Love is Only a Whisper (Whisper Series) (31 page)

BOOK: Love is Only a Whisper (Whisper Series)
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Sinclair Engineering, a separate entity of Sinclair Industries
was expanding all over the globe under Ashton’s leadership, which increased his
travel but he was never away more than two weeks at a time. It wasn’t something
she was happy with but it was necessary for the expansion of the business.

During her and Ashton’s first year of marriage, Brent had
left Dallas for a short period of time. He returned but traveled a great deal
more than Ashton. She rarely saw him at family functions. His and Ashton’s
relationship was distant but friendly. Hopefully, in time they would become
close, something that she knew her husband desired. Whenever she was in Brent’s
presence, she detected sadness. She missed their friendship. Nicole wished with
all her heart that he’d find someone to love as much as she loved Ashton. It
was a shame that he and Melissa divorced. She’d hoped they would get back
together. But after the divorce, Melissa moved away from Dallas.

Trey ran out of the nursery and greeted his father at the
top of his voice

“Hi, you’re home early.”

He entered the nursery with Trey’s hand held in his. He
looked down in the crib and ran his hand lightly across Aiden’s back and then
his cheek.

Straightening, he released Trey’s hand. “I missed you.” He
pulled her into his arms and kissed her soundly. “Hmm…you smell good. What did
the doctor say?” He tried to take another kiss but she shook her head, nodding to
their son who was watching them intently.

“I’m fine. I can resume normal activities.”

“Aiden, why don’t you go downstairs and ask Mrs. James to
put in your favorite DVD?”

His eyes, so like his father’s frowned in concentration.
“Before dinner, Daddy?”

“Yes, but just this once.”

“Okay,” he shouted and ran from the room.

Once their son was out of the room, Ashton grabbed her hand
and led her to their bedroom.

Shutting the door, he pulled her off her feet against him
and wrapped his arms around her, drawing her as close as possible to him. He
inhaled her scent. His nostrils flared as he drew in another breath.

“Now where were we?”

Her laugh was giddy. “You’re insatiable.”

“I waited six weeks.”

He continued peppering kisses along her jawline until he
found her mouth, “If you want to wait a little longer, I will.”

Nicole linked her arms around his neck and smiled up at him.
“Now, why would I want to do that?”

“I’m glad.”

And he began to show all the ways he loved her.



Since childhood, Renee Wynn has been an avid
reader and daydreamer. She started a journal at seven years-old. Inspired by
her high school creative writing teacher, she wrote a play and the rest is

She lives in the northeast with the loves of her life, her
husband, Michael and son, Derek.

Coming Soon: Book Two in the Whisper Series





Whisper My Name


Chapter One


Brody Beaumont
III stared hard at the woman across the room of the ballroom and didn’t care if
she knew it. But there was something about the long-legged brown beauty had
captured his attention. He’d been aware of her from the moment she came into
his line of vision at the church, mostly because of her looks. She was exactly
the sort of woman he liked, which were tall, slender and gorgeous. But he dated
blondes with pale skin and huge breasts and she definitely was missing some key
components, blond hair, and huge breasts. He’d dated black women before so her
skin tone wasn’t a factor.

Brody could tell by her pursed lips that his
direct gaze angered her. That fact alone excited him. A woman hadn’t made him
so aware and alert in a very long time. It felt good.

When he caught the quick looks thrown his way, it
only served to fuel a burning desire to get her in his bed.

She was dressed in a short pale pink dress with a wide light gray belt cinched at her small waist. It flared at the end, which caused it to be breathtaking. He further scanned her body. The bone sandals, with a thin strap around the ankle, added to her height. Although she was tall, it still didn’t match his 6’4 length. Besides natural beauty, the glorious mane of thick dark, hair that cascaded in loose curls around her face and shoulders made him itch to run his fingers through the strands. His groin tightened painfully at a vision of her stretched out in his bed and those large eyes enveloping him, making him weak with longing.

Brody watched as she maneuvered from one guest to another with fluid gracefulness and poise. The sound of her laughter was smooth and captivating.

The Sinclair mansion was crowded with friends and
family mingling and talking but he sat slouched in a chair in the far corner of
the room. Today was the christening of his best friend, Ashton Sinclair and
wife, Nicole’s second son, Aiden.

He swirled the drink in his hand, not sipping, and
tried not to look bored out of his mind. He loved being godfather to Ashton’s
sons but the parties that came along with it weren’t something he looked
forward to or enjoyed.

His sister, Sally, Nicole and Danielle were best
friends. Each now held the honor of being godmother to Ashton and Nicole’s

“What are you looking at?” His sister, Sally
flopped in the chair next to him, grabbed the drink out of his hand and took a
sip. “Ugh,” she said and made a face. “I don’t know how you drink this stuff.”

Brody retrieved the glass back without taking his
eyes off of the woman he’d been watching most of the afternoon. “It’s not for
the faint hearted.” He swallowed the remaining contents, stood and placed the
glass on the tray of a passing waiter. He leaned over, kissed his sister
cheek, and turned to walk away.

“She’s not your type, Brody,” she said, stopping
him in his wake.

He turned with a deep frown. “Who?”

Sally nodded to toward Danielle. “She’s a
supermodel but a good girl. Leave her alone. Besides she’s one of my best

“What makes you think I’m interested?”

“I have observed you all afternoon.”

“She’s gorgeous. I’m sure I’m not the only man in
the room who’s noticed.”

Sally laughed, stood and put an arm through his.
“Your notice is more like a lion stalking their meal and waiting for the right
moment to pounce.”

“Don’t worry little sister.” He smiled and gave
her an affectionate squeeze. “I never give my prey a warning before I pounce,
but this time I just might.”




Danielle Evans busied herself making sure the
guests were comfortable and tried to ignore Brody Beaumont intense gaze. In her
profession, blatant stares from men and women were common. She always felt as
if she was on display but she worked hard and now was one of the world’s top
fashion and runway models. But she wouldn’t stay at the top forever, she was
twenty-eight and time wasn’t on her side. Someone younger and hungrier was
always nipping at the heels, trying to topple you over.

She glance Brody’s way again and locked eyes with
his green ones. He was one outrageously handsome man. There was no dying the
fact. Heir apparent to the billionaire oil and gas dynasty, Beaumont Oil and
Mockingbird Leasing, Brody was known as a brilliant strategist but his reputation
with women also was legendary. She knew of an acquaintance, a famous model, which
had dated him briefly and came away from the experience bitter. The woman, who
had been tall and blonde, had thought she could hook him but had been sadly

At the church, throughout the christening ceremony, his eyes stalked her every movement. She’d wondered if there were smudges on her face or lipstick on her teeth. Danielle couldn’t very well pretend he didn’t exist because he was the godfather along with her godmother role to baby Aiden. It hadn’t been intimidating but it made her a little unsettle. After all she went through with her ex, she learned to mask her feelings and emotions. But it was something about his brooding stare that had her wondering about him. But she caught the wayward thoughts and changed course. Brody looked dangerous and that wasn’t a road she was going to travel down again. So she ignored him like she did every other man that tried to capture of attention. Most of them gave up, realizing she wasn’t interested but he was a different breed.

He didn’t remember her but she did him. Besides she looked different. Gone were the large black squared-framed glasses and the crooked teeth that had been repaired by costly surgery and numerous orthodontist’s visits. Although, still tall and slim, she no longer slouched but was proud of her height.

She only saw Brody once when he came to visit Sally in college. Upon first look, her tongue tied into knots and refused to operate. Because Brody was so much older, he was either in college or at his ranch in Montana when they were growing up.

She was in awe of him, so much so, that she left the dorm room hurriedly before introductions could be made. After he left, she had walked slowly back into the room from hiding out in the rec room. Sally had asked what had happened to her. She’d murmured some excuse glad that she hadn’t questioned her further. But Nicole had only observed her with a puzzled frown. She had made sure she was never around when he came back to visit.

Brody was one of the most compelling men she ever encountered. Being a model, she was used to gorgeous and powerful men crossing her path. Bu it was something different about him that caught her attention–and unnerved her.

He was powerfully built and gave off the impression of a slick panther, graceful but all man. His straight coal, black hair was longer than she recalled. It now hung pass his shoulder, lying like black diamonds, against his broad shoulders. The bright, green eyes had s the longest, dark lashes she’d ever seen on a man. His eyes were direct and startling against the smoothness and hue of his tan face. Although he was half Caucasian and half Akokisa American Indian, his features and skin tone were more Caucasian.

She tried to be unimpressed by the womanizing billionaire, who was more famous for his notorious one night stands than his ability to turnaround failing stock into huge profits. She was failing miserably.

The bold straight nose, the finely define mouth full with a sensual lower lip, made her tingle in places she thought long dead. Danielle took a deep breath when she saw him strolling toward her. She hurried to turn away but he stepped in front her, touching her arm. She looked at his hand on her arm and then lifted her eyes to his. A mistake. His bold green gaze captured hers and she found herself lost in their depths. A slight shake of the head was meant to clear the confusion but only seemed to compound it. Did he notice how unbalance she were? Hopefully, not.

She stepped back, to give both of them breathing room and tried to calm the pounding in her chest that seemed loud to her ears.

“I have been remised in my cohost duties; I
should’ve been helping you,” he said.

“Thanks, but there isn’t anything that needs to
be done,” Danielle replied nonchalantly.

“I know we weren’t formerly introduced but I would like to remedy that now.” He struck out his hand. “I’m Brody Beaumont.”

“Danielle Evans,” she said calmly shaking his hand. “ I have heard a lot about you from Sally. It’s nice to meet you.”

He looked over at his sister. “All good, I hope.”

“She’s your little sister, what do you think?”

She could help noticing how good he looked in his clothes. His black suit was impeccably tailored, obviously an Armani, and his white oxford shit looked custom made with a light green silk tie. A plain gold Rolex was wrapped round his wrist. The black cowboy boots made especially to fit his feet completed his attire.

He lifted a brow. “That bad, uh?”

Danielle tilted her head and tapped a finger to
her chin. “Well, she did tell about the torture you administered when she was a

“Really? I don’t recall torturing her. It was
more the other way around. Sally could be a menace.”

“Like the time she spied on you making out with one of your girlfriends. When you caught her, you locked her in her bedroom until your parents came home.”

He slipped his hands in his slack pockets. “That was an emergency. Seeing eyes peering at you from behind a skunk mask, while trying to get to second base wasn’t nice. I couldn’t get the girl to stop screaming and Sally from laughing.

She giggled. He was staring again and then he touched the corner of her bottom lip. Surprised at the gesture she abruptly stopped laughing.

“You had a crumb on your mouth.”

“Oh.” She ran her tongue across her lips.

Danielle cleared her throat. Brody took his hand grazed the skin of her lips again. His fingers were callus but the touch was gentle.

“There you two are.” Nicole, along with her
husband, Ashton Sinclair approached them.

Although startled, Danielle was glad for the interruption.

She offered her friend a tentative smile. “Hey,
you finish feeding my godson?”

Nicole chuckled. “Yes. Aiden has such a healthy
appetite. He’s different from Trey who I had to wake up to feed. My second son
let you know when he’s hungry, which seems to be very often.”

Ashton pulled his wife toward him and kissed her
temple. “Honey, he’s a growing little boy. He likes to eat like his daddy. He
just can’t get enough.”

She touched his cheek and looked into his eyes.
“I don’t feed you enough?”


“Ah, I believe we are still standing here,” Brody said with a straight face.

Nicole had the graciousness to blush. “I’m sorry.”

Brody squinted. “Never mind. You still act like newlyweds.”

Ashton removed his arm from around his wife
and slapped Brody on the back. “Your turn will come.”

“Don’t count on it.” Brody said in a hard tone
that caused Danielle to throw him a sharp glance.

BOOK: Love is Only a Whisper (Whisper Series)
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