I don’t wanna hurt her but I’m out of control. I pound into her, my chest heaving, my eyes glued to her face. She moans and her muscles clench around me as she orgasms. A loud groan escapes my throat and my forehead bashes against the wall as my body trembles and I release into her.

BOOK: Locked Together (In Chains)
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