Read Longed-For Hunger Online

Authors: Marisa Chenery

Longed-For Hunger (6 page)

BOOK: Longed-For Hunger
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Releasing his head, Nyx put her hands on his back. She bunched the material of his t-shirt in her fists and yanked so the bottom of it pulled out of his jeans. With a grunt, Denger let go of her nipple, grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it over his head. He dropped it to the floor.

Nyx dropped her gaze to the wide expanse of Denger’s smooth chest. He was a work of art with his well-defined pecs and washboard abs. She wanted to lick and kiss every inch of them. For now, she settled for running her hands up and down his muscular arms.

Denger took hold of the bottom of her shirt that was still bunched to her chin. “I took off my shirt. It’s only fair you do the same.”

Once her shirt hit the floor, Nyx pulled her bra off. Denger settled back on top of her, chest to chest and went back to kissing her. With her breasts flattened against his warm skin, she kissed him back, sucking his tongue into her mouth. 43

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Needing more, she squirmed under Denger, rubbing her pussy along his hard thigh. He placed a hand on her hip to still her movements then used it to open the front of her jeans. Breaking their kiss, he bent to suck at her breast as he shoved his hand inside her panties. The brush of a finger along her wet core had Nyx lifting her hips in invitation.

“Mmm, so wet,” he said around her nipple.

Nyx felt a very sharp point of a tooth graze her skin when he’d spoken but when Denger pushed a finger inside her pussy, she soon forgot about it. She squeezed her inner walls around the digit as he moved it in and out. When a second joined the first, she rocked her hips in time with his movements. With him sucking at her breast while she rode his fingers, her orgasm started to build. It had been so long it wouldn’t take much to push her over the edge.

Denger released her nipple and then buried his face in the crook of her neck. He pumped his fingers faster, angling them so his thumb brushed her clit. The extra stimulation was enough to send her flying. With a whimpered moan, she started to come. Her pussy rhythmically clutched at his fingers. He kept them moving in and out of her until he wrung every drop of pleasure from her.

Panting, Nyx pushed at Denger’s shoulders, but he didn’t budge. He pulled his hand out of her pants and kept his head in the crook of her neck. She ran her hands up and down his back, finding all the muscles there clenched as if he was trying to hold himself back. She didn’t want him to. The feel of his hard cock against her thigh had her wanting it where his fingers had been.

She shifted beneath him. “That was nice, but we don’t have to stop there.”

Denger took a shuddering breath and clamped a hand on her hip. “Don’t move. Just lie still until I get myself back under control.”

Nyx didn’t want him under control. She wanted all of him, no holds barred. With her libido jump-started, it had her body raring to go. Reaching between them, she 44

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managed to brush her fingers along Denger’s erection before he captured her wrist and pinned it on the couch over her head.

“If you touch me again like that, I’m going to lose the fight,” he said in a strained tone.

“Maybe I want you to.”

“No, you don’t. Not yet anyway.”

He threw himself off her and moved to sit on the edge of the couch with his face in his hands. His body shook as he took deep, cleansing breaths. Nyx sat up and stroked his arm, which was clenched, his biceps bulging.

“I thought—I thought we were going to—” she stammered. When she didn’t get a response, she added, “I know it’s been a while for me, but if I did something you didn’t like you can tell me.”

Denger’s hand snaked out, landed on the back of her neck and pulled her to his mouth. He kissed her with what could only be described as pent-up lust. With each demanding slide of his lips, he had her body back into overdrive. Pulling away, he met her gaze. “You didn’t do anything wrong. The fault lies with me. I need to take things a little slower.”

“Why? I thought we were getting on just fine.”

He bent his head forward until their foreheads touched. “Better than just fine. And that’s the problem.”

To Nyx, she couldn’t see that being a problem at all. To be honest, she didn’t understand Denger’s reluctance one bit. She’d thought for sure when things had started to get hot and heavy that it would have ended with them having sex. With him sitting beside her with his shirt off and a bulge in his jeans that made her pussy ache, she wanted more, so much more.

When Denger picked up his shirt and pulled it on, Nyx figured things were not going to progress to the pleasurable end she’d first thought they would. Feeling self45

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conscious sitting shirtless with the button and zipper undone on her jeans, she scooped up her bra and shirt. She avoided looking at Denger as she put them on and did up her pants.

She stood, then said, “I thought we would have subs for lunch. You just have to tell me what you’d like on yours and I’ll make it.”

Before she could step around Denger, he stood in front of her and blocked her way. He put one arm around her waist to pull her against him as he placed a hand under her chin, forcing her to look at him. “I’m not rejecting you, Nyx. Believe me, I want you, badly. I just don’t want to mess things up between us. If I rush this, I’m liable to do something that may upset you. I don’t want that to happen.” He ground his still hard cock against her stomach. “We will be together. For this to work, we’ll take it one step at a time. All right?”


Now that some of the edge had worn off her arousal, she found she wanted to take things a bit slower as well. She didn’t want a quick roll in the hay with Denger. She’d never been the kind of woman who could handle a one-night stand. If she slept with a man, she wanted a relationship with him. And she definitely wanted one with Denger.

“So are we good?” he asked with a grin.

She nodded. “We’re good.”

“Then subs sound great. I just need to make a quick pit stop in the bathroom, then I can help you make them.”

After Nyx told Denger where he could find her bathroom, she went into the kitchen and pulled out the fixings for the subs. They still had the rest of the day and she intended to see just how far Denger would go before he put the brakes on things once again.

* * * * *


Longed-For Hunger

Denger turned on the cold water and splashed some on his face. He then put his hands on the counter and let his head fall forward. He was still battling the aftereffects of what Nyx and he had done on the couch. Listening to the sounds she made as she’d come, the smell of her arousal filling his nose with each breath, had almost been too much. The need to sink his cock inside her pussy as he sank his fangs into her neck had clawed at him. He’d had to hide his face in the end so she wouldn’t see his extended fangs. Just the thought of how it had felt to have her pussy clutching his fingers when she came had them punching down once again.

He lifted his head and looked at his reflection in the mirror above the sink. The tips of his fangs peeked past his upper lip. They were going to be a problem. He wanted to sleep with Nyx but he didn’t want her to see them just yet. And if he slept with her, she would see them. His fangs extending was something that happened when he got turned-on. It was also something he couldn’t control. Somehow he would have to work around them.

Turning off the water, Denger used a hand towel to dry his face. He finally got himself reined in enough that his fangs receded once again. With a couple hard tugs, he pulled out the piece of leather he used to tie his hair back. When Nyx had held him to her breast, she’d tried to bury her fingers in it. Smiling, he smoothed his hair back and retied it in a ponytail. Next time they came together, he’d wear it loose and she could run her fingers through it as much as she wanted.


Marisa Chenery

Chapter Six

Rejoining Nyx in the kitchen area of her loft, Denger came up behind her where she stood at the counter and put his arms around her waist. He pressed close and kissed the side of her neck.

“It looks as if you have everything to make a great-tasting sub,” he said while he took in all the food Nyx had spread out on the countertop.

“I hope so,” she said. “What would you like on yours?”

“Everything you have there. I can make my own.”

She shook her head and pulled his arms from around her. “No, I’ll make it. You’re my guest. Take a seat at the table and I’ll have these done in a few minutes.”

Well trained by Blythe that when a woman said to go sit down while she was fixing a meal you did it or faced the consequences, Denger backed away. “Fine, I won’t get in the way.” He then remembered their drinks out in the living room. “I’ll just go get my beer and your soda.”

After he got them, he took a seat on one of the two chairs at the small kitchen table. He sipped his beer while he watched Nyx finish making their subs. He followed the line of her back with his gaze. She really was a tiny thing but she fit perfectly in his arms. He couldn’t wait to get her in bed to see just how well they fit together. Denger quickly pulled his thoughts away from the subject of hot sex with Nyx when she turned and brought over two plates. She set one in front of him before she sat in the other chair. He picked up half of the thick sub she’d made and took a big bite. He chewed, enjoying the taste of the meat, cheese, lettuce and tomatoes. His second bite didn’t leave much of the half sub he held in his hands.

“Since you’ve just about inhaled it, I’m going to guess you like the sub,” Nyx said with a laugh.


Longed-For Hunger

Once his mouth was empty, he gave her a sheepish smile. “It’s very good. I do like my food. Blythe is forever complaining about us eating all the food as fast as she can get it in.”

Nyx frowned. “Blythe?”

“Blythe is my friend’s wife. The one who suggested I bring you the wine.”

“Oh. You eat over at your friend’s place a lot, I take it.”

Knowing Nyx would have to find out who he lived with, Denger decided to tell her the truth. “Actually, I live with Mehen and Blythe.”

“So they’re your roommates?”

“Yeah, I guess you could call them that. I like to think of the eight of us more as an extended family.”

Nyx’s eyes widened. “Eight of you? You have that many roommates? Isn’t it a bit crowded at your place?”

He chuckled. “Where I live, we have a ton of space. And yes, there are eight of us. There is Mehen and Blythe, Set and his wife, Desiree, Akori, Kysen, Takan and myself. Except for Blythe and Desiree, we all came to the States together.”

“I wondered at your slight accent. Where did you immigrate from?”


“I’ve always wanted to go there to see the ancient ruins. I guess you’ve seen the pyramids, the Sphinx and some of the tombs?”

“Yes, I’ve visited them.” He’d visited them when they hadn’t been ancient ruins. He’d also watched the pyramids at Giza being built.

“You must have immigrated a while ago. Your English is perfect.”

“It has been a few years.”

Ra’s Chosen had been in the States for the last thirty years. They had followed Sek and Mot to Phoenix, though why the two demons had picked a place where it had sunshine eighty-five percent of the time was beyond them. The sunlight was as much 49

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an enemy to the demons as the Chosen were. As for the warriors’ ability to speak English, Ra had gifted them with that language shortly after their arrival in the States. Nyx and Denger fell silent while they ate. Even though they didn’t speak, he was all too aware of Nyx sitting across from him. Before he lost himself in his longings to have her under him again, he forced himself to concentrate on his food. After they finished eating, he got up with Nyx and took his plate to the sink. He came up behind her and reached around her to put it inside. At the same time, she backed up and turned. They ended up plastered together from chest to knee. He slowly lowered the plate into the sink and stiffened, clenching his jaw while he fought to tap down the surge of intense need that washed through him.

She tilted her head back to look him in the face. “Sorry. I didn’t realize you were that close behind me.”

Denger’s gaze fell to Nyx’s mouth when the tip of her tongue came out and licked her lips. He groaned. That was it. He couldn’t take any more. His good intentions of taking it slow so he could keep better control of himself flew out the window. He cradled her face in both his hands and took her mouth in a heated kiss. Nyx put her arms around his waist, kissing him with equal fervor as she rubbed up against him like a kitten. Just like that, they both went up in flames. It was as if they were continuing what they had started on the couch with no break in between. This time, Denger didn’t know if he had the strength of will to pull away. Blood hunger and arousal pounded at him, blocking everything else out. He sucked her bottom lip into his mouth and gently bit down on it, careful not to nick her with his fangs. She whimpered, dropped her hands to his ass and squeezed. His cock went instantly rock hard.

When he released her mouth and moved to nibble at the side of her neck, Nyx said on a sigh, “I thought you wanted to take things slow.”

“I changed my mind. You’re a temptation I find I can’t resist.”

“Good, because right now all I can think about is getting you out of your clothes.”


Longed-For Hunger

He groaned again. “Keep talking like that and I’ll end up taking you on the kitchen floor.”

“The floor is clean. I don’t mind.”

“But I do.”

Scooping her up in his arms, he kissed her feverishly, hoping to distract her as he moved faster than any mortal could up the flight of stairs that took them to Nyx’s bedroom. When he reached the queen-sized bed, he put her back down on her feet, letting their bodies slide together.

Denger released her lips and pulled her shirt off before he rid himself of his own. He undid the front clasp of Nyx’s bra and with his hands, smoothed the straps down her arms. Once she was free of it, he bent his head and laved a taut nipple with the flat of his tongue. Putting his arm around her waist, he bent her over it slightly and sucked the tight bud inside his mouth.

BOOK: Longed-For Hunger
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