Read Logan's Rattler Online

Authors: A. J. Jarrett

Tags: #Romance

Logan's Rattler (9 page)

BOOK: Logan's Rattler
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Finn had never been much of a romantic talker, but it seemed his sincerity came through loud and clear based on the watery smile his mate gave him. Finn would never tire of seeing Logan happy.

Before Finn knew what was happening, his mate tackled him to the bed, straddling his hips, and was peppering his face with kisses.

Finn took this as a good sign. Maybe the feelings Logan had for him ran deeper than just a strong liking.

Logan smashed his lips to Finn’s, and he moaned his pleasure.

The kiss was wet and deep, and Finn let Logan control the tempo. The glide of his mate’s hot, moist tongue rubbing alongside his had Finn’s cock filling to the point of pain. He thrust his hips upward as Logan ground down into his erection.


Logan’s Rattler


All too soon, Logan pulled back. Finn wanted to complain but saw the distress in his mate’s eyes. Logan sat up, still sitting in Finn’s lap.

Finn grabbed a few pillows that lay around the bed and shoved them under his head. It looked like his mate wanted to talk, and Finn would give the man anything he wanted even at the expense of his dick exploding in his pants from massive blue balls.

“Finn, exactly how old are you?”

“I’m one hundred and eight years old. I guess you could say I’ve been around awhile,” Finn joked.

Logan’s eyes rounded in surprise. “So you being a shifter means you can live forever?”

“Being a paranormal comes with the gift of immortality. That is why finding our mate is such a big deal to us. After having years and years of meaningless relationships, one after another, a person gets weary. They then get tired of living. But when you have the love of a mate, it can make a hundred years together not seem long enough.

Finding the other half of your soul is perfect bliss.”

“So am I immortal now, too?”

“Yes.” Finn watched for any signs of fainting coming from his mate. But like everything else, Logan took this news in stride.

After a few moments of silently staring at him, Logan smiled at Finn. “I guess an entirety with you doesn’t sound too bad.” Finn grinned and moved in to capture his mate’s lips. “Wait just a minute there, little man.” Finn groaned internally at the endearment his mate had taken to calling him.

“I have a few more questions.” Finn nodded. “You said we had already mated. When was that? And do we get married or have some sort of ceremony now?”

“To answer your first question, we became mated together that first night.” He winced when Logan gasped. “I know it’s common in human culture to get married, and we can do that if you want,” Finn rushed out, wanting his mate to know he would do anything to make him happy.



AJ Jarrett

Logan’s eyebrows rose, and his head shook from side to side. “I don’t remember that part.”

“It was when we had sex.”

“Come again? I’m not following.”

He had already told Logan he loved him, and it would seem that his mate had some major feelings toward him, but this might change things.

“Remember when we were having sex and I bit you?” Logan nodded his head yes. “Well I bit myself too, then smeared our combined blood over my dick, then proceeded to make love to you until I came inside your body.” At Logan’s obvious confusion he continued. “It’s called the blood sex magic ritual. A witch taught it to the elders on the council to solidify a union between mates. We grow in strength and power when mated. ”

“Wait a minute.” Logan held up a hand. “I thought you said witches were bad. Why would they tell you that?”

“Some are, yes, but not all.” Finn thought for a moment on how best to explain it to his mate. “It’s like with humans. There’s a choice on whether or not they go bad. Some kill other people, steal things, and just break the law in general. Same goes for the paranormal world. Evil comes in every shape and form, but ultimately it’s a choice. I know a lot of witches who are the salt of the earth and wouldn’t hurt you to save their own life, but for every good one there seems to be a bad one.” Finn wrapped his arms around Logan’s narrow waist and pulled him closer.

“But don’t you worry your pretty little head about it,” Finn said with a smirk playing on his lips. “I’ll keep you safe.”

“Oh really.” Logan made a big display of rolling his eyes. “I need my snake man to protect me from the evils of the world, now do I?”

The smile on Finn’s face faded. “I hate to say it but you do.

Unless”—he held up a finger—“you allow us to exchange blood and you can become like me.”


Logan’s Rattler


Logan’s brow scrunched up as he thought about what Finn just offered. “I thought we already did that? When we mated we shared blood. Doesn’t that count?”

Finn had to give it to his mate, he was a thinker. “Technically yes, but the transformation needs to take effect from a bite. I’ve already bitten you, you just have to bite me hard enough to draw blood and drink from me.” Finn could see by the look on Logan’s face, he was about to be bombarded with questions.

“Bite you? Drink your blood? But you’re not a vampire.” Logan shook his head from side to side.

“It has to be drinking of the blood by mouth so your body absorbs my shifter DNA. It’s the only way to pass on the shifter gene,” Finn explained.

“I’m not sure I’m quite ready for that. And I’m not sure I want to be a snake.”

“Logan, you don’t have to decide today. I just want you to know all your options now that we’ve become mates.” Finn dropped his eyes to stare at a nonexistent piece of lint on his mate’s shirt. “If you become a snake shifter like me, you will be stronger, faster than you are now. We together become stronger. It would harder for others to kill us.”

“Hold up a fucking minute.” Logan grabbed Finn’s face between his hands, forcing him to look up. “Why would people want to kill us?

I’m a good person, and from what I’ve seen of you you’re a good man. Why in heaven’s name would we have to worry about being killed?”

“Because I’m a Warrior of the Light. I protect those who can’t protect themselves. And with that comes risks.” Finn smoothed his fingertip over the crease on Logan’s brow. He didn’t want to burden the man he had come to love with worries of a war he had no part in starting.

“So being with you could be dangerous?”



AJ Jarrett

“Yes.” Finn nodded his head. So much sadness bled through that one word that Finn’s chest ached with the thought of Logan turning his back on him and never looking back. Because who would voluntarily be with someone that could ultimately result in their death?

“Hey, don’t look like that. I’m not leaving you. I hate the fact that you could be harmed or even killed. But I can’t imagine living a life without you. I love you, Finn, and all this crazy shit you just told me will not change my mind.” Logan tilted his head to the side and leaned toward him. “And once I’ve made up my mind on something, there’s no changing it, mister.”

Finn met Logan halfway and kissed his inviting lips. Just as Logan began to tease the seam of his mouth, wanting entrance, Finn pulled back. “So you want to be like me? I mean, become a snake shifter?”

Logan laid his head on Finn’s shoulder and rubbed his forehead into the crease of his shoulder. “I think one day I will but I’d like to hold off on doing that just yet.” Logan sat up and looked into Finn’s eyes. “Is that okay?”

“Yes, it’s more than okay. It’s only natural to give you time. I would never take that away from you.”

“Good!” Logan shouted as he tackled Finn to the bed. “Now that I know we’re pretty much married, let’s consummate this union again.”


Logan’s Rattler


Chapter Eight

Everything Finn just told him sounded like crazy talk, but deep inside Logan knew it was the truth. Maybe that was part of the magic Finn had mentioned.

All his life he wanted to have a family of his own. One that would never leave him or die. And as luck would have it, he found that with Finn.

Logan dove in for another kiss. He moaned at the erotic flavor on his mate’s lips. Sweet like honey with a kick of a fiery pepper.

As the kiss heated up and became more passionate, Logan snaked his hand between him and Finn. He tugged free the button holding Finn’s monster-size cock captive. When the fastening popped loose, he pulled the flaps to the side, exposing Finn’s heated shaft.

The need to taste his lover’s skin had Logan traveling southward toward the luscious prize at the end of his journey. Finn jerked and fidgeted on the bed as he licked, sucked, and bit his way down the expanse of Finn’s body. And a gorgeous body it was. The way the muscles of Finn’s chest and abdomen tensed and quivered at his touch was art in motion. So graceful, as if choreographed but with a wild edge to the movement.

When Logan finally made it to his destination, Finn’s cock oozed pre-cum freely from the reddened tip. His tongue darted out to taste the clear liquid goodness. Logan’s eyes fell shut as fireworks shot off behind his eyelids. The taste was so smooth and welcoming that Logan wanted to start every day of his life eating this man’s cum.

“Suck it, Logan,” Finn groaned. “I want to feel that mouth of yours claim me.”



AJ Jarrett

The coarse edge to Finn’s voice played him like a violinist played his instrument. Finn was the bow that controlled Logan’s actions. He licked from root to tip, taking care to suck along the ridge of the flared head. Logan sucked down Finn’s length in one deep swallow.

The bed shook as Finn pounded his fist into the mattress. Logan’s ego wanted to stand up and take a bow at the pleasure he gave his lover. He took the cock filling his mouth even deeper until Finn’s curly, short pubic hair rubbed against his nose and chin. He hummed along the steel pole lodged in his throat, causing Finn to convulse from the vibrations it sent up his shaft.

“Honey, stop.” Logan ignored Finn’s request. He wanted the cream that lay within the hard cock. “Logan, please!” Finn cried out.

“I want you to fuck me.”

Logan’s whole body stilled. A stiff wind could have knocked him over from the shock of what Finn had just requested of him. Pulling off Finn’s length, Logan sat up enough to meet his eyes. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me,” Finn said with a shy smile. “I want you to make love to me.”

Granted Logan was taller than Finn, but he had just assumed the man was pure alpha and wanted to do all the penetrating. Well this was a wonderful surprise that he wasn’t going to pass up. Something primal within him wanted to claim Finn so the world would know who the gorgeous man belonged to. Logan thought it was weird he felt like this. He was never the overly jealous type, but he wanted to stake his claim on Finn. His love ran so deep he wanted to mark his lover any way he could.

“Roll over.” Logan barely recognized his own voice. It was rough and wild with lust.

Doing as he was told, Finn flipped over to lie on his stomach.

Logan grabbed the waist of Finn’s jeans and yanked them down his legs. He couldn’t help but reach out and massage the firm, tight ass on display in front of him.


Logan’s Rattler


With one last squeeze to Finn’s ass, he hopped off the bed.

Quickly removing his own clothes, he climbed back on the bed and pushed Finn’s legs further apart. Reaching over, Logan grabbed one of the pillows and positioned it under Finn’s hips.

“So fucking beautiful,” he mumbled right before he leaned forward to lick a path from the crease of Finn’s ass up his back, all the way to the base of his neck. The way the tan skin moved over Finn’s muscled back reminded Logan of the way the wheat fields moved when the wind blew at high speeds. A fluent, shimmering motion.

Logan pressed his chest into Finn’s back as he covered his body.

Finn turned his head to the side. Leaning forward, Logan kissed the puckered lips Finn offered up to him. The melding of mouths stirred the ever-growing fire between his thighs. He had to take his lover now before he came all over Finn’s back.

He broke the kiss, and Finn didn’t argue the loss of contact. Logan trailed his tongued all the way back down Finn’s body until he reached the bubbled butt propped up for him. He kneaded the well-rounded flesh, and he felt Finn relax farther into the bed. Pulling the cheeks apart, Logan stared at the small pink pucker of his lover’s entrance. He flattened his tongue and licked from the base of Finn’s balls up to Finn’s pretty little hole.

“You taste so good,” Logan said as he growled his pleasure. He circled his tongue around the opening, pressing his tongue hard against the tight muscle. “I want to eat you up till there’s nothing left.”

“God yes!” Finn’s shout echoed in the large, quiet room. “Eat me, fuck me, just make me yours, Logan.”

Logan sucked a little longer on Finn’s enticing hole until it was drenched with his spit. Sitting up, he grabbed his dick in hand and rubbed it against the little bud. It fluttered around his tip, and Logan just wanted to ram his hard cock deep inside Finn’s hot heat. But he needed to be smart and not hurt his lover in the process.

“Lube, where do you keep your lube?”



AJ Jarrett

BOOK: Logan's Rattler
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