Read Male Me Online

Authors: Amarinda Jones

Tags: #erotic romance

Male Me (2 page)

BOOK: Male Me
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wanted to remain standing in the open doorway. She had the distinct impression that if she went inside the office, and the door shut, she would be in big trouble. Did Templeton McAdam look evil and threatening? No. He was dark haired and deadly sexy

just the way she liked them. Her heart did a strange flip-flop as her eyes locked with his. Was this love at first sight or just lust?

“I really should get back to work,” she muttered under her breath, annoyed at herself that she felt intimidated, and yet wildly attracted to this man. It was completely unlike her. Normally, no one got to her, especially not on a first meeting. She liked to think she was cool, but she felt distinctly hot under his gaze.

She crossed her arms over her breasts and looked at him
. Oh yeah.
He was sinfully sexy. His simple white business shirt did not hide the width of his broad shoulders, or the lean body that tapered down to a trim waist.
Bloody hell woman. Look away.

“Sit down
.” Templeton pointed out a nearby chair. He went to his desk and leaned over to reach for a sheaf of papers.

Nice ass,
thought as she sat. She would have been insensible not to have noticed those tight buns.

The man attached to the buns in question turned around and caught her looking at them. She felt the heat rush to her face. She clutched the arms of the chair, and tried to gather herself.

So he caught her looking at his butt. It wasn’t like it was a crime. Men ogled women all the time. She was just enforcing the rules of equality.
Yeah right, but this is your boss’s ass

Templeton sat down in the chair beside her with the papers in his hands. “I want to talk to you about these.”

did not have to look hard to make out her name on the printed emails. She decided to act cool and brazen it out. “Oh yes?”

His smile was alight with amusement. “I thought it was time I met the woman I planned to—” he looked down at the print out and checked the wording. “Ah yes, planned to, quote—‘fuck senseless’. Imagine my surprise when I found out she is also my fiancée.”

Fine. Whatever
. It was not like she loved the work. It was time to move on anyway. This job had been boring her to tears. It was the main reason she had done what she had. A little humor had been called for. If the new boss could not take a joke, then she was better off leaving this boring hell hole.

“Okay, yes, I wrote those emails, but they were in jest because everyone was so worried that you would make dramatic changes.”
knew it did not justify what she had done, but it was the truth. “Go ahead and sack me.”

“I don’t want to sack you,
.” Templeton leaned in closer to her, and dropped the printouts in her lap. “I want to fuck you senseless, as any good fiancé would.”

almost swallowed her tongue in shock. “You want to what?” The words came out choked as she stared at him as if he was mad.

Templeton picked up the top printed page from her lap and began reading. “
When he slams his thick, hard cock inside me, I scream so loud in excitement that I am sure the neighbors think I am being murdered
.” He scanned further down the page. “
I look forward to Templeton fucking me on his desk in his office while everyone outside is completely unaware of what we are doing

“Well, you see. I ah

squirmed in a nervous gesture. She felt a sudden tight wetness between her legs at his words. She tugged the hem of her mini skirt down to cover what she could. When she had bought it last week, it had looked flirty. Now it seemed down right dangerous with his eyes on her legs. “Um…” What brilliant thing could she say to get herself out of this mess?

?” Templeton sat watching her with patient amusement.

“Those emails were taken out of context.” Though how imaginary sex with the boss could be put into context was beyond her at that moment.


Yes… how?
“Well, it’s like this… er, look, I’ll quit.”
knew she had no defense to her own stupidity. “You don’t need to embarrass me further. I get it.”

“I don’t want to embarrass you,
. I want to make love to you. Let’s try the desk out.”

“I beg your pardon?” She looked at him, and then the desk. Was she hearing correctly?

“You heard me. I want you.”

“I… ah… you’re not supposed to proposition employees. It’s sexual harassment.”

“Those emails are sexual harassment.”

Damn. He had her there.

“Look, I don’t know you but…”

He smiled at her knowingly. “Your emails suggests otherwise.”

Oh, but he had a nice smile.

“I’m not having sex with you.”
was annoyed that her voice sounded so breathless and unconvincing.
Was it hot in here or what?
She tugged at her now restrictive neckline.

“Why not?” Templeton stood up and walked over to the desk. “You said in your email you always wanted me to fuck you on my desk, so let’s do it.” He pushed a clear space on the desk surface.

She stood up in alarm, the pages of email text fluttering to the floor. He had to be joking, surely. Perhaps teaching her a lesson for being so stupid in sending those emails?

“Yeah, but I was joking.”

Funny enough, he did not look like he was playing teacher.

“Were you?” Templeton moved towards her. “I think the things people say in jest are often the most truthful.”

“Yes, but fantasy is one thing and

stopped when she realized what she had been about to admit. But then he knew what excited her from emails anyway.

When his hand touched her waist, she felt a thrill of heat shoot through her.

Uh oh

“You don’t even know me.” She was being pulled slowly towards him, and for the life of her, she could not stop it from happening.

“I know you like to joke, I know what your fantasies are from your emails, and I know you’re bored with your job and life.” His body met hers. “Besides, we’re engaged, and that means we’re in love. So naturally, we can’t keep our hands off of each other.”

“We are not engaged, let alone in love.”
pushed at his chest. “I don’t even know you.”

“Get to know me then, darlin’.”

Templeton’s mouth captured hers.

It was then that
knew she was a goner. His lips were glorious. She slumped forward against him. To not have kissed him back would have been a crime. She wound her arms around his neck without even realizing she was doing it. His erection pressed against her stomach as his hands pulled up her short skirt.

I should stop him but I don’t want to
. She wanted to concentrate on his lips kissing hers with a skill that made her bones feel like jelly. Any other kisses she had experienced in the past now seemed amateur compared to the deep, soulful kisses he was pleasuring her with.

“Stockings,” Templeton murmured as he looked at the sheer black pull-ons that rested on her thighs. “I love these. They’re so sexy on a woman. “

“I think we should slow down,” she gasped.

She licked her lips, and tried to control her breathing. This was wildly confusing. Part of her wanted him, while another part was screaming at her to stop. Unfortunately, that hysterical—yet sensible—part did not control her hormones, and it had been a very long time since any man had taken a sexual interest in her, let alone touched her.

“Why?” He nuzzled her neck while his hands guided her hips to his.

When he rubbed slowly back and forward against her like that, she had trouble focusing on all the reasons why this was wrong. Sure it was bad, but in that really good way.

“I’m positive there is something in the employee handbook about fraternization.”

“I wrote the handbook and I’m making an amendment.” Templeton spun her around and positioned her so her butt faced him.

There were probably many reasons why this was a truly bad idea, but for the life of her, she could not think of one. She lifted her feet without thinking to free her panties that he had pulled down to her ankles with lightning speed.
liked a man with fast hands.


” Was she actually doing this? Was one of her wildest fantasies going to become reality? Could she pass up the opportunity of sex with a hot man she planned never to see again?

“Yes, darlin’?” Templeton crooned softly in her ear as his hand caressed her bare butt.

“Ah, do you have a condom?”

There. The dye was cast. She knew she probably should have been saying ‘No, I’m a good girl and I don’t sleep around.’ But then, that was half the problem. She had not had sex in such a long time that her hormones were thinking for her, and they wanted—needed—the hard thrust of a cock.

“But of course,” Templeton murmured. He fumbled in his pocket and pulled one out. He wasted no time unzipping his trousers. His cock jumped out eagerly.

She turned around and looked at the man and his erection. Awe inspiring and all for her.


Templeton grinned at her reaction, then rolled the condom into place. “Do you want me darlin’?” He moved in close behind her and bent her forward, kissing her neck as he did.

His warm breath on her skin made her had spin. “Oh yes.”

sealed her fate, and her legs readily opened for him. His first thrust inside her body took her breath away. Her vagina welcomed the hot intrusion eagerly. She bit her lip as Templeton slid in and out a couple of times until he was finally where he wanted to be, then he stopped as if allowing them to savor the moment.

“Templeton,” she murmured, as ripples of heat ran through her body, making her hotter than she had been in a long time.

“Yes, darlin’?” he whispered, then leaned in to kiss the skin where her neck and shoulder met.

“Please fuck me senseless.”

If any other man had laughed at her in such pleased male arrogance she would have been pissed off, but this was not just any male who started to ram into her hard. This was a real man, and they were nearly impossible to find.

“Hold on.” Templeton pumped hard, back and forward within her as if he sensed that her need to be taken wildly was beyond her control.

grabbed the desk and tried not to shriek at the overwhelming sensations that shot through her body. Heat, fullness, and sheer masculine power were unbeatable. She was not surprised that the orgasm hit her with so much force, and so quickly. It had been a long time between fucks. Her knees started to shake, and she knew if she hadn’t been impaled on his penis, she would have fallen to the ground.

“Go on, scream,” Templeton teased, guessing her thoughts.

“No,” she choked out. Shudders of pleasure racked her body, and she held on as he rammed a few more times, then came.

“I can hardly wait for the wedding night.” Templeton turned her head, and kissed her.




Chapter Three



Templeton pulled out from
, and knew that this was one woman he wanted to spend a long time getting to know. That she denied wanting him, and then allowed him access so quickly, indicated that behind the seemingly cool persona lurked a woman of great sexual passion. He could hardly wait to share her with Speed.

He neatly smoothed down her skirt over her hips. He then reached down and pocketed her knickers as a souvenir. Soon she would not have the need to wear them at all. “Have you ever had two lovers at once?”

turned around and tried to look anywhere but at him or her disappearing panties.

He was amused. She had lost control and now she regretted it. Her face was pink and adorable. She was perfect for him and Speed.

“Would you like to?”

“N-no.” Her denial lacked any force.


“I’d like you to meet a friend of mine. I’ll come by your desk at knock off time. We can go out and have dinner together.”

shook her head quickly as she made for the exit. “I have plans.”

He followed her to the door. “With me.” He touched her shoulder lightly and felt the shiver that ran through her. “Don’t disappoint me, darlin’.”

BOOK: Male Me
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