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Authors: Veronica Short

Love Obsessed (13 page)

BOOK: Love Obsessed
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“You haven’t been at work all week. We came to see what’s up,” Ryan explains.

“Checking up on me?” Dad asks.

“Pretty much. What’s going on?” He shrugs, eyeing the both of us

“Is Mum inside?” I make a move toward the house, but dad steps in front of me. Frowning at his behaviour, I take a step to the side, and he does the same. “What the fuck old man!” I exclaim, trying again, but dad counters.

“You can’t go in there,” he says simply.

I look over his shoulder, toward the house, and then back to Dad. I look at Ryan to see if he has any idea what’s going on, but he shakes his head. “What’s going on, Dad?” Ryan asks.

“You just can’t go in there.”

“Why the fuck not!” I yell. Mum walks out of the house and comes toward us.

“Why can’t we go into the house?” Ryan asks her as she approaches us. Mum looks at Dad and then at me. The way she’s looking at me gives me my answer. I look between the three of them, to Erin’s car, and to the house.

“Erin’s in there,” I state. They don’t answer, but I know. I push past them and run toward the house.

“Cole!” Dad yells from behind me. I run into the house, searching the kitchen, living room, and lounge room. No Erin. “Cole you need to stop.” Dad’s standing at the bottom of the stairs.

“Why?!” I yell at him.

“Because,” he steps closer to me, “she doesn’t want any of you boys to see her.”

I push past him again, and run up the stairs. “Erin.” I enter Brandon’s room, but don’t find her. The same goes for Ryan’s room. I enter Mum and Dad’s room, and nothing. My room is next, and it’s empty. I step back out into the hallway to see Mum, Dad and Ryan all standing in front of the spare room. Ryan has obviously been let in on what’s happening. He looks angry, upset, worried. I stop and stare at him. Something isn’t right, and I have a bad feeling.

“Move,” I tell them all, but no one does.

“She’s in pretty bad shape,” Dad starts.

“She doesn’t want to see anyone,” Mum continues.

I clear my throat. “Move,” I say again. They finally do, and I slowly move toward the door, opening it up and entering the room. I watch her for a moment, and then walk over to her. Kneeling down, I touched her face. She’s really here. Erin jumps when my hand touches her skin, then buries her head into the pillow, crying out in pain. Her hands are clenched, knuckles white.

“What the fuck?” I turned to see Ryan, and his face is pale. I turn back to Erin, who is still in pain, not even hearing what Ryan is saying. I put my hand on her gently, “Honey?”

She’s trying to calm her breathing down. I gently put my hands on Erin’s arm, letting her know that I’m here for her. “Erin?” I’m worried. She’s hurt and in pain.

“Fuck!” I hear Ryan yell.

With my hands still on Erin, letting her know that I’m still here, I feel her breathing change. “Honey,” I speak quietly. Her eyes slowly open, and they looked drowsy, unclear. “What happened?” I ask no one in particular.

“Jake,” Ryan grates out.


“It’s been taken care of,” Dad assures me.

“How?” Ryan asks.

“I hope you put the fucker six feet under,” I grate out, and then turn back to Erin who is opening and closing her eyes slowly, trying to focus them.

“Erin, dear. Here,” Mum is holding a glass of water and what I’m hoping are pain killers. Erin looks like she is in so much pain. “You’ll need to help her,” Mum says quietly, but I’m already on it, helping Erin sit up. When she’s sitting up, I sit next her on the bed. Erin slightly leans on me. It’s then that I notice the stitches in her lip and the bruise on her face. She’s wearing long sleeves and her legs are covered by a blanket, but I’m sure that there are more markings under her clothing. The fucker hit her. He did more than that; he beat her up. He’s going to pay, whether Dad says it’s already taken care of or not.

Erin reaches for the glass with shaking hands. I grab the glass and hold it to her lips, then help her take the painkillers Mum provided. It isn’t long before Erin is asleep again, her head resting on my shoulder. I pull the blanket up and cover her with it.

“What happened?” I asked more quietly.

“She won’t say,” Mum says.

“We didn’t even know what had happened until Monday. I was driving and saw her car in a motel car park. When she answered the door, she could hardly open her eyes, yet alone stand. I took her to the hospital, and then we brought her here.”

“What injuries does she have?” Ryan asks.

Dad clears his throat. This is eating him up. Mum has tears running free. “Stitches and bruising, but her ribs took most of the damage. Most of them are fractured.” I have to focus on my breathing. “One is broken,” Dad finishes. My eyes shoot to Erin.

“She should be laying down,” I say. Standing up, I gently pick Erin up and lay her back down on the bed. I then sit on the floor next to her, holding her hand. I need for her to know that I’m here for her.

I hear movement. I turn to see Ryan standing in the doorway, Mum and Dad gone, “She may not forgive you for what you did.”

I closed my eyes, “I know. But I have to try to fix this.”

“I’m here for you if you need me.”

“Thanks.” Ryan closes the door, and it’s just me and Erin.


When I open my eyes again, it’s dark outside. I don’t want to move. Every time I do, pain radiates through my body. “Erin?” a familiar deep voice whispers from somewhere beside me. Even frowning seems to hurt, and then I see him. “What can I do?” he asks, panic and worry evident in his voice.

“Cole?” I croak out, still waking up. A soft light lights up the room. “What are you doing on the floor?”

He smiles slightly and shrugs, “I thought that maybe you wouldn’t appreciate me being in the bed with you when you woke up.”

I look at him for a while and he stares back. Eventually, he clears his throat, “Can I get you anything?”

“Water,” my voice is slowly waking up.

“Ok, I’ll be right back,” and he leaves the room. While he’s gone, I slowly try to sit up in the bed.

“Whoa,” Ryan says, entering the room. He helps me get the rest of the way up so that my back is resting against the head board.

“What are you guys doing here?” Ryan sits on the bed by my feet. “Don’t look at me that way,” I say.

He diverts his eyes, “Sorry.” He looks back up at me, “We came by to see Dad, and well, Cole figured out that you were here, and now he won’t leave. I wanted to make sure that you’re ok before I leave, and see if you want me to get you anything.” He shrugs, “Why didn’t you call us? You should have called us instead of hiding in some motel room.”


“You have nothing to be ashamed of,” Cole says, entering the room and kneeling down beside me. He has a plate of food with him. “Mum’s ordered me to feed you.”

I hold out my hands to get the plate from him, but he pulls it back. “I have orders.” The look he’s giving me tells me that there is no way that I’m going to win this argument.

“Why are you ashamed, honey?” Ryan asks.

“I wouldn’t even know where to start, Ry. I have done so much...” I clear my throat, “so much that I’m not proud of,” I whisper.

“Like what?” Cole quietly asks. I know what he’s referring to. I look his way. He isn’t looking at me, but at the plate he’s holding in his hands.

“I lied to a lot of people. I just can’t believe that this happened to me. I didn’t see it coming,” I choke out. Ryan pats my leg, and Cole sits beside me on the bed, delicately wrapping an arm around me.

“It’s not your fault,” Ryan says.

“I deserved it.”

“What? No!” Cole rants.

“You did not deserve this,” Ryan states. My tears are running freely. I nod, even though I know that I did. “Look, Sweetheart, I’m going to head off. You need to eat. Just remember that you did nothing wrong, and I’ll be back tomorrow. Do you want me to bring anything with me?”

“No.” I also shake my head, and then stop as pain courses through me.

“Shhh,” Cole says into my hair. Ryan gently squeezes my leg, gets up, and closes the door behind him.



I can’t believe that Erin thinks she deserves this. When I get my hands on Jake, he will pay for not just putting his hands on Erin, but for making her think that she deserves this.

“Here, sweetheart.” I bring a fork full of potato to her mouth. She opens, and I watch as she winces in pain when she swallows it. “You should have called me,” I tell her, but then I remember what I did, and I understand why she didn’t.

“I thought that you hated me, and never wanted to hear from me again. I would have understood...”

“I could never hate you. I would understand if you hated me, for what I did. I’m sorry about the way I acted after. I should have never.”

“I understand. Brandon warned me what would happen if I gave into you.”

“What?” I lower the plate, but still hold it, worried of what I may do if my hands are free. “What did he say I’d do?” I try to keep my voice low, tight.

“He said that you’d be done with me, and that’s what you are.”

“And you believed him?!” I stand up and start to pace the length of the room. “You think that I would treat you that bad! I’ve told you, time and time again, that I would cherish, you and I thought you believed that. I thought that you understood how much you mean to me!”

“I did, I do!” Erin yells.

“Well which is it? Do you believe me, or not?” I stand there, watching her. Her face is streaming with tears, and her eyes are looking at the window, instead of me. Not believing what is happening, I open the door and step outside to where Ryan is. “I thought you left,” I snap.

“Go take a walk,” he instructs.

“Don’t tell me what to do! I’m sick and tired of my fucking brothers telling me what to do! I am my own person. If I want to take a walk, I’ll take a fucking walk, and if I want tell Erin that I love her and marry her, well I’m going to fucking to do it!” I pace up and down the hallway, trying to relieve my anger. I know this isn’t Erin’s fault, and I don’t want to leave her.

“You can’t be surprised that Brandon told her that.”

I stop and look over to him, questioning him with my eyes, “Did you know what she thought of me?”

“I know she loves you,” he holds my gaze, not wavering

“You knew and didn’t think that I deserved to know that she thought I was trying to get her to bed so that I could be done with her?” I approach him, wanting to punch him, but knowing that he’ll kick my ass before my hand touches his jaw.

“Brandon is her rock, Cole. She’s going to believe him, especially after what she’s gone through since graduating.”

He’s fucking right. I hate it when he’s right. Taking one last look at Ryan’s face, I re-enter the room and sit beside Erin on the bed. Her large, worried, tearful eyes follow my every move. As we sit side by side, we’re silent.

“This isn’t right. I vowed that I would never treat you badly, and that’s exactly what I did. For that I’m sorry. I know that Brandon is your rock, but I want to be that person. I will do anything to prove to you that I will never do anything to make you think that I think any less of you than you deserve.” I turn my head and look over to her, and her eyes are on me, “When I say that I love you, Erin, I love you. It’s not a ploy to get you into bed. It’s not some strategy to get you to bend to my will. I love you, Erin, and I want to marry you and have kids with you. You are my girl that I want to give a happy ever after too.” Erin is silent, “Will you say something please.” I plead.

“I told Jake about me and you. That I slept with you,” she whispers.

My blood is boiling now, “I’m going to kill him. He had no right. No matter what we did, he should never have done this.”

Erin slowly reaches for my hand and holds it, bringing it to her lips and kissing it. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you how much being with you meant. I was conflicted and confused, and then you were angry.”

“What?” I ask, shocked at her admission.

“That night, the only regret I have is not telling you after,” she whispers.

“Oh, honey,” I whisper back, placing my forehead on hers. She starts to silently cry, and I can feel her body shaking. “I love you so much.”

“I love you, too,” she whispers through her sobs. I gently lift her head up and place the most delicate of kisses on her lips. I finally have my Erin.


“I’m pregnant.” I look at her like she has two heads. I cannot be hearing what she is saying. No way. This can’t be happening. “Brandon, are you listening to me?” Beth asks, standing on the other side of the kitchen bench.

I shake my head, “Are....are you sure?” I do not want to have a baby with Beth. Fuck no.


Fuck! I blink away the haze and clear my throat. “I need to go for a walk,” I tell her before I leave the apartment, get into the car, and drive away.

When I enter the house, Mum is in the kitchen. I swear she lives in this kitchen. “Brandon,” she looks and sounds surprised. “What’s wrong?” She rushes over to me. I don’t feel good and I guess I must look like shit, too. 

BOOK: Love Obsessed
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