Read Moonrise Online

Authors: Cassidy Hunter

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Suspense

Moonrise (4 page)

BOOK: Moonrise
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When she was naked she covered her eyes at their frank stares, and they didn’t tell her to look. She would when she was ready. Right now she only needed to feel them.

To trust them.

She kept her hands firmly over her eyes, jerking at the first touch of a tongue on a still red, recent scar on her right breast.

“I’m going to get a blindfold,” Michael told her, his voice moist and warm in her ear, “so you can relax your arms.”

They were careful to tell her everything they meant to do, their movements deliberate and slow, waiting for her signal that she was ready for more.

The blindfold was slipped over her eyes and she let her arms fall to her sides.

Lips pressed against an old scar on the inside of her arm, and she was sure it was Michael who took her left index finger, wrongly healed from an old break, and sucked it gently into his mouth.

“I’m so sorry,” she heard Michael whisper. “We should have found you long ago.”

Before they’d finished cataloging and loving her healed wounds, her body began to awaken beneath their hands and mouths. She shifted restlessly on the bed, her legs opening a little, then closing. “I want…”

Until now the two men had stayed away from her pussy, but at her words, her legs were spread and held open and she felt a fingertip probe her entrance.

“She’s so wet,” Michael murmured.

Her legs were opened farther and at the first touch of something rubbery and slick, she jerked. She reached for it, her fingers closing around a dildo large enough to rival her men’s cocks. “I…” She let her hands fall away, turned on enough to let them do as they wanted.

“Good girl,” Trey said. “Just feel, sweetheart.”

The dildo was pushed just into her pussy, but not quickly, not harshly. Still, she cried out, unsure.

When she stiffened all movement ceased until she relaxed and let herself breathe. Then once again the object, slippery and firm and so big, slid inside her.

Because she was blind all the sensations seemed doubled, so intense she nearly screamed. Liquid heat grew inside her pussy, and slowly, she started moving her pelvis with the deep thrusts of the dildo.

“You’re so beautiful, Selene.”

“So sexy.”

She didn’t smile, but their words washed over her in a wave of sweet appreciation. Sweet, hell. They were making her hot.

She gathered to her the feelings of wildness and freedom she’d had in the woods when Trey had fucked her, and let them build into a raging hot desire. “Yes,” she whispered. “So good.”

Slippery fingers slid over her clit with an insistent pressure that made her squeeze the dildo with almost too much strength for it to be pulled back out.

They started pushing it in and pulling it out harder and faster, and a warm, moist mouth opened over her nipple to suck it inside.

Before she was quite ready a finger slid into her ass, just a little inside, and she squirmed but didn’t argue. Everything they did was too good, almost too much.

“What do you want, Selene?” Trey asked. “What do you want me to do to you?”

“I want your mouth on my pussy,” she whispered.

“I couldn’t hear you, baby. Louder.”

“I want you to lick my pussy.” She could feel her cheeks burning, but didn’t care. “Will you, please?”

She heard the smile in his voice. “Yes, sweetheart.”

The dildo was pulled out with torturous slowness and Trey took its place between her thighs. At the first touch of his tongue on her hot, swollen pussy she groaned, and thrust up to meet his mouth. “Oh God. Oh yes…”

And finally, she wanted to see. She ripped the blindfold off her eyes and tossed it to the floor, her eyes widening at the sight awaiting her. Trey lay stretched out on his belly between her wide-open legs, and Michael knelt between Trey’s open legs, his hands on the full, firm globes of Trey’s ass.

Trey held the lips of her pussy open and teased her clit with his tongue, and then pushed his fingers inside her.

Michael grinned at her, his eyes so hot, and slid one of his hands out of sight. She imagined he was caressing Trey’s sac, and wanted to watch. She wanted to see them making love almost as much as she wanted Trey to keep eating her. “I want to see.” Her voice was jerky, but she got the words out between gasps as her orgasm neared. “I want to watch you two.”

Trey stopped licking her long enough to say, “You’ll come once first, baby. Then you can watch us.”

She wouldn’t argue with that. Trey had a very talented way with his mouth and she was so close to coming … all she had to do was let go. But at the same time, she never wanted this feeling, this moment, to end.

But Trey wasn’t going to give her a choice. He moved his mouth over her pussy, sucking her clit inside his mouth, stabbing it with his tongue, then licking with long, wide sweeps from her entrance to her clit until she could no longer hold off her orgasm. She climaxed, and climaxed hard.

It stole her breath and weakened her body. She opened her mouth in a silent scream, burying her fingers in his hair. Too good, too good.

By the time the extreme tremors subsided and she could once again think, Trey had moved to lie beside her, his fingers toying with her nipples.

Michael waited for her to focus, and then bent over to take Trey’s cock into his mouth. She felt another orgasm looming though no fingers were on her pussy, no tongue on her clit. She’d never been so turned on in her life.

There was something overwhelmingly powerful about these two men touching each other and it pushed every button she had. She watched Michael swallow Trey’s long cock and thrust her fingers between her legs, coming again.

Trey lifted his head off his pillow to watch Michael suck his dick, and pulled her fingers from between her legs. “Baby, not too much. I want you to come with me inside you.”

“And me,” Michael said, letting Trey’s erection pop from his mouth. “We’re not even close to being finished yet, Selene.”

She blushed, but smiled. “It’s hard to calm down with you two pushing me over the edge.” She sat up and knelt on the bed to watch them. “Continue. I’ll be good.”

But Michael tackled her, easily pushing her back on her pillow. He half lay on top of her and started tickling her ribs, laughing when she giggled hysterically.

Then he stopped and squeezed her breast. “Are you ready for our first kiss, love?”

“Oh yes.”

Trey turned on his side and rose up on his elbow to watch, his fingers slipping between their bodies to lie heavy and hot low on her belly.

When they were all connected, Michael lowered his mouth to hers.

His kiss was less dominating than Trey’s, but no less incredible. The same as when Trey kissed her, she felt something moving and strong inside her, something as real as it was surreal.

She just let the strangeness of it waft away. She could always come back for it later. She’d had plenty of practice letting things go when she’d been with Robert.

His lips slid over hers, silky and smooth, so very warm. He slipped his tongue into her mouth, and the sensations of his kiss were joined by Trey’s fingers as he moved them over her stomach to give her pussy a slow, heavy massage.

She weakened beneath their touches, unable to do anything other than lie there as though her limbs were too numb to move, and let them take her to heights she’d never known.

But she wanted to touch them. She wanted to love those incredible men, to give them just a fraction of what they were giving her. She wanted them.

“I want to make you feel good,” she whispered, her words swallowed by Michael’s kiss.

He lifted his lips from hers, just enough to speak. “Sweetheart, you do. You make us feel things that were impossible to feel without you.”

“Tonight is all about you, Selene.” Trey’s deep voice seemed to float to her ears, and she wasn’t sure she could have moved to love them even if they’d said yes. “We’ll give you new memories tonight. We’ll smother everything bad that was ever done to you. The next time…” She could almost feel his grin and the promise it held. “The next time, you can do anything you want to us.”

She relaxed with the knowledge that this was what they wanted. She couldn’t argue. Didn’t even want to.

There would be other times.

Tonight was hers.

The men swarmed over her, leaving no part of her untouched, unkissed. And slowly, the tender sweetness of her thoughts turned to pure animal lust and she let it take her where it wanted.

Michael was the first to fuck her, his own sweet gentleness tempered with passion stronger than he could fight. His thrusts were slippery and hard and he filled her up so completely, so perfectly.

Trey knelt behind him, his stare capturing hers, his hands on Michael’s ass as he guided and urged the other man to fuck her harder, faster, deeper.

Michael came inside her, and she felt the hot stream of his come. She cried out as the thought of it sent her into yet another uncontrollable orgasm, uncaring at all that no one even mentioned a condom. It would only be another level of the perfection she’d so far known with these men if she was given a baby.

When Michael collapsed Trey pulled him off her, pausing to plant a gentle kiss on the sweaty sheen of Michael’s face, and murmur, “You did not lose control. I knew you were stronger.”

She frowned in confusion, a quick thread of fear unraveling in her belly. Lose control? Of what?

But Michael lay beside her and smiled into her eyes, and Trey took his place between her legs. That’s all it took to make her forget her questions, her worries, her fears.

Michael slid a hand between their bodies to feel Trey’s dick entering her and—linked together physically as well as mentally—she felt a whole new level of pleasure begin to build inside her.

Trey’s body was hot, so very hot, and for a brief second she was afraid he was ill—but then she remembered Michael’s body had felt the same way. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him even closer, then moved her fingers to his ass so she could feel his muscles working as he thrust into her.

He stared down at her, and his eyes seemed to change, to grow brighter, more golden. Just a trick of the light.

But she couldn’t look away, couldn’t do anything but feel her orgasm build and her heart pump with a strength and eagerness that would surely kill her.

“I’m your alpha,” he whispered. “Come for me, little one.”

She wondered at the strangeness of his words for only a second, unsure she’d heard him right, but it didn’t matter. As though she had no choice but to come when he commanded it, she shattered into a million pieces when her orgasm hit her. It thundered over her like a tidal wave, and in those few seconds she realized something had changed forever.

She was changed forever.

If she could have, she would have screamed—all she could do was open her mouth and let darkness wash over her. For a second she was blind and deaf as her pussy clenched around his iron-hard cock, and her orgasm tossed her around wildly in a tornado of overpowering sensations.

Only when it eased a little was she able to feel fear. Surely no one could accept such mind-numbing pleasure and live through it.

Yet she did. She came down and realized the power of their climaxes held them all in thrall, and the men looked to be in physical pain.

“I can’t, Trey!” Michael screamed, and shot from the bed so fast she saw only a blur of movement as he left the room.

She came again, unable to let her dim worry over Michael affect her body, and Trey stiffened and cried out before he buried his face in her neck and shuddered so hard the bed shook.

The world shook, surely.

Her world did.

Chapter 7

She’d slept the sleep of the dead, and when she woke it was suddenly and without any of the early morning sluggishness she usually felt.

She followed the sounds of quiet voices to the kitchen, and when she walked in they stopped talking and just stared at her. For a brief second a finger of unease slid icily down her spine. There was something so very alien in their exotic eyes and she realized how little she really knew them.

They got up and hugged her, and standing in the circle of their warm safety she let herself relax. But that only lasted a second.

“We have to tell you something, Selene,” Michael said, and she didn’t know if it was the sadness or the finality in his voice that scared her more.

She drew back. “Oh God. What is it?”

Trey sighed. “It’s better to just show you. Do you want breakfast first?”

As if she could eat now. “No. Just … let’s just get this over with.” What could they possibly show her? Something awful, it had to be. They wouldn’t be so grim about something good.

They led her out the kitchen door to the woods at the back of the house, and every bad story she’d ever read came back to haunt her. She stopped walking. “I’ve been very stupid, guys, and that’s really not like me.”

Trey stood in front of her and put his palms on her cheeks, holding her still. “Selene. Look at me. I know you understand evil. Do you see it in my eyes?”

Her heartbeat slowed even as she looked at him, as though her body understood and trusted him, even if her mind rebelled. “I…”

“Just look, baby. Listen to what your heart says.”

No. There was no evil. There was strength and dominance and fury and love, but there was no evil. He would not hurt her. Her entire body relaxed bit by bit, and by the end she was smiling. “I trust you, Trey.”

He returned her smile and took her hand to lead her farther. “We should begin by telling you that you’re…” He hesitated, then picked up his trailing words with a determined tone. “You’re our mate. You’re mine, and Michael’s, and we felt it even before we saw you. That morning in Greta’s office, I could feel you before I scented you. I recognized you.”

She frowned, confused. But then, what was new? Everything in her entire life had been confusing. “What do you mean?”

“That’s what we have to show you,” Michael said, and his fingers tightened on hers.

Again she felt a little tremor of fear or excitement, she wasn’t sure which. They led her deeper into the woods, silent now. Finally they stopped walking and just stood holding her hands, letting her get used to the sounds and feeling of the woods. She didn’t know how she knew that, but she did.

BOOK: Moonrise
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