Read Mary Had a Little Problem Online

Authors: Destiny Blaine

Tags: #Romance

Mary Had a Little Problem (13 page)

BOOK: Mary Had a Little Problem
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Luke sat in a nearby chair, watching them fuck, seeing them love one another in his presence. And he couldn’t imagine anything more sensual than watching the woman he cared for, truly loved, love another man she adored.

“That’s it, sugar,” Brock breathed, cupping her breast. “Work that sweet body for me, sub.”

Mary’s blonde hair swept over her shoulder, and she latched onto her bottom lip as she stared at Luke with lust-filled eyes. He went to her then and pinched the other nipple, his mouth opening when her lips parted.

Moistening his lips, he suckled her breast, watching as Brock continued to manipulate the other hard point. She was recently waxed, and he noticed.

Brock had casually mentioned he’d given her a weekend getaway to a day spa in the country prior to her arrival in the mountains. The trip rewarded them all. He’d never seen her so bare and exposed.

Kissing her chest, Luke dragged his tongue over the peak he’d licked, nudging Brock’s hand out of the way so he could kiss the other point. Then, he rose to his knees and attacked her lips, framing her face as he drove into her mouth, famished.

Their kiss heated his lips, burned his soul. As he held her head in his hands, she did the same, using him for leverage as Brock worked his cock in and out of her sweet body, the body he’d longed to possess again, swearing if he could make love to her one more time, he’d never wish for anything more.

Her mouth watered as he kissed her. Tears drifted down her cheeks. “You’ve missed me,” he crooned, breaking their connection. “You may be crazy about that lug inside you, but you’ve missed me.”

Brock grunted, and Luke looked over Mary’s shoulder. “Pardon me for asking, buddy. But don’t you think it’s only fair to share?”

Brock grinned. “Do you think you’re the only man who’s ever wanted to fuck my woman?”

“I guess I deserve that, huh?” Luke asked, dragging Mary away from Brock’s arms.

“Will you play nice?” Mary asked.

“Never, sub,” Luke replied, eyeing the table filled with goodies. “And I don’t know why, after all this time, you’d expect me to.”





Chapter Fourteen



There was a part of Brock that had needed to finish what they’d started and another part of him that longed to harness his lack of control. He and Luke had only briefly discussed expectations, and fortunately, Mary hadn’t tried to overanalyze their time together.

In many ways, Luke’s addition to their bed would be challenging, but on the other hand, he would also bring something to the picture Brock hadn’t expected. He certainly didn’t have a problem with waiting.

As a practiced Dom who’d lived in the lifestyle for a number of years, Brock had realized something early in his relationship with Mary. They were so compatible that he had zilch control around her.

When they were in bed together, Brock had tried to postpone fucking her, often teasing her beyond normal limitations, and still had found he’d been unable to practice what he’d preached. He’d often left her tied to the bed with a dildo in her pussy so he could walk away and test her without testing himself.

Luke reached for the silk scarves. “On your knees, sub.”

“Yes, sir,” she said, obedient, eager, and far too compliant, something Brock assumed she’d always been with Luke. She’d been relatively easy for Brock to train, then again, the program he had in place had never been too strenuous.

Luke waggled his brows behind her, and Brock shook his head. Without a doubt, Brock would have to take Mary to bed a lot without Luke. He was too fun-loving, and while there wasn’t anything wrong with having a great time in bed, Brock liked slow moving sex acts and enjoyed making love to the woman he adored. Luke probably didn’t believe in taking his time, and Brock couldn’t picture him using a slow hand whatsoever.

Once Mary rose to her knees, Luke barked another order, “Arms forward.”

Immediately, Mary extended her thin limbs with her fists balled and pressed together. Luke tied her hands using two strips of material, binding them together before tying the sash to one of the bedposts. The new position he forced Mary to take made Brock as hard as steel.

With a natural curve to her waist, Mary leaned off to the left. “Are you uncomfortable, sub?” Luke asked.

“Yes, sir.”

“Good,” he said, making Brock jerk to attention.

Luke picked up a paddle and took to task a planned spanking. He set aside the wooden accessory and grabbed a jar of salve, unscrewing the brass lid and taking a sudden deep breath. “I have dreamed about this.”

“I’m sure you have,” Mary said, twisting her hips.

Brock watched quietly as two old lovers, husband and wife, reconnected, and while he felt his heartstrings tug a little tighter, he wasn’t sure he’d define the distorted emotions as envy.

Mary locked eyes with him then, and as if she’d read his mind, she mouthed the words, “I love you.”

“Quiet, sub,” Luke said, staring at her mouth after she’d extended the sentiment.

“Brock, do you have that treat in the freezer?” Luke asked, bringing Brock out of his lightheaded state. He walked the short distance to the kitchenette and had just started to remove the bowl of prepared ginger fingers when a loud swat resounded in the room.

“More, sir!” Mary screamed, acting as if she were already trained for such a spanking.

Brock wheeled around in time to see Luke’s arm wielded behind him. The swift way he brought his swing through made Brock’s heartbeat quit, but right before Luke spanked her again, he slowed the pivot and stopped what might have been a major blow to Mary’s pretty red cheeks.

“Mary? What do you say?”

“Thank you, sir!” she exclaimed, exasperation thick in her voice.

Brock approached the bed and placed the ginger next to Luke’s knee. He already had several toys scattered across the coverlet—nipple clamps, a ball gag, two different paddles, a vibrator, and a blindfold.

“Have you been a bad girl, Mary?”

“Yes, sir,” she replied, her eyes watering as she watched Brock.

“Tell me,” Luke said, rubbing his cock over her hip.

Brock knew his limitations. If he’d been married to Mary and missing from her life for as long as Luke had, that act alone would’ve been his undoing. Instead, Luke continued to press the head of his cock against her smooth flesh, running his hands down her globes, and occasionally spreading her so he could view the tiny tight entrance.

“Tell him how naughty you’ve been, sub,” Brock encouraged her, twisting her nipple as he spoke. She yelped, and he winked. “Hand me those clamps, Luke.”

The claw-like contraptions were tossed over her shoulder. Suckling one nipple, he lapped at the hard point until her nipple extended enough to securely tighten the attachment. Then, he pressed the rope-style chain against her flesh, leaving the slack between her swollen mounds. He squeezed the other nipple, watching her eyes until the heavy signs of arousal weighted her lids. Clamping the erect point, he dipped his tongue between her breasts and licked at her fullness, pulling the gold chain until she moaned.

“Sir, it hurts,” she complained.

Luke spanked her then. He gripped the paddle in his hand until his knuckles were white. “No bitching, sub! We’ve discussed this.”

Mary cried then. “Yes, but it’s been a long time!”

Brock toyed with the other paddle, debating on whether or not he wanted to spank her as well. Instead, he put together the erotic headgear, stretching the leather apart as he secured the ball he planned to stuff in their sub’s mouth.

Brock had never been one for gagging his lovers. Still, in this case, he might agree with what Luke had earlier explained. They didn’t need to hear Mary talk about the past, the history she shared with either one of them.

They were using this time to start over, to begin a new future together. And the only way to do that appropriately would be to ensure Mary was quiet until the time was right.

“Do it,” Luke said, waving his hand in front of the contraption. Mary’s eyes widened when he stood next to the bed.

“You know everything we do is for you, right Mary?”

“Yes, sir,” she said.

Luke spanked her again.

“Oh God, if you don’t stop!” she screamed.

“That’s right, sub,” Luke said. “Threaten your sir and see what happens.” He nodded. Brock complied, deciding as soon as he fitted the gear over Mary’s head that he really liked the way the ball stretched her lips.

There was something sexy and sensual about the way she accepted the ball. His cock throbbed as she mumbled behind the gag, her eyes following his every move. He yanked the nipple chain, and her back bowed. Luke issued one more smack then tossed the paddle aside, reaching for the oily substance he massaged into her chaffed skin.

“Now, baby,” Luke crooned, “I have a special treat for you.”





Chapter Fifteen



As soon as Luke mentioned a treat, she knew what he held in store. Sometimes, she’d missed this. Even though Brock was a tremendous lover and a great fuck, she’d yearned for the dark and more sensual side of lovemaking, the kind of fucking that was uninhibited and erotic one minute then sweet and tender the next.

She’d missed the raw screwing, the brash voice of a dominant male ready for his lover’s full submission. She’d missed Luke.

Brock’s eyes held a lot of questions as he fitted the blindfold over her eyes. If she hadn’t had a gag in her mouth, she would’ve told him that this was typical. This was the way she and Luke loved one another. Luke didn’t mess around. He was a Dom through and through.

As Brock disappeared out of sight, she adjusted her sight to the dim shadows. The dark lavender blindfold prohibited her from seeing what was going on, but that’s what she loved most. She was able to get in touch with her other senses.

A zinging sound filled the small cabin. Brock hissed, “This is what you’ll enjoy.”


Brock slid under her body and tapped her pussy with the end of the vibrator, rubbing the tip over her clit as he licked her folds. Her taste was remarkable, her arousal hot and rich. Thrusting his tongue inside her, he brought her to the brink as she moaned aloud, grinding against his face and chin, using her knees in an attempt to secure his head between her legs.

Then, he slapped her bare pussy with the vibrator and inserted the end deep inside her channel. “There, baby. Enjoy.”

And he didn’t have to ask her twice.

Brock stood beside Luke as they watched her stagger back and forth, swaying from one knee to the other as she used what leverage she could gain to stabilize the toy locked inside her pussy. “That’s beautiful,” Luke said, cupping his balls. “Good God, I could come watching her.”

“If you don’t mind, aim that way,” Brock teased.

“I have more self control than that,” Luke told him.

Brock didn’t know how that was possible. He’d been away from Mary for several months, and all he wanted to do was slip inside her folds and stay there.

Her hips rocked forward, and her body began to gyrate, shimmying one way and then the next. Brock smacked her ass. “Not yet, sub.”

Luke nodded. “How about that? You can step up and make demands.”

Beads of sweat poured from Mary’s brow as she fought the need to orgasm, swayed right and left, her body becoming an instrument of pleasure. “Don’t come, sub,” Luke warned her.

Another few seconds passed, and her body didn’t undulate. If she’d climaxed, she’d done so silently and without mumbling behind the ball gag.

Inserting the tip of an unscented lubricant into her ass, Luke prepared her for another invasion. He ran his fingers down the crack of her ass and smiled when her bottom flared in acceptance.

“You know what I like, don’t you sub?”

Silence. The room was too quiet. Luke walked to the head of the bed and removed the gag. “What do you like, sub?”

“I need a drink of water.”

“Soon,” he promised, lowering his mouth to hers.

Brock strolled across the room. He retrieved a bottle of water and took it to her, helping her take a sip as he removed the blindfold.

“You’re too easy, man,” Luke complained.

“She’s easy to please,” Brock said, eyeing his beautiful woman.

When he saw the large ginger fingers Luke held up for his viewing, Brock knew then, there was one kiss he didn’t want to miss. He cupped Mary’s nape and thrust his tongue inside her mouth, drawing her complete attention and focus to him.

That is, until Luke impaled her with the ginger root and her mouth fell open. A most incredible sigh filled the room as she took what he imagined was the orgasm she’d barely kept at bay, riding out the first climax of the morning and begging, like a sub often will, to touch and feel the men responsible for bringing about her exquisite pleasure.

BOOK: Mary Had a Little Problem
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