Read Misguided Heart Online

Authors: Amanda Bennett

Misguided Heart (25 page)

BOOK: Misguided Heart
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"You want to take me for a ride?"

The minute the words left her mouth
, I went into full defensive mode. I never rode with anyone on the back anymore, not after Alex. Hell, I barely even rode by myself unless it was called for. I shook my head at her and I watched as her smile faded.

"I can't. I'm sorry.
" I started rolling the bike into the garage, when I noticed her walking back to her car again.

Damn it!

"Can I call you later?" I shouted as I dismounted the bike.

't bother. I'll just see you tomorrow night. What time will you pick me up?" Her hand was on the door handle and pulling it open.

I wanted to run out to her and pull her inside my house. I wanted to fuck her on every surface throughout the damn thing, but my heart kept me at a safe distance. "I'll pick you up at six. The party starts at seven. Does that sound good?"

"Sure." Within seconds, she was gone. I watched her car disappear down the street and I silently cursed myself for not letting her come in. Unfortunately, my house was almost like a shrine in Alex's memory. I didn't need her knowing my dirty little secret if I was going to break it off. I needed to save myself from the danger of her love.



When I pulled up in front of Sloan's house, I expected him to be inside but then I heard the familiar hum of a Ducati 848 Evo. I closed my eyes as my hands tightened around the steering wheel, remembering the feel of a bike between my legs.

owned a Suzuki GSX-R 1000, but I had test driven the Ducati too many times to count. I had been saving to trade in my old bike for the new Ducati, for the last year and a half. I listened as the bike came nearer and I was in complete shock when I saw who the rider was. As much as I thought I knew this man that I was quickly falling for, he always surprised me.

I think in the back of my mind
, I knew he rode. It fit his bad boy persona all too well. Seeing him pull up on that bike, it made me instantly wet and my insides ached for him to be inside of me. I wanted to saunter over to him and straddle him where he sat. I wanted to have my way with him and make all of my fantasies come true, on the back of that bike. But, when I saw the look on his face when he pulled his helmet off, I knew it wasn't the time for it.

Something inside of me was shooting off warning signs. He had that look in his eye, the look of distrust and guardedness. I knew having a conversation with him was going to pointless, but I pushed it anyway. I didn't know he was going to be so standoffish until the words started flowing out of his mouth. With his first question of how I knew where he lived, I threw up my defenses and pulled back.

I didn't pretend to know everything about this man, and I knew he had hidden secrets but I never took him as the type of guy to be so curt and hurtful. When I knew the conversation was going nowhere, I took that as my cue to leave. He said he was still planning on taking me to the company party, so I guess that was a plus. I shrugged it off as him having a bad day and I took my cue and left.

When I reached my house, I felt something change in the atmosphere. Everything seemed off and misconstrued. I didn't want to be in this day any longer. Even though it was only seven o'clock, I decided to pack it in and go to bed. I fed Bugsy, stripped down to my skivvies and climbed under the covers for a much needed long night of rest. When sleep began to take over my exhausted
body, I prayed for a better tomorrow.

A faint tapping against the back door in my room startled me awake. I quickly grabbed my phone
, checking the time. It was four o'clock in the morning and my entire house was pitch black. Bugsy was nowhere to be found and he wasn't barking, which was unusual for him. He always slept at the end of my bed. When I didn't hear the tapping again, I lay back down, willing sleep to take me back.

As I started to doze back into my dreamless sleep, I heard the
tapping again. I sat straight up in bed and reached for the baseball bat I kept next to the headboard. I could hear the wind outside rustling the trees but none of them were close enough to brush against the glass. I pulled myself out of bed and tiptoed my way over to the door. I held the bat up ready to strike anyone who tried to get inside.

When I heard the tapping one more time, I quickly flung back the curtain, exposing Sloan's drenched figure. I dropped the metal bat on the floor next to my feet as I scurried to unlock the doors and let him inside. When I unlatched the last lock, both doors flung open as the wind whooshed through the crisp night air.

Sloan stood staring at me, unblinking. Rain trickled down his wet hair and caught on his lower lip. I was still mad at this man for the way he acted earlier, but looking at his soaking wet muscled body pushed away all enraged thoughts from earlier.

His black t-shirt stuck to every single muscle and curve along his upper body. My eyes raked down a bit further and noticed how his denim pants were soaked through and clinging to his very prominent bulge. I licked my lips as I took in the very wet sight in front of me.

Sloan stood unmoving outside of my bedroom. His eyes never left mine and I couldn't bring myself to look into them. I knew that falling for this man was bad for me and the more I looked at him, the more I wanted to do just that.

As the breeze brushed across my skin, goose bumps formed and I found myself crossing my arms over my chest
. I was only wearing a very tiny lace camisole and it wasn't helping keep the cold at bay. I took a step back to let him enter if that's what he was here for, but he ferociously shook his head and took off down the metal staircase. I went to follow, but pulled myself back and closed the doors tight. When the last lock was in place, I climbed back into bed and tried to drift off to sleep. Needless to say, sleep evaded me for the rest of the night.

I finally drug my overly tired body out of bed at quarter past five. If I hadn't gotten any sleep up until this point, then there was
no point in even trying. I slipped out of bed, threw on my workout gear and grabbed my gym bag that was packed with an extra set of work clothes.

When I reached the garage, I debated which vehicle to take to work. Today it was an easy decision. I slipped the beamer keys into my gym bag and slung it over one shoulder as I grabbed my helmet and hopped onto the back of my bike. The purr of the engine when I turned that key sparked something inside of me and suddenly the gym was the last thing I
needed. I needed to ride and let myself go.

I took the side streets a little sl
ower than usual. I hadn't ridden in a little while and I wanted to make sure I still had the skills to do so, safely. I flipped the blinker to get on the 101 and when the light turned green, I gunned it. Shifting through each gear effortlessly, I found myself freely inching up in speed. When I hit 110, I let off the throttle a little bit and coasted my way down the highway.

There was very little traffic this time in the morning, and for that I was grateful. As I got off on the next exit to turn around, I felt his presence, which was crazy, but I still felt it. He was close by and I knew it. I tried to ignore the distinct feeling as I turned back onto the on ramp, only the feeling got stronger.
When I glanced over my left shoulder, checking for traffic as I merged, I caught sight of the dark stealth colored Ducati a few car lengths behind me.

My breath hitched in my throat and my adrenaline spiked through the roof. I wasn’t quite sure what game he was playing, but two could play it, and I always played to win. I pulled the throttle back and lifted up my front tire as I took off. When my tires dropped down to the asphalt, I lunged forward and before I knew it, I was going 120 and trying to escape my now wannabe stalker. I knew he was close behind, but I never once looked back the whole ride to the office.



When I showed up at her house in the middle of the night, I hadn't thought it out too well. I just needed to see her, even if it was for a brief second. When she came to the door with a baseball bat, I knew I probably should have just gone to the front door. I hadn't meant to scare her, but she looked more than prepared to take on anyone, even me.

She stood in front of me in not
hing but a nude colored, lace tank top thingy and matching panty.  My dick twitched in my soaking wet pants, but I made no move towards her. I stood there in the torrential down pour, just waiting for her to say something, anything. When she didn't, I turned and took off down the stairs. I didn't know what I was doing, but stalking her didn't seem like the best of ideas.

I jumped in my car without looking back. There was so much I wanted to tell her, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. After seeing her standing in her bedroom, scared and cold, I forced myself to leave her alone. The next morning, I woke up in my car outside of my house. I was still in my wet clothes and part of
my mind could barely even remember what happened the night before. As much as I knew I needed to stay away, I decided one last stalker mission wouldn't kill me.

I ran inside and changed into my suit for work and hopped on my bike. I was done hiding it in the
garage; I was determined to jump over this hurdle, without falling. I revved up the engine and headed in the direction of Aston's house. When I pulled up the street, I half expected her to be heading to the gym, like she usually did and I wasn't wrong. Except, today she was pulling out of her garage on a pink and white motorcycle. A smile touched my lips from underneath my helmet, as I watched her cautiously pull onto the street.

It was easy to keep up with her on the side streets. I remembered she had told me she hadn't ridden in about a month, so I assumed she was going a little slow to get the feel for it again. The minute she hit the on ramp for the freeway
though, she sped off like a bolt of lightening. I wasn't prepared for her to gun it, so I had to really push it to catch up with her.

I made sure to keep my distance and for the first time while riding, Alex's face and voice never once entered my mind. I didn't know what had caused it
, but for once in my life I was thankful she wasn't there.

I almost missed Aston
, when she got off on the next off ramp. I had assumed she would just keep going, but I followed a few car lengths behind her as she turned to get back onto the freeway. I knew the minute she saw me, she was going to take off. She pulled up the front of her bike in a wheelie and sped away like she was being chased.

That was fucking hot!

I went straight to the office after losing her on the freeway. When I pulled into the underground parking garage, her bike was nowhere to be found. I pulled the helmet from my head and strapped it to the seat of my bike. I knew I was going to hear an earful when my father found out that I was riding again, but I didn't care. Soon enough I would be gone, in a totally different state and there was nothing he could say about anything else, anymore.

The office was empty when I exited the elevators. I must have been one of the first people to come in this morning, because even my father hadn't been in his office yet. I strode past Ariel's desk and into my own. I threw my
jacket onto the chair across from mine and plopped my body into my chair. I spun around a few times before a slim figure in my doorway caught my attention. I was speechless as she quietly clicked the door into the frame and made her way over to me.

I sat back with
my hands folded in my lap. I was curious as to whether I was going to get a verbal lashing or something else entirely. I was pleasantly surprised when she hiked up her red pencil skirt and slid her beautiful ass onto my desk.

Her legs
separated and I caught the smallest glimpse of black lacy panties. Her deft fingers slid down the side of her thighs, as she hitched up her skirt a tiny bit more. She then reached out for my tie and pulled me in between her legs, hard. I bit down on my bottom lip to keep from smiling. I liked the dominant side of her, and I so rarely got to witness it. I kept my hands on my lap like a good boy, until she gave me further instructions that is.

Her shoes dropped to the floor
, one at a time, and then she strategically placed one on each side of the armrests of my chair. I looked up at her glowing eyes, just as I caught sight of her slipping a finger inside her panties. She threw her head back and let out a soft moan. My hands itched to touch her, to be inside her. I wanted to be the one causing her that amount of pleasure, but I sat back and watched until she gave me the go ahead.

Her tongue slipped out and licked her bottom lip as her finger pushed up inside of her. Another moan slipped out between her plush lips and I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed around her thighs, pulling her ass to the edge of the desk
. Just as I was going to remove her hand and replace it with my own, she slapped my hand away and shook her head.

"If you want to be a
voyeur in my life, then this is what you get."

Her finger slid in and out of
her faster and faster. Just when I thought she was almost done, her other hand went straight to her clit and started rubbing fast circle around it. I tried to reach for her one more time, but she shook her head once more.

"If you want to kee
p yourself at a distance, then I will keep you there as well."

BOOK: Misguided Heart
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