Lone Star Burn: Lone Star Escape (Kindle Worlds Novella) (4 page)

BOOK: Lone Star Burn: Lone Star Escape (Kindle Worlds Novella)
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Chapter 4


Barking tore Mara from her sleep. For the first time in months, she felt rested. There was no insomnia, no tossing and turning. No nightmares of her past or someone finding her. She smiled at Bear who stood by her patio door. Tossing back the sheet, she happily bounced to the door, letting him out. She slid the glass shut, moving to the kitchen. Mara opened the door there for Bear to return, scanning the porch for the promised food. There was nothing there. Damn, she didn’t get Beau’s number either. Glancing at the clock, she noticed how late she had slept. It was already ten. Slipping on flip flops, she went out into the morning sun. It was already becoming stifling hot.
“Come on Bear, let’s go see if your daddy is home or if we can get in and find your food.” Hearing the word food, the dog bounded to her side, looking at her with his tongue hanging out.
“You’re too cute.” Mara couldn’t help but feel great about the day. She contemplated getting her own dog. She attributed the great sleep to the beast that had curled up beside her. Inhaling deeply, Mara enjoyed the morning smells. No pollution or garbage. Just clean, fresh air. It would be the perfect day to start her gardening.


At Beau’s back door, she saw no one inside and there was no vehicle in the drive when she had walked over. Testing the knob, she found the kitchen entry unlocked. Apparently not only friendly, the small town residents were trusting as well. Bear pushed past her, knocking her legs sideways as he ran for the empty bowls on the floor. She laughed, looking at the poor starving sap. Taking pity, she found the food next to the bowls and poured him a bowl of kibble and filled his water from the sink. She looked around as the dog ate noisily. Feeling oddly curious, she took in the grand kitchen. Much like hers, it was large, with an island counter and stools. Pressing a hand against the coffee pot, she felt it was still warm, so she poured some into a mug drying in the sink. Mara shuffled over to the island, pulling herself up into the stool to wait for the dog to finish eating. No point taking food to her house when he could just eat here. As she placed the mug on the black and white marble counter, her wrist bumped the laptop that was on there. The screen came to life and she couldn’t resist a peek. Looking at what appeared before her, her face drained of color. She felt light headed and dizzy. Her own face stared back at her. Beneath it was the file on her past.

Name: Julie Chaney

DOB: 11/20/87

From: New York City/Brooklyn

It went on to show her police report and that she had disappeared from the hospital. With her hand shaking, she scrolled down further.

Mr. Belmont,

We have been told that you’re the best PI in the Dallas area. My client is seeking this woman and we have reasons to believe she is in Texas. She may be going under another name. She is in possession of a lot of money, stolen from my client. We just want to locate her so that we may send our accountant down to retrieve whatever is left of the money. You’ll be compensated with $100,000 up front and another $100,000 when she is located. We do not need you to approach her, just give us a location. You can meet out contact in Dallas on Friday at noon, the Café Lamont.

We look forward to working with you.


She felt sick to her stomach. Pushing away from the computer, she went to the sink and hurled up nothing but stomach acid and the one sip of coffee she had. Bear whimpered, moving to her side. She slid down the cupboards, wiping at her mouth. Tears fell from her eyes.

He’s a PI and he already knows who I am. How long has he known? Since I first got here? The first day? When he was kissing me senseless last night? What am I going to do? The Feds will have to move me again already. This isn’t good. My bed and breakfast dream is over. Everything is done. I’m done.

Thoughts swirled through her head. The dog curled up, placing his head in her lap. Without thinking, she curled her fingers in his fur. She couldn’t be mad at Bear, it wasn’t his fault.

Is that where Beau had to go today? Dallas to collect his money for putting my life at risk?


Quickly, Mara’s fear turned to anger. She jumped to her feet, startling the dog. Stalking to the counter, she slammed the computer shut and moved to the door.
“Come on Bear. Let’s do some gardening.” He just needed to locate her, so she would see what happened when he came back and if he was alone, she would confront him, with the pistol that the Fed’s have left her with for safety. She refused to run scared anymore. Finally, she had a life she could be proud of and there was no way that some sexy cowboy next door would ruin that. Back at home, Mara grabbed her phone and called Agent Michaels. She hadn’t seen him since he put her on a plane to Texas. His voicemail picked up and she left a distress message they had worked out. Just to be safe, she would talk it over with him. Her next call was to Jennie. It wouldn’t be safe for her to come over if things went bad today. Mara lied and told her something had come up with website and that she would be working on that all day. They made plans for the next day to plant if Mara was up to it. She advised her new friend she would call her in the morning. After hanging up, Mara sighed.
That’s if I’m even still here.
Looking down at Bear, she decided it was time to get some gardening done.


Mara changed into shorts and a tank top and lost herself for hours in the garden. She pulled weeds, planted some of the flowers and sweated her ass off. She didn’t realize what time is was when she heard Beau’s truck pull up. Bear took off and charged at his owner. She shielded her eyes, trying to covertly reach for the gun in her gardening tool basket. Slipping an arm behind her back, she stood, waiting for Beau to get to her. A smile spread across his lips and for a moment, she dropped her wall. She thought of how those lips tasted, how they felt. Immediately, she chastised herself and slammed her thoughts back to the anger she felt towards him. He was putting her life at risk. He was the bad guy. Beau stepped up to her, reaching out and she side stepped his grasp.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, looking at her as he tilted his head. The cowboy hat was back on, shading him from the sun. She peered out from under her sun hat, narrowing her eyes.
“How long do I have?” she asked him, her voice filled with ice.
“Wh-what do you mean?” Beau stuttered.
“You heard me. How. Long. Do. I. Have?” she punctuated each word. Beau knew that she knew. It was written on his face. He shook his head, moving back a step. “Yea, you know what I mean now. How long until they come to kill me?” Her voice wavered a bit.
“It’s not what you think. Let me explain.” He held his hands in front of him, hoping she would calm down and let him explain. Bringing her arm in front of her body, Mara leveled the gun at him.
“Hey, take it easy, I swear, please, you have to listen to me.” He didn’t need to get shot while trying to save her.
“Is that what you were doing in Dallas today? Selling me out?”
“No, I met with Agent Parker.” At hearing Travis’ name, Mara blew out the breath she had been holding.
“You have one minute to explain.”
“Obviously, somehow you found out about the email I got.” Beau moved back a step, towards the house. Bear stood between them, tongue wagging as he whined. Looking between his owner and the woman who he was becoming attached to, he felt the tension. The dog laid down, opting to ignore them instead. Beau shook his head.
“You forgot to leave food for your dog. Not very smart for someone who’s hiding something.” Mara took a step towards Beau. She felt her spine stiffen and pride resonated through her. No longer was she the meek runner. She was going to stand up for herself, keep what she had thought of, every day for the last few months.


“Mara, put the gun down please,” Agent Parker’s voice rang out between the two facing off in the back yard. Bear jumped up, rushing to the newcomer. Travis approached, wearing jeans and a plaid shirt. If the situation weren’t so serious, she would have laughed. It looked so odd on a man who lived for his black suits, aviator sunglasses and perfectly placed hair. The cowboy hat looked even sillier.
“Travis, he knows who I am. I have to move already.” The sound of her voice caused Beau to clutch his chest. His heart tore in two.
“No, sweetheart, you don’t have to go anywhere, that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.” Mara swung the gun back towards him and his hands flew back into the air.
“Mara, gun, now,” Agent Parker stalked towards her, holding his hand out, as if a parent trying to remove a toy from a child’s grasp. A tear streaked down her cheek as she gently turned the weapon over to the agent’s possession. She hung her head, the large brimmed sun hat covering her face as her shoulders shook. Beau couldn’t hold back anymore. He moved slowly towards her, enveloping her into his arms. She inhaled his scent as she sobbed. It helped calm her slightly until she remembered that he’s the reason she was in this position. Mara shoved at his hard chest, pushing him from her.
“Mara, let’s go sit in the shade. You’re flushed. Beau, grab her some ice water and do something with this beast,” Agent Parker ordered as he tried to shove the furry dog off of him. Beau leapt to action and moved into her kitchen as if he owned the place. Hanging her head, Mara trudged to the swing on her porch. Agent Parker pulled a chair over from the patio table and sat in front of her.


“Listen, as soon as Mr. Belmont got that email and realized who you were, he called us. He called us and let us know you were in danger. He came to Dallas today because we wired him and sent him to meet the contact that the Ciminelli’s sent down here. It’s was one of Joey Ciminelli’s sons. Paulie gave Beau money to find you, but they think you’re hiding out in Dallas. They have no clue you’re out here or your name. On my end, I’m trying to figure out who the FBI leak is. No one can reach Agent Michaels. We don’t know if he’s the leak or if he was taken and tortured. We will find out. We will catch him. I swear to you, that nothing is going to happen to you. Please,” he reached out, holding her hand. Mara couldn’t look up. Tears welled in her eyes as her heart shattered. She wanted this life so bad and here it was, already slipping through her fingers. Who was she fooling? There was no way she would survive this.
“I just shouldn’t testify. That’s the only way I’ll live and be left alone.” Her voice came out barely above a whisper. Beau slid the kitchen door shut behind him, leaving Bear inside. The dog sat there, pouting at everyone being outside without him.
“No, Mara.” He slid next to her on the swing, ignoring the fact that she pulled away. He handed her the glass of water. “Now that they know, that you know, whether you testify or not, they will still kill you. Men like this don’t mess around. Let us help you, let me save you,” he exclaimed, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. At this point, she let him, giving up on fighting. She wanted his comfort, his scent, the feel of him around her.


“Now, what we’re going to suggest may sound crazy, but I think it will work. We’ve talked a lot the last two days Mara.” The tone of Agent Parker’s voice worried her a little.
“This doesn’t sound good,” she laughed, though it didn’t sound like she thought it was funny. Beau grinned at her attempt to lighten the mood. His heart was still racing from having a gun pointed at him. He held her close against his body and could feel her tremble.
“So, what do you think about getting married?” Beau laughed as he said it. The idea still sounded even preposterous to him. “And maybe dying your hair black?” Her wide eyed look said it all. She pulled back in shock.
“Get out, get off my porch, take your dog. You’re just being ridiculous now.”
“Hey, I just made a hundred grand. I can give you a beautiful wedding.” Mara shook her head in disbelief. Was he joking or serious? She couldn’t tell. Either way, it was preposterous.
“You two are insane and if anything, that should be my money. You put my life at risk even speaking to them.”
“Marry me, and it’s yours.” He winked at her.
“Now, now, we were there the whole time. We could arrest Paulie now, but we need to find Joey first, or he’ll just keep sending people down here after you and they will get closer and closer.” Agent Parker came to Beau’s defense. Though Mara knew he didn’t need defending.
“Come on sweetheart, I’m just messing. I’m going to stay here, help you fix up the place and get it open and running. Your own little bodyguard, without you feeling like you’re trapped, like when you were in protective custody.” She stuttered. Beau wanted to live with her? Help her?
“You live next door. You don’t need to stay here. Give me my gun back,” she held her hand out to Travis. He slid the weapon back into her slender hand.
“Next time, take the safety off,” he chuckled as she stood, huffing and puffing. Mara paced back and forth, the gun pointed at the ground.


“Mara, he needs to stay here. It’s the only way I’ll leave you here. I can’t protect you here. I have to get back to Dallas and find Agent Michaels. Let Beau stay. He’s well trained, ex-military, trained Navy SEAL, and the man will keep you safe. Please,” he begged. The men knew they had her the second her motion ceased and shoulders sagged.
“We still have to cut and dye your hair though,” Beau broke the bad news. Looking to the sky, Mara just sighed.
“Fine.” She stormed into her room, slamming the sliding door behind her. Beau looked to Agent Parker.
“I’ll keep her safe.”
“You got my number. Don’t make me find you and kill you.” The fed got up, ambling back to his truck at Beau’s. Swinging for a few more minutes, Beau wondered how long he could last. Every time he looked at Mara, her soft skin, smelled the sweet flowery scent her skin held, grazed her touch, his body felt electrified. Groaning, he moved to her door. Slipping it open, he poked his head in. The white room was girlie, lace everywhere. He noted that her hat and sundress were on the floor. Shaking his head, he tried to force himself to stay put, not move in further, but his body wouldn’t listen. Two steps in, he looked to the right as Mara emerged from the bathroom, wrapped in a towel.
“Are you kidding me?” Her anger flushed her face. “Come on, get out. I may have to let you stay here, even though you’re right next door, I may have to let you protect me, but you can’t be in my room.” She stomped her foot like a child. Screw restraint. Beau moved towards her and he heard the sharp breath she took. He noticed the goose bumps that spread across her skin, right before he reached out to caress her arm.

BOOK: Lone Star Burn: Lone Star Escape (Kindle Worlds Novella)
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