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Authors: Lacey Alexander

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Master of Desire (8 page)

BOOK: Master of Desire
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Again, Shaena sighed. “You have  to understand, Granick was cruel to
. Ralen was taught that any sort of misbehavior must  be dealt with harshly, that the offender must be punished in such a way that they  will never commit the offense again. His father once beat him nearly to  death for telling a  silly lie when we were children, forsaying he had done a chore he  had not. And indeed, after Granick’s beating, Ralen never lied again. His father dealt with misbehaving servants with  the same severity.”

Charelton was beginning to sound like a terrible place, and Teesia suspected her eyes shone wide with the horror of it. “Why did you stay, Shaena? Why did you continue to work for Granick when you reached adulthood?”

The maid shrugged. “Where else would I go? I know no other place. And I wished to stay with my parents, as I am their only child. They are retired now, living in acottage in the village near the fort, and  they enjoy having me near. And besides,  Granick was growing sickly years ago. No  one outside the fortress realized it, even some
probably did not know—it was kept a secret. But I knew he would die soonenough and then Ralen would be in power.”

“And Ralen is so much better to serve?”

“He is more civil to all. You have seen already how happy his people are. And  frankly, Granick rained so much wrath on his staff that, since his death over two years ago, no one has gotten out of line.” Now even  Shaena looked doubtful, though. “I had


Master of Desire

thought—hoped—that Ralen would not rule  with such severity, and maybe he won’t,  but if his reaction to your indiscretion is  any indication—well, I might be wrong about  that.”

“You know  him well. Do you have any advice for me?” It seemed smart  to learn

anything she could from her new maid—she  was thankful Shaena was so forthcoming

and seemed to wish her well.

“From this point forward,” the maid said, “I would strive to be as obedient as you can. Even if that obedience is not in your  heart, act as though it is. Try to please him  until he softens to you.”

She nodded. “Anything else?”

“As for sex— well, I cannot say, since I don’t know exactly what he has in store for  you, but…try not to fear, Teesia. Try to be open-minded.” Bella’s similar advice came to  mind as Shaena leaned slightly forward, bringing their faces close. “It may not be so horrible as he intends for it to be, if you know what I mean.”

“No, I don’t know what you mean,” Teesia  admitted on a sigh of frustration. Here Ralen thought she knew so much about  sex,  but clearly she remained completely  ignorant about it.

Shaena smiled. “I won’t lie to you, Teesia—I have been in Ralen’s bed before. And things I once thought distasteful are now pleasing  to  me  because  of  what  he  taught  me there.”

A short shock of jealousy struck,  however  insane, followed by more confusion. “Do you still…you and he?” In Caralon, it was within a  man’s rights,  even a married one, to fuck whomever he wished.

“Not for a while now,” Shaena said with  a reassuring smile. “Except for Banya,  Ralen has not been a man to confine himself  to one woman, ever. But I know he intends to be faithful within his marriage, so now it would seem that you alone  shall reap the pleasures he can impart.”

Teesia shivered. “Pleasures? Or tortures?”

The maid cast a knowing smile. “I can only  say that perhaps you will find being his

slave is not such an unsavory thing.”


Lacey Alexander

Chapter Three

Ralen stood, dressed in black, watching as his bride approached. The sun set over the hills behind her, the shock of late daylight making her seem to  glow as she crossedthe sand toward him in  bare feet.  The red  silk wedding gown he’d chosen for her clung deliciously to her curves, reminding him of a  frock of sea green that had fit her just as well. Wanton she may be, but she was undeniably comely, making his cock perk to attention within his leather pants even now.  Her raven hair still fell in a  long braiddown her back, a gold cord wound about it  to match the thicker sash that bound herfrom just below her breasts to the flare of her hips.

, he thought. Did the sash make her feel bound? Did it hold  her as tightly, mold to her flesh as warmly as he liked to  think? Did it somehow give her even theslightest arousal? He narrowed his gaze on her.
You’d best hope  so,  vixen, for there’s much more of that  to  come.

Part of him wished things were different —that he’d  never recognized her, that some other foolish man had fallen prey to her seductive charms in the hallway, so that he’d never know what a wanton little royal she was. Had he never met her beforeyesterday, he’d be very pleased with the thought of spending the  rest of his life with  Enrick’s middle daughter.

And despite her transgressions, a girl  so pretty would make any man’s bed awarmer place. Once her punishment was over, she would warm his nicely, too. Once hefelt certain she would never stray from him.

“You selected a lovely spot for our marriage rites,” she said, smiling up at him as if they were a happy couple in love. “As a child of Myrtell, I love the ocean.”

He replied dryly, making sure not to look  into her crystal blue eyes. “Chosen before  I knew who you were, I assure you.”

The priest behind him  let out a sigh  of dismay, but Ralen ignored him.

The ceremony was the drudgery he’d expected, although thankfully short. When the priest asked Teesia  if she had a gift for  her groom,  she held out the bit of  cloth he’dnoticed in  her hand,  fluttering in  the sea breeze. Surprised she had anything—given that she’d had only a day’s warning before leaving home—he took it from her, smoothing  it in his hands.
To my husband. Yours forever, Teesia
.  The words were embroidered in thread  dyed indigo, the edges of the cloth embellished with flowers ofyellow, red and fuchsia. He was surprised to find his heart softened—only slightly—by the feminine offering.

“For you to carry with you when you must leave home, or if you are called to battle,” she explained. “A remembrance. A token of my affection.”


Master of Desire

He  didn’t  plan  to  meet  her sparkling eyes, but once he  found her staring up at him so earnestly, he was trapped within her gaze—just for a brief moment before stuffing the cloth into his waistband and turning back to the priest.

“Have you a gift for  your bride?” the older man asked, the breeze ruffling what remained of his grayed hair.

In response, Ralen reached down to a small leather bag next to him on the  sand, extracting the extravagant jewelry he’d  commissioned. Before he’d known he was wedding a  woman in need of training  and  punishment, he’d intended the gifts to beseen as merely that—jewelry—figuring he’d reveal their real use sometime later in the marriage when he  felt his new wife was ready  for a taste of his darker appetites. Teesia, however, would discover the true purpose of the gift

“Your wrists,” he said, indicating that she should hold them out. He locked first onethick, bejeweled bracelet around her arm, then the other.

She gasped. “They’re exquisite, Ralen.”

“Indeed,” he murmured tightly.  But he did like the look of  them on her, feeling they made her
in a way mere words spoken by  a man of Ares could  not. “There’s more,” he said, then stooped to clasp the matching  ankle cuffs just  above her feet. Valuablestones of red, green, blue and gold glittered beneath the rays of the setting sun.

He almost felt sorry for the naïve little wanton  as they left the beach to return to thefort. She was smiling, happy, thinking somehow  that his expensive gifts spelled love, orforgiveness. But soon enough she would understand that nothing had been forgiven, that her indiscretion could only be  forgotten through punishment, learning to obey.

The feast was grand, every person in Charelton there to celebrate his marriage.

Ralen  made  an  effort  to  smile  through  it  all,  to  pretend  he  was  as  happy  as  he’d  hopedto be on this night. No one knew his stomach churned with a fear of betrayal—a betrayal that might take place if he didn’t quickly get his vixen bride in line.

How many men have touched you already, my little wanton?
He cast her a sideways glance as they dined on every manner of beast and fowl, fruit and sweets—thenswallowed back his disappointment along with  a swig of dark wine, deciding it was  of no matter. Soon enough she would know only him.
Only him.
Nothing else would exist in her world.

As usual for a wedding of such circumstance, the region’s residents had turned out in their most revealing garments of fur and  leather, awaiting the Rituals of Passion they thought were to come. He caught Laene’s eye, where he stood flirting with a girl who wore only two strategically placed strips of thick brown leather, and waved him over.

“We are dispensing with the Rituals of Passion this evening,” he said when  Laene arrived.

His servant and friend of ten years blinked his shock. “What did you just say?”

“You heard me. There will be no Rituals of Passion following the feast.”


Lacey Alexander

Laene gave his messy blond mane a short shake, his eyes narrowing in confusion.  “Then how  shall she be  made ready, Ralen?  She is more than just  a virgin, you recall—she’s a
virgin. You know full well how clueless such girls are kept.”

Ralen shook his head and spoke with low confidence. “Not
girl. She knowsmore than she’s supposed to, trust me on this. She’s ready enough for what I have instore. So carry forth with whatever entertainment was planned and if that does not please the crowd enough, find some willing  females who might engage in a seductive dance for them. They expected Rituals of Passion, give them at least
passion,whatever you can devise to excite them.”

Laene still persisted in questioning him. “It’s unheard of to forsake such tradition, Ralen.”

Ralen’s reply came in a matter-of-fact tone.  “My bride does not need the rituals, myfriend. She  needs to be punished. No rituals  necessary for that— I  can handle  it on  my


* * * * *

Teesia flinched as Ralen’s hand latched tight onto hers,  his large fingers squeezing her smaller ones. “Let us go, bride.” His piercing look, along with his sharp delivery of the words, stunned her. Who
this man? He’d seemed so content during dinner—happy  even— but  now,  in  the  time  it  took  to  blink,  he’d  turned  cold  and  harsh  once


As he pulled her up from her seat, her emotions swung from pleasant to fearful—again. The dress he’d commissioned for  her was lovely, as were the extravagant wedding jewels that adorned her, yet his fluctuating moods made it impossible to knowif he had perhaps started to forgive her—or if he simply hated her.

As he practically dragged her toward the great hall’s exit, she realized the crowd looked stunned to see them departing so  soon. “Where are we going?” she asked. The large wooden doors  fell shut behind them, leaving her alone  with him  in a widehallway—much like the one where they’d first met.  Even now, she shivered at the memory, her pussy tingling.

“To begin your training,” he said, never slowing their stride.

Her chest went hollow. “
training,” she said to clarify.

“Yes, vixen.” He didn’t  bother looking at her.

“But what about the Maran tiles?” she asked as he pulled her up a wide stone staircase. “Is it not time for me to play  the Maran tiles?” Perhaps that explained the  crowd’s dismay.

He drew to a rough halt on the  steps, turning to glare down at her. “You seem  awfully eager about that. Most royal girls fear it, from what I’m told. Perhaps, like  everything else, you know more about it than  you should.”

She cowered, feeling tiny beneath his accusing gaze. “No.”


Master of Desire

A humorless laugh echoed through the fort  around her. “Well, no Rituals of Passion for you, wanton.”

She swallowed as they proceeded up the stairs. “Rituals…of Passion?”

Only once  they reached the top did he pause long enough to turn his dark, narrowed eyes on her again. “I’m sure you’ve  heard of the pleasures to be had after the Maran game.”

She could barely breathe. “Only…that, yes, there

“And you’d like that, wouldn’t you, naughty Teesia?” His expression hovered somewhere between aroused and threatening— then tipped entirely  toward the latter.  “Well, too bad, I’m afraid. For I have a whole different sort of training in mind for you.”

* * * * *

Teesia held her breath as Ralen led her into a  large room filled with…Ares, so many exotic, erotic things that she could barely absorb it all!

BOOK: Master of Desire
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