Read Lovestruck Online

Authors: Kt Grant

Lovestruck (13 page)

BOOK: Lovestruck
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"Jennifer, no one can see us. Sometimes I even sunbathe out here nude."

"You're more of an exhibitionist than I am."

"I can see that. You're a good person to have around. In fact, I have a business proposition, if you're interested?"

Jenny lifted her coffee cup and took a sip of the lukewarm liquid. "Oh. What type of proposition?"

"You're going for a degree in business management. I think your skills and expertise can be used better somewhere else other than just working at the hotel. I'm without an assistant at the moment and in dire need of one. The salary would be much better than your current one and I would be willing to work around your school schedule. What do you say?"

Jenny sat quietly for a moment, absorbing Barbara's amazing and unexpected offer. "This is very generous of you, but . . . um . . . I don't think it's a good idea."

"Why not?" Barbara asked and tapped her fingers on the table, clearly annoyed, judging by the expression on her face.


Jenny looked down at her lap. "Well, with the way things are between us right now, it wouldn't necessarily make for a good working relationship. For now it may be better to let things remain as they are. I'm honored you would think of me for the position, but I don't want you to offer it to me just because of what's going on between us."

Barbara crossed her arms and lifted an eyebrow. "I'm not offering you the position just because I'm attracted to you or because of the night we had together. You are smart and very motivated. Exactly the type of person I want working for me. You're wasting your life away as a front-end hotel clerk. Just think of the experience you can add to your resume if you work directly for me."

Jenny scowled. "I'm wasting my life away as a hotel clerk? Do you think I want to keep doing that for the rest of my life? Why do you think I'm going to school? In a year I'll have my degree and will be able to find a real job.

Barbara placed her hand on Jenny's arm. "Jennifer, you're acting like—"

"Excuse me. I need to go to the bathroom." Jenny pulled her arm away and stood.

Without a second glance she opened the balcony door and walked inside to get her things.

She stomped up the stairs to the bedroom and mumbled under her breath. She felt like screaming, but would remain calm. God forbid she did go off on Barbara.
would accuse her of having a tantrum. After all, Barbara treated her like a child most of the time. She was so busy cursing and trying to locate her clothes she didn't hear Barbara come up the stairs.

"Jennifer, wait." Barbara followed her into the bathroom while Jenny looked around the room for anything else belonging to her.

She glanced at Barbara and sniffed. "At least you have the decency to cover up."

Barbara blocked the door and tightened the belt on her robe. "It was becoming too breezy having certain body parts flapping around."

Jenny choked as she tried to cover a laugh. Seeing the bathroom looked clear, she walked out, but Barbara continued to block the exit. Jenny crossed her arms and stamped her foot. "Barbara, I'm not in the mood right now. I know you're so used to getting your way, but in this case, you're going to fail. It's better if I leave anyway."

Barbara moved away from the doorway and reached out to grab Jenny. She pulled away from Barbara, but Barbara was stronger and quicker. Jenny stood stiffly in Barbara's arms while the other woman rubbed her hands up and down Jenny's arms.

"Let me apologize. You're right. I like having things done my way. In the short time we've been together you've given me a sense of balance. It may sound funny to you, but in the past few hours I feel like we've connected. I wanted to offer you something in return and I didn't think a traditional gift would do. A personal assistant is more than just a job. Every single one of my past assistants hasn't worked out. I thought . . . I thought you and I would be perfect together in that aspect. I'm thinking with my head and not with my . . . . "

"Your pussy?"

"Jesus, Jennifer. Sometimes you come out with these zingers. And you always speak your mind. That's what I like about you."

Jenny looked down at her feet and bit her lip. "I like you too. I'm sorry for the way I reacted. I think with everything going on between us, and now this job offer, it's a bit too much at the moment. May I think about it?"

Barbara shifted from side to side. She nodded and rubbed Jenny's arms. "Very well. Let's hold off on any more talk of jobs or work."

"Okay." Jenny smiled, the tension leaving her body. She relaxed in Barbara's embrace.

Barbara moved in closer until their legs bumped. "Do you really want to leave or do you want to fool around?"

Jenny licked her lips and put her arms around Barbara's waist. "Would this be considered make up sex?"

"We can call it that," Barbara whispered and untied Jenny's robe. She pulled the robe halfway down Jenny's arms and caressed her breasts. "I think Jack is lonely. Why don't we give him some love also?"


Jenny giggled and then moaned as Barbara's knee went in between her legs and rubbed up against her.

"I would like to," she whispered and brushed Barbara's lips with her own.

Barbara walked backward and Jenny followed without breaking the kiss. When they reached the bedroom, Jenny pushed Barbara on the bed and walked over to get Jack from the dresser. She squeezed the vibrator and Barbara moaned.

"Let me clean this up and then we can have some fun," Jenny said as she walked into the bathroom. She quickly cleaned the vibrator in the bathroom sink then returned to the bedroom, only to stop dead in her tracks.

Barbara lay on the bed, fingering her pussy. Her eyes were half-closed, and her glossy lips were half-open. She looked incredible, erotic, amazingly desirable.

Jenny stood watching Barbara masturbating and dropped her robe to the ground. Barbara spread her cream around her pussy lips, her gaze dropping to the vibrator Jenny still held in her hand.

Jenny smiled and climbed on the bed. She crawled between Barbara's outstretched thighs and placed the vibrator against Barbara's sopping wet cunt.

Barbara opened her legs wide and gasped. "Put it inside me, Jennifer. Please."

Her legs wrapped around Jenny's waist and Jenny slowly slid the vibrator inside Barbara's pussy.

"More . . . give me more." Barbara begged, thrusting her hips.

Jenny pumped the vibrator in and out, deeper, faster, watching Barbara's face.

She sensed her impending orgasm, and leaned to capture Barbara's cry of pleasure with a searing kiss.

Chapter Ten

By the time Jenny returned home it was after four in the afternoon. Everything seemed bigger and brighter to her, and she had an extra spring in her step. Actually, she only had a
extra spring in her step. Truth be told, she was moving a lot slower than normal because her leg muscles hurt from all the intense sexual activity she'd engaged over the past twenty-four hours. But she wouldn't change any of it for the world. As she sat in the taxi Barbara had called for her to take her home, she hugged herself, trying to hold back laughter as she went over all the things she and Barbara did together.

She still felt a bit damp and sore, but it didn't stop her from wanting more from Barbara. After they fucked with the vibrator again, they had laid in bed, wrapped in each others arms, kissing and caressing one another. In the middle of making out, she had dozed off. When she awoke again, it was going on four and she needed to go home.

Barbara understood and after some more wonderful kissing, Jenny dressed with the promise of seeing her tomorrow.

When the taxi driver pulled to a stop in front of her building, Jenny gave him the money Barbara had forced her to take. Climbing the stairs took a bit longer than normal, but it gave her some time to come up with a story Mike would believe. The minute he saw her he would know she'd been fucked and fucked well. As she went over what she would say, her cell phone rang.

"Hello?" Jenny said, out of breath.

"Hey, beautiful. Did you get home okay?"

A warm and fuzzy feeling flowed through her entire body. When was the last time someone cared enough about her to call to see if she'd made it home safely? "Hey there, yourself. I'm in the middle of climbing the stairs up to my apartment. It's taking me more time than usual."

"Next time I'll make sure I'm gentler with you."

Jenny heard some rustling on Barbara's end. "What are you up to?"

"Reading some reports and answering a ton of emails."

"I need to get some studying in for my calc test on Monday." Jenny reached her floor and slipped her key into the lock. "I better get going. If I stay on the phone with you I won't get anything done."

"I guess phone sex is out of the question then?" Barbara asked.


Even though no one was around to overhear the conversation, Jenny couldn't help but blush. "I think you better tone down your nympho-like tendencies. You and I had enough fun for one day. Now we must be adults and do our work."

Barbara let out a loud sigh. "Yes, ma'am. I won't interrupt you again. I'll be coming in tomorrow anyway. If I don't go out of my way to be too friendly, don't be upset. It's just . . . . "

Jenny leaned against the wall. "I understand. For now we'll keep everything quiet until we can figure things out."

"Thanks, kiddo. I can't wait to see you tomorrow. Maybe we can meet in the bathroom again where I can have you for lunch."

"Sure, sure. Bye now." Jenny's face heated, but embarrassment didn't stop her from envisioning herself sitting on the bathroom counter while Barbara's head was in between her legs.

"Later, beautiful." Barbara hung up.

Jenny stood there for a moment, staring off into space with what was no doubt a goofy grin on her face.

"I can't believe one of the richest women in Manhattan thinks I'm beautiful."

Jenny opened the door and almost skipped into her apartment. She closed the door with a soft click and tried to make it into her room without Mike hearing her. But she had to go right by the kitchen, and as she passed, Mike glanced up from his laptop.

"Welcome home, Jenny. How was your late night study session?" He sat with his arms crossed, waiting for an answer.

Jenny mentally scrambled for a believable response. She couldn't very well tell Mike the truth. "It went great." She continued walking toward her bedroom, hoping to escape a full-blown inquisition.

"Oh, no, no, no, Jennifer. Come sit down. Let's have a little chat." Mike patted the kitchen chair next to him.

Jenny kept her smile in place and walked over to her roommate. She went through the motions of placing her purse on the table and pulling out a chair. Mike crossed his arms again, waiting for her to tell her story. As Jenny sat down she looked over to see what he was worked on.

"Whatcha doing?" she asked.

Mike pulled the top of his laptop down. "Nothing important, just writing. From the glow surrounding you, or rather I should say from your flushed skin, I'd say you didn't spend too much time studying. Unless, of course, you've signed up for a course on sex ed?"

Jenny pushed her hair behind her ears and looked everywhere except at Mike.

She rubbed her neck where her hickey pulsed. Mike watched her every motion, which only served to increase her anxiety. What the hell could she tell him? Maybe he'd settle for a half-truth.

"I'm not going to lie to you. Yes, I spent the night with someone." She held up a finger when Mike was about to interrupt. "And no, I'm not going to tell you who."

"Someone I know?"

Jenny bit her lip and averted her gaze. She hated lying to Mike, but it couldn't be helped. "Nope. No one you know. She's a classmate. We've become very close and she invited me over to her place. One thing led to another . . . ."

"You both had some hot tongue action going on?"

"You have no idea," she mumbled under her breath.

Mike cupped his ear in his hand. "Huh? What's that?"

"You really want me to say it?" Jenny asked as she covered her face with her hands.

"Uh huh."

"There was a lot of action . . . mouths and tongues and hands. Oh god, I can't tell you any of this." Jenny started to stand, but Mike grabbed her by her jacket.

"Come on, sit down. Seriously, I'm joking. I don't want to know all the dirty details. Can you at least tell me if you had fun? Was it okay?"

"Mike, I'm not some naïve virgin. I've had some . . . um . . .
lover before this."


"Honey, if you're counting a one-time fling in college, you need to re-analyze things and fast. A lover is someone who has you grunting and sweating and makes you come all over yourself . . . and them. They make you feel good. Did this mysterious woman do that for you?"

Jenny slid lower in her chair. "Yes." She whispered.

Mike placed his hands behind his head and leaned back in his chair. "Good. It's about time you had a good fu—what would you call it?"

"Fuck?" Jenny said with a raised eyebrow.

"No way. How can two women fuck each other—? Ah, screw it. Anyway, as long as you had fun . . . ."

"I did, Mike. It was amazing."

"Knowing one of us is getting some is all that matters. I'm doomed to using my hand for the rest of my life." Mike let out a dramatic sigh.

Jenny laughed and rubbed his arm. "The perfect man is out there waiting for you.

You just have to get over this fascination with James."

"Yeah. I know. I'm trying. But enough about me. Tell me about Miss Right."

Jenny was deciding how much she wanted to spill to Mike when her cell phone rang. Saved by the bell! She took out her phone and saw her mother was calling.

"Oops. Gotta take this. My mom is on the phone." She flipped open her cell. "Hi, Mom."

Mike shook his head. "Figures. We
talk." He wagged a finger.

Jenny shooed him away and walked into her bedroom with the phone pressed against her ear.


Mike watched her walk away, and then opened his laptop and tapped his fingers lightly on his keyboard as he tried to regain his thought process.

BOOK: Lovestruck
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