LUCA (You Will Be Mine) (The Sicilian Mafia Series Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: LUCA (You Will Be Mine) (The Sicilian Mafia Series Book 1)
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“Would you have done it if it had been the other way around?”

I smiled at that. It seemed Luca knew me better than I knew myself. “No, I probably wouldn’t have.”

“Well, there’s your answer then.” Luca turned over and switched the light out. “Goodnight, Clara.”

Feeling that little bit disappointed at his sudden change, I pulled the covers over me and faced the other direction. “Goodnight, Luca.”




I woke the next morning to find a hard body pressed against me. For a moment I panicked as I had never had anyone in my bed with me. Ever.

Too soon, realisation kicked in as I felt a big, pulsing erection stabbing into my back. “Clara,” Luca whispered in my ear. “Good morning, Clara.”

“Good morning,” I whispered back.

I ground my bottom into his erection and moaned. My goodness, what a wake-up call.

His lips were brushing against my neck as I gasped in pure unadulterated pleasure. “Luca,” I whispered again as I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards my breast. He pinched my nipple and growled at how erect they were to his touch.

Running his nose from my neck to behind my ear, he said, “I’ve been thinking all night about the fact you’ve been without the feel of a man for six years.”

“Hmm.” That was all I could say. Words just couldn’t seem to form in my mouth. All I could feel were his hands on me and the way his hot breath tingled against my ear as he breathed.

“I want to give you a little something. A token of how much it is you’ve been missing.”

Oh, God. Yes, please. He’s finally going to fuck me!

Pulling me over to face him, his eyes captivated mine with a longing stare. Then, his lips were pressing against mine, and at first, he wasn’t tender. He possessed me with only his demanding tongue, and it made my insides burn with desire. But then the kisses became tender. So tender that it made me feel dizzy with the intensity of it.

Soon he was diving—and he kept on diving. He kissed his way down through my negligee, stopping momentarily to nibble on my nipples. My God, he was good.

Venturing down again, I soon realised what it was he was up to—and boy was I ready for it.

“Clara, you smell and taste so good. I can’t wait to get my tongue inside you.”

“Oh, God, yes!” I cried. Boy was he working me up into a frenzy.

Kissing the inside of my thigh, he took so much time that I thought I was going to either knock him on the head and tell him to get on with it or pass out. Either way, something had to give.

I was about to scream at him to hurry up when, all of a sudden, one tiny flick of his tongue on my clit had my body rigid with pleasure. “Jesus, do that again.” It was more like a demand then a request.

He chuckled at my thigh, making me shiver all over. “You smell divine.”

“Well dive in. You can taste as much as you want.” I pulled my fingers through his hair and squeezed him tightly in my hand. I was desperate, and he had to know.

Again—feeling like I couldn’t take much more—I was about to tell him to hurry up when his tongue was there licking the entrance and dipping his tongue in.

“Shit!” Why did he have to be this good? So good that I was putty in his hands—completely at his mercy.

He dipped his tongue in and out several times, making me paralyzed with lust. With an arch of my back, he was there again at my clit, flicking his tongue over and over so wildly I thought I was going to scream. In fact, in my head, I was screaming.

There were so many sounds radiating across the room, I almost thought there was someone else with us. Surely that sound couldn’t have been coming from me? What the hell was wrong with me?

Soon, I didn’t care as his tongue and the sounds Luca made had me at the point of no return. I knew I was going to blow, and I was going to blow violently. I could feel it throughout my body—feel my blood pumping and rushing through my veins. I could feel it through every part of my body until there was nowhere else it could go except straight to my core. I was going to blow, and boy was it going to be the best orgasm I had ever had in my life.

Luca could feel the build-up. He knew from the way I was arching my back and moaning and groaning underneath him. I couldn’t keep my body still—couldn’t get my brain to tell my body how to function. It was almost as though it had a mind of its own.

I was panting. I was breathless. My mind and body screamed for release as violently as a river bursting its banks. Pretty soon, I couldn’t hear any sound as my senses closed off to everything around me apart from that delicious tongue that was torturing the bejesus out of my clit.

I knew it was coming soon. I could feel it building quicker and quicker—faster and faster. I opened my legs wider—as if they weren’t already wide enough. I wanted complete exposure for this man… This beautiful man who was worshipping my whole body. Every lick and every kiss sent the most violent waves of ecstasy I had ever felt in my life through my entire body.

“Luca, I’m going to…!”

That was it—I was gone. I screamed so loudly that I thought the plaster on the wall might start to fall off from the force. His gentle licks were continuing as I was bucking and wriggling wildly and ferociously under the force of Luca Belatoni.

Eventually, he stopped, allowing me to come down from the best climax I had ever experienced. I closed my eyes and just savoured that tremendous feeling. It felt like I had had the most relaxing massage in the world. I didn’t think I could ever recall a time when I had felt this relaxed.

“Just hearing you scream like that could make a man come.”

Managing to pry my eyes open, I looked down at the face that had been engrained on my brain ever since he barged through my door. It was sexy and ever so fucking gorgeous!

I bit my lip. “Sorry. I was a bit vocal.”

Luca looked stern. “Don’t ever hold back on me. Having you submissive under me like that is the one time I know I can get you to reveal what it is you’re truly feeling. I don’t care if you scream until the neighbours come calling… Not if I can make you come like that. Stunning.”

I chuckled at his choice of words. “I’m sure you could make me come like that with other parts of your body.”

He growled a little and pulled himself up to meet my face. Immediately, my groin was greeted by a force to be reckoned with.

“I’ve already warned you. Once I have you, there’s no going back.”

My mind should have been screaming at me to stop by this point.
Of course I should stop. He’s virtually telling me I’m his, but I will be more than his once he has me. That in and of itself should have me running for the hills.

“Luca,” I whispered. The word just seemed to slip out of me whenever he was near.

He could see the desire in my eyes; one could cut the sexual energy between us with a knife. I was so on fire with him. He consumed me with it. Took me up into the highest clouds where only he and I existed. A world where it was just us and nothing else mattered.

Maybe my orgasm was more powerful than I thought. Maybe it was playing games with my brain and making me feel and think things I wouldn’t normally dream of thinking or feeling. It was almost as though Luca was sustenance, and right then, I was ravenous.

Upon seeing the expression on my face, his lips were soon on mine as he played with my breast and ran his finger over my nipple.

I had only just had an orgasm, but boy was I ready for part two. His hands explored every inch, every nook, and every cranny of my body—tweaking and pinching in all the right places. I was already his, and he knew it.

With his mouth on mine, I let my hands wander and explore this huge beast of man on top of me. I had never been one to have the desire to be possessed, but Luca commanded me like a captain aboard his plane. And boy was I climbing the dizziest of heights. I wanted his command—needed it in fact. And I never thought I would say that in a million years.

“You’re so beautiful, Clara. So fucking sexy.” He trailed his hands down my spine as I arched myself into the curve of his body. The crushing need to have him inside of me was overpowering.

It was there on the tip of my tongue—the begging word. I knew it was going to come out at some point, and I couldn’t for the life of me stop the torrent of words that were about to escape me at any moment. “Luca—” It was nearly there. Right there on the tip of my tongue and there was nothing I could do. It was coming, and I didn’t care if I sounded wanton. “Luca, pl—”

Just then a loud thumping noise sounded against my door. For a moment, I thought it was my heart beating violently through my chest. In that moment, I had completely and utterly lost myself to this man.

Bang, bang, bang
, went the door again.

“Fuck!” Luca growled. “What the fuck do you want?”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Belatoni, but there is an emergency with Fabiano.”

Luca cursed again, but got up from the bed to reach for his clothes. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

All went quiet as Luca got dressed. “I’m sorry,” he said, looking it. “If this isn’t an emergency, then someone’s going to seriously pay for this interruption.”

I sighed pulling the covers back over me. “How long will you be?” I couldn’t believe I had just asked that.

Pulling his trousers on, he answered, “I’m not sure. I’ll be back as soon as I can. Just stay here until I return.”

Before I knew it, he had kissed me on the forehead and was out the door quicker than a flash. If he thought I was staying in here all day, however, then he had another thing coming.

Seven o’clock came and went by with no sign of Luca. I was able to walk around the grounds—with a chaperone of course—earlier in the afternoon. Alessandro walked with me, and to my surprise, he was actually pleasant company. In the twenty minutes or so of walking, I found out that he was thirty-one, born in Sicily, but was brought up in England and the US. I also learned he had four brothers and five sisters and was currently single with a view of meeting Mrs. Right. He had been working for Luca for about six years and was enjoying the lifestyle it afforded him.

Mia soon found us after about fifteen minutes, and we enjoyed the rest of the stroll with Mia’s arm slung through Alessandro’s the whole time.

Yes, I did notice that. Mia was smitten, and I could tell in a sense that Alessandro was too. Maybe things were happening outside that door of mine that I wasn’t aware of.

Sitting in my tower again, it bugged me just how much I was closed off to the outside world. The more the minutes ticked by, the angrier I became with Luca. He hadn’t once called or gotten anyone to explain what the hell was going on. He had just left me here without a word—nothing.

It also ticked me off royally that I was waiting on him. I had never waited on any man, and I wasn’t intending to start with him.

I found myself in the bathroom before long, washing and preening myself for the supposed night out. Even if I didn’t make it out, I wanted Luca to see what he had been missing all day. The effort that went into styling my hair and doing my make-up was immense. I was determined to look as sexy as hell. I even thought
fuck it
and put a dress on that left little to the imagination. It wasn’t slutty; it was just elegantly sexy. It showed my curves in the right places and accentuated my breasts. It was just what I wanted for the evening.

Once it got closer to eight, I retrieved the walkie-talkie from my drawer and signalled to Belinda and the girls that I was ready and waiting for their approach. I was told they would knock on the door five times so I would know it was them.

I didn’t know how long they were going to be or if they were even going to be able to pull it off, but the excitement of at least trying was coursing through my veins.

Another fifteen minutes passed before I heard the highly anticipated knocks on the door. How the hell did they pull it off? Alessandro was never away from my door normally.

I didn’t know why, but I tiptoed to the door in my high heels and very slowly opened the door into a dimly lit hallway. Belinda motioned with her finger to keep quiet and grabbed my arm to hoist me out of my room.

BOOK: LUCA (You Will Be Mine) (The Sicilian Mafia Series Book 1)
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