Moon Sworn (The Bound Series Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Moon Sworn (The Bound Series Book 1)
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"Son of a bitch," he hissed against her shoulder, the contractions so strong it was nearly impossible to move as she screamed his name as she came for him, and that was all it took.  Her body milked his, and he released his bite to throw back his head and growl through his own release as he pumped into her body, his hands holding her hips to him as he continued to thrust through his orgasm.

Breathing heavy, lungs burning for air he sat back and pulled her with him, she was as limp as a rag doll and his chest expanded at the thought.  He lifted her slightly so he could slip out of her body and then used a hand to sooth between her legs and clean away the evidence of their combined bodily fluids as the water washed them clean.  He sat there with her on the shower floor, her head had fallen back on his shoulder and he used a hand on her chin to turn her face to him, kissing her.

"I told you I could make you scream," he said smugly, and she just snorted and closed her eyes, her breathing turning from ragged to steady.  He smiled against her mouth as he gave her a gentle kiss, just a brush of his mouth over hers as he realised she'd fallen asleep on him.  He slowly rose to his feet and swung her up in his arms, turned off the water and stepped out, grabbing a couple of towels off the rail.  He padded across the landing and into his bedroom, he'd checked it out earlier and stashed his clothes, now he threw a towel on the bed and put a knee down for balance as he slowly lowered her onto the towel.  He gave her body a quick rub - to dry her off, including her hair, and she tried to bat his hands away making him grin as he tugged the towel out from under her.  He moved her up the bed until her head rested on the pillow, then he roughly dried himself off, rubbing the towel over his hair before throwing the towel on the floor.  He then ran his hands through the midnight strands to take it off his forehead and face and climbed in on the other side of the bed.  He pushed up behind her, bringing her into his body and pulled the cover over them both, nestling her back to his front as he spooned in behind her.  Throwing an arm around her waist, he cupped a breast as he let his breathing even out and closed his eyes, sated for the first time in years.  He was bone weary, and had a lot to think on, but he pushed thoughts of his brother to the back of his mind, he was not going there now, he had time to think about that now he'd found his mate, plenty of time.  He needed sleep, he would worry, question and make plans tomorrow.  For now he let the thought go.  He pushed a thigh between Maya's and curled further around her and drifted off to sleep with a smile playing around his mouth.


Chapter Nine



Maya's eyes opened slowly, she blinked a few times as she tried to get her bearings.  These surroundings weren't familiar where the hell was she?  Then she turned her head and found a large naked, male back facing her, muscle rippling below the skin as he slept, one arm tucked under his pillow and one thrown over the top of the cover.  A muscular thigh was also visible as well as a slim hip as the cover had slipped sideways so was barely covering his rounded, muscular butt cheeks.  She blinked some more, but nope, he was still there.  Frowning, she tried to remember about yesterday as she took in the midnight black dishevelled hair but nothing was clicking with her so she pushed the covers to one side and realises she was naked too.  Quickly she looked towards that back and covered her breasts with the sheet as she slowly began to edge sideways off the bed, her legs complained as did her back and other areas that had no right complaining about anything.  Then it all came back to her in a rush, Jaden, that's who he was.  Then other things began coming back to her like him taking her on the floor downstairs, then again in the shower.  She squeezed her eyes, and other areas as the pictures ran through her mind.

what the hell had she been thinking to give in to him, she obviously hadn't had she then she remembered the shifter in her house and her breath caught.  Turning her head towards him again to check he was still breathing deeply she shuffled a little more towards the edge of the bed, catching the time on the bedside clock.  7 a.m.  She was due in work in the next hour and she had no clothes, her uniform was next door with everything else she owned.  Her mouth pursed in displeasure as she tried to figure out how to get her stuff when she had no clothes on.

"Maya, you're giving me a headache with all the thoughts running around in that head of yours.  Stop broadcasting so loudly, just give me a minute and I'll sort us both out." Turning her head again her eyes were caught and held in his slumberous amber gaze, he looked like a big cat lay there.  She frowned at her thoughts, he was a cat, was it even legal to have sex with a shifter? Rusty laughter rumbled from that barrelled chest and an arm was slung over her waist as he dragged her across the bed and closer to him.


Jaden was amused despite not getting much sleep, she had some of the weirdest ideas.  I mean how could she question that he was also a man? She'd seen the goods and had sampled them a few times.  He heard her snort and grinned as he pulled her further into his body and lazily threw a thigh over hers to stop her trying to move away from him again.

"Stop trying to wiggle away from me, you won't like it if I have to track you down again.  Plus there is the small matter of you being stalked by another shifter and we don't know what his intentions are yet." She flopped back against the pillow and growled low in her throat. 
When had her life gotten so complicated?

"Just give me a minute.  I'll find you something to throw on and come next door with you while you get ready for work.  Then I'll take you myself.

"I'm capable of getting myself to work, I've been doing it for years."

"Yes, but have you been eluding a shifter who's been stalking you?"  She raised a brow at that one and he growled.  "I mean a shifter who may be up to no good?" Her brow rose further.  "Jesus Christ, I mean one who isn't after your body, or to give you pleasure.  One who isn't your God damn mate and you know it.  Stop being so pedantic, it's too early," he groused as he pulled her until she was flush against his chest.

"Now shut up and give me a good morning kiss, I'd take more but I think I need to leave you alone for a few hours.  I was a little rough with your yesterday," he admitted, no quite believing he'd woken her twice again in the night.  No wonder her brain wasn't functioning properly, he'd not really given her much rest, and she must now be sore from his demands.  He probably owed her an apology but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it, he'd made sure she'd enjoyed it - several times before he'd taken his own pleasure, surely that didn't require an apology?  Maybe if he'd left her hanging it would, but he'd not been so selfish.  There went his morning wood at just the thought of it, and he gave serious thought to just how sore she was?

"No, not a cat in hell's chance, I'm sure I have frictions burns.  Take care of yourself.  Jesus, you need your levels checking or something because that isn't normal."

"It is for a cat, especially one who's gone without more than a quick hand job for nearly 5-years.  This is only the beginning, it's going to get stronger."

"What is?"

"The urge to take you, to tie you to me."  He watched her frown and then her hand came up and rubbed over her shoulder. He looked smugly at the puncture wounds and bruise where he'd held her down with his mouth in the shower.  He'd branded her, it was their way, or so his cat had told him, but he'd not been able to resist sucking on the delicate skin later on and bathing it with his tongue.

"Come on give me a good morning kiss and I'll let you up," he told her, rolling onto his back and pulling her over him.  He took her mouth without any further preliminaries, pushing his tongue into her mouth as he rasped it over her own, twining and retreating.  He then groaned against her soft flesh as she returned it, her mouth now feeding from his.  He pulled his head back and grinned at her, a thoroughly pleased with himself, smug, satisfied look on his face, as he kissed the end of her nose before he slapped her arse and rolled her off him. 


Maya gasped and then squealed as he slapped her, she rubbed the spot and glared at him but he just laughed as he pushed back the covers and stood up, stretching by the side of the bed.  Arms above his head and chest, arms, and stomach muscles dancing as other parts of him bobbed and danced too, she looked away blushing.

"Do you have no modesty, sheesh, cover up your junk," she sniffed as she closed her eyes.  They opened as he suddenly pinned her beneath him, his thighs either side of hers as he put a hand under her chin so she had to meet his gaze.

"You will learn that I don't like clothes, and most shifters have no problem being naked in front of others.  We shift Maya, change form and when we turn back we are always naked, it kind of comes with the territory.  After you've shifted yourself a few times, you'll get used to it, well as long as you don't change back when other males are around.  That is a no, no, this," he said, eyes moving over her face and body. "This is all mine, you do not show it to any other males or there will be trouble," he told her rubbing his nose against hers before suddenly lifting up and moving off her.  He walked out of the bedroom door, leaving it wide open behind him.

"I need to find somewhere to live, I only rented this place short-term until I had you, now I need to find somewhere else.  I originally intended to leave the country and go back to Arizona, once I'd found and bound you, but Binks changes things.  Plus there are things I need to learn about our kind so I can help you adjust," he told her through the open bathroom door as he relieved himself.  She again closed her eyes to block out the sight of him through the open doors.  I mean, the man had no modesty what so ever, he didn't even shut the door while he peed.  She heard his laughter in her head as the shower came on and he stepped into the large cubicle.

"I'll only be a minute, I'd offer to share but you don't want to be late and I don't want to make you any sorer than you already are." 

Maya opened her eyes and looked around, nothing coming to mind that she could wrap around herself.  She edged sideways out of the bed again and took the sheet with her, wrapping it around her body before sitting on the edge of the bed and waiting for her turn.  She jumped as he walked back through the door rubbing at his wet hair with a towel, another slung precariously low on his narrow hips. 

"Your turn," he told her as he continued to rub at his hair before looking towards her as she tried to shuffle past him sideways, her eyes not meeting his and the bedding swamping her.  He tutted as he reached for the end of it, and gave a tug, unravelling her and leaving her stood naked before him.

His chest rumbled as his eyes swept over all her naked flesh.  He did a quick visual up and down her body his eyes resting on the junction between her thighs and his eyes flaring briefly before they travelled on up, resting again on her breasts, making her cross her arms to cover her reaction to him.  He smiled and leaned into her.

'You can't hide your arousal from me little mate.  I can smell it on you
,' he whispered inside her mind.  A subtle, sinful whisper, like the brush of butterfly wings against the inside of her skull, making her skin feel too tight, and Goosebumps cover her skin.  He ran a finger down her arm, satisfaction strumming through him as he watched her shiver before she squeaked and ran past him, running straight into the bathroom and shutting the door.

"Maya, did I not say no shut doors between us?" He heard her snort.

"I'm peeing Jaden, you don't need to see me doing that, then I'm going to shower and I'll be out.  I am not giving you a show, I don't care what you threaten me with.  This is me, get used to it," she informed him as he heard the chain flush and her climb into the shower.  He shrugged, she'd come around, what other choice was there.
She could leave you out in the cold, refuse the binding and then where would you be
?  His mind whispered, but he refused to acknowledge it.  He'd not searched for her across the world to lose now, he would not take any other answer but her complete surrender and acceptance. 


Maya stood under the water and washed herself, she ached in places she wasn't even aware of having.  She was quick about it, not wanting to give him an excuse to come looking for her.  Rinsing she turned off the water and stepped out.  She dried and rubbed at her hair before wrapping the towel around her body, still unsure what she was going to wear until she got home and could use her own clothes.


"Here, you can wear these," Jaden said as she stepped back into the bedroom.  He handed her a t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants in grey, she pulled the t-shirt over her head and began to pull the sweat pants up her legs, jiggling trying to pull them up her legs without flashing him.  Grinning at her attempts at modesty he dropped his own towel and began to pull up a pair of faded jeans, watching her blush as she turned her back on him.  He laughed as he tucked himself in carefully before zipping up and fastening the button, then he pulled on a black t-shirt and ran his fingers through his hair to bring it in order.  Sitting on the end of the bed, the one he'd straightened he put on socks and a pair of trainers, then leaned back on his hands and watched her struggle to pull out the towel from beneath the t-shirt.  She'd get there eventually, but he was rather enjoying the show, her attempts were giving him little flashes of skin and she did jiggle in some interesting places.

"Stop grinning you oaf and close your eyes," she managed to grit out, annoyance obvious in her voice. 

"No, actually, hell no, I like to see what is mine."  She snorted.

"I'm no ones, I'm my own person."  He stood at that and when she finally straightened red faced and triumphant with the towel in hand, she squeaked as she realised he was in her personal space.  He took the towel from her lax fingers and put it on the bed, then used a finger under her chin so she had to look at him.

"You are mine.  You were given to me," he used his other hand to trace the mate mark on her palm with his thumb.  "This is my proof that you are mine, and this." He told her, holding up his own hand, showing her his own mark.  "This is the proof that I am yours." Then leaning down, he cupped her face between his large hands as he broodingly watched her defiant eyes.  His own angry ones landing on her pouting mouth before he took it roughly with his own.  The kiss savage in his need to stamp his ownership and authority on her, he heard her heart rate pick up and her breath hitch and the kiss gentled, became more soothing.  He nibbled at the corners of her mouth, a last brush of his over hers before he released them and stepped back.

"Enough fighting me Maya, we have more pressing matters to attend to than who you do, or don't belong to.  We have to figure out who these other shifters are, and what it is they want?" he told her, heading to the door.  When she didn't immediately follow he turned frowning and then realised the problem.  He went back to her and bent down to roll up the bottoms of the sweat pants so she could walk without tripping over.  Then taking her hand he led her out of the bedroom and down the stairs, keying in the code to disarm the alarm and picking up her, and his house keys.  He re-set the alarm and locked the door and then quickly pulled her next door to her own house, using the keys and putting his hand up to her as he opened the door and then listened.  Taking a deep breath to check for any other scents that were there, when nothing came to him, he again took hold of her hand and led her inside.  Locking the door again behind them.

"Where are the clothes you need, actually while you are here, pack up some clothes for a few days, and we'll drop them back at mine."  He watched that mulish look cross her face as her hands came up to rest on her hips, and he stepped into her.

"Maya, we don't have time for this and do you really want to be here alone if they turn up again?  What if I'm not close, what if they get to you when you are alone and I'm not close enough to aid you?  What happens if Binks and Sam aren't either, what will you do then?" he watched her eyes slit slightly until they landed on the back window with the broken lock and he watched her throat work as she swallowed.  He heard her heart rate pick up, but knew this time it wasn't because she was turned on, no, this time she was scared.  At least she seemed to understand that this was nothing to mess around over.

BOOK: Moon Sworn (The Bound Series Book 1)
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