Read Maiden Flight Online

Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Adult, #Fiction, #General, #Contemporary, #dragons knights menage a tois

Maiden Flight (10 page)

BOOK: Maiden Flight
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With a sigh of satisfaction, she placed her lips around his hard cock, sliding down and using her tongue the way he had coached her to do. Satisfaction filled her when he groaned in pleasure.

She knew Lars could see every movement. The thought didn’t disturb her as much as she thought it would. In fact, it tickled her sense of adventure and made her want to give him a show worth remembering. The idea that he was so close, so much a part of this even though he was only an observer, made her hot.

No doubt about it. She was wanton.

She smiled around Gareth’s cock as she realized it was he who had awakened these raging desires within her. Gareth was her first lover, but if he had his way, she would take Lars before long as well. At first the thought had shocked and scared her, but now that she was getting to know the strong, silent knight, the idea was more and more appealing. She wondered what his cock would taste like and how he would respond to her sucking. Maybe, she thought with a blush and a feeling of incredulity, it was time to find out.

Gareth stopped her with a slight tug on her hair. A surprising disappointment swept through her, but she trusted him to lead their love play. He knew things about lovemaking that she had never experienced and she would follow his lead.

“As much as I love the feel of your talented tongue on my cock and balls, if we don’t stop now, I’ll come much sooner than I’d like.”

He dropped into the pool and brought his lips to hers, working her around in the wide pool until they were just a few feet from Lars. Gareth’s strong arms lifted her out of the water and set her on the edge of the pool. She was surprised by the sudden move and grabbed onto his shoulders for balance, but his smile set her at ease and reignited the fires in her belly.

Sweet Mother, how she loved this man!

“Are you ready for me, sweet?” Holding her eyes, he parted her pussy lips with one hand and entered her channel with the fingers of the other. He smiled devilishly as her slick wetness coated his fingers. “You want my cock, Belora? Tell me if you do.”

“Yes,” she whimpered.

“Yes? What do you want, love? Tell me.” His eyes challenged her, while his fingers continued to tease.

“I want your cock, Gareth. In me. I want your cock in me now.” Her whispered words seemed to galvanize him.

He stepped up onto the ledge that put him at the perfect height to slide home into her pussy with one solid thrust. She cried out lightly as he slid home, only then realizing that Lars was standing right beside them now, watching all in intimate detail as his hand squeezed his rampant cock.

Her eyes locked with Lars’ turquoise gaze for a long moment and she realized that his presence seemed somehow right. Only one thing could make it better, she thought with a shock. That he could find satisfaction at the same time they did.

“Let me,” she whispered, bringing both knights’ eyes to her face. Gareth followed the trail of her eyes with his and nodded at Lars, a broad smile spreading across his strong lips.

Lars wasted no time, moving up to stand the edge of the pool, his hard length level with her mouth. She knew he was giving her the choice of how she would pleasure him and the fear inside her made her want to start slow.

She brought one hand up to circle his pulsing cock as Gareth resumed stroking in and out of her pussy. His hands and mouth teased her nipples while Lars watched, the only contact between them her hand on his cock. She realized he was letting her call the shots, letting her decide how far this would go. The thought made her feel safe and cherished. This strong man was allowing her to choose what she would give him with no complaint. The idea humbled and warmed her, showing her without words how noble a man he really was.

Leaning slightly, she licked his length and looked up into his smoldering turquoise gaze. Holding his eyes, she took him deep in her mouth and used her tongue to learn his shape, his taste, and his feel. He was spectacular.

She sucked him deep as Gareth thrust into her core, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm. She knew when she flew to the stars this time, she would take both of these special, beloved men with her. Gareth bit her nipple and pinched the other hard as he drove into her faster and faster. She felt her climax starting from deep within and she pulled hard on Lars’ hot cock, coaxing his climax with the suction of her mouth. He came as she did, followed only seconds later by Gareth’s spurting deep inside her womb.

The three of them lounged in the pool for long moments, enjoying the restorative power of the bubbly water. They sat on the ledge, each submerged slightly, Gareth’s arm thrown casually around Belora’s shoulder as his hand dipped down to toy with her nipple. Lars sat on her other side, not touching, but watching her with a renewed heat and pure male appreciation.

“Thank you.” Lars’ soft voice came to her from out of the dimness of the cavern, making her look over to meet his intense gaze.

She smiled softly at him and leaned up to kiss his lips sweetly. He took the kiss deeper, and she slipped into his arms for a long, languid moment.

“I don’t know yet if I can go much further with this, Lars.” She pulled away from him to sit on her own between the two men. She had to tell them what was going on in her mind. She didn’t want them getting the wrong idea that suddenly she was okay with the crazy lifestyle in the Lair. “I’ll be brutally honest with you. Now that things have cooled a bit, I’m a little shocked by what I just did, but it felt good. I don’t regret it, but I have to think about this a bit more.”

Gareth’s hand stroked her wet hair. “Take the time you need, my love. I’m sorry if you feel pressured. We don’t mean to rush you.”

“I don’t feel pressured, but it’s a lot to take in all at once. Just give me some more time, okay? I didn’t want you assuming I was fine with everything when in my mind I still have some reservations.”

Lars smiled kindly at her. “Honesty in all things is important between mates. Or potential mates.”

Feeling somewhat better, she dipped into the pool, bathing her hair in the effervescent water. After a few more relaxing minutes, they all gathered their robes and left the pool. Gareth and Belora headed for his suite and Lars walked away toward where his dragon waited.

Chapter Six

When Gareth and Kelvan took off for patrol early the next morning, Belora went to visit her mother in Kelzy’s suite.

I heard you went to the springs last eve. Kelzy’s voice sounded in the minds of both mother and daughter though Adora knew the dragon addressed her daughter. The blush staining Belora’s fair cheeks amused her, but she also felt a pang of regret for her little girl who was now a woman grown.

“Um… yes. It was very educational.”

Kelzy snorted smoke in dragonish laughter. I bet.

“Mama Kelzy, are you teasing my girl?” Adora gathered her daughter close for a long hug. “I’ve missed you, honey girl. What have you been doing with yourself?”

“Trying to decide if I’m going to stay.”

Belora looked so torn. Adora kept her arm around her shoulders and guided her to sit with her at the edge of Kelzy’s wallow. She shot a concerned glance to the dragon.

I thought your mating feast was set for this evening?

“It is, but I’m just not sure I can go through with it.” Her eyes looked pained and confused.

“Why not?”

“Oh, Mama, it’s so different here. The things they expect of me… I just don’t know if it’s right or if I can do it.”

“What things?” Adora’s voice held all the anger of an enraged mother hen.

She had spent most of her life protecting this girl. She’d done the best she could to raise her strong and comfortable in herself. She couldn’t fathom what the knights would ask of her that would put such fear and self-doubt in her eyes, but she didn’t like it. Indignation filled her, the inner fire that she usually kept well banked, rising to take on anyone who would hurt her baby.

Belora blushed a fiery red. “Um… sexual things. There are so few women here, you see. And when Kelvan mates, they expect me to… oh, this is hard to talk about, even with you, Mama.”

Kelzy shook her great head and sighed warm air around them. Adora pinned her with a steely gaze.

“Just what is making my brave baby girl so confused? And what has your son to do with it?”

Kelzy shifted in her wallow. It’s always hardest on those not raised in a Lair. Adora, you have to realize the bond between dragon and knight is soul deep. What he feels, we feel and vice versa. When Jared takes a woman, I feel it and if I’m ever lucky enough to be able to mate again, it will undoubtedly drive Jared into an uncontrollable lust. That’s why fighting dragons – those of us with knights – are forbidden to mate unless either our knight or our mate’s knight has a wife. When the lust rides us all, the knights will turn to their wife to share the mating fever safely.

“Wife? Only one wife for two knights?!”

Kelzy nodded her great head. There are so few women who can live among dragons. Our knights have learned to share. But their love and protection for their wife runs deeper than any regular tie. They live dangerous lives. If one knight falls, he knows his partner will be there to take care of their wife and young. It’s the way of fighting knights and dragons. It has been this way for centuries.

“Well, that’s some dirty little secret you have there.” Adora was shocked, but turned over the problem in her mind. “So just who else is my baby expected to marry tonight?”

“His name is Lars.” Belora’s voice was reserved, her face flushed and eyes confused. “He’s wonderful, Mama. Really. He’s quiet and so thoughtful and he has the gentlest heart.”

“You sound half in love with him already!” Adora was scandalized, and more than a little intrigued. Still, it didn’t sit quite right, her inexperienced baby girl being expected to welcome two brawny knights into her life and her bed.

Belora seemed to think about it. “You know, maybe I am. Gareth brought him around and helped us get to know each other. I like him a lot, but I don’t know if I can let them both…” She trailed off in embarrassment once more.

“They are expected to have her at the same time?” Adora turned accusing eyes to the dragon.

When the mating heat is upon them all, it will be inevitable. Most of the human women involved in such arrangements seem to enjoy it immensely.

Think of the benefits, child. Two men at your beck and call at all times. Two men who will love you and put your happiness and safety above all. Two men to help around the Lair and father your babies.

“This isn’t some kind of perverse partner-swapping arrangement, is it?”

Adora wanted to know.

By the Mother, where do you get such notions? Of course it isn’t! Once mated, knights remain true to their mates for the rest of their lives. This isn’t some whim. The Mother guides the knights in their selection of a mate, just as She guides us dragons. Is it any wonder your daughter already has feelings for the knight of my son’s future mate? The Mother of All knows what She is doing after all.

“I love Gareth, Mama. I loved him almost from the first moment I saw him and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. But I feel things for Lars too.

It’s hard to describe. He’s so different from Gareth, so special. I want to bring him out of his shell and tease him until he laughs. He doesn’t laugh nearly enough. I like his kisses and I love the way he treats me as if I’m made of spun glass.”

Adora didn’t know what to think but the look in her daughter’s eyes was oddly reassuring. “I think I need to meet this Lars.”

He’ll be here in a few minutes. I just sent for Rohtina, his partner, to bring him here. She wants to meet you too, by the way. How could a sensible man like Gareth overlook introducing the two females who will be expected to share a suite? I thought he was smarter than that. Honestly!

Kelzy huffed while the two human women listened to the sounds of an approaching dragon. Apparently, Rohtina was prompt and somewhat eager to meet them if her fast tread was any indication. When she came through the huge archway, Adora caught her breath.

She was a gorgeous young dragon in a golden red hue that shone like the morning sun. Her eyes were amber jewels, bright with intelligence and eagerly taking in all there was to see. Intelligence sparkled there and a perky humor, if she didn’t miss her guess.

Adora and her daughter stood to greet Rohtina with a formal bow, which was graciously returned. Straightening, Adora noted the tall blonde man at the dragon’s side. No wonder her daughter was half in love with him already.

He was even more beautiful than his dragon partner! These two together shone like the sun between her iridescent golden red scales and his silvery blonde perfection, they were nearly blinding.

Adora strode forward. “Lady Rohtina, I’ve just learned that your knight expects to be mate to my daughter.”

This is true, Madam. The dragon projected her thoughts to all in the room. Her voice was melodic and gentle, quite different from Kelzy’s more martial tone.

“You’ll understand that I raised my daughter with quite a different expectation than having two husbands?”

That is my understanding, but you must also understand that things are different among knights and dragons.

Don’t you dare lecture my girl, Tina, Kelzy interjected with a hint of amusement. Though she doesn’t understand Lair life, she knows more about our kind than most of the knights.

Rohtina bowed her head in respect to the older dragon. If you say so.

At this point, Belora broke out laughing. Lars chuckled too, followed by the rest of them. Belora moved forward to face the pretty female dragon.

“I like you, Lady Rohtina. You’ve got spunk.”

I like the way you make my knight feel. I don’t think he’s ever been this happy or hopeful.

Lars’ fair skin flushed at his dragon partner’s candid words, but Belora moved forward to take his hand in hers. She brought him to her mother and made introductions, including him in the group of females. Adora saw immediately that this young man had hidden depths. From the way his shoulders immediately relaxed, Belora’s touch obviously comforted him. She also liked the gentle way he cradled her daughter’s small hand in his own.

BOOK: Maiden Flight
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