Read Lovesessed Online

Authors: Pamela Diane King

Tags: #romance, #love, #humor, #valentines day, #teenager, #cupid, #chemistry, #love potion, #middlegrade, #teen idol, #pop star, #lovesessed

Lovesessed (9 page)

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It realized that it must have been the
love potion causing him to feel the symptoms of infatuation. That’s
what Liz said happens to a person’s body when those three chemicals
are released. Except that with Chase, the infatuation was

I haven’t been able to
eat all day, or even sit still, so I practiced my dance moves in my
home studio all afternoon.”

You have your own
studio?” I asked, shocked by his celebrity lifestyle.

Yes, and my own movie
theatre, tennis court, and bowling alley.”

Wow, you must live in a

Money can’t buy love.” He
opened the window and pointed to the stars. “If a star fell from
the sky every time I thought of you, then tonight the sky would be

Ok, we’re here.” I
interrupted loudly, clapping my hands. His constant gushing was
getting a bit annoying, especially because I knew that it wasn’t
really him talking, it was the love potion. Everything was
happening so fast, I felt like I couldn’t keep up. I had been too
shocked to feel really happy. I always thought that I knew how I
would feel if Chase loved me, but I didn’t feel like that. Maybe it
was because of the love potion. I felt bad that he was only doing
everything because of the love potion. But at the same time, it
felt good to have so much attention from him, and to be so popular.
I felt like a star, just like the perfume.

He put his sunglasses back on even
though it was dark outside, and held my hand as we exited the limo.
My senses were overwhelmed with lights flashing and people
screaming. There was a red carpet like they have at awards show.
Everyone was standing behind ropes on either side of the red
carpet, like they were eager fans waiting to catch a glimpse of
their favorite celebrity.

Chase’s toothpaste commercial smile
dazzled the crowd, and he waved at his adoring fans like a seasoned
celebrity. He held my hand tightly, and led me over to a group of
girls who were holding magazines and pens for him to autograph. He
posed for photos with them and signed their magazines. People
weren’t just screaming for Chase, they were calling my name too. A
few of the jocks at my school called me over to have photos taken
with them. Someone even called out, “You’re a star!” Amber stood in
the crowd giving me a death stare. I smiled at her like I was
Alicia Spark.


The school gym had been transformed
into a Valentine’s dream. Heart-shaped red and white balloons
covered the ceiling. White table clothes with red candles and red
rose petals adorned the tables. There was an arch by the door
decorated with red and pink roses where everyone had their photos
taken as they entered.

As we walked in, Chase and I posed for
our picture like we were a Hollywood couple. It’s funny how
celebrity couples always become like one person. Whenever there is
a new couple, the tabloids and paparazzi combine the two
celebrity’s names to make one name. The new celebrity creatures
seem to have a life of their own. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are
called “Brangelina,” and Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are
called “Robsten.” Speaking of Robert Pattinson, people are
Robsessed with him. Get it? Anyway, Chase and I would be called
“Tybe” or “Phoeler” by the tabloids. I wouldn’t like to be known as
“Phoeler,” because that sounds like a creepy monster.

After having our picture taken, we were
handed voting ballots with the nominees for the Valentine’s king
and queen.

I’m nominated?” I asked

Of course, you are the
most beautiful girl in your school,” he said like it was a fact. He
kissed me on the cheek, and put his arm around my waist.

It was like I was in an alternate
universe. I never in my wildest dreams thought that my wildest
dreams would come true. Chase Carson was in love with me, and
wanted to be my boyfriend, and now I was popular too!

Phoebe, I’ve been trying
to get to you since you arrived, but I got pushed away by the crowd
of girls outside.” Liz came up to us flustered.

Wow Liz, you look
fantastic!” She was wearing a little black dress with black
stilettos, and she looked very sophisticated. She was actually
wearing make-up, and her hair was down for once in her life. I was
surprised by how lovely she looked, because she never usually liked
to draw attention to herself.

Nathan and Ben were with her. Nathan
was holding her hand, and smiling. Ben looked stiff and
uncomfortable. I couldn’t believe how grown-up he looked. He seemed
taller and more well-built than usual. I had never noticed how
handsome he was. He was wearing a black suit with a white collared
shit, and a black tie. His usually wild mop of dark brown hair was
gelled into a sleek style. His brown eyes were warm. He looked like
a model. I was stunned by how great he cleaned up.

So, how does it feel to
be nominated for queen?” Liz asked excitedly.

Weird, unexpected, and
shocking,” I summed up.

There was an awkward silence as we all
looked around at the room and at each other, until Amber came over
with her sidekicks Kimberley and Britney. Amber looked
exceptionally skanky, with her bright red strapless dress that was
two sizes too small.

Chase, you look super
hot.” She was practically drooling. The girl had no

Thanks,” he said
politely, holding me tighter.

Would do me a huge favor,
and sign my
Teen Idol
magazine, pretty please.” She purred.

Oh please! Could she be anymore

Of course, anything for
my fans,” Chase said good-naturedly, signing the cover of the
magazine that was his picture.

Thank you, so much. I
hope that I can make it up to you later with a dance,” she

I’m sorry, but Phoebe has
of my
dances. Thanks anyway.”

Her face literally dropped. She turned
and walked away in a huff, her sidekicks trailed after

Liz raised her eyebrow at me and

Wow, look at that,” I
said, pointing to the massive gold Cupid statue on the

Chase took my hand. “Cupid
called. He says to tell you that he needs my heart

Everyone laughed, except

Would you like some
punch?” Chase asked me.

Yes, please.”

I’ll miss you.” He kissed
my cheek.

Ben looked away. He seemed irritated,
and it bothered me.

They’ve really gone all
out this year,” Nathan said.

So, have you saved
anymore frogs lately?” I joked.

Not today, but maybe next
week.” We all laughed, except for Ben, who was quietly staring at

Chase returned with a glass of red
punch for me.

The DJ turned the music down and tapped
his microphone. “Hey everyone, I’m sure you all know that we have a
celebrity here tonight.”

Everyone cheered, and Chase

He has a surprise for a
lucky lady,” the DJ said.

My chest tightened.

Chase squeezed my hand, and hurried to
the stage. He took the microphone. “I’d like to sing a special song
that I wrote for a special girl, the most beautiful girl in the
whole world. She makes the birds sing, and the flowers

Liz smiled at me, and rubbed my arm. I
gulped, and looked at the floor.

Chase sat at the keyboard that had been
placed on the stage. The lights dimmed, apart from a spotlight on
him that illuminated his golden hair. He was truly gorgeous. He
began singing a whimsical, acoustic song that he wrote for me.
Chase Carson had actually written a song about me! This was exactly
what I had always wanted. It was called, “My Valentine.” His eyes
were locked onto mine through the entire song.

As he sang the last note, you couldn’t
hear a pin drop. Everyone paused for a moment, and then the crowd
erupted in applause.

Thank you very much
everyone. Let’s party!” Chase yelled excitedly. He made his way
back to our group, struggling though the crowd of girls gushing
about his song.

That was beautiful. Thank
you so much,” I said.

Chase draped his arm around my
shoulders. “Words aren’t enough to express all the feelings I have
inside for you. I wish that I could do more to show you how much I
love you.”

I didn’t know what to say, so I said

The music got louder as the party

I love this song.” I
said, hearing a classic eighties pop song.

Shall we?” Chase put out
his hand, and beamed his toothpaste commercial smile at

Yes, I’d love to,” I said
taking his hand.

I was really enjoying the beat of the
song, and I felt like I could finally put my anxiety aside and
enjoy myself. But then I looked over at Ben sitting at a table
alone. Liz and Nathan were also dancing. My heart sank seeing him
all by himself, looking so sad.

You are such a great
dancer, you have amazing rhythm,” Chase gushed.

Thanks,” I said

I’m serious. You could be
a pop star.”

Speaking of pop stars,
why is Alicia Spark here?” I stopped dancing, and pointed to
pop princess who had
just arrived with her bodyguards, amid screams and flashing






9. First Kiss


Alicia Spark looked even better in real
life than she did on TV and in magazines. She was wearing a hot
pink skin-tight mini dress, with platform shoes, and her long
bleached blonde hair surrounded her like a mermaid.

Wow, it’s like we’re at
the Grammy awards. Who else is going to show up, P. Diddy?” I

He just smiled, and then leaned in
slowly to kiss me. I didn’t know if I wanted him to kiss me, but I
closed my eyes.

What do you think you’re
doing Chase Carson?” Alicia Spark demanded. I opened my eyes and
she was standing with her hands on her hips, looking dangerous. Her
pair of bodyguards stood behind her, looking even more

Alicia, don’t cause a
scene. I was going to tell you. I’m breaking up with you because
I’m in love with Phoebe.” He put his arm around my waist like I was
his property.

I gulped. She looked me up and down,
and I didn’t feel like a star anymore under her scrutiny. I felt
like an ordinary 14-year-old girl in her goddess

I thought that she was going to slap
one of us, but her eyes filled with tears, and she turned and ran
to the ladies’ room.

I’m glad she took it
well,” he said hugging me.

I pulled away stunned. “How can you be
so casual? Can you please explain what just happened?”

Alicia and I have been
dating for six months, but my manager makes me keep it a secret so
that my fans will still love me. You know, to keep the illusion
that I’m single, so my fans can dream about being with

Alicia is your

Ex-girlfriend,” He
corrected. “She can never compare to you. You make her look like a
Plain Jane.” He was referring to the most gorgeous girl in the
world as a “Plain Jane.” His zombie love had started to freak me

Chase, please excuse me
for a second, I’ll be right back.”

I’ll miss you,” he said
in a baby voice.

I frantically searched for Liz, but I
couldn’t find her. I eventually spotted her by the refreshments
table with Nathan and Ben. Nathan was feeding her chips. How

Liz, I need you,” I said,
grabbing her hand, and practically dragging her away.

What is your problem?”
she asked, pulling up the straps of her dress that had come down by
my manhandling.

I pulled her into the hallway where our
lockers were. It felt weird to be there at night.

I have a
problem. Remember
how we were looking at
Teen Idol
magazine, and there was that picture of Chase and
Alicia Spark. It said they had been ‘frolicking’ on the beach, but
I didn’t think that it was true…”

I get remember,” she
interrupted, putting up her hand. “Skip to the problem

Well, Alicia Spark is
here at the dance, and she is very upset that her boyfriend of six
months has just dumped her for an ordinary school girl.”

Liz’s eyes widened. “Wow, this night
just keeps getting crazier and crazier. It’s like there’s something
in the punch.”

Hmm, a love potion
perhaps…So what should I do?” I asked helplessly.

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