Mating Rituals [Impulse 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (7 page)

BOOK: Mating Rituals [Impulse 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Kane slid sideways beneath her and applied his tongue and teeth to her nipples, his fingers gouging quite violently at the flesh of her breasts. She’d never been bitten before, or treated quite so harshly, but she found it a huge turn-on. Tyrone nudged her legs apart and his fingers touched her sodden pussy from behind. Hell, that wasn’t his fingers, it was his lips. One of his hands massaged the globes of her ass as he ate her pussy. Aisha cried out, burning with a desire she could no longer suppress. Neither man responded but instead increased the intensity of their actions. Now Tyrone was rimming her ass with something—it felt sharp, like a claw—it felt divine.

“You like anal sex, darlin’?” he asked.

“I like what you’re doing to me.”

Tyrone chuckled. “Right answer.”

His head disappeared between her legs again and he continued to feast on her clit. It felt awesome but wasn’t what she really needed. How much longer would it be before one of them penetrated her with his huge cock? She desperately wanted to get to the main act but at the same time wanted to delay the moment when her cunt would be stretched to its limit by a thick, throbbing prick designed to rock her world.

Just as well she was willing to wait, because they were clearly in no hurry, and, recalling what Kane said about their being in charge, she didn’t dare to hurry them along. Still, she reckoned she was entitled to feel a bit miffed. It was all very well for them. They’d both just come, but a girl had her needs and they were being sorely neglected. Well, not neglected exactly, she conceded as several of Tyrone’s fingers disappeared inside her cunt and Kane bit down hard on one solid nipple. Still, there was such a thing as too much foreplay.

Quite without warning, Aisha’s body was consumed by a violent electric charge, as deep and sensual as it was unexpected. Rick had never been big on preparation. He tended to go straight for it, mindless of her state of readiness, and she must have gotten used to
wham, bam, thank you, ma’am
without being aware of it
How come she hadn’t ever told him what really turned her on? How come he hadn’t asked, the selfish rat?

Her orgasm intensified, wiping all thoughts of her ex and his limitations from Aisha’s mind. She cried out, convulsed, and fractured, pushing herself against Tyrone’s fingers and lips.

“Oh hell, I’m coming. Don’t stop.”

Kane chuckled. “We kinda got that part.”

Someone slapped her backside hard. It drove her completely over the edge and she screamed as she rode the crest of an orgasm that pitched and swirled through her bloodstream, so intense that it was almost unbearable. The slapping became harder, Kane’s teeth bit down with more intensity, and her orgasm took on a second lease on life. She’d never been one to remain quiet and passive during sex and now didn’t seem like the right time to start.

“Keep fucking me, boys. It’s incredible. Don’t you dare let up!”

She screamed the words at the top of her lungs, urging them on, completely uninhibited, convinced that one of them would now penetrate her. Yes! At last she could feel the tip of Tyrone’s huge cock rubbing against the crack in her ass. Kane had abandoned her tits and was playing with himself instead, pumping his erection through his thumb and forefinger, its angry head brushing against her breasts each time he pulled back his foreskin.

She wanted to tell him not to waste it, but the words stuck in her throat as the two guys kept up a litany of cursing and heavy breathing, clearly both about to ejaculate. Their excitement communicated itself and Aisha felt herself on the verge of a third orgasm. Tyrone slapped her butt as an endless stream of hot sperm showered over it. At the precise same time Kane ejaculated, grabbing one of her tits as he did so and holding it in the direct line of fire.

“Shit,” she said, dropping her head and sucking the last of Kane’s cum into her mouth. “I’m not done yet.”

The guys laughed, calling her a greedy witch as Tyrone rubbed his sperm all over her butt with swirling sweeps of his large hands. Erotic didn’t begin to describe the feeling as carnal sensations assaulted her from all angles, her breathing fractured, and she gave herself over to yet more exquisite shards of intense awareness she’d ever experienced. They kept at her with their amazing tongues, their magical fingers, their teeth—everything except their gorgeous cocks—until it felt as though her body had liquefied and she didn’t have a single bone left in it.

She flopped down onto one side, laughing, crying, totally gratified. Someone wiped her clean and a pair of strong arms then lifted her between crisp cotton sheets. With a warm masculine body on either side of her, she fell into a satiated sleep the moment her head hit the pillow.

Chapter Six


Kane was woken by the early morning sun creeping between a gap in the drapes, warming one side of his face. It was going to be another hot and humid Florida day—big surprise. It wasn’t the weather that had woken him but the absence of Aisha. He sensed that she was no longer there even before he turned to the empty space where she ought to have been, all curvaceous, warm, and sleepy, ready to be woken by his tongue, his hands, his…
hell, don’t think that way!

The pillows showed an indentation where her head had been. Her scent lingered and a couple of long strands of red hair clung to the bedding, but of the lady herself, there was no sign.

“Where is she?” he asked, aware of Tyrone stirring.

“Morning, lover.” Tyrone sat up, stretched, and cocked his head to one side. “I can hear her shower running.”

“Yeah, me, too.” Kane relaxed. “Just for a minute I thought we’d spooked her into running out on us.”

“I don’t think she’d do that. She’s probably just embarrassed about what we did to her, especially since she enjoyed it so much. I’m betting she hasn’t been with two men at the same time before.”

Kane let out a deep hiss. “She better not have.”

Tyrone shook his head. “Getting ahead of ourselves, aren’t we?”

“I can’t help feeling possessive, even though we’re not in a position to actually possess her.”

“And might never be. I told you we should have shut the door.”

“Yeah well, in spite of everything, I can’t regret what went down. She’s the most amazing woman—everything I always hoped our mate would be, and more—receptive, sexy as hell, and not afraid to express herself. She gets in the zone, and goes right after what she wants.”

“That’s certainly true.” Tyrone chuckled. “Thinking about some of the noises she made when she came kept me awake half the night.”

“I hear you, man. I couldn’t have stopped myself from playing with her if the future of Impulse had depended on it.” Kane indulged in a lazy feline stretch and expelled a deep sigh. “How I resisted sinking my cock into her slick pussy I’ll never know.”

“Yeah, she’s a little treasure.”

“We ought to get up. She’ll have questions.”

“How much are we gonna tell her?”

Kane shrugged. “We’d better play it by ear. String her along until we know more about my situation. Mikael ought to have the results of that blood work this morning.”

“Yeah, and Vadim would have checked Aisha out, just to make sure she is who she said she is. I sent him a pheromone like you asked me to.”

“I don’t have any doubts that she’s genuine, but still, we can’t afford to take chances.”

“Aisha turning up has concentrated my mind.” Tyrone’s expression was fiercely determined. “About Maria, I mean.”

“She’s not the first shifter to have had an identity crisis. Lay down the law and she might come to her senses.”

“Things between us were never that straightforward and never will be. We’re different people now and we’d tear one another apart if she came back. No, our relationship is done. It’s just the kids I want.”

“You think she’d let them come back if you and I weren’t an item?” Kane knew how much his buddy loved and missed his kids. The two of them had hooked up after she’d walked out, and Maria now claimed their relationship was the reason why she wouldn’t let the kids come back. Kane couldn’t live with himself if he was the cause of their continued separation. “You know I’ll step aside rather than keep you from having your kids back.”

“That ain’t gonna happen,” Tyrone said assertively. “Maria and I never should have mated, and that’s all there is to it. But shit happens, so it’s better to acknowledge the mistake and move on.”

“She still loves you?”

“You don’t blackmail the people you love.” Tyrone slapped Kane’s shoulder. “Come on, buddy, I’ll scrub your back in the shower.”

All four of Tyrone’s limbs elevated at the same time as he leapt from the bed with an athletic grace that never failed to compel Kane. He followed his lover into the bathroom, aware that it was more than just his back that was about to receive Tyrone’s attention.

They took their prolonged shower and reached the main room just as Aisha emerged from her bedroom. She looked fresh and rested and was dressed in jeans and a sleeveless top, her hair still damp from the shower.

“Hey,” Kane said, stepping in for a kiss. “You cut and ran this morning. That wasn’t nice.”

Heat invaded her face. “I was awake early and didn’t want to disturb you both.”

“Is that all it was?” Tyrone asked, taking his turn to grab a kiss.

“Sure, what else?”

She shrugged, a little too casually, and it was clear that embarrassment had indeed been the reason for her swift exodus from their bed. When she caught them fucking each other, it was impossible to explain why it was necessary, so distracting her seemed like the logical step. It would be even harder to explain away the oddities she was bound to notice in Impulse if she hung around for long. Not that there was any question of her leaving. Kane was damned if he’d let her go, having waited so long to find her. No, they’d back off and give her time to get used to the way things were while they sorted out their problems.


“Hungry?” Tyrone asked.

“I don’t usually eat much breakfast.”

“Aw, honey, you need to have something.”

Kane smiled into her remarkable eyes and felt his insides lurch with renewed desire. How the fuck was he supposed to keep his hands off her if she continued living here in the apartment right alongside them? He told himself to get a grip. This was too important for him to screw it up by being impatient. One step, one day, at a time. That was how these things were done, wasn’t it?

“I don’t see why.”

“That’s because you’ve never had one of Tyrone’s pancakes. They’re to die for.”

“Well…all right. I guess I could manage just one.”

“Atagirl!” Tyrone blew her a kiss and headed for the kitchen area, which was divided from the main part of the room by a curved counter. “Coming right up.”

Kane poured freshly squeezed juice for them all and sat at the counter with Aisha, watching Tyrone grind beans and set the coffee machine working.

“These records you have of Impulse’s weather patterns,” Aisha said, her tone all business. “Presumably they’re computerized. I was thinking that I’m in the way here, invading your space and privacy. I’d be better off checking into a hotel and working through them there.”

“She hates us,”
Tyrone pheromoned.

“She’s embarrassed after what she saw us doing to each other. She’s not as worldly wise as she likes to make out.”

“Sorry, darlin’,” Kane said, “but all the records we have are stored here, either in paper form or on microfiche. We haven’t gotten around to putting many of them on the computer yet. You’ll understand why when you see them. They go back years, aren’t in any sort of order, and we never allow them to leave the building.”


“We don’t usually let anyone look at them, either,” Tyrone added, turning back from the stove to look directly at her.

“Then thank you for trusting me. I’ll get started right after breakfast.”

“What are you hoping to find?” Tyrone asked.

“I won’t know that until I find it.” She obviously caught the glance the two men exchanged because she sat a little straighter and looked annoyed. The gesture pushed her chest out and Kane could have done without such a graphic reminder of her gorgeous tits. He was trying very hard to be on his best behavior and not think about them. She wasn’t making it easy for him. “You think I’m wasting my time, don’t you? You’re convinced there’s nothing for me to find.”

“We’d be lying if we encouraged you to imagine that there is,” Tyrone said, efficiently plating up pancakes dripping with maple syrup and placing the first lot in front of Aisha. “We’ve read through most of those records, but some of them go back almost a hundred years.”

“That long?” She looked momentarily defeated.

“Don’t frighten her off,”
Kane pheromoned.

“Yeah, we could well have missed something important.”

“Oh wow!” Aisha took a bite of pancake, closed her eyes, and sighed. “That’s divine.”

“Told you,” Kane said, tucking into his own. “The problem most researchers have is that theory—and they all have their theories as to why we’ve got this special climate—has to be backed up with hard physical evidence. And to carry out seismic surveys, or whatever it is you meteorologists do, they need to be exposed to our natural elements, which means—”

BOOK: Mating Rituals [Impulse 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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