Loving what He Wants (Celine and Rhyland Series) (4 page)

BOOK: Loving what He Wants (Celine and Rhyland Series)
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‘It is.’ She was really upset about it.

Rhyland had kept to himself a lot. He worked hard and his social life had been put on the back burner. He always thought he had time, that there would be time to make friends. That in that moment he had to make more money but when he was first diagnosed it made him realise that his time was limited and that no one was
guaranteed time.

‘Well he’ll have to do. At least he has me.’

‘He’s very lucky to have you.’

‘Thank you for doing all this.’

‘You’re very welcome. So tell me how’s the bride to be feeling?’

ous, really nervous. Becoming his wife is a big deal.’

‘You’re still certain you want to do this?’

‘Absolutely. Without a doubt!’

They talked about other things then. Ava had managed to find a new roommate who would move in with her at the beginning of the new year. Things were turning out well.

‘So I’ll leave everything in your capable hands,’ she said finally about to leave. ‘Please keep trying with Harvey.’

I will do and don’t you worry about a thing.’


‘Hey you’re up?’

‘Yes I was waiting for you.’

‘How are you feeling?’

‘Right now? Pretty great. It comes in waves. One minute I’m not too good the next I feel great. But with time it won’t be like that.’

‘I know, you won’t scare me away.’

They were sat in the living space of his beautiful home. She looked around the house and couldn’t believe it was her home now. So much had changed.

‘It’s almost time you know.’

‘I know, I’m really excited.’ He kissed her.

‘So am I. Ava’s done a great job!’

‘I noticed the outside, it’s looking great babe.’ He kissed her.

She looked over at the piano, the fire’s light lit up the side of it.

‘What?’ he asked.

‘Play me something on the piano.’

He chuckled and stood up. He reached out for her to take his hand and he drew her to the grand piano. They sat down and he took her hand and began to press the keys with each of her fingers. He drew in close and kissed her and each note began to make sense.

‘That’s the best I can do.’ he laughed.

‘It’s perfect!’ He used her fingers to play the no

His hand let go and followed the length of her arms. He moved in closer and began to nibble the tip of her lobe. She giggled and her hand lost the rhythm to the tune. He moved up towards her face and instinctively her lips met his just in time. They kissed hungrily and explored each of their bodies. Their clothes fell to the floor easily and with as much strength as he could master he lifted her to the top of the piano. Rhyland knelt on the stool and took one foot into his hand. She’d painted her toenai
ls red and the colour alone drove him wild. He massaged the base moving up to the middle. It was gently and sensual. Celine lay back and took in the warm touch on her foot. He lifted it to his mouth and began to kiss it gently. From the base to the very big toe. The tip of her big toe touched his lips and he savoured the moment.

‘Have I ever told you I’m a fan of your pretty little

‘I had the inclination.’ She giggled.

He took the big toe into his mouth and sucked it gently while gently running his hands up and down the same foot. It was the strangest sensation and it gave her great pleasure. Her clit began to clench as she felt him suck her so hard. How could such a small gesture produce such fierce sensations? She was whimpering and crying as he mouthed her toes, as he artistically moved over it with his mouth and his hand.

He brought it down the centre of his bare chest slowly brin
ging it to his swollen length. He rubbed the solid stick up and down her foot wetting it as he did so. He could come at that moment, everything about her feet just made him so excited.

‘Oh yes, yes…’ she loved what he was doing to her. ‘YES YES!’ She was lost in the midst of it all.

Again he brought it up to his mouth and took in her big toe. Satisfied he gently put it down and climbed over her. She was beautiful and was so proud that in a few days she would be his wife.

‘I should’ve loved you the first time I met you.’ His eyes were on hers.

‘You’re doing it now and that’s all that matters. Now.’

moved into her, their eyes shut as their lips touched. They dove into the deep sea of emotion. The past and future far behind them only the present right now was between them. It was sweet, it was pure, there was no judgment or thought of illness. It was where they wanted to be and wanted to stay.

He took hold of his muscle and glided it into her receptive lips. It was heaven! They had moved from the normal to something magical. It couldn’t be explained
in words but could be heard through the sounds of their cries.

‘Take me,’ she whispered. ‘Take me.’

And took her he did. As his body lifted and fell, pounding into her loosing himself she lay still with only her hands around his solid neck. It was ecstasy, it was pure and utter bliss, and each body told the story of just how much and how pleasurable it was.

He rolled over to his side and just lay there breathless; their eyes on the
chandelier above.

‘Beautiful.’ She sighed.

‘The chandelier or us?’

She giggled and rolled over onto her side to face him. ‘Us.’ She ran a hand down the side of his face.

He looked into her eyes and saw it again; it was love, acceptance of what was. He turned away quickly before she could catch the tears in his eyes but her sixth sense could already feel it. She pulled his face back to hers, he shut his eyes and gently she kissed each eye just as the tears began to fall.

‘We will be okay,’ she whispered. ‘We will be okay.’

They lay there for a long time, not minding the time or things that happened about them. The ticking clock had no more meaning, what was between them right then was what held meaning. It couldn’t be anything else, it was all they had and all they would treasure to the very end.

Chapter Five

Celine was up very early. It was exciting! It was the day, the day she would say ‘I do’ to the one man she truly loved. She sneaked out of the bedroom leaving him to sleep another hour and headed for a different room. In that room lay all her wedding attire. She stood at the door in awe; she couldn’t believe that the day had finally come.

She dashed over to the chair where the dress lay beautifully and knelt down and said a little prayer.

‘Just for today, today Lord may he be okay. I really need him to be okay today. Thank you. Amen.’

She got up and did a little dance. It was six thirty, Ava would be arriving soon and not long after that the organisers of the day would be there too. It gave her a little time to have a bath. The en-suit was ideal. She filled the bath with salts and bubble bath, slid in and soaked.  She shut her eyes and just breathed until all the fear and worry went away.

It wasn’t long before Ava came barging through the door.

‘I’m here!’ she shouted.

‘I’ll be out in a minute.’

‘Okay.’ Ava made herself at home.

She had taken a shower at home and all she had to do was dress at the house.

‘I have some good news for you.’

‘Yeah, what’s that?’

Harvey’s coming.’

‘Oh my god, that is great!’ She wrapped a towel around her body as she stepped out. ‘That is excellent!’ She was over the moon.

‘Yep, he’s finally coming to terms with it. He says he gets it.’

‘Well, I’m glad.’ She walked back into the bedroom.

They stood and just screamed and took each other into a hug.

‘This is really happening isn’t it?’

‘Yes it is!’

Again they made a shrilling sound.

‘Let’s get you into this dress.’ Ava offered.

Her heart thudded and leaped, it was so weird just to be in the dress. She gazed at herself in the mirror and at first thought she was staring at a stranger.

‘Oh my GOD!’ Ava blurted. ‘You look amazing.’

Tears gathered in her eyes. ‘Thank you! Thank you for all you’ve done.’

‘With a platinum credit card, who wouldn’t want to spend?’ She giggled.

They laughed and again embraced in a hug.

‘I better go and wake him.’ She headed for the door.


Celine looked at her friend.

‘Merry Christmas.’

‘Merry Christmas to you too dear friend!’

He was still asleep when she arrived back in the room.
She sat down gently on his side leaned forward and kissed his lips. He moved slightly and again she kissed his lips. Slowly he began to open his eyes, squinting at first and then his eyes met the most beautiful image.

‘Have I died and gone to heaven?

‘Not cool.’ She laughed gently. ‘No honey you’re still here.’

‘Then you must be an angel.’ He smiled.

‘I’m your angel and I’m here to help you get ready.’

He pushed up onto his arms.

‘How are you feeling?’


‘You’re not just saying that?’

‘Nope, I took my anti sickness meds last night, did everything the doc told me. Had a great nights sleep, I’m ready to do this.’

She began to tear up again.

‘Here I go again.’ She put the back of her hand to her eyes.

‘Don’t worry about it. You still look adorable.’

‘Your suit’s in the walk-in ready for you.’

‘I’ll just have a shower shall I?’

‘I would come in and help you but I’m already dressed.’

‘We have all the time in the world later for that.’ He slipped out of bed.

It was ironic, all the time in the world, if only.


He looked at her with the biggest smile on his face.

‘Merry Christmas!’

He beamed.

‘Thank you honey and Merry Christmas to you!’


‘You must come and see this.’ Ava directed her to the back of the house where the event would take place.

Celine put her hands to her mouth in awe. It was a winter wonderland. The chairs and tables had been cleverly placed behind the row of chairs for the ceremony. The floor was scattered with fake snow, everything was in a light shade of blue and white. Lights shone up the room and above them a great big tent was placed over the whole area. Even though it looked cold and snowy the room itself was warm.

‘Oh my god this is amazing!’

‘Isn’t it just!’

They stood and admired the place for a while longer. It all felt surreal. A few months ago she was a student with a bar job and now she was marrying a multimillionaire whom sh
e loved very much. She smiled from ear to ear and just took it all in. The doorbell rang.

‘I think people are starting to arrive. There is someone to welcome the guest and usher them to the reception area.’

‘Thank you so much for all this.’ She took her friend into a hug again.

‘Let’s get some makeup on you.’ They rushed out of sight and back to the room.

‘Who’s this?’

A woman stood in the room with a
silver case.

‘Your makeup artist, did you think I would leave you hanging.’

‘I thought you were going to do my makeup.’

‘Please on your wedding day? You need a professional.’

Celine smiled at the woman with the dark hair and immaculate makeup and waited to be transformed into a beautiful bride. It took a while but the woman had talent and knew what she was doing.

‘You nervous?’ The woman made small talk.

‘No not one bit!’ Celine didn’t feel a tad bit nervous. It was the happiest day of her life a day she felt most confident about.

I’ll just be downstairs making sure everything’s going to plan.’ Ava disappeared.

‘Ah Ava.’ Rhyland met
her at the bottom of the stairs. He took her hand in both of his and gave a tight squeeze. ‘Thank you for all this, Celine told me how hard you’ve worked.’

‘It was my pleasure and I must say you look dashing Mr Chambers.’

‘Why thank you Miss Ava.’

They laughed at how ridiculous they sounded.

‘You better make your way to the front of the reception, we’ll be starting soon.’

‘Yes I will.’ He smiled.

‘Ah finally what took you so long?’ she was quickly distracted by the entrance of Harvey and Violet.

‘I need to see her.’

‘Not now, please go and sit down this nice gentleman will take you there.’

‘No, Violet
you go on ahead I’ll be with you in a sec.’

BOOK: Loving what He Wants (Celine and Rhyland Series)
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