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Authors: Xavier Neal

Mollify (14 page)

BOOK: Mollify
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“That’s why Uncle Luke is the way he is isn’t it?” I reach for the empty pizza box. “Has to take care of all of us because they took care of all of you?”

“Kind of.” She gives me a short shrug. “Everyone in this family has a story to tell Kid. Now you have your own.”

With a warm smile I tease, “Why couldn’t my story have included zombies? All I’m sayin’.”

“Ugh,” she grunts, leans up to kiss me on the cheek, and grabs some beer bottles to chuck.

After cleaning up the living room and having a small discussion with Mom and Dad in regards to what to expect for the next couple of days, how to handle the chance of police showing up insisting to search the house for Megan, where it is safe and unsafe to go, we part ways on a sweet goodnight.

Upstairs in my room, I give the door a small warning tap before creaking it open.

“It’s your room Dean,” Megan giggles, the small sound of life back in her enough to make me fucking fall to my knees in thanks.

“Our room,” the sentence revision makes her smile. “I mean I’ll let you girly it up a bit, but no chick posters okay? Or flowers. I refuse to sleep in a bed with flowered anything on it.” She giggles again from under the covers.

Locking my door behind me, I pull off my shirt receiving a gasp in return.

“Baby I know my abs are great but...” the joke fails to ease the tension.

It was worth a shot.

“Are those from...from

I shed my shorts, leaving my boxers on.

Had to stop sleeping naked when Little Bit was old enough to get out of her bed and into mine. It’s a habit I wouldn’t mind picking back up again though. Especially if I share a bed with Megan every night like I intend to.

“The fucker got a couple of licks in, but nothing compared to how I left him,” I guarantee as I slide into the covers beside her. Immediately I notice a sight that stirs my cock. “Are you wearing one of my t-shirts?”

“I hope you don’t mind,” she sheepishly says. “I didn’t have anything else to wear...”

“I mind you looking sexy as fuck in my clothes when I can’t do anything about it,” my complaint makes her wiggle in closer to me.

“ can...”

This girl will be the death of me one way or another. Care to co-sign?

“No,” I deny her and click the lamp off beside my bed. Megan rests her head on my chest allowing my arms to wind tightly around her. “The only thing I wanna do right now is hold you.”

“Are you sure that’s the
thing you wanna do?”

Dirty temptress. See I really do my English homework.

“Okay, not the
thing, but it’s what I’m going to do,” I state loudly before mumbling, “Lord willing.”

“Okay,” Megan sighs softly, her warm breath tickling one of the bruises.

The two of us lay still in the dark in each other’s arms for a bit. I enjoy the simple tranquility that comes from having her here. In my arms. In my life. With a long deep breath I think back to being those small kids running around together, protecting each other in the dark with flashlights and ninja skills.

I still have good ninja skills.

A little chuckle leaves me at the memory and I ask, “Remember being snuggled like this as kids after sneaking out to watch parts of a scary movie your parents were watching?”

Megan laughs lightly in return. “Yeah. You used to always swear you knew how to handle an ax-murderer if the time came.”

“Yeah, not real sure a poorly timed karate chop and blinding him with a Hello Kitty flashlight would’ve exactly done the trick,” I describe and she snickers. “But you bet your ass I would’ve tried to protect you. Always. You were my girl then.”

“And you were my Dean.”

“Still am,” I whisper out. “Still am baby.” Suddenly the mirth that was just in the air is replaced by soft sobs that force me to pull her closer. With light strokes on her back I repeat, “Still am...”

“I’m sorry Dean,” Megan chokes out. “I should’ve told you.”

“Damn right,” my snap is unexpected by the way she jumps. “I deserve to know who hurts you so I can rip them to fucking shreds.”


“No,” I cut her off. “You were my girl then to protect from dudes in hockey masks. You’re my girl now to protect from pricks with black cards. The only thing that has changed is our age. Not our friendship. Not my feelings. Not the love I have for you.” After she sniffles I ask, “What happened Megan? How the fuck did you end up there? And why the fuck did you stay?”

“We met and he seemed so sweet and genuine. All he wanted to do was take me away from my shitty little life. It moved so fast in the beginning I barely remember it happening, missed the warning signs he would be the person he later became. He whisked me out of my aunt’s house, paid off my student loans so I could go to school debt free, moved me into his apartment so I didn’t have to live in the dorm, but what I didn’t get was just how controlling he was trying to be. He wanted me to only wear certain clothes. Only go certain places. He tried really hard to alienate me from Liv cause she hates him—”

“With reason.”

“Still. In the beginning I did it because I thought that’s what you did in a relationship. But then everything I started to do was in some way shape or form wrong. Then he started yelling. And then he hit me for the first time. I should’ve left then, but he swore he’d never do it again. Bought me flowers and a diamond bracelet the next day. I wanted to believe him, but it was soon after he hit me again. Things eventually got worse—”

My body tenses. “Worse how?”

“The stairs—”

“I should’ve fucking killed the bastard.”

“And left me alone?” Megan looks up at me, her chin resting on my chest. “I don’t wanna be alone again Dean.”

“Never again.”

“Anyway, about six months ago, Liv helped me come up with a plan to get away from him. Marcus isn’t just the kind of guy to take no for an answer. So I got a job at the bakery, catering company thing. I asked Haven did she mind paying me half my check in cash so I could stash part of it since Marcus has access to my bank account, or should I say the back account I have in my name attached to his. Finally I felt steady enough to leave, which was perfect timing because Liv’s roommate was bailing, so I had somewhere to go, but when I told him it was over....he hit me. And threatened me. It was the day you walked back into my life Dean.”

If that’s not a sign telling us we’re supposed to be together then what is?

“I didn’t wanna tell you, but I should’ve. You should’ve known from the start.”

“He’s been harassing you this entire time?”

Ashamed she whispers, “Yes.”

With a long exhale I adjust my head on the pillow. “Never keep another secret from me.”

“I won’t.”


“Swear.” She repeats tears in the corners of her eyes.

Swiping them away I offer her a smile. “Get some sleep baby. You need it.” When her head lays back down, my fingertips comb through the ends of her hair. With a playful tone I say, “Swear you’ll be here in the morning.”

I can feel her face smile on my chest. “Swear.”

All the bad shit that’s been happening in my life this week is worth it for this moment right here. This moment where the girl I love, the girl I know who loves me, makes me a promise that she’ll be here in the morning. Why? Because I know she doesn’t just mean this morning. She means all mornings.

Chapter 25


In a panic, my eyes fly open, the terror from the nightmare realistic enough to have my mind unsure of it’s surroundings. My inability to breathe increases when a strong arm flexes around my stomach pulling me closer into them.

“Let go! Let—”

“Baby relax,” Dean’s groggy voice commands. “You’re safe. You’re always safe with me.”

Nodding slowly, I take long inhales relieved that it was just a nightmare.

To be fair the last couple of times I’ve woken up, I’ve woken up to the devil with his eyes on me.

I adjust myself so I’m further nestled against his strong chest, the calmness of his heart beat a beautiful lull that has no trouble rolling through me until everything feels like it makes sense again.

I belong here don’t I? I don’t just mean in this bed. I mean with him. This family. My family? Definitely my Dean...

The thought of never having to share him or worry where he is or who he’s doing or if he really loves me, stirs something deep inside. My mind starts to wander back to the last time we were in this bed. The sweet things he whispered. The gentle actions he took. The possession that wasn’t like being purchased but like being heavily guarded like a princess in castle. Wetness accompanies the flow of thoughts.

How did the cops not get called with me screaming like that? And for the record I didn’t know I was a screamer. Hell I didn’t know there was a reason to scream. I mean, yeah they scream in books, but come on now. I didn’t know people had sex like that in real life.

Dean groans and grips me tighter, “Is the ass wiggling an invitation or are you still trying to get comfortable?”

“An invitation,” I whisper slightly grinding my hips again.

With another groan this one more heated than before he says with his lips pressed next to ear, “If I claim you now, you can’t scream.” His tongue teases my earlobe, “And baby, you’re going to want to...”

I whimper softly and his lips lower to my neck, tongue worshiping the flesh with sucks and nibbles, another hickey I’m sure in the works. While his tongue explores new territory to mark, his hand lifts under my shirt, teasing my nipples with feathery touches.

Another low mewl slips out of me and his voice asks, “You wet for me baby?” Having lost my ability to speak I nod. Dean grinds his hard dick right along the edge of the t-shirt that’s covering my ass. Suddenly he grumbles, “Are you not wearing fucking underwear?”

“I didn’t have any extra,” I quietly squeak.

A growl shoots out of him as he yanks up the back of my shirt and slides a finger inside me.

Total benefit to not wearing underwear.

“You’re soaking,” he whispers. “Fuck baby...”

Pulling his finger out causes an immediate emptiness I don’t like. Curious what’s stopping him from just sliding inside I glance over my shoulder to see him stretching back, fiddling with his drawer.

“What are you doing?”

“Grabbing a wrap.”

“You mean a condom?”

“Yeah,” he grunts, the sound of objects being moved around to find what he’s looking for clearly annoying him.

What the hell does he keep in that drawer?


“One sec baby. I swear they were right—”

“You don’t need one.” The words cease his movement but he doesn’t reply. “I’ve never done it without one before. I’m clean. I got regular checks because Marcus was always cheating on me.”

“Why did you keep sleeping with him?” He snaps.

“I...I did what I had to do until I could get out.”

Dean’s body shifts back towards mine, my face still glancing over my shoulder. “Is he the only other guy you’ve had sex with?”


“Did he...did he ever touch you?”

I simply shake my head and look away. “When he wanted sex, he kissed me and then he took what he wanted. No foreplay. No warm up. Nothing.”

“You really are like a virgin.”

“I need you and Liv to stop saying that,” I pout looking over my shoulder again. “I’ve had sex before.”

“No,” he denies. “I don’t know what to call that since it borderlines on rape, but you’ve never had sex with anyone but me.” The realization makes him grin, “I fucking love that.”

“I’m glad you do,” my voice mumbles.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means you’ve probably banged enough girls to put some porn stars careers to shame,” the comment shifts something inside him I can tell he doesn’t like by the way his face sags.

Shit. This wasn’t supposed to turn into this. This was supposed to be sexy.!

“And I...I barely know what I’m doing. It makes me feel like...”

In a hurt whisper he questions, “Like what?”

“Like I’ll never measure up,” the confession has Dean turning my body onto it’s back so he can look at me.

“Megan, you are the definition of perfect to me. You moan and I’m ready to blow a load in my pants. The thought of you moaning gets me hard as a rock. Hearing my name fall from these lips.” His index finger lightly touches them. “Makes me regret every girl that’s ever called it before. If I would’ve known you were walking back into my life, I would’ve waited.” The speech makes me softly smile. “I never want another girl in my bed, in my life, other than you. You were my first kiss Megan Davis...and now my last.”

Slowly Dean lowers his mouth onto mine and anything else he could have possibly needed to say vanishes. My mind goes blank as his tongue cries out for mine, seeking acceptance instead of demanding it.

So that whole not coming from kissing thing...still a thing? Or is it okay now?

The kiss accelerates in speed and desperation as my need for him to be inside, to ease any lingering marks of Marcus increases heavily. Pushing Dean away I yank off my shirt at the same time he takes the cue to remove his boxers. He positions me back the way we were on our sides kissing my shoulder and neck in the process.

Spreading my leg gently he says softly, “Remember, don’t scream.” That’s the only warning given before he thrusts deep inside me, a sharp gasp breaking from my lips. Dean gives me a minute to adjust to the fullness. His head lands on my shoulder even though he doesn’t move an inch. “Holy fuck that’s good.”

Unsure of how to say that without repeating it, I simply nod.

Bare sex? Sooooo much better than condom sex. This is what the good doctor recommended. Okay it’s not, but he should have.

Bravely pushing my pussy down his shaft makes Dean grumble, “I need a minute...”

“Why?” I whimper.

“Because the will power to not fuck the shit out of you is fading and fading fast. The only thing I wanna do is show you the term balls deep and come inside you so hard you think about it every time your thighs touch.”

The description has me whimpering and rolling my hips to beg for that.

I want that! I’ve never had it.

“Megan...” he warns.

“Please,” I beg quietly.

On a heated low gripe he commands, “Remember what I said about not screaming.”

And with his final sentence he shoves himself deep inside, pushing my leg out of the way to make his access perfect. Thrust after thrust comes from his hips as they piston effortlessly nudging some magical spot inside. My teeth chomp down on my bottom lip in hopes of holding back the screaming of his name that’s right on the tip of my tongue. Somehow Dean slides his hand between me and the mattress his fingers firmly pushing against my clit.

Recklessly my mouth drops open to moan when he reminds me, “Don’t scream...”

Are you fucking kidding?

He returns his plunges to a pleasurable force, every movement rocking my pussy against the applied pressure on my clit, the entire whirlwind of actions building an explosion on the inside that will detonate at any moment.

Playing Russian Roulette with an orgasm is a terrible idea...

Finally the sensation gets to overwhelming and I warn, “Dean...”

“You know what I want,” he whispers in return. “Give your Dean what’s his....”

A burst floods out of me as I bury my screams into the mattress, the possibility of no noise with ecstasy levels this high unrealistic. On a low roar, he lets go inside of me, the pleasure of his coming so intense it triggers another eruption to come out of me. The two of us ride the high until every last drop from both of us has been expelled. Exhausted my face barely turns on the mattress to breathe something other than linen. The state of being full on every level has me blissfully smiling as my eyes shut unsure how much longer I’ll be conscious.

This is the life I want. A life full of love with Dean. Inside and out.

BOOK: Mollify
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