Read Lost Girl 3 Online

Authors: Elodie Short

Lost Girl 3 (2 page)

BOOK: Lost Girl 3
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Chapter 3



As we turn to the last page of Anna’s book, I feel my belly rumble loudly and look at my watch to see that it’s already half past five.

“Do you want to get some dinner when we’re done?”

“Mhm,” she nods and carries on reading her book out loud, letter by letter.

“Done!” she finally says, slamming her palm on the book as she turns the back cover over.

“Good, lets go. I’m starving.”

“Me too!” she exclaims and hops off of the bench ready to walk out of the hut. I quickly get my wallet, phone and the padlock and keys and lock the hut up behind us as we again make our way towards the boulevard.


Just as we’re sitting down to share a pizza at a restaurant, my phone rings in my pocket. I pull it out and an unexpected wave of butterflies rushes through my belly again when I see Rick’s name on the screen.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“I’m back, but you’re not here.”

“You’re back? Back at the beach?”

“Yes. Where are you?”

“We’re having dinner. Do you want to join us?”

“I could do with some food.”

“Come to /Plaza, we’re in a booth at the back. It’s two buildings down from /Coal.”

he asks, sounding confused.

“The restaurant we ate last night and today,” I laugh.

“Okay. I’ll be there in a minute.”


I wave to Rick as soon as I see him entering the restaurant.

“Hey,” I smile at him when he reaches our table.

“Hi.” He smiles back.

“I haven’t ordered you anything yet,” I apologise to him, “I didn’t know what you’d like.”

“It’s okay,” he smiles, and turns to walk over to the counter where he talks to the waitress for a little while before coming back with a coke in his hands.

“What are you doing back?” I ask him when he sits down at our booth.

“I missed you,” he grins and I almost choke on my pizza.

“You did?” I gasp.

He lets out a rumbling chuckle, “I did,” he nods. “But that’s not why I’m back. On the way there I was thinking about what we talked about last night, and I’ve decided to take some time off to find my dad.”

My mouth drops open in amazement and excitement, “you have?”

“Yes,” he replies, still laughing.

“What about the market?”

“I went there first, before it closed. Then I went to the bar and gave my shifts away for the rest of the week.”

“So you haven’t worked?”

“No,” he laughs, “I haven’t worked today, I’ve just been driving for hours.”

“You could’ve saved yourself a lot of time if you’d just called them,” I joke and he gives me a sour look in response.

“Yeah, thanks for that,” he chuckles wryly. “But the driving time was nice to clear my head and think of what I wanted to do. Without the drive I probably wouldn’t have decided that I wanted to find my dad.”

I nod just as his pizza arrives. He’s ordered the same as us, a standard margarita and tucks in hungrily.

“So what did you two do all day?” he asks after he’s finished his first slice in just a couple of bites.

“I coloured in a picture, and Summer hung it on the wall,” Anna tells him proudly.

“Did you?” Rick smiles at her with affection, “what else did you do?”

“I read a book, the whole book, all by myself. Didn’t I, Summer?”

“Yes you did,” I smile at her, “and you were very good.” I quickly stroke her hair before I pick another slice of pizza off of the plate we’re sharing.

Suddenly Anna lets out a big sigh, “I’m very full now.” And Rick and I both laugh as she blows up her cheeks.

Once our shared plate is empty, I eye up Rick’s plate, which still has half of his pizza left and grin at him before I steal one of the slices to have as my last.

“Oi, cheeky,” he laughs when I take a bite.

“Just thought I’d help you,” I reply with a full mouth.


“Okay, I think I’m full too,” Rick finally says, pushing his plate towards the middle of the table with one slice still left on it. I look at it for a while, debating whether I should eat it or not. I’d hate to waste it, it tasted so good, but I think I might explode if I attempt to eat it, so I leave it and look up at Rick, “shall we go back?”

“Mhm,” Rick mumbles and starts getting up from his chair.

“Can I walk in the sea on the way back?” Anna asks as we walk out of the restaurant.

“Sure,” I smile at her, “we could all walk at the shoreline.”

She cheers and sits down in the sand to take her shoes off. Half throwing them to Rick she runs out ahead of us, straight to the shoreline and we follow her. At the shoreline Rick takes my hand in his and hand in hand we walk along the edge of the water, watching Anna run in and out of the waves.

“How will we find you dad?” I ask him when Anna’s out of earshot.

He shrugs, “I’m not sure yet,” he mumbles.

“I remember there used to be a library in the town, I don’t know if it’s still there… but would that help?”

“It would be a start. I know his name, I suppose we could look for it.”

“What’s his name?” I ask curiously.

“Edward Sullivan,” he says, looking visibly sad and stares out to sea with a distant look on his face.

“I’m sure we’ll find him,” I whisper and take my hand out of his to stroke up and down over his back and comfort him.

“Do you want to get Anna ready for bed?” Rick asks me when we get back to the beach hut.

“Sure,” I reply, raising an eyebrow at him. “Where are you going?”

“I want to have a quick swim.”

“Okay,” I reply in surprise, not realising he’d learned to swim. “Anna? Do you want to come with me? We could read a quick story before you go to sleep.”

“Yes!” she screams, running up to me. “I want to read the one with the lion again.” She takes my hand and starts pulling me towards the beach hut. Before stepping inside I quickly turn to look at Rick and internally grunt when I see he’s stripped down to his boxer shorts and is just about to walk into the sea.




Once Anna is snuggled underneath the blankets I get the book that she wanted to read and together we read it until we’re just over halfway and her eyelids are slowly starting to close.

“You carry on,” she mumbles as she pulls the blankets closer to her face. With more urgency than I intended to, I finish the story, then check if she is indeed fully asleep, give her a kiss on her forehead and practically run out of the beach hut to join Rick in the sea.

Chapter 4



At the shoreline I quickly take off all my clothes until I’m standing in my underwear, scanning the sea for a sign of Rick. My heart starts thumping louder, the longer I don’t see him, but then his head comes up in between the soft waves and I breathe a sigh of relief. Seconds later he disappears again as his head sinks back down and I run out towards the spot where I last saw him.

I swim as fast as I can while calling out his name. “Rick? Rick, where are you?” I ask while twirling around in circles. There’s no reply, I hear nothing but the wind and waves that softly lap onto the shore. Then suddenly I feel something grab my foot and I let out an almighty scream. I kick myself free and push my arms against the water with as much force as I can to get away, until the sound of laughing behind me makes me stop moving. I turn around, astonished, and look at Rick with a feeling of anger and relief.

“What the hell?” I burst out and splash some water into his face. “That wasn’t funny.”

“Yes it was,” he chuckles in reply.

“You scared me,” I sulk at him.

“It was still funny,” he laughs and takes a few slow strokes to come up to me. I splash him another time just as he’s about to wrap his arms around me and splutters as the water enters his mouth.

“Now that’s funny,” I laugh when he’s done coughing.

“You can count that as your payback,” he chuckles and wraps his arms around me.

“I will,” I smile.

“Is Anna asleep?”

“Mhm,” I nod while nuzzling my head in the nape of his neck as we gently bop up and down together in the waves. Bringing his hands around my hips, he pulls me up and I wrap my legs around his waist, giving me a feeling of weightlessness. Slowly he moves his hands up over my lower back, up to the clasp of my bra. To my surprise he doesn’t unhook it, and instead moves up further, his fingers trailing over the top of the straps until he gets to my shoulders and pushes the straps down my arms before pushing my whole bra down to my middle, unleashing my breasts and leaving them to dance in front of him in the waves, mesmerizing him. He licks his lips and I see the twinkle in his eyes while I feel him getting hard in between my legs. He takes his hands off of me and I quickly have to stretch my arms out in the water to keep myself up straight, while he takes both my breasts in his. I feel the jolt of electricity wire my body as soon as his fingers touch my skin and arch my back in response. I clasp my hands around his back and wrap my legs a little tighter around his hips to grind my body against his hard cock. He groans in reply and moves one hand away from my breasts to push his boxer shorts down his hips and I instantly feel his cock needily pressing up against me. Moving his hand down to my panties, he moves the fabric out of his way and his fingers quickly finds its way to my throbbing clit. He glides his fingers up and down my folds a few times, before sliding one finger inside of me and I moan with pleasure. I thrust my hips with the movement of his hands until he can’t take any more and takes his hand away from me to guide his cock inside of me.

He starts off slowly, bopping us up and down in sync with the waves cascading against our bodies, but it doesn’t take him long to pick up speed and I clasp my lips onto his as he thrusts in and out, guiding us with his hands on my hips, until he leaves me breathless, making me unlatch my lips from his to gasp for air. My hands on his shoulders start to dig into his skin, grabbing him more fiercely as he pushes me over the edge, making me scream out in pleasure. I no longer care that we’re outside, that anyone could hear us, I let the orgasm take over and moan and gasp for breath as I come, before letting my head rest onto his shoulder.

As I regain my breath, he keeps thrusting, faster, harder, moaning, and my breath becomes ragged once again. This time he moans with me as I come a second time and he comes with me.

My legs feel like jelly when he stops moving, and I don’t dare unwrapping from his waist, feeling like I might sink. I hold him close to my chest, keeping my arms wrapped tightly around his back, and we bop up and down in the waves again, just like we were before we started. Keeping one of his arms around my lower back, he turns me so I’m lying down in the water and slowly starts swimming to the shore with one hand and my body still wrapped underneath him.


Panting as he gets to the shoreline, he still picks me up to carry me out of the water, and gently lies me down onto the dry sand.

“That was fun,” he chuckles breathlessly as he collapses next to me.

I turn my head sideways to look at him. “It was,” I smile and close my eyes, relishing this moment and feeling a while little longer, before we have to get up to go back to the beach hut to check on Anna.

“Come with me,” Rick suddenly nudges me. “You can sleep in the cabin.”

“Hmm?” I mumble sleepily.

“You’re drifting off,” he laughs. “Come back to the beach hut where you can sleep.”

“Mkay,” I mumble without fully waking up.

Helping me up, Rick places an arm around my waist and I heavily lean on him while he drags me back to the beach hut, where I collapse on the airbed and close my eyes again.

“You filled up the bed,” Rick whispers and I can hear the smile in his voice.

“Mhm,” I mumble again. “I did it while Anna was drawing.”

“What did she draw?” he asks.

“That,” I say, pointing lazily at the wall without opening my eyes.

“It’s pretty,” he smiles, and then turns back to me. “And so are you,” he whispers closely to my ear and I slowly open my eyes again to see him sitting over me.

“Thanks,” I mumble with a giggle.

“Let’s get you out of these wet clothes.”

“My clothes,” I reply, sitting up with a jolt. “I’ve left my clothes on the beach.”

“I’ve brought them in for you,” he smiles at me. “But we have to get you out of these wet things before you soak our bed.”

“Mmm,” I mumble, looking down at myself. “Yes, we should.” I stick my arms up in the air so he can pull my bra over my head, then lift up my hips so he can roll my panties down my legs.

“That’s better,” he chuckles. “You can go back to sleep now.”

“Naked?” I ask, without even really caring if I am or not.

“Sure,” he laughs. “I’ll join you.”

I open my eyes, just long enough to watch him take his boxer shorts off and climb into bed next to me before closing them again and curling up into his strong arms.

BOOK: Lost Girl 3
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