Read Make Me (Bully Me #2) Online

Authors: C. E. Starkweather

Make Me (Bully Me #2) (8 page)

BOOK: Make Me (Bully Me #2)
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He snorted. "Didn't you go out with Camden Lawson?"

The smile fell from her face. "Once. So you helped with the yard?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah. It wasn't nearly as bad as last time. Remember cleaning up the yard for the wedding? That was a nightmare."

She smiled softly, looking out the window. "We did a good job though. The wedding was beautiful."

"That was the third best day of my life."

"Why?" She asked, watching the guests mingle in the yard. She hadn't heard him come up behind her until she felt him press against her.

"That was the day I finally got to have you," he whispered in her ear.

She closed her eyes. "What were the first two?"

"Marrying you and the day Adam was born."

She spun around and stared up at him. "Shane..."

"Shh," he whispered, putting his finger to her lips. "You look so beautiful, Kainie."

She shook her head and pushed his hand away. "I can't."

"Why not?"

She burst out laughing. "Why not? Are you serious, Shane? Maybe it's because you cheated on me."

"I didn't..."

"I hate you," she snapped, pushing him away.

His eyes widened. "Don't say that."

"You were the only one I ever loved or wanted. You were supposed to love and protect me and be with me forever. You threw EVERYTHING away for one stupid whore. I fucking hate you."

He pressed her against the counter. "Shut. Up."

"Leave me alone," she said weakly.

"No," he said softly, staring down at her with hooded eyes.

"Please," she whispered.

He gently grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back, dragging his tongue against her jaw line. "Make me," he whispered in her ear. She shut her eyes, hating the way her body reacted to him. He yanked the front of her dress down and took her nipple in his mouth. "Shane..."

"Tell me to stop," he muttered, reaching under her dress and slipping his hand in her panties.

"Someone's going to see us," she gasped. He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around him. She knew she should tell him to stop, but it felt too good and had been too long. He carried her into the guest room and kicked the door shut. He lowered her to the bed and pushed her dress over her hips. She threw her head back as he tore her panties off and buried his face between her legs. She grabbed a pillow and moaned loudly into it. It didn't take more than two minutes for her to have a mind blowing orgasm. He knew her body so well.

He climbed on top of her and shoved his tongue in her mouth. "Fuck me," She whispered into his mouth.

"Get on your knees," he rasped. She turned over and pressed back into him. "Like this?"

She moaned loudly as he shoved himself inside her. "Fuck me harder," she gasped. He lasted about three minutes before finishing inside her. "Shit," he groaned, collapsing on top of her. "I'm sorry, baby. It's been awhile. Give me like ten minutes and we can go again."

Kaine sat up and shook her head, feeling stupid. "We shouldn't have done that."

"Yes we should have. We're perfect together, Kainie. You can't tell me you don't feel that."

She stood up. "We should get back to the party. They're going to wonder what happened to us." She picked her torn panties up from the floor and threw them in the garbage. "Now I have to walk around pantyless for the next three hours."

He grinned at her. "And I have to walk around with a hard on thinking about that for the next three hours."

She gave him a small smile and turned to leave.

"Babe, wait."

"Shane, it's fine. Really. We should get back to the party."

"Stop," he said, grabbing her hand. "Just talk to me for a minute. What's wrong?"

She raised her eyebrows. "What's wrong? Really? We're divorced, Shane. We're not supposed to have sex. This was a mistake."

"No it wasn't. Getting a divorce was a mistake."

She pulled her hand away. "I don't want to go through this again. I need to go check on Adam."

"I'll go with you."

She didn't bother to argue. "Fine. Let me just get cleaned up." She opened the door and hurried to the thankfully unoccupied bathroom, staring at her reflection in the mirror. She should feel terrible about herself, but she didn't. She felt good. The sight of Shane should repulse her after what he did to her, but it didn't. She wanted him just as much now she ever had. She fixed her hair and straightened her dress, thankful that it was knee length. She gasped when she opened the door and Shane was standing right outside. "Oh my god, don't do that!" She exclaimed.

He grinned at her. "Just making sure you can't avoid me. I checked on Adam. He's still sleeping."

"Thanks," she said awkwardly. The smile faded from his face. "Listen, Kainie, I'm sorry if you regret what happened. I didn't plan on that. The last thing I ever want is for you to feel bad."

She shrugged, looking away. "Honestly? I should feel bad. I should feel dirty. But I don't. I feel good. But I also don't want you to think that everything is ok now, because it's not. It was just sex. We both needed it, and it's over and done with."

He pushed her into the bathroom and locked the door behind them. "Maybe we both need it again," he muttered, pulling the straps off her dress down. "Maybe you need me to remind you who's boss."

She closed her eyes and bent over the sink. She may as well get all of her fantasies out of the way today. This was never going to happen again. She gasped as she felt his hand smack her backside. "Harder," she moaned. He smacked her harder and pulled her to her knees. "Suck it."

She frantically unzipped his jeans and took him in her mouth. "Damn, I missed this," He groaned. Her eyes flew open when there was a knock on the door.


"One minute!" She called. She looked up at Shane. "What do we do?" She asked frantically.

"Calm down. I'll pretend I got sick and you were taking care of me." He zipped himself back up and adjusted his pants as Kaine eased the door open.

"Oh, gross," Jay cried. "There are like six bedrooms in this house and you guys choose the bathroom in the middle of a party?"

"That's not what happened," Kaine protested. "Shane got sick and I was helping him."

Jay peered around the door at Shane. "Yeah, he looks real sick. I'm going to use the upstairs bathroom. Ugh." He turned and walked away. Kaine rolled her eyes. "Come on."

"Want to go upstairs?" Shane asked hopefully, following her out of the bathroom.

"We really should get back to the party. We've been gone for awhile."

"I thought you'd say that. Alright, fine. If you change your mind, come find me." He followed her outside and they split up.

Every time she glanced at him, he was staring at her. An hour later, she went upstairs to wake Adam up so that he would sleep tonight. She carried him back outside and sat down, watching him run around the yard.

"Hey, where have you been?" Bryce asked, sitting next to her.

"I've been around. What's up?"

He sat back and shrugged. "Shane seems happy today."

She watched Shane chase Adam around the yard and smiled softly. "He does. I'm glad."

"He misses you so much, Kaine."

She sniffed. "I miss him too. I keep thinking that we're going to go home after the party, then I remember that I'm going home alone and he's taking Adam back to your house."

"Don't cry," he said, hugging her. "You'll be ok."

"I know." They sat in silence until people started to leave. "I should get going," Kaine said. "I’ll see you tomorrow when I pick up Adam."

"Sure, Kaine. See you tomorrow."

She said her goodbyes and approached Shane and Adam. "Bye, sweetie," she said to Adam. "Bye Shane."

"You’re leaving?" He asked, disappointed.

"Yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow when I pick him up."

"Well what are you doing later? Maybe we can go do something."

This was exactly what she didn’t want to happen. "I don’t think so. I’m kind of tired. Listen, what happened today was a one time thing. It can’t happen again."

"Yeah, ok," he muttered. "Bye, Kainie."

"Shane, I didn’t mean…"

"No, it’s fine. I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye." He picked up Adam and walked away. Kaine shook her head and walked to her car, feeling awful about herself.







Later that night, Kaine laid on the couch, thinking about Shane. What the hell had she been thinking, having sex with him? She had been working hard to get him out of her life as much as possible and she had thrown it all away for one stupid moment of weakness. Okay, two moments of weakness. But still, she hated that she had given him false hope for their relationship.

She shook her head, trying to rid herself of her thoughts. Why should she feel bad? The only reason that they were divorced was because he couldn’t keep it in his pants. She felt herself start to get angry again. Why should she have to sit around and mope all night while Shane was out doing god knows what with god knows who? "Fuck that," she muttered, pulling out her phone and calling Layla. "Hey, what are you doing tonight?" She asked when she answered.

"Nothing, why? You want to do something?"

"I need to get out of my house. I’m driving myself crazy."

Layla gasped. "Finally! Where do you want to go? There’s this club…"

"Please god, no clubs. I’m twenty seven with a four year old kid. That ship has sailed."

"Fine then. Let’s just go to a bar."

"Alright, but no hipster bars. I don’t want to fight a group of nineteen year olds with skinny jeans and fake ID’s for a spot at the bar."

"Jeez, your standards are ridiculous. I’ll pick you up at eight. Be ready and look hot."

Kaine laughed. "Yeah, sure. See you then."

As Kaine showered, she felt herself getting excited. She hadn’t gone out to a bar in forever. She blow dried her hair straight and put on heavier eye makeup than usual. She chose a black dress that came just above her knees that wasn’t too tight. In this dress, it was hard to tell that she had put on weight. Deeming herself appropriate, she went downstairs to wait for Layla.



"You look gorgeous," Layla said, grinning at her.

"Thanks," Kaine smiled as she got into Layla’s car. "I feel better today than I have in awhile. I’m glad we decided to go out."

"I can’t believe I didn’t have to drag you kicking and screaming," Layla laughed. "I invited some people from school. I hope that’s ok."

"Is Josh coming?" Kaine asked hopefully.

"Yep," Layla said, grinning. "Josh, Camden, Mariana and possibly Aaron."

Kaine wasn’t thrilled at the mention of Camden. She had actually managed to keep a decent, professional relationship while working next to him. He didn’t ask questions about her life and vice versa. She wasn’t sure how she would react to seeing him in a social setting.

Layla pulled into the bar and Kaine felt relieved when she saw the half empty parking lot. The last thing she wanted to do tonight was deal with a big obnoxious crowd. She followed Layla into the bar and saw Josh and Camden sitting at a table in the corner. Her joy of seeing Josh overrode her apprehension of seeing Camden and she ran over as fast as her heels would let her. "Josh! Oh my god, I missed you so much. How are you feeling? Are you coming back soon?"

"I’m good," he said, sliding out of the booth to hug her. "Probably just another week. Until I can get this stupid cast off. How is everything? I heard about you and Shane. I’m so sorry."

Kaine’s smile faltered. "It’s fine. I don’t want to talk about that tonight. Hi, Cam."

"Hi Kaine. You look really pretty."

"Thanks," she said awkwardly, sitting down. "You look nice too."

His hair was growing out and he had left it messy, the way he had in high school. He was wearing fitted jeans and a white button down dress shirt that was rolled at the sleeves, showing off his strong forearms. Kaine glanced at Layla, who was staring at Camden with her eyes glazed over. She rolled her eyes and laughed. "I’m gonna get us some drinks," she said. "You guys want anything?"

"Red headed slut," Layla called.

"I’ll go with you," Josh said. He followed her to the bar. "Are you ok?" He asked as they sat down.

"I'm ok. I’m dealing with it."

"I talked to Camden for a bit before you got here."

Kaine raised her eyebrows. "About what?"

"Nothing too deep. He told me about growing up here. He said he went to school with you and Shane. He didn’t say anything weird or creepy. I mean, not like I was expecting him to. But I couldn’t get a read on him."

"It’s ok," she said. "I can’t either."

She ordered a glass of chardonnay and a red headed slut for Layla and they made their way back to their table. She set the drinks down and sat next to Mariana, who grinned at her.

"So Kaine, Camden was telling us that you guys went on a date in high school."

"Oh yeah?" She asked, glancing at Camden. She wondered what else he had told them about her in high school. "What else did he say?"

"That I took forever to work up the courage to ask you out," Camden said, staring at her intently. "And that you were the prettiest girl I had ever seen."

Kaine almost choked on her wine.

"Aww, Cam, that’s so sweet," Layla gushed, downing her drink in about two gulps. "So what happened? You just went on one date?"

Kaine looked down. She didn’t want to talk about her past with Camden. "She started dating Shane," Camden said.

"Yeah, and look how that turned out, Kaine. You should have just stayed with Camden!" Layla said, laughing. Kaine stood up. "I’ll be right back," she muttered, heading for the bathroom. This was a mistake. As much as she didn’t want her coworkers knowing what Camden had done to her, she couldn’t stand them thinking that he was this great guy and Shane wasn’t. She wiped her tears away and looked into the mirror, feeling completely out of her element. She wished she had taken Shane up on his offer to spend time with him and Adam tonight. She needed to come up with an excuse to leave. She decided to say that she wasn’t feeling well. Who could blame her? She pushed open the bathroom door and tripped into Camden.

BOOK: Make Me (Bully Me #2)
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