Mikayla [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (11 page)

BOOK: Mikayla [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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She wasn’t certain she liked his tone. He sounded odd. “It’s just an overzealous potential buyer of a place on the outskirts of the canal in the business district. The woman who owns the place is a new client of mine.”

“You don’t know who he is?” he questioned.

“Actually, no, I don’t know who he is, but I will in about ten minutes. Tell Antoine I will meet him at my office. I have a feeling that this is going to take a little time.”

“Text me to let me know you’re okay.”

“Are you worried about me after only two dates?” she teased and couldn’t help but feel flattered and also unsure how to react to this. Justin was never overprotective. In fact he always seemed to want alone time. It took her a bit of time to figure out why. Maybe Pierre’s protectiveness and Michael’s and Antoine’s were normal?

“I don’t like you out of my sight. A beautiful, sexy young woman like you should always be with one of her men.”

“Stop it, Pierre, you’re being crazy.”

“You’re wet, aren’t you, sugar?” he teased, shocking her speechless.

“I…I better go.”

“When it’s starting to get real interesting? I can’t wait to see you again. Maybe you and Antoine could have your date and come back to our place so we can have you for dessert.”

Oh Lord!

“After only the second date with three of you. That doesn’t seem appropriate.” She forced herself to remain calm and not moan with excitement. She wanted them. It was just the way it was.

“I have to go. I’ll text Antoine later.”

“You text me and let me know everything is all right. We’ll have to talk about this whole ‘meeting clients you don’t know’ thing later.”

“Bye, Pierre,” she replied, sounding annoyed, but truthfully she was touched that he cared and was acting so protective.

As she made her way down the side street, she should have told him the guy’s name. Then at least he wouldn’t have been worried.

Mikayla saw the very expensive white Porsche Panamera parked outside of Aubert’s Realty storefront. She loved her little building and the bright flowers cascading down the planters from the second floor to the lower level. They got so many compliments on the homey feeling and extra touches she had added to the front of the place. She didn’t want it to look stuffy and all business.

She swallowed hard as she pulled into the side parking lot, driving her very conservative Ford Taurus. That car had to belong to Mr. Lukon.

As she exited her vehicle, carrying her attaché case with all the papers and information she needed, Mikayla made her way to the front of the building. As soon as she turned the corner and approached, a man she recognized immediately came into view. Maybe it was better that Pierre didn’t know whom she was meeting.


* * * *


He eyed her from head to toe and could see she was young and sophisticated. Pierre Bently had his eye on her. He could tell back at the house at Burrens Place last week. Well today, the little beauty was all his. He would get to know her and perhaps take her out to lunch and to bed by this evening. He straightened out his tie then winked at her. She immediately recognized him from the other day. That was a good sign that she had noticed his good looks and that he came from money.

“Good morning, Miss Aubert. I truly appreciate you meeting me at this early hour.” He reached his hand out for her to shake it. He touched her hand, and it felt delicate and feminine, yet she gave a strong handshake.

“Mr. Lukon, weren’t you at the home on Burrens Place with Shelly Merchot? If she’s your agent, then I won’t be able to take you on as a client. You should really call her first.”

“Oh no. No, she is not my agent. I didn’t sign any papers with her or anything of the sort. I had been interested in the property there and called her since she was the listing agent. Anyway, I missed that opportunity, but I hope not to miss this one. Shall I drive?” He motioned with his hand toward his Porsche. It was an impressive vehicle, but Miss Aubert didn’t look too keen on getting in.

“I believe Mrs. Mertile is waiting on us,” he pushed as he glanced at his watch.

“Okay. Then you can drop me back off here afterward. I have another appointment at noon.”

He was surprised and also a bit disappointed, but then he wondered if the appointment was with Pierre Bently. As sophisticated and lovely as she appeared, she was surely interested in the notorious, prominent owner of Bently Corporation.

He opened the door and let her slide in, giving him a chance to see her long, toned, and tanned, sexy legs. The woman was a beauty. He closed the door and hurried around to the other side to get in before she changed her mind.

“This is a gorgeous car, Mr. Lukon.”

“Please call me Vincent, and thank you.” He pulled out onto the main streets and headed toward their destination.

“So how long have you known Mr. Bently?” he asked cautiously as he focused on the road in front of him and tried not to lose himself in her beautiful scent. She was indeed one sexy piece of ass he was more than willing to fuck and especially if it pissed off Pierre. That fucker screwed him out of a great deal. He could have bought Burrens Place and turned it into a small hotel. Then he would have taken over the rest of the neighborhood.

“Oh, I’ve only known him for a week. He was sold on Burrens Place immediately,” she responded then cleared her throat and began to fidget with her cell phone. He didn’t want her focusing on anyone or anything but him.

“Expecting a call?” he asked then winked at her. She shyly turned toward the side window, and he was triumphant in getting her to stay focused on him. He began to ask her questions about the place on Decantur.


* * * *


Mikayla wasn’t sure what to do or what exactly was going on here. She knew nothing about Pierre’s business and only that this man, Lukon, looked pissed when she and Pierre left Burrens Place. It was obvious that he wanted it, too. But now that he’d scheduled an appointment with her specifically, she wondered if he were up to something. But why? Why go to such extents? Maybe she was reading into this. Pierre had her on edge with his jealous comment earlier, too. Her anxiety was probably from that. She was the listing agent for this establishment. He had to call her.

She opted not to text Pierre or Antoine just yet. She was focusing on answering Vincent’s questions about the location, and it lasted all the way until they arrived at the Decantur Street.

“I’ll get your door,” he told her before he turned off the ignition and walked around to her side.

He offered his hand to help her get out, and when she stood, he towered over her and pressed a hand around her waist. He invaded her space, and his facial expression spoke volumes. She wasn’t born yesterday. She needed to be on guard. This guy gave her the creeps.

Mrs. Mertile greeted them before they even reached the front steps.

“It is so nice to see you again, Mr. Lukon, and of course, Mikayla. Thank you for setting this up so early.”

“No problem, Mrs. Mertile. Are you ready for us to walk through?”

“Yes, of course, please take your time. I also made some sweet tea if you’re interested.”

Mikayla thanked the older woman. It was obvious that she paid attention to Mikayla’s suggestions of what to do when potential buyers came looking at the home. It was older and needed some work but had potential as many things, including a restaurant, bar, office, or other business.

They walked through the narrow doorway that led to the living room, and she felt Vincent’s hand at her back. She turned toward him, and he smiled wide. Was it her or was he purposely taking every opportunity to touch her?

Mikayla took the time to explain about the home and some restorations that needed to be made. He in return nodded his head and added small comments. A few times she turned to see his expression on things she described. She found him staring at her. It was an odd expression and made her feel like prey. She hurried through the rest of the home and then the outside property, which thankfully was a lot smaller, compared to Burrens Place.

They thanked Mrs. Mertile for her time, and when they reached his car, he paused in front of her. He kept his fingers under his chin and his other arm supporting that arm as if he was deciding something.

“I’m not a hundred percent sold on the place. I saw that you have two others a few houses apart about two blocks over. Could we get into those today to see?” he asked, and again she had that bad gut feeling. What was it that Illeanna said Marie Cherise wanted to talk to her about? She was surprised that the crazy voodoo woman popped into her head at this exact moment, but it meant something. Marie was knowledgeable. She remembered something about those coming forth as if to bring her greater financial success but to not trust them. She didn’t think Marie meant Pierre but perhaps this guy Lukon.

Her phone buzzed for the third time. It was Pierre wanting to see if she was okay and worried that they hadn’t heard from her.

She texted back quickly.

She told him that she was fine and that she was still with the client. She added that she might be later than she thought and to tell Antoine.

Immediately Pierre texted back.

Who is the client?

Something told her that Pierre was not going to be happy about this situation. Maybe the clients wouldn’t be available and she could suggest meeting at another time?

She pulled the phone numbers of the other two clients from her files she brought and called them. Luckily for her they were not available.

“I’m so sorry, Vincent, apparently neither homeowner is available right now. We’ll have to schedule something for another day.” She began to gather her files and place them back into the case.

“Well, I brought you out here very early, the least I can do is buy you lunch. It’s nearly twelve, and I know a great place just a few blocks from here. What do you say, Mikayla?” he asked her, staring into her eyes with that same expression that gave her the creeps.

“I’m sorry, but I have a date I need to get back for.”

His expression changed in an instant.

“A date? I thought you said you had an appointment?”

She placed the strap of the bag on her shoulder and looked at him.

“It’s really none of your business,” she replied, trying to remain calm. This was not going well.

He was in her space before she had time to place her attaché case in front of her to block him from pressing against her.

He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her to him.

“You’re a beautiful young woman. I think we’d be good together, especially in bed.”

She was shocked at his statement. Sure, the man was good looking, but what an arrogant jerk. She recalled techniques from her kickboxing lessons and waited to see if she would need them.

“Release my shoulders, Vincent. You’re out of line.”

“That’s what you think,” he replied then grabbed her hair and covered her mouth, kissing her hard. She struggled to be free from his hold and maneuvered her leg as he pressed a hand under her dress squeezing her ass. She allowed him to cop a feel, and he loosened his hold enough for her to make her move. One swift kick to his balls, he released her mouth and she grabbed for his jewels. As he bent slightly over she gave him an upper cut to his jaw and took her boxing stance. Thank God for kickboxing lessons.

Vincent didn’t give up so easily.

“You bitch! I know you’re fucking Bently. I’m better than he is. You should be with me not him.”

She was shocked.

“You’re an asshole. Go to hell!” she yelled, unsure on whether or not she should tell him she wasn’t fucking Pierre yet but planned on it very soon. She was furious, and as she turned to leave, he grabbed her shoulder to pull her back. She swung, hard and straight up into his face.

Her hand stung as she shook it and cried out, but with one look up into Vincent’s face and his very bloody, hopefully broken nose, she took off down the street.

She was so angry she nearly tripped as she kept looking behind her, hoping he didn’t attempt to continue and push her and then hoping he did because she was furious and had a few more good punches left in her. Her hands were shaking, but she continued to walk until she came to the side street that led toward an open set of restaurants and bars.

She needed to remain calm. She handled that situation fine, and he surely wouldn’t try to mess with her again. What in the world was his problem? Did he seriously think that she would sleep with him? What the hell? She thought about what he said and about how he thought that she was having sex with Pierre. What made Vincent think that she would have sex with him, too? Did he think she was after Pierre’s money?

Oh, that asshole!

She turned around to glance back again and saw his white Porsche speed past the street she went down.

“Good riddance, you jerk.”

The sound of her phone ringing grabbed her attention. She reached for it and saw that her knuckles were red and appeared somewhat swollen. She would need some ice, but boy did it feel good to slug that idiot. Antoine’s name and number showed up on the display.

Oh crap!

She wouldn’t tell him what happened. He would tell Pierre and Michael, and they would all freak out. She wasn’t the kind of woman that made men fight over her or for her. She had survived on her own and had been lucky to not have to deal with men like Vincent. She’d just started seeing the men and wasn’t sure where this relationship was headed.

BOOK: Mikayla [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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