Mine to Bear: Icy Cap Den #2 (Alaskan Den Men) (3 page)

BOOK: Mine to Bear: Icy Cap Den #2 (Alaskan Den Men)
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I tried to convince myself that despite her lovely face, she was a monster. If she had worn her true face for men, enticing them into sex wouldn’t have been very successful. But Rika was a very powerful succubus. Her glamour was overwhelming. My eyes saw that she hadn’t aged in the last fifteen years, even if my brain knew otherwise.

“How did you know I was in town?” I dropped her hands quickly. The desire to hold them nearly brought me to my knees.

“You know how it is.” She batted her eyelashes at me. “Word gets around.”

Who was her spy? Gary? Max? Someone I didn’t even suspect? But that could wait. Something more urgent needed dealing with.

“I’m repaying the loan.”

“Dane, dear! That was a gift.”


“All the same, I’d like to pay it back.” Once you’ve had sex with a succubus, her power over you is almost impossible to break. Even years later, I was drawn to Rika. But unlike my teenage self, now I understood the power of dark magic. Dread washed over me. I was overcome with the desire to please this creature even when I didn’t want to.

“If you insist.” She held out her hand.

“I don’t have the money with, me but I can bring it to you.” The last thing I wanted was for her to show up at Ash’s cabin.

Her eyes narrowed under her hat’s brim. Her glance at the truck was curious. And calculating. “You’ve been a busy boy, Dane, for only just arriving in town.”

Trudy. She was talking about Trudy. I didn’t want this thing to even know Trudy existed, let alone link her to me.

“What are you up to, Rika?”

“You really have to ask?” She pouted. “I thought you’d be all caught up on the news. After all, your doggy little girlfriend had an unfortunate accident.”

“Leave Icy Cap alone. No one will bother you.”

“It’s not me I’m worried about.” She brushed the snow off one arm. “I’m going to be a mother soon. Like all mothers, I must protect my children. Icy Cap becoming a bustling town again is a risk to my offspring.”

A growl escaped me. “You can’t just threaten, maim, or kill whoever is in your way.”

“Of course I can. History is on my side regarding paranorm and human populations protecting their best interests. It is unfair if I cannot do the same.”

“What about the trolls and fae?”

“Their colonies are self-contained. And they aren’t looking to expand. You can’t blame me for protecting my family, can you?”

Nothing with Rika was ever simple. I had to talk to Ash. If she had a nest nearby, Icy Cap was in serious danger.

I ran my hand through my hair, dislodging some snow. “There must be a way to solve this.”

“There is. You and your brother stop trying to build up this town. I burned it down before. I’ll do it again.” She cocked her head at me. “I’m curious. You hate Icy Cap. I gave you the money to leave. Why rebuild? Is it because of the fox?”

“The fox means nothing to me.” My gut twisted when I denied Trudy, but I feared what would happen if Rika thought she was important to me. “I’m just giving a friend a ride home from work.”

“Interesting.” She tapped her gloved finger to her lip. “I look forward to receiving your visit. You do still know where I live, right?”

God help me. I did.


impatient on a good day. With Dane talking to a Yeti in the middle of the road during a snowstorm, I was freaking out. What the hell was that thing? I’d never seen anything like it. It appeared human-sized, but it was so swathed in furs, its features remained hidden.

Dane blocked my view when he confronted it. My breath fogged up the windows, and I strained my ears but still couldn’t hear a thing they said. What I did know was that a crushing sense of doom was settling over me. Something was seriously wrong.

The interaction was brief. When Dane walked away, the creature was gone.

“So, what was that about?” I asked when Dane climbed back in the truck. He sat without answering me. A shiver wracked his whole body and his teeth chattered.

“Who was that? Are you all right?” I cranked the heat full blast, then scooted over to wrap my arms around him.

He didn’t speak for several minutes. “Let’s go back to my place.”

“Of course.” I slid over, giving him just enough room to drive but not wanting to be separated from him even by the length of the seat.

We pulled into Ash’s cabin, where Dane was staying. He angled his head down and kissed me. I shivered, but not from cold. His lips were stiff.

I watched him closely. I’d been in love with him since seventh grade. Was this fling thing crazy from my perspective? Yes and no. I loved being with him. I could never fit in his world; my fox wouldn’t allow it. All I had was when he was in mine. Icy Cap wasn’t great, but it was home for me. I belonged here with the other crazy paranorms. Maybe someday I’d find someone who wanted to be here with me.

But that guy wouldn’t be Dane. I’d stopped wishing Dane would love Icy Cap when I realized what attracted me to him was how unusual he was. That, and his cock rocked my world.

We hurried inside the cabin. Dane built up the fire and handed me a glass of wine. “Let’s talk after we eat.”

I was bursting with curiosity, but he looked ill. I’d have to be patient.

“Do you need some help?”

“Come keep me company.”

Living in Icy Cap, I wasn’t picky about food. Dane was a serious foodie, so I benefitted from his kitchen creativity. In a matter of minutes, delicious aromas had my stomach growling.

Ash’s hewn-timber cabin was cozy. Dane’s housekeeping was tidy, unlike his twin’s piles of laundry and mail. I pulled out my updated building-code book. It was decidedly unsexy work.

I was in a cabin shrouded by snow with a sexy (reluctant) shifter. I wasn’t wearing panties, since he’d pocketed mine earlier in the day. The setup would normally be too good to waste, but the creature we had encountered was a mood killer.

“You need more protein; that’s why you’re tired all the time.” He handed me a small plate piled with cheese, crackers, and salami.

“Is this real salami?” I sniffed it before popping a piece in my mouth. A girl could only eat so much moose meat.

Dane’s weary smile tugged at my heart. “I brought some supplies with me from home.”

“What the hell was that thing?” I burst out.

“Eat first. Please.” He shook his head.

My stomach growled again. This time loudly enough that both of us could hear it.

“Feeling better?” he asked when I polished off the plate of snacks. His raised eyebrows made me blush.

“I just ate that entire plate of food.” It was supposed to be classy appetizers, not an all-you-can-eat buffet. That was what I got for skipping lunch. “Stuff a cold, starve a fever, right?” My cheeks heated.

Once Icy Cap developed a sizeable population, we’d have groceries flown in. Now, if it wasn’t wild game, our food was almost entirely from a box or can.

“If you need stuffing, I’m your guy.” Dane winked at me.

“Don’t try to use sex to distract me, Dane Barlow. After dinner, we are totally discussing this evening’s mystery guest.”

“We will, I promise.” Dane smoothed my hair aside and kissed my neck.

Dinner was delicious, and my appetite was unaffected by the evening’s drama. I ate like a lumberjack in volume and speed.

“Now, tell me everything.” I pushed our plates aside. No more distractions. Anxiety and curiosity tumbled out of me.

Dane took my hand. His fingers were still cold. Since he was an ice bear, I’d never seen him affected by the elements—until this night. “That was a succubus.”

Even though the cabin was warm, I felt chilled again.

“She thought I was Ash. When she realized her mistake, she said if we don’t stop rebuilding Icy Cap, she’ll make us leave. She’s been setting the traps.”

Blood pounded in my ears. This fucking bitch had almost succeeded in killing me. She was still out there. Right this minute she could be setting more traps.

“She told you she’s setting the traps, and you didn’t arrest her? Let’s go get her now.” I no longer felt cold. I felt boiling hot. My fox spirit stirred slightly. Something wasn’t right here.

“Trudy.” Dane’s eyes slid away from mine. “You almost died. Your foot is still healing. She’s not something a fox shifter should get anywhere near. As an ice bear, I’m at the top of the predator chain. Even I’m not sure how to stop her.”

“But she needs to be stopped.”

“I know. I’m the sheriff, remember? You’re not forming a lynch party. She’ll kill you before you even get near her.”

“You’re defending her!”

“I’m protecting you.”

“You said she’s a succubus.”

“Yes, just like Max is a vamp, Gary’s a ghoul, and I’m a shifter.”

“That’s the first time I’ve heard you say you’re a shifter.”

“I know what I am, Trudy. I’m not happy about it.”

“You seriously want to give in to her demands? Have us all pack up and leave Icy Cap because she says so? Of course you do. You’re leaving anyway. I can tell you one thing: Ash won’t stop. And neither will I.” I got up from the table. Going home sounded better now. I needed fresh air.

Dane caught up with me. “Don’t be angry. We need to think. A succubus is very dangerous to everyone in Icy Cap.”

A new thought occurred to me. Maybe it was my fox spirit alerting me to potential danger. I’d learned to pay attention to this unease within me. If a fox didn’t have her wits, she wouldn’t last long in the Alaskan wilds. “Is she the same one who destroyed Icy Cap fifteen years ago?” The thought of my immediate and extended family leaving here still gnawed at me.

He pulled me into his arms. “I don’t know. It’s late. Stay tonight.” My cheek pressed against his chest. Underneath those fine chiseled pecs, his steady heartbeat calmed me. A weariness radiated from Dane that I had never experienced before. Being up here was difficult for him. Until his brother returned, he was stuck doing a job in a town he resented.

I was wiped out too. Must’ve been all the drama. A good night’s sleep would only help. Now that we knew who was behind the traps, we’d form a plan together. Max and Gary would help. Well, Gary for sure. Max might leave town rather than risk his well-being.

In the bedroom, I snuggled under the down comforter. Nothing smelled better to a fox than goose feathers. Tonight’s events ticked through my mind again. Everything Dane said made sense. The succubus was looking for Ash as the sheriff to warn him against continuing to rebuild Icy Cap. Dane was now the acting sheriff, living in Ash’s cabin and driving his truck. She had assumed Dane was Ash.

Something wasn’t right. I wished Dane had shifted to his ice bear and ripped her head off when he’d had the chance.

I rolled onto my side. The building-code regulation book was heavy. In my mystery novels, the detectives find more clues.

Dane slid into bed beside me.

I propped my head on my arm, reading in the glow of the small bedside light. “Good night,” I called over my shoulder.

“Good night.” Dane rolled up behind me. In one smooth motion, his cock pressed my ass while his knee gently wedged itself between my legs. Naturally, he was naked.

And so was I.

was distracting. I read the same paragraph twice.

“I should be learning this code stuff too. Read it aloud.” His breath feathered my neck. He’d propped himself on one elbow, ostensibly to read over my shoulder.

I suspected he was staring at my breasts—a suspicion that was confirmed when one large hand stroked my nipple. For a small-breasted woman, I appreciated gravity’s assistance. He continued down the fuller underside while gently tugging on my nipple with his thumb and index finger. Deep inside me, an unwinding sensation began that I didn’t want to stop.

“I’m trying to read,” I murmured. “I’m used to computer code manuals, not building code.”

“Please continue.”

“You’re not helping.”

“I am.” Dane raised his knee higher between my legs. His hand dropped from my breast to help slide his cock between my legs. I squeezed my thighs, but nothing happened with his leg propping them open.

My hand left the code book to rub the head of his cock against my pussy. God, that felt good.

Dane gently returned my hand to the book. “Keep reading and I’ll touch you. Stop reading, we’re done.”

“You’re kidding.” I stared over my shoulder at him. “Your cock is between my legs.”

His grin was feral. “I’m a master at self denial. Try me.”


was never
one to back down from a challenge, whether it was dealing with my uncontrollable shifting into fox form or teaching myself about computers because no one else was around. But above all, I’m curious.

With Dane beside me, life was more interesting. If he was inside me, that was even better. I rolled over onto my back. The code book dropped to the floor with a thud.

“Good riddance.” I reached for Dane’s cock. “Now, where were we?”

His eyes closed briefly, and he swallowed.

Suddenly I didn’t feel the least bit tired. I stroked his cock, gradually increasing my pace.

With one hand propping up his head, his free one explored the soft skin between my thighs. He teased my clit, and I adjusted my hips, trying to capture one of his probing fingers.

“Would it kill you to finger me?” I grumbled, intensifying my strokes of his cock.

“It’s a bit difficult to concentrate when you’re doing that.” Dane slid the tip of his finger inside my pussy. I wanted him to stroke me there so badly I bit my lip.

Two can play at this game

I released his cock and pushed him over onto his back. Rolling the bedcovers aside without another word, I leaned over and started sucking.

“Sweet Jesus.” Dane’s hips came off the bed.

I sucked as he praised my talents.

He sighed. “Are you sure you aren’t too sore from earlier?”

I paused. “I’ve made a compete recovery. If you’re too tired to move, I want to suck you off.”

Dane growled. “Roll over. I’m happy to demonstrate my energy level.”

I suppressed a cheer and rolled over onto my stomach. I folded my arms under my head.

I was eager to find out what Dane had in store for me.

Behind me, he spread my legs. “You skin is so soft.” He kissed my lower back, then my ass. He spread my cheeks. Anxiety welled up—I wasn’t feeling that adventurous. “Someday soon you’ll be begging me to take that sweet ass of yours.”

He nuzzled around, turning me on and making me nervous. I wanted him so badly. I should’ve just kept sucking. He would be the one begging me now.

Dane slid one arm under my waist, and my ass lifted in the air. I started to raise my head.

“Keep your head down for now.”

Doing a spread eagle, I was feeling exposed. And turned on. I trusted Dane. He would never hurt me.

I pushed back against Dane as he knelt behind me, teasing me with the tip of his cock. “More.” I growled.

He inserted one finger into my pussy, stroking me. Then he added another. I wanted more—and he gave it to me.

“The only problem with this position is that I can’t suck your pretty tits. I’ll have to come up with something to make up for that.”

He began thrusting, his cock going a bit deeper each time. His pace was blissful torture. Each thrust filled me with hope, only to have him pull back.

His fingers pressed into my hips as he increased his speed and pace. I could feel my orgasm building like a wave starting to crest. My fingers clawed the sheets in anticipation.

“I love your pussy.” Dane flexed his hips, driving me forward on the bed.

“Give it to me. Fuck me.” I loved him working me. All the fatigue and anxiety of the day faded into this man giving me a serious pounding.

I never told Dane, but I could feel his ice bear spirit rising when he fucked me. The detached businessman devolved into grunts and growls. From this angle, his thrusts jostled the whole bed. I lifted my head and leaned on my elbows. It was easier to push back against him when he thrusted inside me. The first time I did that, Dane grunted approvingly.

“Get on your hands.”

I did, arching my back when he pulled out.

Fuck, that felt good. I had more control over my pussy muscles from this angle.

“Tell me: those tits of yours jiggling away?”

“Yes.” I gasped. Dane thrust deep. “This feels really good, but I like seeing you suck them.”

“You are mine. That pussy, your tits, and your clit. Got it?”

Usually I didn’t let a man talk to me as though I was his possession. But right now, while was he was buried deep inside me, I was all about Dane’s sexist He-Man shit. “Yes. I want to come. Please.”

“Not yet.”

It was hard to move when my body only wanted to clamp down on his cock and wring out the mother of all orgasms. All this teasing was only making me want it more.

Sensing my hesitancy, he pulled up my torso and placed my hands on the wooden headboard. I wanted his dick back inside me. I didn’t really care what position I was in.

I gripped the headboard as he thrust into me so deeply his hips pressed against my ass.


“Like that?” he breathed in my ear. One hand returned to my hip; the other fondled my nipples.

“That feels really good.” I sighed.

Dane stroked and rolled my nipples while he continued pounding me until I felt my orgasm building again. This time I would not be denied.

“Don’t tease me, Dane. I need you to let me come.”

This time, when I felt the pressure building inside me there was no stopping it. Dane didn’t even finger my clit. From this angle, his balls rubbed it perfectly, driving me wild.

I gripped the headboard, white-knuckled, while my orgasm shattered me. I let out a very foxlike “yip.” My entire world was reduced to how amazingly good my body felt. Still bucking, Dane came deep inside me.

I was dimly aware of him calling my name and praising me. Words were nothing, though. All that existed was this man deep inside me, claiming me forever.

When we finally collapsed back onto the bed, our panting made me giggle. It was so primal and true.

“What’s so funny?” Dane asked, pulling me into the crook of his arm.

“That’s the only thing I’ve found so far that completely removes the ache in my foot.”

“Make sure to mention it to your doctor when you see her again. Maybe you discovered a cure-all.”

“It certainly works for me, but I’m not wanting your services outsourced.”

“I’m happy to oblige anytime.” Dane yawned.

* * *

e drifted off to sleep
, listening to the wind howl. Being with Dane was cozy and comforting. We were in our own cocoon, safe from the world. Hopefully we’d be snowbound for a day or so.

I woke up not feeling great again the next morning. Whatever I had was more serious than a cold. I wished Meg was back. We’d had an update from Ash that she was progressing slowly in Fairbanks but not ready to leave the hospital yet. Good news for her, not so great for me. Maybe I needed a sick day to get caught up on my rest. Feeling this tired all the time sucked. I’d never felt so drained by the cold and dark; even my fox spirit was quiet. It’d been several days since I’d last shifted.

Dane dropped me off at the inn before he ran errands. No time like the present to corner Gary and Max. “Hey, guys, how’s it going?” I asked.

They were studying blueprints in the lodge’s great room. Max flared his nostrils when I approached them. Today he wore skintight jeans with a button-down shirt and a mohair vest. His crotch bulged, which I found not the least bit arousing. Apparently Max was reliving a 1970s disco fantasy. Whatever. That guy was major weirdo. Vamps have never done it for me. They are so pale and chilly. Not to mention they usually have zero sense of humor.

Gary gave me a lopsided smile. His brown hair was shaggy. Unlike the rest of his body, his hair grew at an amazingly fast rate. As soon as Icy Cap got a decent population, we were going to need a salon. And a good coffee place. Come to think of it, someplace to buy clothes besides the general store would be awesome.

If that damn succubus had her way, we’d get nothing.

The guys murmured their greetings. Max inched closer to me. Gary tried to smooth down his cowlick.

My inner detective was done with small talk.

“Let’s talk about the succubus.” I unwrapped my scarf and unzipped my parka. Gary’s smell was making me nauseated, and being all wrapped up wasn’t helping. “I saw her last night, so don’t play dumb.”

Gary frowned. “Are you sure it was a succubus?” I held my breath to avoid the putrid smell when he exhaled.

I nodded. “What do you know about this?” I asked Max.

He shrugged. “Nothing comes to mind.”

For fuck’s sake.
This whole detective thing was much harder than it looked.

“I’m curious: did you meet this succubus alone?” Max’s eyes wandered over my body. I hoped he’d brought some blood with him, because he was going to be hungry in Icy Cap otherwise. Vampires only drink humans’ blood, and we sure as hell didn’t have any of those running around here.

“I was with Dane.” It wasn’t a lie. I was with Dane when he met the succubus. I was sitting in the truck. “Why?”

“Ahh.” Max returned to studying the blueprints.

“Quit fucking around, Max. Tell me what you know.”

“What’s it to you?” Max asked.

“The succubus said she’s been setting the traps. I could’ve lost my foot to one of them. And that was a best-case scenario. I almost died. So if you know anything at all, I want to hear it.”

“Why don’t you ask your boyfriend?” Max’s cold fingers pushed aside my jacket collar. I flinched under his touch. “He should be doing something to protect that pretty neck of yours.”

“Leave her alone,” Gary said.

“He’s trying to find out more information,” I said. Dread resettled over me.

“From what I hear, he’s pretty well informed already.” Max cocked his head. “Gary, get your friend something to drink. She looks unwell.”

I felt sick to my stomach. I wanted to vomit. I wanted Gary to go away because I couldn’t stand how he smelled. I wanted the vamp to tell me what he knew.

And yet part of me didn’t want to know. I felt flushed, then chilled.

The vamp moved me to a chair. “Are you sure you want to know, little shifter?” He guided my head between my knees. The coolness of his fingers on my back radiated through my sweater. I’d never forget this chilly vamp’s kindness.

“Tell me,” I whispered.

“The ghoul knows nothing, but your boyfriend is a friend of the succubus.”

“No. Can’t be,” I murmured. “Dane’s only been here for a few weeks.”

“They have been lovers for a long time. Way before this visit.”

I stared at the vamp’s blue suede boots. Ridiculous for this climate. Completely impractical. He must never wear them outside.

“Did you hear me?” His voice singsonged in my ear. I was unable to stop listening. I wanted him to be wrong. I wanted to protest on Dane’s behalf.

“Why would he?” I managed.

“Did you really think all that money was his? Or was that what you wanted to believe?”

I leaned closer to his boots, focusing on the shade of blue as they drew nearer to me.

Then everything went black.

“Trudy! Trudy!” Gary’s voice was far away, as if he was calling me underwater.

My heavy eyelids didn’t want to open. I wanted to lie here floating in this dark place. Fainting was the best thing I’d done recently.

“What the fuck is going on?” Dane’s voice cut across Gary’s wailing. A chill near me confirmed the vamp was nearby. “I told you to stay away from her, bloodsucker.” Dane swept me up in his arms. “Both of you, get out of here.” He carried me to his office and placed me on the couch.

He smoothed my hair away from my face.

I struggled to open my eyes. When I did, his dark eyes met mine.

“What happened?” he asked. “If that vamp hurt you, I’ll kill him.”

Dane’s handsome face blurred before me. I could feel his ferocity rolling off him like a furnace. Tears trickled down my face. He tenderly wiped them away with his thumbs.

I shoved his hands away, struggling to sit up. The nausea was still there, but now I had a headache. At least being away from Gary’s odor helped.

“Don’t you have someone else to be with?” I sat up but laid my head on the back of the couch.

“I was out trying to find some information; you know that.”

I held up one hand. “Stop lying.”

Dane pulled back as though I’d hit him. If I’d had the energy, I would have.

“You and the succubus. Tell me.”

Dane paled. He paced before me.

“Tell me the truth this time,” I said wearily.

He paused for so long I wondered if he’d flat-out refuse to answer me.

I closed my eyes to block out his prowling. Even after he’d betrayed me, I wanted him. I was drawn to this bad boy like a moth to a flame.

“It’s a long story,” he said finally.

“With you, it always is.”

BOOK: Mine to Bear: Icy Cap Den #2 (Alaskan Den Men)
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