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Authors: Carolyn Faulkner

Make Me (5 page)

BOOK: Make Me
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But he wasn’t able to match her reserve at all. Much to his distress and embarrassment, he was in the throes of his own orgasm not many strokes later – not that it wasn’t incredibly hot for him – it was. But seven years of buildup will do that - the mere idea that he was finally making love to her was almost more than he needed.

“Sorry,” he murmured into her ear as he collapsed on top of her.

Jodi reached up to stroke his back. “No need to say sorry.”

“Much too quick,” he breathed apologetically.

“There’s no such thing,” she said, and he believed her, somehow. “I take it as a compliment, actually, that you weren’t able to control yourself, especially you, since you usually don’t even own a sexual side.” She chuckled softly. “Man was I wrong!”

When he rolled off her, he took her with him, so that she ended up clamped to his side by his arm. “Do you... want me to go?” she asked, wondering if he was cuddling because he thought she wanted to. Most men who weren’t as quirky as he was just rolled over and fell asleep. She could hardly expect him to do anything different.

The arm contracted tightly. “No, no. You’re not going anywhere and neither am I.”

“I don’t want to, but I wouldn’t have pegged you for a cuddler.”

“You wouldn’t have pegged me for a lot of things, apparently,” he said, reaching down to cup a bottom cheek possessively.

Jodi huffed. “Well, you can hardly blame me. You’re not the most social person in the world.”

“I’m not the most antisocial, either, but I like my work, and it does tend to consume me sometimes.”

She rolled her eyes. “Just to the exclusion of everyone and everything else, including friends, family, coworkers – that’s me in case you wondered – common courtesy, birthdays, Christmas...” She snuck a look up at him. “I could go on.”

“I’m sure you could. But I’m wiped.” Still he caught her chin in his hand. “Are you good? Do you need more?”

She was amazed that he’d asked, if not in the most romantic of manners. “Hell no! I told you I thought I was going to die from what you’d already done and I’m not kidding!”

“Good. Then let’s get some sleep so we can do it again in a couple of hours.” He proceeded to turn them both onto their sides, with him spooning her, one hand grasping a breast possessively.

As tired as she was, Jodi wasn’t used to going to bed this early, and she wasn’t sure she could sleep.

Boy was she wrong.


They awoke again about the same time – or rather he woke up first and they were still spooned, so he woke her by nuzzling her neck and sliding gently inside her, causing her to arch her back, her breath hissing into her lungs from between clenched teeth.

It was her least favorite position – being taken from behind – but he made it sexier than hell for her, controlling her movements with a hand on her lower belly, the other cupping her breasts and squeezing almost to the point of discomfort, filing away every sigh, every slight moan, every whimper for future reference. He would make a study of her just as he had the other things in life that interested him to no end, until he knew exactly how to play her for both of their maximum pleasure.

He fucked her hard for a much longer time this morning, last night having taken a bit of the edge off. His finger ventured between her legs as he brought her top leg up and back, forcing her to expose herself to him more fully, dragging the tip from the top of her labia to her opening, gathering copious amounts of moisture from there then carrying it back to simply settle there, the movements of his body making it stimulate her almost incidentally.

Cayson nibbled her neck and shoulder, sending shivers through her body as he took her, but nothing turned her on more than his mouth at her ear, saying things she’d never in her life expected to hear from him. “I am going to fuck you silly the entire time we have to be here. You’ll be lucky if I ever let you out of this bed, Jodi Susanna. I think this is exactly what the both of us – especially you – need.”

She would have said she was much too far gone to really hear what he was saying, but she was wrong. “What do you mean?” she groaned.

She heard him chuckle. “I mean that you need someone to look after you. Someone like me who won’t be afraid to correct you when you need it. Someone who can make you cum till you beg me to stop.”

The feminist part of her brain had always railed against her interest in submitting to a man, and she didn’t want to be turned on by what he was saying, but she was. And there was no hiding it from him, either, because his words – almost more than his touch – had her contracting around him already.

Cayson wasn’t absolutely sure that this was the right time, but he knew she was very close to orgasming, and he wanted to put it to her when she was at her weakest and most likely to go along with his outrageous suggestion, and this seemed to be the most opportune moment.

“I want you to listen to me and not say anything at first. I want you give yourself to me, Jodi, completely, for as long as we are here together. I want you to submit to me – in all things and all ways.”

He could feel how her body was responding to his words, melting even further against him, only he could tell that her mind was a bit behind it, and after a few more languorous strokes, he removed his hands from her breasts and pussy, placing them on the much more neutral territory of her stomach.

Her protestations were very loud and immediate, but he subdued them by whispering a threat to spank her if she didn’t still immediately. Cayson was amazed when she did exactly as he told her to, and considered that to be a harbinger of good things to come.

His lips still at her ear, he continued, “I can promise you that your bottom will almost always be red and sore, but that I won’t make superfluous rules – just ones that are meant to keep you safe and healthy and happy. I can also promise you that you’ll not go unfulfilled – as long as you’re well behaved.”

That pronouncement had her jerking once and groaning as she corralled her impulse to object to that last caveat, but she got herself under control.

He wasn’t one to let things like that slip, though. “And if you agree, you’ve just earned your first spanking. I said for you to remain still, and that’s what I meant.” It might not have been the smartest thing – telling her she had a spanking waiting for her before she’d agreed to his outrageous suggestion. But he thought that, in her case, it might be a bit of an incentive.






Chapter 5

And it was.

Jodi’s mind was buzzing as surely as her body was, even though he wasn’t touching her intimately any longer. She was here, in a bed, in his arms. That was almost more than enough for her to get off.

But what she could tell by the seriousness of his tone was that he wasn’t offering her a chance to role-play. She’d done her level best to avoid that in her sex life. She didn’t want her submission to be something she took on and off as the occasion suited. She wanted to find the right person who made her want to submit to him completely, without reservation. And looking for that person was inherently nerve wracking and dangerous, because choosing the wrong candidate could go very badly.

She knew Cayson. The man was an antisocial recluse with no social skills whatsoever, but he had his good points, too. And she’d never seen him threaten anyone physically except the guy in the parking lot. He seemed to have, what qualified for him as a soft spot for her; he had taken awfully good care of her when her father died, and now, when they had been forced into this weird situation he had looked after her at least as well – if not better – than a lot of more ‘normal’ men would have.

Cayson wasn’t one for delayed gratification. She was taking entirely too long to make her decision. He’d really hoped that she would have shouted an uninhibited, “Yes, yes!” to his idea, but he guessed there was a lot more to it than he’d thought.

Nevertheless, he wasn’t above trying to press his advantage. He was still pulsing inside her, although he wasn’t quite as far in as he had been. She was still in his arms. His finger found its way back to its former position and he noticed that her clit had swollen to enormous proportions in the meantime.
Was that just from the subject they were discussing,
he wondered. And he began to move his hips just slightly, just enough to tease her horribly with all that potential pleasure. But he was careful to make sure he stopped every time he thought that she was anywhere near orgasming.

The third time he stopped, she growled low in her throat.

“Why would I reward you when you haven’t given me the right answer?” came his husky answer to the demand she probably didn’t want to – or couldn’t – put into words.

“Cayson!” she moaned. “That’s not fair!”

“It’s very fair.” He wasn’t far from losing his own battle against the ultimate pleasure, and suddenly he wondered if a different approach might not work better. He didn’t generally ask people many questions – he didn’t usually like their answers – but he was very interested in hers, so he made the effort. “What’s making you hesitate?”

Jodi opened her mouth, and then closed it quickly, before starting again. “I’m not sure. I... you... we... it’s just that I never really expected – I certainly wanted you and wanted to, but I didn’t think it would ever happen–”

“Wait, you wanted me?”

“Yes, but I’ve kept that secret about myself as well buried as you did with your own sexuality. I didn’t think you had sexual impulses like the rest of the world, so I’ve never let you see that side of me.”

He sighed. “Damn, we’ve been two complete idiots for the past seven years, haven’t we?”

“Well, one of us has, anyway, and it’s
me... ”

His chuckle stirred the hairs at the back of her neck. “Jodi, all I can say is that, if you will give yourself to me – for safekeeping – while we’re here, I can promise you that you won’t ever regret it.”

It was the “safekeeping” part that got her, no doubt about it. She’d liked that thought a lot.

His finger flicked her clit, once, firmly and she roared, literally shaking with denied desire. “Oh my God, I cannot take this any longer! Okay, yes. Fine.”

Another flick, this one a bit slower, more drawn out. He wasn’t very happy with her response. “ ‘Yes fine’ what?”

She was glad he couldn’t see her rolling her eyes. “Yes, I’ll be your submissive while we’re here.”

“Really?” he asked, rubbing twice.

Jodi gulped hard, barely able to rasp out, “Yes, really.”


Another, slower sweep all around but not over the top of her clit.

“Truly.” She sounded like she was at the end of her rope, growling low in her throat.

“You’re positive you’re sure? And sure you’re positive?”

That was it, submissive or not, she was going to kill the bastard.

But instead, he thrust himself up inside her all of a sudden, all at once, exerting a bit more pressure with his finger than he had been and began to tug and pinch the nearest nipple his other hand could get a hold of, all while a neat contraction of his arms kept her forced tight up against him.

He felt as if he’d gotten a hold of a tigress. When she came, she screamed but also bucked and writhed as if she was trying to get away from him. But he wouldn’t allow it, trying to tame her to his hand with modest success. Her complete and unadulterated wildness setting him off, too, so that he took her hard, mindlessly striving for his own paradise until it overwhelmed him completely.

Long moments later he wasn’t even sure what had happened, really.

“Are you okay?” he asked. She was still snuggled up against him, but that could have been because his arms were still wrapped tightly around her.

Jodi couldn’t even speak. She just couldn’t. He would have to understand. She nodded, but barely. She was somewhere she’d never been before. Her brain wouldn’t work; she couldn’t think. And for some strange reason, her eyes were full of tears.

Somehow Cayson sensed that, although she had nodded that she was okay, she really wasn’t. She seemed somehow withdrawn from him, and that was the last thing he’d hoped for after she’d agreed to be his in that most intimate and special of ways.

And he was alarmed to realize that he could feel tears rolling down his bicep.

Everything in him wanted to get up and do something, anything, but he knew he couldn’t, and besides, he had no idea what he could do. She was his now – and he hoped forever – and he felt the weight of that responsibility to her settling firmly onto him, shining a glaring light on all of his defects. So he shifted the both of them so that he was on his back and she was at his side and simply held her, his hand stroking lazily up and down her arm in what he hoped was a soothing manner.

Something his mother used to say to him came to mind and seemed appropriate. “Big feelings?” he asked quietly.

“Yeah,” she got out shakily. “Ones I wasn’t expecting.”

He wasn’t sure what to say to that. “Well, you have the feelings for both of us, so I’m not surprised.”

She sniffed, and tried to sit up, but he wouldn’t let her. “I hope that’s not true. You have feelings too, even though you bury them.”

He had been taught to do that long ago, but he wasn’t going to burden her with the knowledge of how fucked up his father had been. “Are you hungry? I’m hungry.”

It was her fingers trailing slowly down his side that kept him from launching himself out of bed. He craved her touch to such a degree that he’d stay still for it any time he could.

Jodi could see that this was not a subject he wanted to discuss, so she let him off easy. “So, what does it mean to be your submissive? I said yes before I read the fine print – kind of like those online terms-of-service agreements. Do you own my soul now, like Apple and Facebook do?”

That got her a rare smile. “Something like that, yes,” he agreed, turning towards her. “And the answer to that question is that I’m not all that sure. I’ve never offered to be anyone’s dominant before.”

“You weren’t a virgin before we–”


“But you haven’t explored that area of yourself at all?”

“Some. But never with someone I cared about.”

Jodi’s eyes widened. She wanted to pin him down about that – ask him if she was someone he cared about, but she chickened out entirely. “I’m not sure whether or not I should be bothered by that.”

“Don’t be. I’ve always leaned towards dominant. I’ve just never really had much contact with women, after a few flings in college – not that I was trying very hard, really – so that I’ve never found anyone I was interested in investing the time necessary to do that for her. I was much more intrigued by other things. Until you.”

Well, she kind of sort of had an answer to her unasked question. And knowing him, she bet she’d better be satisfied with that.

“I do want to say, though, that it’s not, like, pretend for me – something that just gets me hot, like putting you in a maid’s uniform or something like that. It’s not play at all. It’s how I want to be with you, all the time.”

“Took the words right out of my mouth.”

“Really?” He looked surprised.

“Yeah. It’s... it’s too close to my heart – and other places – for me to treat it like a game.”

Cayson nodded his agreement. “That’s why I said that I won’t make stupid rules. Rules should have a purpose.”

“I agree.”

“That said, you’re still mine,” he said, gathering her even more closely to him. He was quite pleasantly startled at how much pure enjoyment he got out of the sound of that small sentence. And he intended that he would be still saying it long after they’d left here.

Somehow he’d get her to commit to him on a more permanent basis. Hopefully before their situation was resolved.

“And I intend that you will be well used.”

Jodi wrinkled her nose. “I don’t really like the sound of that. Makes me sound like a dirty Kleenex.”

He gave her an exasperated look. “I mean that I intend to take you whenever and wherever the urge strikes me. And I don’t expect to hear the word ‘no’ from you about it.”

She would have been surprised if the impulse to turn him down ever crept into her mind. Unless she did too much thinking…

“And I also want to say that all quarrels are hereby suspended for the duration. I won’t have my own misdeeds and your rightful anger at them spoiling our time here.”

He paused as if waiting for her to argue with him.

All she did was shrug. “If that’s your rule, then it’s up to me to obey it, isn’t it?”

Somehow, Cayson didn’t look quite convinced, but he went on anyway. “I can’t really think of anything else–” Looking down at her lovely breasts, the way they were pressed against his skin, he reversed himself immediately. “Yes I can. No clothes for you. I’ll turn up the heat until I’m sweating buckets. But I want to look at as much of you as I can for as long as I can.”

Jodi squirmed. She’d never really been comfortable naked, but she’d do her best.

He seemed to expect another acknowledgment from her, so she said, “Okay.”

“You’re taking this all in stride...”

“Well, that’s probably why I’m the submissive, hm?”

Despite his rules, and her discomfort with being nude all the time, they adjusted to the close quarters surprisingly well, especially considering that there was little to do. Communications at the cabin were kept to a bare minimum, so there was no Internet and no television. There was a radio, but it was two way and only to be used in the case of an emergency or to contact their keepers on a scheduled basis for more supplies. There was a DVD and a blue-ray player, but the choice in discs was abysmal as far as Jodi was concerned – they were all war movies, most from WWII, or westerns. Lots of John Wayne, History and Biography channel biopics of Patton, with the occasional reasonable movie thrown in, like
The Sting
, but stuff she could tolerate was scarce on the ground.

He, of course, was perfectly fine with the choices, and although they found common ground in their interest in sci-fi, like the various incarnations of Star Trek, there wasn’t any of that available and she was forced to sit through all of what they had instead – usually on a very sore bottom, because they actually spent very little time watching videos.

It hadn’t taken him long at all to find her weakest spot. With nothing else to concentrate on, he turned all of his attention to her, and the fact that she came much harder after she’d been thoroughly spanked than any other time, became readily apparent. He didn’t believe in delaying a punishment, so when she did something he didn’t like – which was getting to be quite a few things even before he’d come to that realization – she found herself as immediately as possible over either his lap, the back of a chair or the sofa, or bent over the end or side of their bed, howling promises not to do whatever it was again, like swear or stick her tongue out at him or, in one case she’d never ever repeated, throwing an apple at his head.

It wasn’t at all unusual that he said something to her that would make her want to throw things at him, and this time, she gave in to the impulse, which probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do.

He’d ducked, damn his quick reflexes, but she had paid and paid dearly for her crime. It was their third day together with this big twist in their relationship, and Jodi’s body was aglow with satisfaction – some parts of her glowing more and satisfied less, namely her behind. She was making him homemade applesauce, and he had said something to which she had taken umbrage. She couldn’t have remembered it even moments later. What she remembered was the way he’d looked after the apple had sailed past his head, barely to the left of it, to smash against the wall behind him.

BOOK: Make Me
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