Make Me: An Erotic BDSM Romance (7 page)

BOOK: Make Me: An Erotic BDSM Romance
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“Fuck you.”

“What?” Well, that escalated quickly.

“Fuck you and that slut brat of yours. We could be so good together.”

“Viv, we already tried. We know we’re not. I’m sorry. Now, I gotta go.”

“Fuck you.” A last one, then she turns and stomps off, almost running.

Totally wasn’t ready for that, but maybe it was good to just get it out of the way. Clear the air. Or maybe it’s just another clusterfuck. I’ll have to worry about that later. Gotta find Dawn.

I search the club, but she’s nowhere to be seen. Not in in the play area, not on the dance floor, not at the bar. I send Vicky in to the ladies’ room to make sure, but Dawn’s not there either. What the hell?

Caleb. He gave her the clothes. Maybe he knows. I find him watching the door.

“Hey man, you’ve seen Dawn?”

“It wasn’t you that pissed her off?”

“Pissed her off? What the hell are you talking about?”

“She was not, with a capital NOT, happy when she ran off, man. I thought you guys had a falling out or something.”

“What? No! I just got back from the phone. Damn O’Reilly, he just goes on and on about the damn finance stuff. I’d tell him to shut the hell up, but that shit’s important too. Though if I knew this was gonna happen, I would have.”

“Don’t leave a lady waiting, Gabe.”

“Nah, something else is up. She wouldn’t just take off like that. Not without something else going on.”

“She was talking with Viv when I brought the clothes, do you think...”

“Aw fuck. Viv! Fucking hell. I shoulda banned her from the club or something. God damnit! I’m gonna...”

“If you’re doing anything, it’s going after Dawn. I’ll take care of Viv, alright?”

How is it that he’s always fucking right and I’m not? “You’re right, as always. Thanks, Caleb. I’ll be back.”

Caleb grins. “Not if you do this right. Go get’er. I’ll close up tonight.”


Less than two minutes later, I hop behind the wheel and peel out of the parking garage. At least I know where she lives. Hell, unless the locksmith was unusually quick, I can just walk in. On the other hand, I could do without a concussion. She won’t be sleeping unarmed after last night. Better play it by the book.

Exactly thirteen minutes later, I’m at her apartment. Not a goddamn parking space in sight, of course, but there’s a gap in front of a driveway. Fuck it, sidewalk’s good enough. I can afford the ticket, and it’ll be worth it anyway.

I jump out of the car, then compose myself for a second. No idea what the hell Viv’s said to her, but I better make this good. I’ve finally found someone worth giving a damn about, and I’m not going to let Viv fuck this up for us.




Chapter 10

hat was that noise?

I’m groggy, sleepy. Takes a second to realize where I am, what’s going on. The screech of tires, something metal clattering on pavement. What the hell?

Still dark out. Don’t think I slept for long. Down on the sidewalk is a black sportscar. Fuck, my neighbors are assholes. Like parking me in isn’t bad enough, now they park on the sidewalk too.

Gabriel! He steps out of the car and slams the door before walking towards the entry to my apartment building with a determined stride. What’s he doing here? Why can’t he leave me the fuck alone?

My doorbell buzzes. Fuck him. He can stand there all night if he wants. He’s not getting through that door.

He buzzes again.

And again.

Can’t he take a hint? The buzzer again, but more distant. And again, even farther away. Is he buzzing my neighbors? Seriously?

I don’t hear the buzzer anymore, but I can kinda see his shape from my window if I mash my face against it. He’s still standing down there, so guess he hasn’t given up. Holy crap, he’s persistent.

Someone lets him in. He disappears from my line of sight, and I hear the door slam shut behind him. How could they? He could be a burglar for all they know, or worse. I need to have a serious talk with my neighbors.

He couldn’t even wait for the elevator. His steps come up the stairwell, the clack of his shoes echoing off the cement walls. Shit, what else can I throw in front of the door? I jump out of bed and charge into the living room, scanning for things to pile on the couch.

Alright, wait. He’s not going to just fucking charge in here, right? He’s not that crazy.


Time’s out. He stops outside the door, his breath heaving. Through the crack where my lock used to be, I see the black of his jacket move while he gathers himself.

I need to nip this in the bud. “I didn’t answer on purpose, you know. You’re wasting your time. I don’t have time for someone who lets his girlfriend break up with me for him.”

“What?” There’s a thud. Did he just slam his head against my door? “That’s what she told you? Fuck, I’m gonna... No, you know what? I’m not, because I don’t fucking have time for her. I only have time for you.”

“Listen, you...” I don’t get any further.


Oh God, there’s that steel that makes my spine tingle. How do I stand up against that?

“First of all, why would you ever listen to my ex over me?” Well, when he puts it like that. “In what world does that fucking make sense? Didn’t occur to you that she might have her own agenda? Viv and me? We’re done. Over. Finished. No more. Right now, I could never speak to her again and still be perfectly happy. Is that fucking clear?”

The lump in my throat is so big I can hardly swallow past it. It’s beginning to occur to me that I might have fucked up.

“Second of all, even if everything she said was true, didn’t it ever occur to you to even talk to me first? Haven’t I earned at least that much respect? I know we haven’t known each other long, but when did I ever do anything to make you think I wouldn’t be straight up with you?”


“Third, when are you gonna let me in? I’d prefer if I didn’t have to share all of this with your neighbors, who are doubtless trying to sleep.”


I grab the couch and tug at it, its scrape across my old linoleum floor loud in the silence of my apartment. As soon as door’s clear, Gabriel opens it and stands at the threshold, his tall, broad frame filling the frame, silhouetted against the hall light.

“Gabriel.” Shit, here come the stupid tears again. I can’t get my voice above a whisper. “I’m so sorry.”

“You know, one day I’m going to enter your apartment and find you wearing clothes, and it’s going to be a sad, sad day. I’m so glad today isn’t it.”

His smirk tells me it’s going to work out. His voice tells me I’m naked. God, I was so stressed. I didn’t even think about it. My hands are hardly enough to cover me, but I try.

My voice cracks just a little. “Not my fault you keep busting in here in the middle of the night.”

He takes a step closer, looming over me and closing the door behind him. “It is very much your fault, actually. Last time you called me over. This time, I’m here because you couldn’t behave.”

Even in the dark room, the glint in his eyes is full of promise. He takes a step closer, flicking on a table lamp as he passes by. “It’s a shame to hide something that gorgeous in darkness. Put your hands away.”

I’m gonna wear out my lower lip with chewing, but I lower my arms, baring all of me. He saw it all at the club, but this time it’s only for him and that feels different somehow. He can have anyone he wants, but he’s here, looking at me. Just me.

I don’t even know if I can sound seductive, but I do my best. “I’ve been a bad girl, Gabriel. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”

He laughs, that deep rumble in his chest. Another step closer, and his clothed body is against me. What’s he going to do? Already different punishments are racing through my head, each new one making my breath come faster than the previous.

“On your knees, babe. And call me Sir.”

Oh God. Blood flows to between my legs. “Yes, Sir.” I sink down to my rug, finding the fly of his jeans right in front of my face.

“Look up. Eyes on me. Take me out and get your mouth around me, but don’t you dare take your baby blues away.”

I look up and our eyes lock. His gaze is intense. Hungry. He stares right into me. A shiver starts right at the top of my spine and ratchets its way down through my whole body. My fingers shake while I work open his fly. Why don’t they make these things with quick release snaps?

I tug his pants down, unable to tear my gaze away from his even if I wanted to. Feeling my way back up along his muscular thighs, I slide my hands along his burning hot skin until I reach his snug boxer briefs, distended by his erection. My fingers brush against him, and he draws a sharp breath. God, he’s ready.

Hooking my fingers in the elastic, I free him. Letting the underwear drop to pool around his ankles, I wrap both of my hands around his length, making two fists around his pulsing flesh. He’s so large.

“Your hands feel nice, Pet, but I’m not a patient man.”

He’s lucky I can’t wait either. I touch my tongue to the tip, getting a taste before I lean in and take him between my lips. He’s so thick, so ready for me. I cup him with my right hand, stroking him softly while I begin to bob.

His strong fingers thread into my hair and make tight fists, making sure I’m not going anywhere. Guiding me, he shows me the motion he wants, the depth. Looking up is awkward, another thing to remember, but his burning gaze holds me, unwilling to let me go.

He takes my mouth like he would my pussy, thrusting while pulling me against him. Too deep, and he pulls back to let me cough, then does it again. He loves it, making me love it. God, his moans turn me on. The insides of my thighs are getting slick.

I want him in me, and tonight I’m not taking no for an answer.

He tenses. Already? He groans, an animalistic sound deep in his throat, as hot, slippery cum fills my mouth, coats my tongue, slides thickly down my throat. I love it because it’s his. Anything he wants to make me do, so long as we’re not done.

“Fuck. The scene earlier, and now this. Couldn’t hold back. But you enjoyed that, didn’t you?”

I lick my lips and grin. “Yes, Sir.”

He steps out of his shoes and pants, and I notice happily that he’s barely softened. There’s going to be a round two, and it better involve him deep inside me. Crossing his arms and grabbing the hem, he tugs his black t-shirt off. It peels off him, and I know I’ll never tire of seeing those hard abs and that powerful chest being exposed. He throws the shirt onto the couch, then faces me, naked and already firming back up.

“So, you’ve been a naughty girl. I’m giving you five seconds to get onto your bed with your ass in the air and your face on the sheets. You’re going to regret running off on me like that. I’m tempted to never let you out of my sight again.”

I melt inside at those words. How did he get under my skin so quickly? Maybe it’s just meant to be.


Oh shit. I dart into my bedroom, holding my boobs, hearing him laugh behind me.


Throwing myself on the bed, I get on my knees right in the middle and mash my face to my comforter. I feel so exposed. When he comes in, my wet pussy is the first thing he’ll see.


There’s a rustling sound, then I hear his steps coming closer. He stops in the doorway, finds the light switch and bathes my bedroom in light. That was my last layer of modesty, stripped away at a flick.

“One. Beautiful.” He throws something onto the bed next to me with a dense thump. His belt. Thick, wide, dark brown leather with a big metal buckle. “I need some scarves. Or belts. Where do you keep them?”

I point to my old wooden dresser. It’s huge, and ancient, with big deep drawers. The top drawer holds the small stuff, like underwear, socks, scarves. Oh, and my toys. He’s going to see all of them! After all we’ve done, I’ve no idea why that makes me blush so hard, but I feel it warming my face.

“Nice collection, Pet.” He whistles in appreciation, but only takes out a couple scarves. “Just a little insurance, so you don’t run away. I’ve seen what a brat you can be.” His grin’s lopsided while his eyes sparkle. “Arms back to your ankles.”

My breath catches. I’ll be open to anything he wants. That terrifies me and makes my stomach drop, even as I’m only getting wetter. The belt rests heavily on the bed next to me, full of painful promise. I put my arms back.

With quick, practiced movements, he fastens my wrists to my ankles. I’m defenseless. Trapped. His.

His touch on the back of my thigh startles me, palm flat on my shivering skin. Adrenaline rushes through me and goosebumps rise on my arms, making me tingle. The skin is still sensitive from our play at the club, making me dread a second round. No way he’s getting the same fight out of me this time, but I’ll sure as hell try.

Tracing my curves, he slides his hand up over my ass, gripping the cheek in a sudden grasp, claiming it. I gasp at the stinging jolt across my tender flesh.

“Mine.” Just single word, softly spoken, but it echoes in my ears like a shout.

Sliding downward, his fingers reach my pussy, sliding easily between my slick folds. A thick finger, his thumb, slips in and I clench, trying to grasp him, pull him closer. A couple of strokes in and out, and his hand moves on, cupping my mound.

“Also mine. Say it.”

I want to scream
, but I know it’s not what he wants to hear. I have to earn the right to beg for it. “No.” I force it out between clenched teeth. It’s so difficult to say. There’s nothing I want more than him in me, right now, so hard and loud that every single one of my neighbors know. “You’re not the boss of me.”

He laughs. “We’ll see about that.” His hand leaves me and reaches for the belt. I clench my eyes, knowing this is going to hurt. Hell, I already hurt from the first time tonight. God, I can’t wait.

“You may think you’re all that, but you’ll be begging me to fuck you by the time we’re done. Sure you don’t want to just give in now? It’ll hurt a lot less.” The edge of excitement in his voice and the way he’s already doing test swings with the belt tells me that’s not what he wants.

BOOK: Make Me: An Erotic BDSM Romance
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