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Authors: Christina Marie

Love Again (18 page)

BOOK: Love Again
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Once I was inside the ambulance a female EMT sat on the bench next to the stretcher, “Lennie my name is Carmen I need to remove the blanket so I can check for injuries, is that okay?”

I nodded my head and released the death grip I had been holding on the cover. 

“This is four thirty, we’re coming in with a female patient mid twenties, multiple lacerations on her feet, lacerations on her left thigh…” Hearing her list of my injuries caused me to start to panic.  “Lennie…please hold still.”

Then my world went black.

Waiting to hear back from Tiffany was going to drive me crazy, not knowing where Justin and Lennie were at or what he was doing to her would be the death of me.  I stared at my cell phone, every picture of us together making my heart thump harder…she had to be found.

Tiffany’s named flashed up on the display;

“Give me something to work with please!” I answered.

“Well, I don’t think you’re going to like it so I’ll just start.  He has Jill’s vehicle, the navigation system disabled so tracking it isn’t possible.  The reason Jill is ICU is because of an apparent drug overdose, cocaine to be exact.  She hasn’t told anybody anything besides, she did it because Justin made her.”

“Fuck!” I gripped the back of my neck. 

“I’ll keep you posted if she says anything else.  Have you heard from Lennie?”

“No…nothing at all.” I sat down on the couch.  Trevor was talking on his phone to somebody and Corrina was at the back of the house looking out at the pool.  I wanted to break down but couldn’t.  “Just keep me updated, if I find the son of a bitch I’m going to kill him.”

“I will, please don’t Dominique…he’ll get what he has coming for him.”  Tiffany said with a worried tone. 

Corrina’s phone rang, she looked at it for a couple of seconds before answering it.

“Hello?” “Are you serious?” her voice grew louder.  With wide eyes she turned around, “Okay…okay.  Thank you for calling!”

I hung up on Tiffany, “What—who was it?” I asked as she walked toward Trevor and me.

“The bank…Lennie called to transfer three million to a different account.  They transferred the call to the PD, they were able to get a ping on the phone!”

“Where is she?” I started for the door.

“The lady from the bank didn’t say, she just wanted to call me and let me know what the detective told her.”

I pulled the business card out that I had been given and called the police department, I was on hold for close to eight minutes before Detective Basen took my call. 

“Mr. Hastings we have officers in route, if you want to come to the station and wait here you can or I can call you back as soon as I know more.”

“Where the fuck is she?”

“About an hour or so away, according to where the ping came from.  I’m not even sure how the call was able to be made, there’s not much out in that area.”

“Can I ride along with an officer?  I need to be there for her.”

“I’m sorry but I can’t let you, like I said—you can either come to the station or I’ll call you when I hear more.”

“Just call me.” I hung up the phone and told Corrina and Trevor what the detective said.  We agreed to wait at Lennie’s house for a while, if after an hour we would go to the police station. 

I sat down on the couch and leaned my head back, “Have you called her dad?” I asked Corrina. 

“Him and Jennifer are on their way here, they’ll call me as soon as they leave the airport.”

I nodded my head and closed my eyes. 

“Dominique…wake up man.” Trevor shook my shoulder. 

My eyes snapped open, “Did I miss a call?” I asked in panic. 

“No, it’s been a couple of hours.  We need to go to the station or we can stay here so you can get some rest.”

“I don’t fucking care what you have to do to find the son of a bitch!” a mans voice boomed around the house.  I looked into the kitchen.  He was pacing back and forth while listening on his phone.  “I’ll kill him, if he hurts her I will kill him.  Do you hear me?” He pulled the phone away from his ear and stabbed the screen with his finger.  Corrina and another woman were staring at him then Corrina looked at me.  The guy spun around, “Not the best way to meet me, I’m so god damn mad I could spit fire.” He held his hand out for me to shake. 

“I’m right there with you, names Dominique.”

“David and that’s Jennifer.” He nodded.  “Ready to go to the station?”

We took two vehicles, Trevor and I in my car, Corrina with Lennie’s dad and Jennifer in their vehicle. 

No matter how many times I checked my phone on the way there, I had no missed calls or text from Tiffany.  I decided to call her and let her know what was going on. 

“I’m getting ready to go in there with her dad, she’s awake again.  Please call me when you find out more.”

“Same goes for you.  Thank you.” I blew out a breath and hung up. 

Since it was closing in on shift change the station was busy with officers doing paperwork while others talked about their cases.

Detective Bison greeted us, “We’ll go to my office, he shook David’s hand then we all followed him through the precinct.  “Have a seat.” He nodded at the two chairs in front of his desk.  Corrina and Jennifer sat down.  “Okay,” he cleared his throat and rolled out a map on his desk.  “Here is where the ping came from.” He pointed at a red circle, “It’s pretty wooded out there, with the ping and triangulation we should be within at least four miles of her location.  The cell phone she used is a pre-paid so we are working against that.”

“How fucking long does it take to get out there?” David asked angrily. 

“We’ve got three different units in that direction and an ambulance on stand by should we find them.  Knowing he is armed we have to approach with caution.”

David was shaking his head about ready to say something when a female voice filled the speaker of the radio on Bison’s hip. 

“Eleven eighty this is six hundred, I’ve located the victim.”

Bison grabbed his radio, “Ten four, six hundred what is your location?”

“Did they find her?” I rushed out.

Bison held up his finger, “Six hundred…what is your location?” he asked again.

The radio crackled and the officer’s voice was inaudible.  The tension that filled room as we all waited to hear if it was Lennie the officer was talking about made my body tense.

“Eleven eighty to six hundred, getting ready to transport via ambulance.  Location is west off two ninety and Garland road.”

“Ten four.” Bison responded. 

A scanner in the corner of his office beeped, then a female voice started talking.  She detailed injuries to the hospital, the injuries she was listing off made my stomach knot up.  “Is it Lennie?” I shouted my voice breaking.  Corrina and Jennifer both jumped. 

Bison nodded his head, “Yes, they are taking her to WMH.  The other units are going to a cabin that was not far from where Lennie was found.”  He looked at his cell phone and typed out a reply. 

“Where’s Justin?” Corrina asked.

“That was a text from one of the units, he’s not at the cabin, there’s no electricity so we will dispatch out a truck with a generator so they can search the property.  When morning hits we’ll enter the home.  Right now it’s being treated as a crime scene, let’s hope Lennie will be able to give us more information.  I’ll meet you at the hospital, I’m not going to try to talk to her until she says she is ready to.  I just need her to know that we are going to help her any way possible.”

David stood up and pointed a finger at the detective, “Find the son of a bitch before I do.”

Then we all walked out and to our vehicles.  “Hey man, they found her…she’s alive and breathing.”  Trevor broke the silence as he drove.

I nodded, “I’ll fucking kill Justin.” I balled my fists in my lap.  “I just need to see her.”

“I’m here for you brother.”

At the hospital the only person that was allowed back to see Lennie as they worked on her in the emergency room, was David.  “Sir you need to calm down or I’ll call security.” The nurse told me. 

David patted my shoulder, “I’ll see if they’ll let you come in after I’m done.  Okay?”

I nodded my head and walked away.  My blood was boiling my anger and hatred for Justin growing by the second. 

It seemed like hours passed by while we waited for David to come out.  He was wiping tears from his face when he walked into the lobby where we were all sitting.  Jennifer rushed over to him, he bent over with his hands on his knees.  She wrapped her arms around his waist, “David, talk to us please.” She said with tears streaming down her face. 

He took a few deep breaths before standing upright, “They had to put her in a medically induced coma.” He swallowed hard, “She…he beat the hell out of her.  He hurt my baby girl!” David hugged Jennifer as he started sobbing so hard he was shaking. 

Corrina was crying, I pulled her into my chest unable to speak.  After a few minutes the staff showed us to a private waiting room.  I couldn’t sit still, I paced back and forth constantly checking the door to see if the doctor was coming to talk to us.  Tiffany called so I left to talk to her.


“It’s not good, Justin is one very sick son of a bitch.” She said.

“You’re telling me something I already know.” I paused.  “They found Lennie, David her dad was the only one they let go see her.  She’s in a medically induced coma right now.” I leaned against the wall. 

“Oh my god!” she yelled, “What…where…I mean…”

“I don’t know what all happened to her but it’s not very good, not according to what we heard come over the radio at the station.” A single tear rolled down my cheek followed by another.  “I want to see her.” I choked out. 

“I know you do sweetie, let the staff do their job first.  When she’s stable they’ll let you in.”

I nodded my head, “What did Jill say?”

Tiffany exhaled, “Well, Justin forced her to get an abortion.  When she got home from the clinic he had a bunch of cocaine lined up for her.  They each did a couple of lines, when she started crying about the abortion Justin beat the hell out of her and forced her to OD on cocaine.  The last thing she remembers him saying is he wanted her dead since she was such a fuck up and then said he was going to go to the media about her drug usage.”

“Jesus.” I sighed out with frustration. 

I looked up to see a doctor walking into the waiting room, “I’ll call you back.” I hung up and walked in behind the doctor.  She was a short oriental woman, with a serious look on her face. 

“I’m doctor Moria Vizin.” She shook all of our hands then gestured to the chairs.  She flipped open a chart, “Lennie is stable, her injuries aren’t a severe as we first thought.  I am however sorry to have to tell you that the baby did not make it.  She was raped and the stress that her body has undergone in such a short period of time was too much.”

“What?” Her dad asked. 

“What?” Corrina shrieked.

The doctor looked at them both, “She was three weeks pregnant, did none of you know this?”

Then all eyes were on me, “Are you sure?” I asked around the lump in my throat.  My hands started shaking. 

“Yes sir, are you the husband?”

I shook my head, “Boyfriend.” I said slowly.  I clenched my fists and bowed my head, so much anger started to course through my body I was about to lose control. 

The doctor looked back down at the papers, “Which one of you is the husband?  Her records indicate she’s married.”

David scrubbed his hands over his face, “She is married and going through a divorce, that guy right there is her boyfriend.  Her husband is the reason she’s in the condition she’s in.”

“Are you the father of the baby?” she asked.

My eyebrows shot up, “I…I would assume so.”

She scribbled something into the chart, “I’m sorry that you had to find out like this. I won’t be allowing anybody besides immediate family in to be with her this evening.  Tomorrow morning when she wakes up and I have a chance to talk to her I will let her know she has several friends waiting to see her.”

“That’s fucking bullshit!” I erupted. “Let me fucking see her!”

Doctor Vizin closed the chart and dropped her hands, ”I’m sorry sir but it’s the law.  I’m not doing it to punish you…I take my patients health and privacy very serious.”

I looked at David hoping he would tell the doctor that it was okay for me to go see her.  “I’m sorry,” he patted me on the shoulder and stopped in front of me, “I’ll tell her you’re waiting.” Then he left. 

My jaw muscle ticked and my anger boiled inside. 

“Where are you going?” Corrina hurried to catch up with me.

“I’m leaving.” I stated.

BOOK: Love Again
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