Read Love Comes in Darkness Online

Authors: Andrew Grey

Love Comes in Darkness (10 page)

BOOK: Love Comes in Darkness
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Once in the house, Howard removed Token’s harness and listened as Token ran around the room a bit like a puppy. “What’s going on?” Gordy asked from near the door.

“I think he’s playing,” Howard said. “Wendy said that Token knows when he’s in the harness that he’s working, but when it’s removed, Token knows he’s off duty.” Howard sat on the sofa and patted the cushion. Token jumped up and settled next to him, licking Howard’s face. He hugged his dog and petted him, heaping on praise. “You’re such a good boy. Yes, you are.” Howard remembered the treats Wendy had left, so he stood up and walked through the house to the cupboard where he’d placed Token’s things. He found a chew bone and returned, then gave it to Token. He jumped down onto the floor, and Howard heard him gnaw and crunch on it.

“Gordy?” Howard asked. The only sound he heard in the house was Token, and he wondered if Gordy had left. “Are you still here?”

“Yes,” Gordy said, and Howard followed the sound of his voice. “I was just watching you with Token.” Gordy sighed softly. “You said your independence is important, but maybe what you needed was someone for
to take care of.”

Howard reached out and found Gordy standing near Howard’s front door. “Maybe. It is nice to care for someone instead of being the one cared for.” Howard thought about what he’d said. “You know what I mean.”

“Yeah, I do.” Gordy tugged him into a hug, and Howard held Gordy in return.

“Come and sit down,” Howard said, and Gordy guided him forward. They ended up on the sofa with Gordy giving soft instructions until Howard was practically sitting on Gordy’s lap. Gordy lightly stroked Howard’s cheek and then kissed him gently. “Do you mind?” Howard asked, lifting his fingers to Gordy’s face.

Howard touched Gordy’s cheek, light stubble pricking his fingertips. He slid them over Gordy’s skin and along his angular jaw, tracing the outline of Gordy’s lips with his index finger. He shifted his fingers upward, carefully searching for Gordy’s forehead, stroking the warm, smooth skin and then down around Gordy’s eyes and along his sweeping nose. He traced a path across Gordy’s cheeks to his ears. Gordy moaned softly as Howard lightly stroked the skin. He stored that information away for later and moved down along Gordy’s neck before moving closer for a kiss of his own.

Gordy tightened his hug as Howard kissed him. Gordy parted his lips, and Howard surged his tongue forward, anxious for a taste. Now it was Howard’s turn to moan softly as Gordy took charge, kissing him hard, holding him tight. Howard stiffened. This was where things had stopped previously, and he hoped to God there wouldn’t be a repeat. His body thrummed with desire, and Howard moved closer. Gordy shifted, and Howard groaned when he thought Gordy was going to pull away but then he realized he was being pressed back, and Howard held on as Gordy lowered him to the sofa. Their kiss deepened as Gordy pressed him into the sofa cushions. “I don’t want to crush you,” Gordy whispered, and Howard pulled him back into the kiss. That seemed to be all the answer Gordy needed.

Howard tugged at the tail of Gordy’s shirt, pulled it out of his pants, and slid his hands beneath it and up Gordy’s wide back. Planes of muscle flexed and stretched beneath his hands as Howard explored….

Gordy went completely still. All kissing stopped and Gordy’s breath rang in Howard’s ears. “It’s okay, I just want to….” The smooth skin of Gordy’s lower back gave way to ridges and lines of harder skin. “Gordy,” Howard whispered. “What?” Howard asked, swallowing hard and splaying his hands against Gordy’s shoulders, almost frantically searching to see how extensive the marks he’d found were. “Is this what he did to you?” Howard whispered hoarsely. Gordy’s weight instantly disappeared from on top of him. “I’ll kill the bastard,” Howard swore as he sat up, shaking with anger. He clenched his fists and pounded the cushion next to him. “If he ever shows up here, I’ll kill the bastard with my bare hands.” Howard heard nothing from Gordy except heavy breathing. “Is that what you didn’t want me to find out?”

“Yes,” Gordy told him.

“Did your father do that?” Howard asked and then waited for an answer that didn’t come. “He did, didn’t he?”

“Yes,” Gordy croaked out.

“How?” Gordy was huge and strong. There was no way his father should have been able to hurt him that way.

The only answer he received was an almost strangled cry and then nothing, until Gordy said, “My Christian father, the one who helps everyone and is loved by everyone, found out I was gay and got drunk for the first time in his life. He woke me up with the snap of a studded belt across my back. Then he held me down and hit me over and over. I was eventually able to overpower him and get away. My mom took me to the hospital, and they patched me up.”

“I’ll still kill him. If you want, I’ll make some phone calls and see if I can have him killed now. My father had some family who have connections to
. I’ll have the bastard’s legs broken, and then they’ll rub him out.” Howard hardly knew what he was saying, he was so filled with rage. He hadn’t felt so angry since his teenage rebellion.

“It’s okay,” Gordy told him. “Don’t hurt yourself, and please don’t have him killed,” Gordy said with a touch of what Howard thought might be humor.

“You don’t think I can do it?” Howard challenged. “My cousin has a brother-in-law who takes great pride in breaking legs. I met him once when we took a vacation to New York to visit family. He sounded like one of those movie mobsters. I have his number somewhere—I can make a call.”

“No breaking legs or rubbing anyone out,” Gordy said.

“If you say so, but the offer stands,” Howard said, still clenching his fists as silence descended over the room.

“I so didn’t expect you to react like that,” Gordy told him, moving closer.

“What? Did you think I’d blame you or that I’d say your scars were icky or something?” Howard wriggled his fingers, and Gordy chuckled.

“Honestly, I didn’t know how you’d react. I had one person I was interested in refuse to touch my back because he didn’t want to think about what had happened to me. He said touching me there was unsexy.”

“What a whiny baby. I hope you kicked him to the curb. We all have scars,” Howard said. “Some are just easier to see. I know Cedric has them, but his are all on the inside.”

“He’s also nuts,” Gordy growled, and Howard couldn’t argue with him. Howard felt the sofa shift as Gordy sat back down and he moved close, pressing against him, kissing greedily. Once again Gordy pressed him back down onto the cushions, and Howard tugged on Gordy’s shirt. Gordy stilled, and Howard continued pulling until Gordy’s shirt came off. Then he gave his hands free rein, running them over the plates of muscle. He knew Gordy was big and he’d felt his strength. Gordy’s muscles rippled beneath his hands, and he brushed his fingers over one of Gordy’s nipples. A small shiver went through Gordy, so Howard did it again, teasing the skin again to get more of a reaction.

Gordy tugged at Howard’s shirt, and he lifted his arms over his head. Once his shirt was gone, Howard pressed his skin to Gordy’s, soaking up his heat. “You’re hairy,” Gordy whispered. “I didn’t expect you to have a hairy chest.”

“Is that okay?”

“It’s perfect,” Gordy said before holding Howard’s hands above his head. Howard waited for what was coming next and squirmed slightly when Gordy licked a trail of wet warmth up his stomach and chest before circling a nipple and then sucking it lightly. Howard moaned loudly and cried out, bucking into the zip of pleasure. “You like that?” Gordy asked, licking his skin once again. “I love those sounds.”

Howard chuckled softly. “I guess I give what I hope I’ll get.”

Gordy shifted and then sucked his ear. “Sweetheart, you’ll get that and so very much more.” Gordy licked down his neck, and Howard stretched and writhed, ready and aching for more.

“Gordy,” Howard whined.

“You need to be patient,” Gordy said, and Howard felt him still.

“What are you doing?” he asked, worried that Gordy was going to freak again.

“Just looking at you,” Gordy said, and Howard sighed. Then Gordy released Howard’s hands, took them in his, and placed them against his skin.

Howard explored hard, thick muscle as he stroked Gordy’s chest. Then he stroked down Gordy’s smooth belly, his hands bumping over tight, firm ridges. “You’re very strong,” Howard said.

“Yes,” Gordy agreed. “After my dad hurt me, I worked out hard, getting as strong as I could so no one would ever be able to hurt me like that again. I was always big, but now I’m… well, I intimidate most people.”

“Not me,” Howard said, continuing to feel his way along Gordy’s shoulders and then down his arms. “So you’re big and scary on the outside and a sweetheart on the inside.”

“I guess you could say that,” Gordy said. “I paid my way through college working on building sites, so I had to be strong, but after what my dad did to me, I think I went a little nuts. Once my back healed, I went to the gym almost every day for a long time. I never took steroids or anything—didn’t need to. The more I worked out, the more I grew.” Howard held Gordy’s arm and felt him move and the muscles stiffen under this hand. But Gordy’s descriptions of his size didn’t mean much to him. He’d known quite a few people, some large, some small, but he only had the roughest impression of their size or strength.

“I guess I only feel the sweetheart part,” Howard commented, and Gordy cupped his head in his hands and kissed him hard. “What was that for?” Howard asked when Gordy eventually broke the kiss.

“You’re an extraordinary person,” Gordy said.

“No, I’m not. I’m simply a person who can’t see, so I can’t judge anyone based on physical appearances. Sometimes it’s bad, because I miss a lot of cues other people take for granted. But in some cases it’s good, because I’m not influenced by how a person looks, but by how they act and treat others. I knew you had a kind heart as soon as you stopped and offered to stay with me.” Gordy hugged him tight, and before Howard knew what was happening, Gordy had an arm beneath him and lifted him off the sofa. “What are you doing?”

Gordy kissed him again, holding Howard close to his body. “I’m taking you to your bedroom.” Gordy’s voice was rough and he held Howard tightly. Howard held Gordy around the neck, resting his head against Gordy’s chest as they moved through his house. Gordy set him down on the bed and kissed him while tugging at Howard’s belt and pants. They opened, and Gordy pulled them off his legs, along with his socks and shoes, leaving him naked.

Howard expected a kiss, the sound of Gordy removing his clothes,
, but he heard nothing but Gordy’s breathing. “Is something wrong?” Howard asked, fearful something wasn’t right and that he was ugly.

“You’re beautiful,” Gordy murmured, and then Howard heard soft steps moving closer. “You have a little mark here that looks like a jelly bean,” Gordy said, touching Howard’s hip. “Jelly bean,” he repeated.

“If that turns into some kind of nickname…,” Howard threatened.

“You’ll what?” Gordy teased, stroking up Howard’s leg. He jumped slightly at first, but very quickly warmed to Gordy’s touch. Howard stiffened when he felt Gordy take off his glasses, but he didn’t make a move to stop him. He heard Gordy set them on the table by the bed and then he waited. He half expected a comment about his eyes, but none came.

“What are you doing?” Howard asked as Gordy clumsily stroked his foot.

“I have my eyes closed and I’m seeing you the way you see things,” Gordy said.

“You don’t have to do that,” Howard said.

“Then what should I do?” Gordy asked playfully.

“How about joining me? Preferably naked.” He heard what might have been Gordy’s shoes and socks drop on the floor and then the soft tinking of what he assumed was Gordy’s belt. A few seconds later the bed shifted, and Howard was tugged into Gordy’s arms and kissed as huge hands stroked over his back.

“This isn’t too fast, is it?” Gordy asked, and Howard laughed.

“It’s a bit late to ask that now that we’re naked,” Howard said, sliding his hand down Gordy’s ridged belly and over silky hair before gripping Gordy’s hot, thick cock. He stroked slowly, and a growl rumbled deeply in Gordy’s throat. “Dang,” Howard murmured. “Everything is certainly proportional.” He ran his thumb over the spongy head as Gordy’s cock jumped and throbbed in his hand.

“Well…,” Gordy said, and Howard tightened his grip, stroking along the length a few times before cupping Gordy’s smooth balls. “Howie,” Gordy gasped.

“Haven’t you figured out the secret?” Howard asked, pressing Gordy back onto the bed. He climbed on top of Gordy without releasing his cock and found one of his nipples, sucking it hard. Gordy moaned softly, and Howard tightened his grip further, stroking harder and lightly scraping his teeth over Gordy’s skin.

“Fuck, Howie,” Gordy swore, thrusting his hips upward into Howard’s hand. “You’re going to make me lose it.”

“So have you figured it out?”

“Figured out what?” Gordy gasped.

“What it is about blind guys?” Howard said, stopping his hand midstroke. “We may not be able to see, but we’re really good with our hands.” Howard slid down Gordy’s body, licking and kissing the smooth, musky skin as he went. By the time he got where he wanted to be, Gordy was breathing shallow and fast. “Oh, and we’re even better with our mouths,” Howard added before sliding his lips over the head of Gordy’s cock and down his fat shaft.

Gordy let out a cry that filled the room, and Howard felt Gordy tremble beneath him. He sucked Gordy deeper and then bobbed his head, taking as much as he could. Gordy was all sweet, musky, heady male, everything wonderful all at the same time. Howard loved oral sex, and he knew he was damned good at it. He bobbed his head and met Gordy’s thrusts. “Fucking hell, Howie,” Gordy cried, and Howard managed to take him in all the way, until his nose pressed to Gordy’s skin.

He pulled away, and Gordy gasped as he took him again. Long and slow, he sucked Gordy down his throat and then pulled away. Gordy quivered and shook beneath him, moaning and whimpering for more. Then he stopped. “Gordy,” Howard asked. “We better have the talk about… stuff.”

BOOK: Love Comes in Darkness
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