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Authors: Nicki Day

Make Me Melt (9 page)

BOOK: Make Me Melt
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In a rush he felt a
river of hot juices flow past his cock and coat his entire length. Her pussy
quivered and trembled around him as he tried to rein in his lust. She shook
beneath him, her body bucking and reacting to her climax as he felt his own
restraint beginning to snap. 

He couldn’t help
himself from falling with her. He wouldn’t last a moment longer. Michael pulled
back and pushed further inside her pussy. He thrust once, twice, three times
and finally the friction and fire were too much for him to resist. 

He howled a raw and
primal scream and grabbed onto her hips, holding her body to his as he felt the
first jolt of his orgasm take hold. 

His body jerked, in
rhythm with hers. Wetness coated his inner thighs from her passion, and he
filled her with his release. 

He had no idea how
much time had passed before he dropped his head back down and opened his eyes.
He looked down at her and saw a sleepy smile on her face. She looked so
gorgeous. And in that instant he hated the husband she’d once given herself to,
while refusing to consider that there may have been others. 

Pulling out of her,
he rolled to his side and gathered her up against his chest. Their bodies were
hot, damp from their lovemaking and he couldn’t seem to get her close

They lay there with one
another, each of them trying to catch their breath as they came down from the
high they’d given each other. Time could have been ticking by or standing
still. He had no idea. Nor did he care. He could have stayed like this forever
as she made little circles on his chest with her fingertips. 

He lifted her chin
with his forefinger and kissed her. “You are so incredible.”

She smiled. “You were
pretty incredible yourself.” 

“I’m not just talking
about this, Vick. I’m talking about you. All of you.”  

“Michael.” She shook
her head and started to get up. 

“What’s wrong?” 

She sat on the edge
of the bed with her back turned to him. 


She turned her head
over her shoulder. “Please don’t call me that.” 

“Why?” he asked,
suddenly confused.

“Let’s not over
complicate things.” She stood up from the bed and began searching for her

Michael stood up and
went to her.  “Wait. What just happened?” 

“We had sex,” she answered

“Yeah I know that,
but… why the sudden change? Did I do something wrong?” 

She found her shirt
and pulled it over her head. “No, Michael. You were wonderful. I need to get
going though.” 


She turned away from
him and pulled on her jeans. He couldn’t have been more confused as he watched
her quickly dress and pull on her boots. 

“Vicky, answer me,”
he demanded. 

She pulled on her
coat and faced him. “What do you want me to say, Michael?” 

“How about the truth?
What the hell is going on? Why are you leaving?” 

“We both got what we
wanted. Why stay?” 

“What the hell? How
do you know what I wanted?”

“Are you telling me
you didn’t want to sleep with me?” she asked.

“Of course I did, but
I don’t want you to leave. I meant what I said earlier. I’ve missed you.”

“Michael, we were
kids then. Physically we are great together. But we’re different people now. I
live a boring life in Denver and you’re a Marine. We come from two different

“We come from the
same place, Vick,” he reminded her.

“Maybe we do. But I
moved on from Dove Creek a long time ago.”

“And from me?” he
asked, not entirely sure he wanted to hear her answer. 

She buttoned her coat
and opened her mouth. She’d been about to say something but stopped

“Don’t do that. Don’t
shut down on me.”

“I have to go,

He grabbed her wrist.
“Stay with me, Vick.” 

“I’m sorry, Michael.”
She pulled away from him and walked out of the room. 

He listened while she
walked down the wooden steps and closed the garage door behind her. He moved
over to the window that overlooked the driveway and stared while she
disappeared down the street, across the park and eventually around the

Abruptly a chill
settled in the air, turning the once hot room to a frigid chamber of solitude. The
cold didn’t come from the weather, but the emptiness he felt the moment she

Could that really be
it? Was one night more with her all he would get? 




Chapter Thirteen


When Michael woke on
the morning of Christmas Eve he felt anything but joyful. His mother buzzed
around the house humming carols and his brother and Kaylee were festive as all
hell, but he didn’t feel the Christmas spirit. His night had been filled with
tossing and turning, and very little sleep. 

He looked out the
living room window, staring out at the city park while sipping his coffee.
Being with Vicky again had felt so right. So many years had passed; he would’ve
expected the feelings for her to die. The way his heart was feeling he knew
that couldn’t be further from the truth. 

Damn it. He’d missed
her. He missed the way she smiled, the way her eyes lit up when she looked so
happy. He missed the way she smelled, the way her kiss tasted. Damn it, he
missed how she felt. More than any of that though, he missed having her as

If her marriage had
worked that might have been one thing, but it didn’t. And now after all these
years this town had brought them back together again. That had to mean
something. Or at least he hoped it did. 

“Hey, man. You

Michael turned to see
Jack standing by the archway that led into the kitchen. “Oh… yeah, sorry. Just

“About Vicky?” 

He didn’t answer
Jack. Instead he turned to look back out the window and took a drink of his

“I saw how you were
looking at her last night. You still have feelings for her don’t you?” Jack

 Michael looked
back at his brother. How did he tell him that he had hit the nail on the head,
without sounding like a love-sick teenager? 

“Look, man. I know
you and Vicky ended on a bad note, but I hear she’s divorced now. Maybe you
still got a shot.” 

Michael shook his
head. “I don’t think so.” 

“What makes you say

“Let’s just say she’s
not exactly warming up to me the way I would have hoped.”

“Umm…says who?” 

He turned to look at
his brother. “What do you mean?” 

“Man, I saw the look
on her face when I interrupted you two last night.” 

“Yeah, thanks for
that by the way,” he chimed in.

“Sorry. How was I to
know that you were out there with your high school sweetheart trying to restart
that fire?”

“It doesn’t matter

“Says who?” Jack
asked him.

“Says Vicky.”

“Well, I don’t know
what she said, but I can tell you what I saw. And she didn’t look like someone
who was trying to push you away.” 

“Maybe, but she
changed her tune last night.”

“Last night? Is that
where you snuck off to when we got home? To see Vicky?” 

“Yeah. I asked her to
meet me in the park. Like it mattered.”

“Look little brother,
I realize you’re not as wise as me—” 

Michael coughed his
response. “Bullshit.”

“Very funny.
Seriously though, man. I saw the way she was looking at you. She didn’t look
like someone who wasn’t interested in you. In fact, she seemed like the same
doe-eyed girl who used to hang on your every word all those years ago. If you
ask me, she might still have feelings for you.” 

Michael swung around.
“Then why is she pushing me away?”

“Shit I don’t know,
man. She’s a chick. I mean I love Kaylee, but hell if I know what sets off her
moods half the time. Maybe Vicky’s on her period or something.”

“Dude, this is why
you have such a bad track record with women. You’re insensitive as hell.” 

“Hey! I’m getting
better. Kaylee barely has to slap me on the arm in public anymore.” He grinned
with pride. 

“She must be very
proud of you whenever you pick your nose, too,” Michael teased. 

“I stopped doing that
last month.” Jack laughed.

“Well, I guess
miracles do happen then.” 

Jack placed a hand on
Michael’s shoulder. “That’s right. They do. Hell, you think Kaylee agreed to
date me right away? I drove her crazy. Eventually, though, I won her over.
Maybe you need to win Vicky over?” 

“You think?” Michael
asked hopefully.

“Hell, if Kaylee
Michaels can love me, anything is possible. Vicky loved you once. You were her
whole world. I’m no expert, but I don’t think those types of feelings ever
really go away.” 

“So, what do you
think I should do?” 

Jack grinned. “Can I
just revel in you asking me advice on women first?” 

“You could, but then
I’d have to kick your ass in front of your girlfriend on Christmas Eve. You
don’t really want me to do that, do you?” 

“Pfft. Whatever. I’ll
give you advice, but not because I’m afraid of you.” 


Michael smirked and
sat down in one of the chairs. His brother sat down beside him and together
they started talking about a plan. As Michael sipped his coffee and listened to
his big brother’s ideas he realized that maybe he could have a shot with Vicky
after all. 

He’d let thirteen
years go by without doing anything. Now that she was back in his life, he
wasn’t about to let her walk out of it again. 

Not by a long



Chapter Fourteen


Michael waited
patiently at the city park. He had no idea if his plan was going to work, but
he had to try. Vicky’s mom had always liked him in the past. And he hoped that
the heartache he’d caused her daughter years before would long since be
forgotten. If not, he might find himself facing one more difficult Browning

He stood up when he
saw Connie approaching. She stepped onto the snow covered lawn and beamed at
him with a smile that reminded him so much of Vicky. 

“Michael?” She came
to him with arms wide open. 

He wrapped his arms
around her and hugged her in return. “Thank you for coming, Miss Connie.” 

“Are you okay?” She pulled
away and looked concern. “You said it was important.”

“It is. Would you
please sit?” 

“Well sure, but I
have to say that you’re worrying me. Is everything okay?” 

“Yes, or at least I
hope it will be.” 

“Okay, now you’ve
really piqued my curiosity. What’s going on, Michael?” 

“It’s Vicky. More so,
it’s me and Vicky.”

“Oh?” Connie smiled.
“I saw you two step outside last night. I wanted to ask her how things went,
but I know my daughter and she wouldn’t tell me a thing no matter how much I

“Well, things didn’t
go so well. I mean, well… I apologized to her. For what happened before. I
wanted to make things right. But…”


“Well, I know this
may seem crazy, but I have feelings for her. Not like when we were kids.
They’re stronger. If that’s even possible.” 

“Michael, what are
you saying?” 

“I love your
daughter. I’m insanely in love with her, but damn it, she’s stubborn. I know
this is going to sound arrogant, but I believe she feels the same way. Even
though she keeps pushing me away.” 

Connie smiled. “My
dear boy, she never stopped loving you.” 

“How do you know

“A mother knows her
daughter. Why do you think her marriage didn’t work? I don’t believe she ever
really loved him. I think she’s trying to search for something that she thought
was lost with you.” 

“If it’s all the same
to you I’d rather not talk about her marriage,” he said, trying to keep his
stomach from turning.

“Believe me, there’s
not much to tell. It didn’t last very long, and—” She held up her hand. “But
enough about that. I’ll shut up now. What is it I can do for you?” 

“I want to win her
back, Connie. And this time I won’t let her go. But I think I’m going to need
your help.” 

She grinned. “I live
a very boring life, Michael. If you have a plan, you’ve got an accomplice in

BOOK: Make Me Melt
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