Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1)
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fter three hours, Neeko walks back in, carrying a container from Chicken Delight. It’s one of the best chicken places around. I smell it as soon as he opens the lid and my stomach growls. Great. Now he knows I’m starving. He doesn’t even look at me. He just walks to the sitting area of the room and plops down in a chair. My stomach growls louder. He grabs a chicken tender and slowly brings it to his mouth. He takes a bite and chews it. “Mmmmm.”

I think he is playing with me. He eats the chicken tender, then seductively licks his fingers. I have never seen a man make eating a chicken tender sexy. He looks my way and raises his eyebrows, then gets up and walks out, leaving the chicken box on the table next to the chair.

I wait a few minutes and take a few tentative steps toward the box. I stop and listen to see if he is coming back. I could grab one and he would never know it. I cautiously sneak toward it. I sit in the chair, which smells just like him. The smell of the chicken makes my stomach hurt. Can they be drugged? Nah, he ate one. I quickly grab a small one and stuff as much of it into my mouth as I can. The chicken is so moist and tastes so good. I finish off that piece and grab another.

“Well, I see you are enjoying my lunch.” I drop the piece I was holding back into the box and get up from the chair.

My voice is shaking. “I’m sorry. I wa...was just hungry.”

He walks closer to me and places a hand on each of my arms. I instantly freeze. He looks at me with a tortured expression on his face. “I didn’t mean to scare you. Eat all you want. There is plenty. I was just joking. Gabby, I promise you, I will
go crazy on you for eating.” He looks so sad. I look into his eyes and see the sincerity. I start to relax a little. I was almost on the brink of a panic attack. Possible psycho or not, I don’t want him to see me like that. I am surprised I haven’t had one yet, but there’s just something about him that relaxes me.

“I’ll leave you to eat in peace. I don’t want you to starve yourself because I am in here.” He walks to the door and stops, turning back toward me. “I mean it, Gabby. You will come to no harm as long as you are with me.” He smiles and walks out the door.

I finish off the chicken and fries. I feel
full now, but it was so good. I pull my knees into my chest and stare out the window. I wonder what he really wants with me.

he next couple of days go about the same with Neeko sneaking in touches whenever he can. Every time he touches me, a current of electricity runs through my body. I may just combust when he touches me next time. As if reading my mind, Neeko walks into the room. I swear I start to sweat from the sexual tension. With a cocky grin on his face, he looks at me, slowly walking toward me. He looks as if he is going to devour me. Damn my body for its betrayal.

“You are looking good today, Gabby.” He stops right in front of me. I have no response to that so I just look down. He clears his throat and I slowly look back up. He slowly raises his hand to my face and stops, asking my permission.

I want to tell him not to touch me, but I just nod and squeak out, “Promise not to hurt me.”

He places his hands on the side of my face and very gently kisses me. His lips on mine cause warmth to spread all over my body. He slowly deepens the kiss until I have parted my mouth just enough for him to slip his tongue in to meet mine. He tastes so good. I’m going insane just from the contact. My knees begin to give out, but he easily catches me, never breaking our kiss. He wraps his arms around me, covering me in his sweet scent. Why do I feel so safe in his arms? I feel like I can live in them forever. He breaks the kiss, but still holds me. I sneak a peek at his face and he is smiling. How can he not be affected? I’m ready to strip right here and let him take me after just one kiss.

As if reading my thoughts, he takes one of my hands and places it on his erection. So I
affect him. Inside, I’m jumping up and down.

He leans in and whispers, “I will not cause you pain unless you ask me to.”

Then he lets go and walks out the door without even looking back.

Dazed, I stand there until my stomach growls. I feel hollow without his arms around me. I sit back on the bed. What am I going to do? My stomach growls again, louder this time. I stand up, determined to go and find food instead of him bringing me anything. I need to get out of this room before I go crazy anyway. I walk to the bedroom door and sling it open, anticipating a fight. Nothing. That’s weird. If I kidnapped someone, I’d have guards on them 24/7.


Still nothing! Where is everybody? Maybe I can look around and find the exits and make a run for it. I start walking down the hall. This must be a mansion. Every open door I see is a bedroom or bathroom. I come to the stairs and look down. Nothing. This is weird. Where
everybody? I creep down the stairs and peek around the corner of the second floor. It’s another hallway with more bedrooms and bathrooms. So I continue down the stairs, and end up in what looks like an oversized living room. It has four huge brown sofas and the biggest TV I have ever seen, which takes up the whole wall! I look through the window that covers the other wall. It looks like we are in the country. I see only trees and more trees, and the driveway is dirt. Where the hell am I? They must have drugged me. That is the only way we could have gotten here without me realizing it. Why haven’t they drugged me since? I can see the front door, but how far is the next door neighbor? I’ve got to try. This may be my only chance. I reach for the door and begin to turn the knob.

“Do you need anything, miss?”

Shit. I have to play this off. I don’t want to know where they’d put me if they knew I was trying to escape. I turn around and see a man about 20-years-old. “I was looking for someone to help me find something to eat. I looked upstairs, but couldn’t find anybody. I thought maybe they were outside since I called out and nobody answered.”

What would you like? I can get it for you.”

“Anything will work. I’m just going to go back up to the bedroom.”

“Alrighty, miss. I’ll bring something right up.”

He stands there until I head back up towards my room. I wouldn’t be surprised if he follows me. He knows exactly what I was doing. He is probably running to Neeko right now to tell him. I make it back up and just sprawl on the bed and fall apart. I’m surprised I held it together this long. I haven’t had a panic attack in a couple weeks and with all this stress of not knowing what is going to happen and fighting these crazy feelings, I guess it was just a matter of time. It’s getting really hard to breathe and I think I might pass out. Everything starts to become a blur.

The next thing I know, I hear something fall to the ground and hands are on me, holding me to a chest that smells of cinnamon. Instantly, I begin to calm. In a few minutes, my breathing is almost back to normal. How can this man have this kind of effect on me? I don’t even have to see his face to know it’s him. I let him hold me for longer than I should, but it just feels so good. I peek up and catch his eyes. They are staring right at me. It’s like he is searching for something. I look away because I don’t want him to see how damaged I am. After what Lee did, I’ll never be able to trust again. He screwed me up in more ways than one. I’m a shell of the person I used to be.

“Are you ok now? I brought your food in and noticed you weren’t breathing right. Was it something someone did? Did
do it?” he asked with concern. His eyebrows scrunched up and little wrinkles formed on his forehead.

“You kidnapped me! I want you to get it over with. Whatever you’re going to do, just do it. I can’t take much more. I’m already broken. There is not much more you can do to me that he didn’t already. So just skip the mind games and kill me already.” Crap, I did
just say that.

“He who? Did what? Show me who and I promise they will never hurt you again,” he growls. “I told you that I will not harm you and I meant it. Unless I have unintentionally?”

He thinks it’s someone here! Double crap. What am I going to say? I can’t tell him the truth. “Nobody here has harmed me. You have just taken me without my permission. That’s all I meant. I am just imagining all the things you are planning to do.”

“I can tell you’re lying. Your face tells me everything you’re thinking.”

“I promise it’s nobody here. I just don’t want to talk about it. Can you please just tell me what you want with me?”

“Fine. I won’t push you now, but you
tell me eventually. I don’t want you to have another attack.  When the time comes, I will explain everything. Now, let me go get you something else to eat.”

That’s when I notice the food all over the floor. That must have been the noise I heard. I blush at the thought that he dropped everything to get to me.

“I like that color on you.” He chuckles and walks out.

I lie back on the bed and wait for him to return. I need to find out why I’m here. If he wants something, I wish he would just say it instead of dragging this out. It takes him less than five minutes to walk back in carrying a tray with fresh fruit, a turkey sandwich, and a Coke. Somebody must have had it fixed and waiting.

“I hope you like turkey. We don’t really have a lot of sandwich stuff. I didn’t put anything on it, but I brought mayonnaise and ketchup. If you want anything else, I will go get it.” He gives me the tray and sits down beside me.

“This is perfect.”

I scarf the sandwich down. Very unladylike, but I am starving. I take a big gulp of the Coke. I
needed this. Then I take a bite of the fresh strawberry and moan. “This is the best strawberry I have ever had.”

“I love that sound. I just wish I was the one making you moan. I can think of quite a few things that I could do to make you moan even louder.”

I turn as red as the strawberry. Man, I am going to need a weeks’ worth of underwear just being around him for an hour. I cover my face and laugh. Then I set the tray down and turn to him. “You’re cocky, you know that? You sure you can make me moan?”
This is a dangerous game you’re playing, girl. Stop while you’re ahead and just eat,
I tell myself.

“I know I can. I can have you screaming my name in less than two minutes. Want me to show you?”

What am I supposed to say to that? I want to say “take me now”, but that’s just insane.

“I bet you’re really cute with your face scrunched and your hands fisted into the sheet.”

“What do you want me to say, Neeko? I have no clue how to answer that. I would be crazy to tell you to try and find out, but that is exactly what I want to say.”

He lets out the sexiest growl I have ever heard and pounces on me. I fall back to the bed and, instantly, his lips are on mine. I break away and grab his lower lip in between my teeth and nibble. He lets out another growl. I let go and inhale sharply. Damn, this man is sexy.

“If you want me to stop, say it now because if you do that again, I won’t be able to.”

“Please don’t stop.” I want him badly. I don’t care the consequences. His touch makes me melt, and his heat makes me forget all the pain. “Make love to me. I need to feel you in me, all around me. I have never needed something as bad.”

He looks me in the eyes and I notice that there are grey swirls in the blue. Being this close to someone has never felt so right. I have definitely lost my mind, but I don’t care. He reaches for the hem of my dress and slips it over my head, throwing it on the floor. Then he trails kisses from my collarbone, down between my breasts, to the waist of my leggings. My breathing has become erratic. He grabs my left boot and slowly unzips it, throwing it to the floor. Then he does the same to the right, never taking his eyes off mine. He grabs my leggings by the waist and starts to pull them down. I lift my hips so he can get them off easier. He trails kisses down my left leg, then trails kisses back up my right until he gets to my panties. Thank god I am wearing my matching red lace set. He sits up to admire my naked skin. Then he stands and pulls off his jeans. Holy shit! He went commando. I stare at his erection. God, I hope it fits! Lee was my first and only, but he was half this size.

Neeko climbs back on top of me. Before I can change my mind, I reach up and take his lips in mine. His dick is putting the right amount of pressure on my lady parts. I grind my hips and moan against his lips. I feel his grin spread across his face. “I told you I love that sound. Let’s see how many more times I can make you do it!” He grabs my hands and holds them above my head and leans in for a kiss. My whole body becomes rigid and all I can see is Lee staring down at me.

BOOK: Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1)
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