Read Montana SEAL Online

Authors: Elle James

Montana SEAL (9 page)

BOOK: Montana SEAL
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“Heaven forbid, Hank. Don’t stop now.” Her frown eased and a look of challenge rose, as did the tilt of her chin. Sadie trailed one of her hands over a breast, pausing to tweak a peaked nipple between her thumb and forefinger. Then she lowered her hand, skimming across her belly to the triangle of hair at the juncture of her thighs.

Hank couldn’t take it a moment longer. “You’re a tease, Sadie McClain.”

She frowned. “Apparently, I’m not doing it right, or you’d be on this bed with me.”

“I’m enjoying the view. It’s foreplay just watching you.”

“Oh, yeah?” Her frown lifted, and her eyelids sank to half-mast. Then maybe you’ll like this, even better.” She parted her folds and stroked the nubbin of flesh between.

Hank could remember when he’d tasted her there, flicking his tongue across that very spot. She’d cried out and begged him for more.

His cock twitched, eager to take her, to move in and out of her tight, slick channel. But Hank held back, savoring the moment, anticipating the pleasure. “Show me how much you want me to lie down with you.” With his fists clenched to keep from reaching out to her, he watched as she trailed her finger lower to dip into her glistening pussy, slathering her fingers with her juices before dragging them back up to toy with her clit.

Hank almost came. His cock swelled even bigger, the tip oozing a drop of come.

Sadie’s gaze swept over him, stopping at his dick. She slid her tongue across her bottom lip, and then raised her gaze to his. “Do you have protection?”

His mind on her center, he couldn’t think straight. Inhaling deeply to slow his pulse, he had to pull back and focus before he realized what she was asking. “Protection. Yes!” Hank dove for his jeans, found his wallet and pulled out the stash of condoms he always kept on hand, hoping they hadn’t expired. How long had it been? Oh, who cared?

Sadie leaned forward and plucked one from his hand. “Not yet. I want you to be as ready for me as I am for you.”

“Oh, sweetheart, if you can’t tell I’m ready, Hollywood must have blinded you.” Hank’s last word came out on a gasp as Sadie wrapped her fingers around his shaft.

“I can see quite clearly, but I want to
” She slid her hand up to the tip of him and back down to cup his balls. “Um, I do believe you’re almost there.”

Hank sucked in a ragged breath and let it out, willing himself not to come too soon. “Please tell me this isn’t one of the scenes you played in your latest movie.”

“I have a body double for something like this.” She rolled his scrotum between her fingers and leaned forward to touch her tongue to the hooded rim of his erection. “I don’t need a body double tonight. I want to play this scene myself.”

“Damn, Sadie, when did you learn to be so fuckin’ hot?” Hank dug his hands into her hair. “If you don’t stop talking all sexy like that, I’ll be done before we start.”

Sadie laughed, sucked his cock into her mouth and then let go, smiling up at him. “You always liked it when I talked sexy before. Why not now?”

“Because I’m a little limited on my self-control where you’re concerned. Let’s shut up and fuck.”

“I’m not finished.” She sucked his dick into her mouth again, cupped his ass and pulled him closer, taking him all the way to the hilt.

Hank’s hold on his control took a hit. “I’m telling you, I can’t last much longer…”

She leaned back, letting his cock slide out of her mouth until only her lips touched the tip. “In a minute.”

With her hands clenching his buttocks, she maneuvered him in and out, increasing the speed until Hank’s fingers dug into her scalp and forced her to stop. “That’s it. I’m there, already.”

“Well then, let’s get his show on the road.” She grabbed the condom, ripped it open and rolled it down over his straining shaft. Then she scooted back on the bed and let her knees fall open. Her pussy shone with the wash of liquid slicking her channel.

Hank climbed her body like a conquering hero and settled between her legs. “I can’t take it slow like I wanted.”

“I don’t want it slow,” she said. “I want you to fuck me hard and fast. Make it hot and wicked. I want to feel every bit of you inside me.”

Hank sent a silent hallelujah to the heavens and slid into her. If he couldn’t have a tomorrow with Sadie, he’d capture the memory of tonight. He’d make sure it was branded into his mind where he would never forget. Like he could forget her. She’d haunted him since he left Montana. Sadie would be on his mind until the day he died.


adie lay
back against the pillows, her core on fire, her body moving to the rhythm Hank set.

When he finally entered her, she drew her knees up, planting her heels into the mattress, pushing up to meet him thrust for thrust.

As her channel adjusted to his length and girth, he increased his speed until he pounded into her, his balls slapping her ass, the sound making her even hotter. This was where she wanted to be, and with the man who’d filled her dreams. No one else could ever equal Hank Patterson. He was the one she would never forget. As she lifted her hips to bring them even closer, she reveled in the way he filled her, making her complete—the half she’d been missing all those years.

His body grew rigid against her, and he drove into her one last time, all the way in, until he could go no further. Hank flung back his head and cried out, “Sadieee.” His cock throbbed inside her, pulsing, spilling his seed into the condom.

For a moment, Sadie wished they didn’t have a condom between them. In her mind, she could picture a miniature Hank running around the yard, yelling and laughing at the top of his lungs, loving life and filling hearts. What would it be like to carry Hank’s baby inside her? To feel it grow, kick and squirm until it finally arrived?

As the tension eased from Hank’s body, he lay down beside her and draped his hand over her belly.

When she started to turn toward him, he pressed his palm flat on her tummy. “Not yet. I want you to come, too.”

“You don’t have to—”

He parted her folds and slipped his finger between to stroke the nubbin of flesh swollen from need and desire.

Sadie’s breath lodged in her throat, and her pulse hammered through her veins.

“You were saying?” He leaned over and flicked the tip of her nipple with his tongue. “If you don’t like this, I can stop.” Hank tongued her nipple again, and rolled it between his teeth. “Although you taste exceptionally sweet.” While his tongue teased her breast, his finger dipped into her center and came out wet and dripping. He applied the moisture to her clit, and swirled around and around until Sadie gasped and raised her hips, urging him to continue.

His strokes quickened as he flicked and teased her clit until she couldn’t think past that magic finger doing what it did to make her insanely crazy for more.

Tingling began at her center and shot outward, the sensation so intense it made her cry out. She caught and held her breath, riding the wave of her orgasm to the very end. All the while, Hank swirled and stroked, the pace slowing as she drifted back to earth. When at last she drew in a breath, she released it on a joyful laugh. She rolled over to face him, warm, replete and so relaxed she didn’t think she could move from where she was. Nor did she want to. Hank was amazing. Even as a teen, he’d known exactly how to coax her body into a full, unadulterated orgasm.

Hank kissed the tip of her nose. “You’re amazing.”

Sadie chuckled. “I was thinking the same thing about you. I’d forgotten how good you were at taking me there.”

“Sweetheart, your body is like a fine instrument. You just needed the right artist to bring the music out.”

She cupped his cheek. “Did the navy teach you to be a poet?”

“You bring out the romantic in me.”

“I think it’s kind of sexy for a big, tattooed SEAL to say things like that.” She leaned closer, rubbing her breasts to his chest. “It makes me all wet and needy inside.”

“Oh, baby, you make me want to go for round two.” He sucked in a breath and let it out. “Give me a few minutes, and I’ll be up for it.” He rubbed his leg, wincing.

Sadie frowned. “I’m sorry.” She leaned back. “I got so caught up in what we were doing, I completely forgot about your injury.”

He grimaced. “It’s not something you want to mention in the middle of making love. And I really didn’t notice. I was kind of caught up in the moment.”

“You should have let me be on top.”

“I wouldn’t have changed a thing.”

Sadie shook her head and kissed his lips again. “Well, for round two, I get to take charge and be on top.” She pressed a finger against his lips. “No argument.”

He cupped her hand and moved her finger away. “Darlin’, I wasn’t going to argue. I was going to say you’re sexy when you get all forceful about your sexual positions.” He winked and pulled her into his arms.

Sadie rested her head on his bicep, and nuzzled her nose against his chest. He smelled of the outdoors and male musk, the combination heady and so very intoxicating. If she could have frozen the moment, she would have. Instead, she committed it to memory, the sight, scent and feel of Hank holding her so very close, skin against skin. Two hearts coming together as one.

Hank’s breathing grew deeper and steady, and soon he slept.

Not Sadie. She didn’t want to sleep through this consummation of her love for this man. She didn’t want to sleep because having made love to Hank didn’t change anything. In fact, it made everything worse. She couldn’t ask him to give up his life with the SEALs to follow her to every movie set. He’d be miserable without his team, and she’d be miserable watching him become disillusioned by life as the famous movie star’s man. They’d call him “Mr. McClain”, instead of Mr. Patterson, and reduce him to just some schmuck who won the lottery by marrying Sadie McClain. She didn’t want him to be viewed as any less than a hero, because that was what he was. A hero who’d fought for his country. Sadie was a household name because she could act. Not because she’d defended people or a way of life.

Too bad they couldn’t be together like this forever. Tomorrow would be here all too soon.

Hank rolled onto his back.

Sadie lay there until the dull gray light of the predawn hours edged through the window.

The sound of movement in the hallway alerted her to her brother rising, dressing and heading down the stairs. A rancher’s life started early in Montana. She’d offered to hire a foreman to relieve Fin of some of the work. He’d refused, claiming he preferred to run the ranch, but he could only spread himself so far. As he’d increased the size of the herd of cattle, the workload had become more than he could handle on his own.

Sometimes, Sadie felt guilty about leaving the running of the White Oak Ranch all on Fin’s shoulders. But when she came to visit, she could see how much the ranch meant to her brother. He loved being there and doing all the tasks that were part of ranching in Montana. With the snows coming soon, he had to make sure all the animals were brought down from higher pastures and accounted for. Had Sadie not made it in Hollywood, she’d have returned to work the ranch alongside her brother. As it was, she’d hired the help to make up for her absence.

She’d never understood Carla’s aversion to ranching. The work was hard, but it made you feel good about what you’d accomplished, about yourself and the land you called home. The ranch had been part of their family for over a century. It was a proud legacy to pass down to future generations of McClains.

Sadie slipped from the bed, pulled on a robe, gathered clean clothing and headed for the bathroom across the hall. Fin would have had breakfast and left for the barn before she finished, so she took her time, enjoying the feeling of the hot spray pelting her skin. With the bar of soap, she worked up a lather and spread it over her closed her eyes and raised her soapy face to the showerhead, imagining Hank joining her, running his hands over her body.

The shower curtain shifted with a waft of cool air. Big, warm hands slid around her middle and tugged her hips, pulling her back against a solid wall of muscles. “Ready for round two?”

She shivered at his deep, teasing tone. “I thought you’d never wake.” Sadie melted into him, guiding his hand downward to the tuft of hair covering her sex.

He nudged her with his hardened cock. “I wasn’t awake, but another part of my body was missing you. Bad. Really bad.” Hank nibbled at her neck and tucked the hair behind her ear so that he could access her earlobe, sucking it into his mouth. His hand cupped her pussy, one finger diving between her folds to stroke that sensitive strip of flesh.

Sadie moaned and reached behind her to curl a palm around his taught ass, pulling him closer, forcing his cock between her butt cheeks.

He adjusted himself, fitting his staff between her legs, the velvety thickness rubbing her entrance, making her flame with desire. His finger flicked and teased her clit until her knees grew weak and her belly clenched, and she came in a rush, the tight, achy tingles spreading deliciously throughout her body to the tips of her fingers and toes. She rocked her hips with her release, until she burned again to have him inside her, sharing her incredible orgasm with one of his own.

She turned in his arms and pressed her hands to his chest. “It’s my turn to please you.”

“Oh, Darlin’, in case you haven’t noticed, you’re already pleasing me.”

She laughed. “You woke up with that. I’m talking about being on top.”

He winked. “I know what you’re talking about. I woke from just such a dream.”

She turned, twisted the handle, shutting off the shower and whipped the shower curtain aside. “I can’t do this in the shower. It’s physically impossible.” Sadie grabbed his hand and led him out of the tub and across the bathroom floor.

“Aren’t we going to dry off first?”

“I can’t wait.” She opened the door and called out. “Fin, are you in the house?”

When she received no response, she flung the door open, crossed the hallway, naked, dripping wet and hotter than she’d ever been in her entire life. Tugging Hank behind her, she was on a mission to ride this man like he was a wild stallion—hard, fast and fierce.

Once in the bedroom, she pointed to the bed. “Assume the position, frog man.” She frowned. “That’s what they call SEALs, right?”

He laughed and stepped in front of her, tipping her chin upward. “Yes. That’s what we’re called.” Hank didn’t move to get into the bed immediately; instead, he trailed a line of kisses along her jaw and back to her lips. “Mmm, you taste good.”

Sadie brushed his lips with hers. “If I’m going to fuck you this time, you need to be flat on your back.” Tipping her head, she motioned toward the mattress.

He stepped back, his gaze running the length of her, from her dripping hair downward, raking across her breasts and lingering at the juncture of her thighs. “You’re even more perfect than you were at eighteen.”

Her glance met his, and she performed the same perusal, taking her time to admire the bulging biceps, his incredibly broad chest, angling downward to a narrow waist. His cock jutted forward, hard, proud and thicker than she recalled. She didn’t stop there, forcing herself to view the angry red scars on his leg. She bent to run her finger over the lines in a feather-soft caress. “I’m sorry you were hurt.”

“I’m okay.” He gripped her arm, bringing her back up to him. “And I’m about to explode with my need for you.” He sat on the bed and then stretched out, his dick standing at attention. Then he turned on his side, propped his head on his hand and grinned. “Now, Darlin’, you have me where you want me. Whatcha gonna do?”

She laughed, her heart lifting, her desire building once again. Soon she would have him inside her again. She crawled up on the bed beside him. “I’m going to fuck you like the wild stallion you are.”

“I love it when you talk dirty to me.” He reached for one of her breasts. “But I’d like to participate a little more than just being a horse to ride.”

About to lift her leg to straddle him, Sadie paused. “What do you mean?”

“Come here.”

She leaned over him, her lips quirking. “Tell me what you want. I’ll do it.”

He hooked her leg with his arm. “Turn around.” Hank had her straddle him, but not over his cock. Instead, he had her facing his erect shaft, her pussy hovering over his head. Then he gripped her hips and drew her down to where he could touch her with his tongue. “Getting the idea, now?” With his thumbs, he parted her folds and tongued her clit.

“Oh, dear heaven, yes.” She lowered herself even more and licked the tip of his cock, running her tongue along the ridge.

As he tongued and sucked on her, she wrapped her lips around his dick and drew it into her mouth.

Hank thrust upward.

Sadie took him all the way until he bumped into the back of her throat. Never had she been in this position before. Never had she had someone take her with his mouth while she went down on him. It was the most erotic experience she’d ever had, and it rocketed her to the heavens and back. Within seconds, she felt the rush of fire burning a path from her center outward, firing synapses, and scorching her nerve endings in every part of her body.

Hank thrust into her mouth, pumping in and out, faster and faster. Just when Sadie thought she might come apart with the force of her orgasm, Hank lifted her off him, turned her around and positioned her over him.

Lost in the moment, she was halfway down on him when she remembered. With every ounce of control she could muster, she rose up and squeaked, “Protection?”

His face strained, his body rigid beneath her, Hank grabbed a foil packet from the nightstand beside him and slapped it into her open palm.

Sadie released a tense laugh. “A man after my heart—always prepared.” She took the packet from his hand, tore it open and rolled it over his engorged cock, all the way to the base, taking a moment to fondle his balls. Then she lowered herself until she was fully seated. Leaning over him, she cupped her hand around the back of his head and kissed him, pushing her tongue past his teeth to claim his in a long, sensuous stroke. When at last she allowed him air, she said, “Now, it’s my turn.”

Rising up, she tightened her channel as she went, squeezing him from inside until he almost slipped out. Then she lowered herself, easing down, slowly, savoring the intensity of the feelings it elicited.

Hank groaned. “Sweetheart, you’re killing me.”

“Oh, but it feels sooo good,” she said, practically purring. How had she ever thought making love with Hank would get him out of her system? If anything, it only made her want him more.

ank let
Sadie take the lead, riding him like he was a slow-motion mechanical bull. At first it was good, then it was painfully erotic and finally, he thought he would explode. “Darlin’, seriously, you’re killing me.” He grabbed her hips and slammed her down on him, impaling her with his cock. Then he lifted her and slammed her down again.

BOOK: Montana SEAL
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